The O'Brien Way

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The O'Brien Way Page 3

by Carol Lynne

  “I think your fever’s going down.”

  When Moby didn’t remove his hand, Sean opened his eyes. They stared at each other for several moments before Moby eventually pulled away. “My clothes are probably dry. I should head home and let you get some sleep.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay to drive?” Sean asked. He wanted to ask Moby to spend the night but was afraid it was the fever talking.

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Mom may be able to take care of herself but Jilly’s another story. I imagine she’s crossing her legs by now.”

  “Can’t your mom let Jilly out?” Sean asked.

  Moby shook his head. “I didn’t realise until Jilly got out of the yard the first time that a large section of the privacy fence was rotten. Until I get the money to fix it, she has to be walked on a leash. Mom isn’t strong enough to control her.”

  “Sounds like you need to enrol Jilly in an obedience class.”

  “Yeah, I’ll get right on that in all my spare time,” Moby said with a chuckle. “Until then, I don’t mind walking her. It gives me a chance to get out of the house and unwind.”

  Faced with the thought of Moby leaving, Sean reached out and rested his hand on the other man’s thigh. He wasn’t sure how to put into words what he felt at the moment. “No one’s ever taken care of me like you did tonight. Thanks.”

  Moby covered Sean’s hand. “I find that hard to believe.”

  “Nope, it’s the truth. As a matter of fact, if you didn’t work for me, I’d probably ask you out right now.”

  “That’s another one of those O’Brien rules, huh?”

  “Yeah. I know everyone laughs at my rules but they’ve been proven to work.”

  Moby readjusted the robe. “Then it’s too bad because I’d love to get to know you better. Unfortunately I can’t afford to quit my job.”

  Sean nodded. “I understand.” And he did, so why did he feel so damn disappointed? He knew it would probably be the last time the two of them had a tender moment and he couldn’t let it slip by without one more thing. Sean pushed himself to a sitting position and pulled Moby into his arms. He buried his face against the other man’s neck and lightly kissed it. “I’d kiss you for real if I weren’t afraid of getting you sick.”

  “And I’d let you if you’d felt like brushing your teeth,” Moby said, adding humour into the somewhat awkward moment.

  Sean chuckled and gave Moby one last kiss before releasing him. “I won’t forget what you’ve done for me tonight.”

  “Thanks for not throwing me out the moment I came in,” Moby replied.

  Sean shook his head. “I wouldn’t have done that.”

  “Good to know.”

  * * * *

  After his afternoon jog with Jilly, Moby started dinner. He heard his mom enter the room and glanced over his shoulder. “I found a great deal on pork chops so I picked up two for dinner.”

  “I don’t like pork chops,” Virginia said.

  Moby rinsed his hands and pulled a couple of paper towels off the roll. “What? We used to have pork chops at least twice a week while I was growing up.”

  “Bill liked them.”

  Moby turned back towards the counter and squeezed his eyes shut. “Will you eat one this evening if I make it?”

  “Is there anything else?” Virginia asked.

  “Not really.”

  “Then I guess I will,” she answered on her way out of the kitchen.

  Moby wiped his face with the paper towel before tossing it into the trash. When he’d moved in, he thought he was doing his mom a favour by offering to cook a couple of times a week, but it seemed he always managed to get it wrong.

  He opened the fridge and stared down at the pork chops. He’d been so excited to find them in the sales circular that he’d travelled across town to a different grocery store to get them. Unfortunately, they no longer held the appeal they once had.

  Pulling the package out of the refrigerator, Moby started preparing them. After opening the package, he gave the chops a quick rinse before patting them dry with a paper towel. As he seasoned the meat, he decided he would stop trying to impress his mom with his self-taught cooking skills. From then on it would be pizza or take-out when it was his turn to take care of dinner.

  As he worked to prepare the pork chops and wild rice, his thoughts went to Sean. It had been a week since he’d found his boss on the floor of the bathroom. The days since had been awkward to say the least. Every shift was a test of Moby’s control. To make it worse, Moby could tell Sean was having the same problem.

