Billionaire Baby Daddy (An Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Love Story)

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Billionaire Baby Daddy (An Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Love Story) Page 60

by Claire Adams

I could tell that PJ knew I was lying. We both knew very well that a guy like Stephano was probably sleeping with Ana and didn’t care at all how pure she was before he sold her. But of course, he would still tell the buyer that she was a virgin.

  “Okay,” Jordan said as she appeared to accept my reasoning.

  “Are you going to go over there today?” I asked.

  “Probably first thing in the morning, maybe mid-afternoon. But I need some shading done to make me look gaunt and I’ll stay awake tonight and away from the shower, as well. Maybe even get a good workout in and stink a little,” PJ said as Jordan added shading around her jaw line and cheeks.

  “Just make sure it doesn’t look like you have makeup on. Stephano is not forgiving if he thinks something is going on behind his back. But the good news is that you’re beautiful and that will distract him quite a bit.”

  “Yeah, why are we doing your makeup tonight?” Jordan asked.

  “Because I don’t want it to look fresh and like makeup. If we do the shading and stuff now, it will fade and look more natural by tomorrow.”

  I found a seat near the bed and sat back and watched as Jordan worked on PJ. As the two women talked and joked, I felt extremely left out. Not that I wanted to talk and joke, but mainly because they seemed to be getting along so well.

  My entire life I had avoided female relationships. Other women just weren’t something that I was good at. I did feel like Jordan and I had gotten along when we met, but not nearly as well as she was getting along with PJ. PJ seemed to actually enjoy being around other women and talking to us – there was no way I would ever be that kind of person. Not if I tried my very hardest could I actually like hanging around women.

  There was always this feeling like other women were out to get me. I’m sure it had something to do with my mother or my childhood, but I had never thought about it hard enough to figure it out. All I knew was I had started to get very uncomfortable in the room with Jordan and PJ.

  I didn’t know why I felt so uncomfortable. Both of them were really nice to me. They hadn’t done anything specific to make me feel like they were out to get me and I certainly didn’t feel threatened by them. Sure, PJ was beautiful, but she wasn’t the kind of woman a guy who liked me would go after.

  PJ was athletic and muscular. She was petite and overly friendly. I found it hard to believe Jackson would like a girl like her, at all. Not if he liked me, and I really did feel that he liked me.

  It seemed odd to me that Jackson liked me, even though I really did like him, as well. He was a pretty straight-laced guy with a military background and rich family. Having a girl like me around probably wasn’t something his family would be alright with. His parents were probably uptight and wanted all the Foster brothers to find rich, well-bred women. I wondered what they thought when Chase brought Jordan home.

  Not that Jordan was anything bad. She was a really nice girl and obviously cared a lot for her friend. I just wondered what Chase’s family had said when he introduced them to her. I couldn’t help but wonder if they approved of his non-traditional approach to finding a wife.

  Jackson had stood up for me when I had volunteered to go into Stephano’s house. I could tell by the tone of his voice that there was no way he was going to let me actually go and help get Ana. The problem with that was I already felt really useless and like I hadn’t earned a single penny of what Chase had promised me if I worked with Jackson to find Ana. Even if Chase decided to still pay me the money, I would always feel guilty because I hadn’t worked hard enough for it.

  “Do you have any other questions for me, PJ? I’m exhausted and think I need to head to bed,” I said.

  “No questions just yet. We can talk more in the morning. Sleep well.”

  “Enjoy your night, ladies. It was nice seeing you again, Jordan,” I said as I stood in the doorway.

  “You, too. Sleep well, Roxanne.”

  I had had just about enough female bonding time to last me a lifetime. I felt like I was constantly going to say or do something wrong when I was around Jordan and PJ. It was totally on me and I knew it was my issue, but I just couldn’t stay in the room another minute longer. I needed to get to my room so I could relax.

  As I made my way back to my room, I could still hear the guys in Chase’s room. They didn’t sound like they were working. It sounded more like a college frat house. I was almost going to knock on the door and tease them to keep it down, but I decided against it. Instead, I made my way to my room and started the warm shower water.

  There was something so relaxing about taking a shower in a hotel. You could stand under the warm water for hours and it would never go cold. That was my kind of shower. The warmth of the water and the pressure of the shower head was just what I needed to wash away all the stress of the last few days.

  I couldn’t have imagined where my life would be if I had thought about it a week before. There was nothing in my life that I thought would change so quickly as when Chase and Jackson came into my club. I was so grateful for the turn of events and really couldn’t stop worrying about if I was going to do them proud and made a difference in the search for Ana.

  I had barely been in the shower when I heard a loud thud against the wall. I ran over toward the door and looked out the peephole and didn’t see anything. It was eerily quiet over in Chase’s room and I got a little freaked out.

  Quickly, I wrapped myself in a towel and went out into the hallway. I was just about to knock on Chase’s door when I heard the three men as they started to laugh uncontrollably. Relief flushed through my body – well, it did for about a second until I realized I had locked myself out of my room.

  My body was freezing in the hallway and I wasn’t about to stand there naked and wrapped in a towel. So, reluctantly, I knocked on Chase’s door. It was a much better option than running all the way downstairs to the front desk in just my tiny towel.

