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New Hope (The New Earth Colonies Book 1)

Page 14

by Nina Silver

  She shrugged. "I don't know."

  Images of terrifying experiments ran through my mind, and I focused on Jo trying to chase them away. "Are your parents in New Hope?"

  Jo expelled a long sigh. "No. They passed away in a freak accident six years ago."

  "The same Cove's parents..." I stopped at realizing the words that had slipped out of my mouth. Jo gave me a surprised look but after a few terse moments nodded.

  "I'm surprised he told you. He's never once mentioned it to me..." Her words sounded bitter but not hostile.

  "Do you love him?" I couldn't help but ask, knowing my feelings for him were strong.

  Jo remained quiet for so long that I thought she chose to ignore me, but moments later she answered. "I thought I did."

  Her cryptic words did nothing to soothe my curiosity, but I said nothing further.

  "Do you?" Jo asked taking me aback. "Love him."

  My breathing hitched with emotion. Did I love him? I didn't know him long, but I felt drawn to him like no other. "I don't know." I finally answered, all the while thinking to myself that I was probably falling in love with him.

  Jo snorted in disbelief but made no further comments. Time passed in silence until I couldn't take it anymore and turned to Jo.

  "Should we try to escape?"

  "I'd be happy to oblige if I wasn't tied to a freaking wall."

  "At least I am trying to make this easier!" I burst out losing my patience at the tense silence in our prison.

  "There's not much to do now is there Doc?" Jo argued back and somehow the tension in the room burst like an overfilled bag of water.

  "You are right - I'm just afraid of what will happen to us. Do you think we are the only ones here?"

  "I don't know - I kinda wish we are and also aren't at the same time."

  "I want to think it's the two of us - that way perhaps someone will come rescue us." I tried to be optimistic.

  "By someone you mean Cove?"

  I blushed and sighed. Jo was relentless. "Maybe."

  Jo laughed at that. "It's okay you know... I won't make any trouble for you and him. I'm just bitter."

  "I don't blame you." I sighed as my thoughts went to Cove, his handsome, sharp face, his intelligent gray eyes easily melting to dark pools of lust, the rugged scar on his face, and that wicked, sinful smile he gives. "He is so very attractive."

  Jo laughed again. "Attractive? I'd say more than that." Finding the whole situation absurd once more laughs escaped my mouth. I was sitting here, captured by the Ourupta, talking about the man I was falling in love with, with a woman who already loved him. Jo, possibly also seeing the ridiculousness of our situation, joined in.

  We continued chortling until my ears perked up as I heard shuffled steps. My laughter cut short and I looked at Jo, biting my lip with worry as her laughter ebbed away.

  The shuffling became louder and more thumping as it came closer. “They are coming.” I whispered with a frown my fists clenching of their own volition, my body tensing.

  “What will happen Iolee? I'm scared…” Jo whispered her eyes somber, her confessed words unexpected. She looked so much younger and naive than the cold angry Jo I had seen previously.

  “I’m scared too…” I mumbled right as three hulking forms slid into our dark space. The three Ourupta spoke in their language, their pale faces moving in weird expressions that just seemed peculiar, their strange syllabic language sounding harsh and oddly melodic.

  One pointed to Jo, and then another one approached her. Jo yelled and tried to move. “No, stay back!”

  I noticed it's long arms and the four boney protrusions it had for fingers touch the material on her legs and then vanishing instantly freeing them. “Leave her alone!” I yelled my breath hitching.

  “What are you doing?” Jo screamed, and she kicked her long legs trying to keep the Ourupta away. One of the two staying behind hissed something and the other one made that strange laughing sound. “Stop!” Jo screamed again as the Ourupta reached out and grabbed her arms, similarly the metal melting away freeing them.

  “Let her go!” I yelled as I watched her struggle while the Ourupta quickly lifted her up as if she were a raggedy doll, just like one I had seen in a museum exhibit on Jupiter once before.

  Jo screamed again and started punching the alien who remained unfazed.