  The attraction between them was intense, leading Moby to question the wisdom of The O’Brien Way of business. Quitting a job that paid more than anything he was qualified for in Sheridan just wasn’t an option.

  Moby glanced outside and shook his head. The snow was coming down like crazy. He wondered if he’d still be able to fix the fence on his day off. He’d finally saved enough for the panels, which were currently keeping dry in the garage, but getting someone to help him in a blizzard wouldn’t be as easy. Jay was out of the question. Although he loved his new friend, he needed someone with strength. With the weight of the fence panels and the blowing wind, it would take someone with some muscle. Sean. Sure, his boss had the muscle he needed and more, but would he be willing to drive all the way to Sheridan to help him?

  Once dinner was prepared, Moby walked into the living room to tell his mom. He was surprised to find Jilly on the sofa beside her. “Jilly! Get down,” he ordered, snapping his fingers.

  Jilly immediately jumped off the couch and went to her large dog bed. “Sorry, Mom.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I told her she could get up here.”

  That was a new development. Instead of arguing, Moby went to the linen closet and pulled out an old blanket. He spread it out on the couch and glanced at Jilly. “From now on make her lay on that.”

  Virginia shrugged.

  “Dinner’s ready,” Moby said, heading back to the kitchen. He waited for his mom to join him before pulling out the chair for her. “Christmas is just around the corner and you still haven’t told me what you want Santa to bring you.”

  Moby took a seat and waited for his mom’s answer. He watched her take a bite of the wild rice and nod her acceptance. “There has to be something,” he prompted.

  Virginia closed her eyes and shook her head. “The only thing I want, you can’t give me.”

  Moby reached over and put his hand on his mom’s thin arm. “I’m sorry. I can’t bring Dad back.”

  Virginia opened her eyes, their depths still swimming with moisture. “Grandchildren.”

  It was the first time his mom had mentioned her desire for grandchildren. He wondered if that, more than anything, was the reason she’d reacted to his sexuality like she had. The really hard part was trying to understand why his mom wanted grandchildren. Although she hadn’t been a bad mother, she hadn’t been overly attentive either. “Sorry. Maybe you should’ve had more than one kid.”

  “I wanted to, but Bill said one was plenty,” she mumbled, cutting a small piece of meat from the pork chop.

  Moby noticed she didn’t eat the bite, just let it sit on her plate. “I didn’t know. I assumed neither of you wanted more. I mean, it’s not like you really took the time to lavish attention on me.” Yeah, his bitterness was still in place, but dammit, hearing his mom say she wanted more children pissed him off.

  Virginia shook her head. “If I’d had the time and support, I would’ve had an entire houseful.” She set her fork down and reached across the table to squeeze Moby’s hand. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” he asked, dropping his fork to hold her hand in return.

  “Bill required a lot of attention.” Virginia used her free hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her big green eyes. “I was so busy being a wife. I didn’t have the time to be the kind of mother you deserved.”

  Although it hurt, Moby was relieved to hear his mom admit what he’d always felt to b
e the case. “Well, you have me now, and Dad’s no longer here to come between us. Maybe instead of resenting me for being here, we could try to become friends.”

  Virginia looked shocked. “I don’t resent you for being here. I resent the fact that you have to be here. I’m a grown woman who should be able to do all this stuff on her own, but I let myself get into a position that I don’t know how to get out of.”

  “If you’d like, I could teach you some of the basics like budgeting and how to balance a cheque book?”

  Virginia’s face lit up. “You’d do that? Do you think I could really do it?”

  Moby nodded and stood to lean over the table. He kissed his mom’s cheek and smiled. “I think you can master anything you put your mind to.”

  Virginia cupped Moby’s cheek. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Mom.”

  Chapter Three

  Moby felt a hand on his ass and glanced down at Lorenzo. The touch became a painful squeeze. “You do a whole lot of groping and very little tipping.”

  “What’re you saying? I gotta pay to play?” Lorenzo asked.

  “Something like that.” Moby set down the pitcher of beer and a frosted glass. He gestured towards the bar. “One word and Sean would toss you out on your ass.”