  As Chase opened the door, I started to talk before he could say a word. I didn’t want to hear any comments about my towel, or my body, I just needed him to call downstairs and have someone come up and open my door.

  “I’m locked out. Can you just call downstairs and have someone come up with a key? Thank you.

  I walked back over to my door, right next to Chase’s, and refused to look at him, although I could tell the door to his room was still opened. I was just going to stand in front of my door until someone came to open it.

  The embarrassment of the moment started to show on my cheeks though and I felt them turning red. It was ironic how I could take my clothes of in a strip club and not be embarrassed, yet standing in a hallway totally covered in a towel had me looking embarrassed.

  “Do you want to come in and wait?” Chase asked.

  “Nope. Just call, please. I’ll wait here.”

  I waited and the door was still open. But I heard Chase on the phone as he asked for someone to come let me in. I peeked over at his room and saw he had put a shoe in the door to keep it from closing all the way.

  “She can wait in my room,” Nate said. “Where’s my damn key?”

  “No,” I heard Jackson say.

  “Oh, so you are boning her?” Nate asked.

  “The door is open, you two,” Chase added as a reminder for them to shut up.

  I had to laugh. The three of them together were pretty damn funny. I suspected their childhood was probably a giant succession of them yelling and beating each other up. I bet their mother was exhausted from yelling at them all the time.

  “Are you naked?” Nate said as he peeked out the door.

  “No.” I laughed. “Are you disappointed?”

  “Yes, let me hold that towel for you.”

  “I think I’ll keep it,” I joked.

  Nate was actually a lot of fun to be around. He looked a lot like Jackson, but Jackson didn’t have nearly the same personality. He was much more subdued and serious all the time. I wasn’t sure he even knew how to have fun. I think the closest I could remember of him
smiling was when I took a picture of him naked in our first hotel room and he chased after me. That had been really funny.

  “Will you please leave her alone, Nate? She’s not interested,” Jackson said as he pulled Nate back into the room. “Do you need a blanket or anything?” Jackson asked as opened the door but stayed in the room.

  “No, I’m all right.”

  “Do you want to come in here and wait? I promise Nate will behave himself,” Jackson said and then I heard him demand that Nate obey the order to behave. “Nate, I swear to God, I’ll clock you if you disrespect her again.”

  “Chase, how long did they say before they will be here?” I asked.

  “Just a couple of minutes.”

  “Jackson, come here,” I said.

  Within two seconds, Jackson was standing with me outside my door. He had probably been waiting for the invitation. The smile across his face was adorable and I could hardly contain myself from touching him.

  “Stand in front of me so no one can see me if they come down the hallway.”

  “Okay,” he said as he stood facing me with his arms up against the hotel door. “Like this?”

  His body was so close to mine I could feel the sexual tension between us. There was no denying that what I felt for him was new and exciting and I wanted to keep feeling it long after this job was finished.

  “Sure, like that,” I said as I looked up into his eyes.

  He had dreamy eyes. The kind that movie stars could only dream about. I could have stood there for days getting lost in his deep blue eyes. But I only had to stand for a few minutes before the maid came by.

  “Does someone need let into a room?” she asked kindly as she came toward us.

  Jackson stepped back and made room so the maid could get to the door. She kept looked from Jackson to me and back again. I couldn’t tell what it was about us that had her eyes darting around.

  “You two are a cute couple,” she said as she opened the door. “Enjoy your night.”

  “Thank you, ma’am. We will enjoy our night,” Jackson said as he tried to walk into my room with me.

  I stood in the doorway and prevented Jackson from coming into my room. I knew that Chase had already been mad about the possibility of Jackson and I sleeping together, and no matter how much I wanted to have Jackson, I really did want to try and avoid him for the time being. I wanted Chase to look at me as a real asset to the team, and there was no way he would do that if I were sleeping with his brother.

  But there was one big problem that I was having. Huge, really. The problem was that I wanted Jackson desperately. I would have had him if I hadn’t fallen asleep the night before. But no matter what, I knew I couldn’t resist the idea of having him in my bed that night.

  I motioned for him to go to his brother’s room before I would let him into mine.

  “Tell them you’re going to bed,” I whispered as I dropped my towel and left it in the doorway so the door wouldn’t close.

  Jackson didn’t wait for me to say another word before he made his way back into Chase’s room and said his goodnights. As he came back to my room, he pressed the towel out of the way and came right into the bathroom with me.

  I stood there naked with my back to him as I let my hand run under the water and feel how warm it had gotten. I pretended to ignore him, but I heard Jackson taking off his clothing behind me.

  My body felt electrified with my desire. Every nerve, every cell, wanted him to touch me. But he didn’t. Instead, Jackson stood only a few inches behind me as he watched me getting the shower ready.

  I leaned over and purposely pressed my ass up against him and I felt his hard erection.

  “Behave, you, it’s shower time,” I teased him.

  Slowly, I got into the shower and waited for Jackson to join me, but as I looked out into the bathroom, I saw him leaned up against the sink as he watched me through the opaque curtain. He couldn’t see everything through the thin material, but he certainly could see my form as I started to wash myself.