  “Let me go!” Jo’s desperation choked her voice as the Ourupta dragged her away. I kicked my legs, jerked my hands, but I wasn't budging. My wrist - the one previously hurt - throbbed painfully and I yelled right as Jo was taken out of the door, the Ourupta all vanishing within minutes.

  I leaned my head back against the wall, my eyes prickling, my chest heaving… What would they do to Jo? My previous humor was long gone as I sat in darkness tied to the wall now left alone.



  “The window was open?” Arlo stated as we all walked around Jo’s unit. The first thing we had tried to do was track their coms, but the signal was offline, and the tracker didn't pinpoint the location either. That meant that the coms were either somewhere with no signal or that someone had destroyed them.

  “Someone came in this room forcefully.” Locke tipped his chin towards the sliding plastic door that lay haphazardly over the sleeping gel pad.

  “But not in the apartment? Maybe they came in through the window…” Cain added thoughtfully, his face set in hard lines.

  “But who?” I asked feeling frustrated. New Hope was a small res, there was no one who wanted to harm anyone. In bigger res’s things were different, women often went missing for various nefarious purposes- but not in New Hope. Yet, the evidence around us was clear - they had been snatched. But by who and why them two?

  My com vibrated on my wrist my brother's name flashing as incoming vid call. “Yes.”

  Siel frowned and scratched his head. “Uhm, Dr. Morton and his assistant are here at the Commons saying they have something crucial to talk to you about.”

  “What?” I growled impatiently, with them it would be something stupid- like their unit wasn’t cool enough or they wanted more water allowance.

  “I don’t know.” Siel shrugged and looked next to him. “They look rather freaked out though…”

  I heard chatter from his background and then voices coming closer until I could see the old man’s face behind my brother. “Chief Magnum, is that you young man? Are the others with you - General Cruz?”

  “Sure is.” I arrogantly replied at the patronizing way he spoke to me, while Arlo stepped closer to me at hearing his name.

  “This is a matter of grave importance. You need to come here at once.” Dr. Morton sternly exclaimed, his face set in harsh lines.

  “I’m rather busy now Dr. Morton. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait.” I cut him off, not wanting to waste my time with him anymore.

  He growled and glared at me. “This cannot wait, I would have told you in person but seems like I must tell you now. I received an odd com call about ten minutes ago…” He paused, and I gritted my teeth. Get it over with already. “The call appears to be a friend of Miss Panou… And I do not know how to say this, but it seems she is in mortal danger. We all are!”

  My nerves immediately perked up, my muscles zapping with energy. “What did the friend say?”

  The old man scowled, his eyebrows knitting together low at his forehead. “I better show you.”


  “Ourupta came in New Hope snatched Iolee and possibly Jo, and we had absolutely no fucking idea?” I growled at myself, Siel and the others that had gathered around my office to see what Dr. Morton wanted to show us. We had watched the video message at least five times. There was no denying it, Ourupta were back on New Earth, alive and had apparently just snatched Iolee and Jo.

  The video replayed as we all watched it once more. Door flying ahead, Ourupta coming on screen, Iolee screaming, and then the Ourupta getting closer and closer, their pale faces clearly outlined in the video. Iole
e crying and then suddenly stopping, quiet as the weird sounds coming out of the Ourupta’s mouths an odd type of laughter.

  I resisted the urge to break something in my office and instead took a deep breath. I turned to Siel and Tyler who both looked as horrified as everyone else in the office. “Tyler ask for volunteers from the enforcers, Siel check our transports, and I’ll go get the guns.”

  “Hold on a minute. This is under my command.” Arlo spoke raising his hand towards Tyler and Siel, his eyes challengingly on mine.

  “This is my res, and two of my people were snatched under my watch. You damn well know I’m going after them. I know - and you know - exactly where they are.” The underground base - it must be. There was no other logical explanation.

  “You can’t just go off half-cocked. You put them in more danger that way, you know that. And Dr. Iolee Panou is under my care, not yours.” Arlo asserted with a harsh authoritative voice.