  “Only if you say something to him,” Lorenzo said.

  “You’re right. So do yourself a favour and take your hand off my ass.” Moby waited until Lorenzo released his hold. “Thank you. Flag me down if you need a refill.” He carried his empty tray back to the bar to pick up another order.

  “Problem?” Sean asked, setting a gin and tonic on the tray along with two beers.

  Moby leaned against the bar and shook his head. “Nothing I can’t deal with.”

  Sean mimicked Moby’s position and stared into his eyes. “You shouldn’t have to deal with harassment. You’re a damn good waiter.”

  “And you’re too damn sexy for your own good,” Moby said, winking. He hadn’t been able to get Sean out of his head and it was becoming a real problem at work. Moby decided to ask the question that had plagued him since the night he took care of Sean. “Would you really go out with me if I didn’t work here?”

  Sean’s eyes narrowed. “Why’re you asking? You planning to quit?”

  Moby moved closer, standing on his tip toes. With his mouth an inch from Sean’s, he smiled. “Are you worth it?”

  Sean’s nostrils flared. “You’d better believe it.”

  Moby closed the distance and let his lips brush Sean’s. He pulled away and shook his head. “Too bad I’m not worth breaking the O’Brien code for.” He picked up the tray of drinks and walked away from the bar. The hair on the back of his neck prickled as he felt Sean’s gaze follow him through the crowd. Hopefully it would give his boss something to think about. If Moby had to suffer his attraction, so should Sean.

  * * * *

  “Kitchen’s shut down,” Jay told Sean.

  Sean nodded. His run-in with Moby earlier in the evening continued to plague him. “Have a good night.”

  “You know,” Jay began, leaning his back against the bar to face Sean, “Moby asked me if Erico was hiring.”

  Sean’s jaw clenched. “What’d you tell him?”

  “I lied and told him no.”

  “Why’d you do that?” Sean questioned. If Moby went to work for Erico, Sean would be all over him in a heartbeat.

  “Because he belongs here and we both know it.” Jay looked up at Sean in a pleading manner. “He’s not Ryan.”

  Sean’s gaze drifted across the bar to Moby. The gorgeous man was laughing with a table of stragglers. “What do you expect me to do, take him to my bed for a couple of weeks until he gets bored and moves on? Do you think it’d be easy for me to watch him suck up to every man who walks through that door after that?” Sean shook his head. “I’m not made that way.”

  Jay walked back towards the kitchen and motioned for Sean to follow him. With a resigned sigh, Sean did just that. “What?” he asked as soon as they were alone.

  “You’re judging Moby unfairly.”

  “Really? Have you not seen the way he behaves? He lets those guys paw all over him. And for what, a couple extra bucks?”

  Jay pulled the ponytail holder from his hair and shook his head. “That’s all he knows. He was kicked out of his house at eighteen. As far as he’s concerned, the only thing he has going for him are his looks. His life in Vegas, making big money by stripping, has only proved what he’s felt about himself all along.” Jay put his hand over his heart. “No one’s ever shown him he’s worth more than the size of his cock.”

  While Sean let that sink in, Jay shrugged into his coat. “I’m outta here. I’m going home to my own ex-playboy. Who, by the way, has morphed into an incredibly loving and devoted partner.”

  “Can I take off?” Kitty asked, coming into the kitchen.

  “Sure,” Sean answered, his thoughts still a million miles away. It wasn’t until Kitty left that he realised he was alone with Moby.

  He ran his fingers through the unruly curls on his head and pushed through the swinging door to the bar. Moby was bussing the last table. The rest of the room had already been prepared, complete with chairs upside down on the tables. Jay had been right. Moby was a hell of an employee. Did he dare risk breaking the O’Brien rules that had been drilled into him since he was a child?

  Sean filled the bar sink with hot, soapy water. He continued to watch Moby as he washed the few remaining glasses.

  “Here’s a few more,” Moby said, bringing a tray of dishes to the bar.

  “Thanks.” Sean took the dishes. “You can go on home. I’ll finish up in here.”