  “I’m going to make you scream so loud Chase and Nate are going to need to smoke a cigarette when we are done,” he said as he watched me.

  “Oh, really? You think so?”


  “What if I’m not a screamer?”

  “I’ll make you a screamer. I’ll make it impossible for you to give up the power of a loud scream during sex.”

  “Then get your damn naked ass into this shower with me. Why are you standing out there? Come here,” I said to him.

  “I’m testing myself to see if I could resist you if I absolutely had to,” he said with a sly grin on his face.

  “You’ll never need to resist me. I’m all yours,” I said as I opened the curtain and stood there with my wet naked body exposed.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “If you don’t mind, I’m going to resist,” I said to Roxanne as I leaned against the bathroom counter.

  It wasn’t about not being with Roxanne. I knew I would be with her soon, but I needed to know that I hadn’t given up my ability to say no to her. She did have a power over me, and I didn’t like that at all. At the same time, I loved that she had the sexual allure that had my body rock hard in anticipation.

  “Oh, is this a game?” she teased me as she closed the curtain and went back to her shower.

  “Sort of.”

  “What are the rules?”

  I had to laugh. Roxanne didn’t seem like the kind of girl who needed rules in order to play games. She seemed more like the kind of girl who liked to break all the rules when she wanted to play. But I decided to humor her.

  “I’m just making sure I still have the ability to say no when a beautiful woman like you is trying to seduce me.”

  It wasn’t an official game, of course. I just liked to know that I wasn’t totally willing to succumb to the power of a beautiful woman. In the few days that I had known Roxanne, she had totally thrown me off my ability to think straight.

  Even though I thought I was going to deny her and keep things professional, I found myself closer to her than ever. My mind wanted to keep things professional, but when my body got involved, I automatically went right to the sexual chemistry we had. Our bodies were electric when they were together and I liked that. I liked it more than I had ever liked being next to a woman.

  “Your cock wants to be over here,” Roxanne said as she looked out from behind the curtain at my throbbing manhood.

  She was right. Oh, how she was right. My body wanted to press inside of her so badly that I was holding onto the counter to keep from jumping into the shower. I wasn’t going to resist for much longer, I just wanted to see if I could wait until she got out.

  Sex in the shower was my favorite. If I could resist that, then I still had control over my willpower and could move forward with whatever was going on between Roxanne and I. But if I gave in and slid inside of her while she was wet and in that shower, then I knew I needed to cut my losses and move on. I couldn’t afford to be so vulnerable again. I couldn’t fall in love.

  “So, let me get this straight. You came into my room because you wanted to have sex with me, but now you are standing over there because you don’t want to have sex with me?”

  “No. I very much want to have you.”

  “You’re confusing me, Jackson. Come here and explain,” she said as she opened the curtain again.

  As she stood there with her body dripping wet, I felt my cock throb with a need for her. I told myself not to let go of the counter, not to go to her. But I couldn’t stop myself. As my hands let go of the counter, I walked slowly over to Roxanne. I had waited long enough, I needed to have her.

  The second I was within reach of her, she grabbed me and pulled me toward her. She pressed her wet body up against me and her lips aligned with mine. My hands wrapped around her and I had to pull her out of that damn shower so I could play with her.

  Her skin was soft and wet, enticing me. I grabbed a towel
off the shelf and wrapped her in it as I carried her over to the bed. She was dripping wet and I stood her at the foot of the bed while I let the towel dry her off a little.

  She looked more natural than I had seen her the last few days. Her hair was freshly washed and so was her face. There was a feeling of pureness that radiated from her. I had felt it before, but with her freshly out of the shower, I felt it even more. Her soul was kind and she was a good person. I couldn’t understand why she had gone to Stephano to work for him. There were so many other options for a young girl, but I figured the money had been very enticing.

  “You should stop trying to resist,” Roxanne whispered.

  “Oh, I’m done now.”

  I grabbed her towel and threw it across the room. The instant exposure to the cold room air had her nipples hard, so I moved my mouth to cover one of them. The little moan she made when my mouth wrapped around her nipple made my cock release a preview of what was coming.

  The touch of her skin was electrifying. I wanted her more than I could ever remember wanting a woman. It wasn’t just because she was beautiful, there was a connection between us that drove me.

  “I’m freezing. Can we get under the covers?” she asked.

  I felt her skin and the goosebumps that covered it. But I didn’t want to climb under the covers just yet. I enjoyed having her body trembling under my lips – the feeling of her trying to stay warm while my mouth brought warmth to her body.

  “I’ll warm you up,” I said as I pressed her back onto the bed and spread her legs wide.

  The feeling of her skin against mine was so primal that I couldn’t stop myself from sucking in a deep breath to smell her. Everything about Roxanne excited my body. Her looks, her smell, her touch. It was all so much.

  My kisses normally would have started slowly and moved up her legs, but I wanted to taste her. I needed to feel her juices in my mouth, so I covered her center and licked her with as much pressure as I could find.

  I needed to hear her moans of desire; it was like an innate need that my body had and it wasn’t going to stop until she vocalized the feelings of pleasure I was giving her.


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