  “I am going… You can control your soldiers but not me or my enforcers.” I calmly stated my eyes hard on him. I was not letting Iolee and Jo alone with the Ourupta. My mind went to the humans trapped in those vats - I would not let that happen to them. At the thought of something horrible happening to Iolee my sight went red with rage.

  “I am not saying not to go for them. But let us help, let's plan this first, and then we’ll go in. You and a few enforcers won't make it far in that base - you know that.”

  “When is the earliest we can go in?” If I wasn't satisfied by his answer, then I was going down there with or without help.

  “An hour - let me debrief my team, and we’ll head out in an hour.” Arlo looked at me expectantly. I nodded my teeth clenched.

  We dispersed from my office, and I headed to my unit. I had kept one of my Neptune uniforms - the ones we used on operations during trips. They were made of a fabric similar to temp clothes but was more durable and in theory was supposed to strengthen our enhancements. Never tried it in actual fighting against anything but a human - but I guess I was ready to find out how well it would work against some alien ass.

  I just hoped we got to them in time.



  I stayed shackled to the wall for what seemed like hours, keeping my eyes shut just so that I wouldn't have to think about the fact that I was alone in a dingy underground place with a bunch of Ourupta around. I had no idea how I hadn't gone into panic yet - or who knows maybe this was the way panic felt. Empty, isolating, and scary.

  I decided to look around the cell I was in. My eyes having gotten used to the green light by now, could take in much more than the last time I looked around.

  I could see dark walls swallowing me up all around, except for the ominous dark passage where the Ourupta had vanished with Jo through… Door? Exit? Hallway? I narrowed my eyes trying to take in more information, but it was too dark.

  I turned and looked around again. My eyes going to my bound legs. The bands holding them together were slim and made of the same matte black metal everything Ourupta made was. I lifted my legs up but then didn't move. Ughhhh, I turned my head trying to see my arm cuffs, like the ones I had on my legs.

  I yanked my right hand and was surprised to see that it moved just a tad. I jerked on it again and once more it moved a few more centimeters. The third yank however wasn't a good one, seemed like I had moved it as much as I could have. I groaned in frustration and gritted my teeth. Crap! It was crap. This whole situation was just crap.

  I looked down at my bound wrist hoping that the hatred in my eyes would perhaps melt the damn metal even though I knew that was out of the realm of possibilities.

  I jiggled my arms again in frustration. Wait, what was that? As I had wiggled my arms, I saw something surprisingly shining. I did it again, and leaned as close to my wrist as I could! Oh, heavenly Jupiter, there were symbols sketched on the metal - small and hidden ones - but symbols that would give me information nonetheless.

  I squinted in the dark, but I couldn't see anything clearly. The Ourupta that had taken Jo had merely touched the cuffs, and they'd gone away - the answer to my release could probably depend on me translating those symbols! But I had no light, and I could hardly move…

  For the next hour or so, I belabored myself by leaning as close as I could and trying to decipher the symbols despite the darkness. I was sweating and breathing hard, my back cramping and the only progress I made towards freedom was deciphering the one symbol that meant prisoner. I groaned and leaned against the wall trying to catch my breath, my hair had long escaped the braid I had it in before - in what seemed years ago - and now was all over my face. I blew a breath, my mind running away from me. What did they want with Jo? Was she alright? Would we ever be able to be free again? Were any of the other people alive - okay - enslaved? I felt my eyes prickling, and I bit my lip - I couldn’t lose focus now, I had to try to free myself. My eyes closed from exhaustion, and my lips felt so dry I thought they’d crack if I even thought to move them.

  How long had I been here? How long had I been unconscious? My eyes started prickling again, my back throbbing in pain, my legs completely having fallen numb from the lack of movement. I was beyond drained and terrified, and as my breath continued coming out stuttered, the tears slowly started leaking out of my eyes.


  I jerked awake, everything from the last few hours crashing over me. The ground quaking from stomping steps had woken me up, and my heart immediately jumped to my throat. Were the Ourupta coming for me now? Was it my turn to be experimented with - to be put in those giant ghastly vats?