  Moby shook his head and disappeared into the kitchen. He was back a moment later with a broom. “I’ve had a good night. I don’t mind staying to finish.”

  Sean shoved his hand inside a glass with more force than necessary. “Shit!” he yelled when the glass broke and dug painfully into his hand. Lifting his hand out of the dishwater, Sean reached for a towel.

  Moby got to it first. “What happened?” he asked, wrapping the towel around Sean’s injured hand.

  “Glass broke,” Sean explained. “That’s okay. I got it.” He tried to pull his hand away, but Moby held on.

  “Just hang on a damn minute,” Moby admonished, lifting the corner of the towel to look at the cut. “You should probably have it checked.”

  Despite the stinging cut, Moby’s touch concerned Sean more than his injured hand. “I’ve got bandages in the first aid kit by the time clock.”

  Moby’s lips thinned into a tight line. “Put pressure right here,” he instructed.

  “I know how the hell to get the bleeding stopped,” Sean snapped. It was the second time in as many weeks that Moby had shown real concern for Sean’s welfare. Sean applied pressure to his hand as Moby went in search of the bandages. His dick was so hard he was surprised he had enough blood left in his hand to even bleed.

  The door swung open and Moby set the white metal kit on the bar. “Maybe we should go into the bathroom,” Sean suggested.

  “Makes sense.” Moby picked up the box and headed towards the men’s restroom.

  It wasn’t until he rounded the end of the bar that Sean realised his desire for Moby would be exposed. “Maybe it would be better to do it here. After all, there’s probably less germs.”

  Moby stopped and turned around. “Make up your mind.”

  Sean slid behind the bar once more. “Here. Here’s good.”

  Moby rejoined Sean and let the bloody water out of the sink.

  “Careful, there are still pieces of glass in there,” Sean warned.

  Moby grinned. “Worried about me?” He picked the large pieces of glass from the sink and tossed them into a nearby trashcan. “We need to run water over the wound before we bandage it.”

  “I know. I’m not stupid,” Sean growled. Sure he was being a dick, but Moby’s tenderness threatened every ounce of his control. How much
longer could he fight his attraction?

  Sean pulled off the towel and stuck his hand under the running water. It was easy to see he’d been right about the cut. Stitches weren’t needed but it would be sore for a week or so. He pulled his hand out of the water. “Dry it off. Wrap it up. It’ll be fine.”

  Moby looked at Sean and rolled his eyes. “I don’t know who you’re trying to be tough for, but I can only imagine how much this hurts. So just shut up and let me take care of it.”

  “I can’t help it, you make me nervous,” Sean said without thinking as Moby bandaged his hand.

  A lopsided grin transformed Moby’s handsome face to one of a sultry male on the prowl. Oh fuck. Sean tried to pull his hand away, but Moby was too quick.

  Moby took a step forward, pressing himself against Sean. He reached between them and palmed the front of Sean’s jeans. “I’m having the same problem.”

  Sean tried to turn his head away when Moby’s lips skimmed over his cheek towards his mouth. He closed his eyes when Moby latched onto his bottom lip and sucked. Sean’s need took over. He reached out and grabbed the back of Moby’s head and devoured his mouth.

  With a groan of acceptance, Moby opened to Sean’s thrusting tongue. Each tooth and every ridge was explored in detail. The press of Moby’s body fully against Sean’s pushed his need into overdrive.

  Suddenly Sean couldn’t get close enough. “Skin,” he ground out, pulling at Moby’s T-shirt. For the first time in his life, Sean’s desire became feral. His boy wanted one thing, to be buried balls-deep within Moby’s warmth, branding him. Despite his injury, Sean used both hands to strip Moby of his shirt.

  Sean wasn’t alone in his enthusiasm. Moby’s hands shook as he opened Sean’s jeans and tried to push them down. “Oh God,” Moby groaned when Sean’s cock sprang free. “Need to taste you,” he said, sinking to his knees.

  As much as Sean enjoyed a good blowjob, he wanted more. “I wanna fuck you,” he argued, even as he guided Moby’s mouth to the head of his cock. Moby nodded but continued to lave the dripping crown.


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