  With my eyes now used to the darkness, I could make out three tall and bulky forms approaching - the Ourupta. Their strange language flowed to my ears, and I briefly debated whether I should pretend to be asleep and try to make a run for it after they unlocked my shackles or just calmly greet them and go to my fate with my dignity intact.

  The Ourupta came in, not even sparing me a glance, and with overwhelming relief, I saw Jo’s form carried by one of them. It dropped her to the ground unceremoniously, and she crumbled in a small ball - no sounds or movements coming from her. The Ourupta stepped away from her and then turned to the other two - they pointed and made some kind of hand gestures as they spoke in their hissing tunes. Finally, they stared at me for a few seconds and then I watched breathlessly as they turned back around and left through the darkened hallway.

  A breath of relief escaped me, but I spend no time considering my feelings as my eyes immediately flew back to Jo. “Jo!” I whisper-yelled not knowing whether it would be wise to gain the Ourupta’s attention by shouting. “Jo!” I whisper-yelled again, and Jo’s form slightly moved. I held my breath. Jo’s head popped up, and she quickly looked at me her finger over her lips signaling me to be quiet. I frowned but kept silent.

  After a few tense minutes of Jo looking around crouching on the floor, she hastily crawled over to me.

  “What did they do to you?” I whispered as soon as she was next to me. Her hands immediately flying to the cuff around my left wrist. She started pulling at it as my heart thumped loudly. “Jo?” I prompted her. She looked up at me, her eyes wide and serious.

  “I… I’m not sure.”

  “What do you mean you’re not sure?” What had they done to her?

  “I can’t remember exactly.” Jo said smoothly - maybe a bit too smoothly as she continued pulling to free my left hand. “I - I passed out after they strapped me to some kind of med table.”

  “And then?”

  “I don’t know.” Jo hissed impatiently her hands clutching my wrist and squeezing. “I woke up while they were carrying me back here and pretended to be out still. Except I -” She abruptly stopped, her mouth snapping shut.

  “You what?” She continued pulling at the cuff.

  “Never mind - how will I get these off?” She whispered to herself, seemingly shutting me off.

  “Hold on.” I whispered urgently trying to think, but she ignored me as she ca
refully examined the cuffs. A horrible thought flooded my mind, and I gasped leaning away from her. What if the Ourupta had brainwashed her and this was a trap? But then why would she do that - why would they do that? I was already their prisoner, there would be no use for them to pretend to let me escape - unless they were extremely sadistic.

  “Oh come on…” Jo rolled her eyes impatiently as she kept trying to free me. “We have to try to escape.” Jo’s urgency jolted me into action.

  “Why would they not tie you up again?” I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at her.

  Jo licked her lips and continued staring into my eyes for several disconcerting moments. “You don’t trust me?”

  “Why should I?”

  She huffed. “I could just leave and let you here to rot…”

  My heart pounded wildly. She could leave. “You can, but you won’t - why?”

  She huffed again and even pounded her arm on the ground beside my hand. “I can’t do that to you - damn it. I know what they want to do to you…”

  A beat of silence went by - her words sinking in. “How do you know that?”

  She closed her eyes squeezing them shut before opening them, a determined set to her jaw. “I’ll tell you, but promise you’ll keep it to yourself - at least for now.”

  I nodded making a rash decision that I hoped would end up being right.

  “I can understand them.”

  “How?” I blurted out my thoughts a whirlpool inside my skull.

  “I said no questions - but I understood them when I woke up. I knew what they said.”


  Jo bit her lip, her eyes hard on me. “I don’t know damn it! I don’t have time to think of that now - we must leave before they return - God only knows how much time we have.”

  “I think you must press one of the symbols on the cuffs.” I finally exclaimed looking pointedly at the cuff holding my arm stable. Is this what they did to her when they took her? Made her somehow understand them? But why? Why would they want that? And why Jo out of all people in New Hope - they came for her?


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