Livvy's Devil Dom

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Livvy's Devil Dom Page 2

by Raven McAllan

  "Be careful what you ask of me," he said. "Remember who I am, what I am, and what we will be. You'll see what you release in me. I will give you a Saff, as opposed to a safe, word first. You may choose to use it, but there will be no second chance if you do. Saff-words are my honor and my curse. Safe words are ours to use as and when. We'll discuss those as well."

  Her face went white, and she stared at him as if he had grown horns. Did she understand any of it? It was all he could do to stop himself from checking his horns weren't on show. That would definitely be a step too far for her at that moment. Did the woman still not realize he wasn't The Devil, just her Devil?

  "I remember." She swayed, and Sael caught her before she fell. "I remember. It's like fitting all the bits of a jigsaw into the right places." She gulped. The skin over her throat rippled. Even that unhappy gesture sent his pulse racing. "Oh shit, bits in the right places, you, me, bits. " He held her firmly as she struggled in his arms. My chance of grazing is fucked for now, then.

  He held her tight, not unkindly, but in a manner he hoped would calm her, and used one hand to stroke her back, a bit like you'd do to a skittish horse. Maybe I'd best not use that analogy to Livvy, though. Not many women would be pleased to be likened to an animal like that.

  "Oh shit and shoot, I remember. Not everything, but…" Her voice trailed off, and she stared at him in horror. "Oh grief, maybe I do remember everything. No wonder I decided it was a dream. You, me, us, and—oh hell."

  "No, not hell, our reality."

  Chapter Two

  He almost felt sorry for her, except his cheek throbbed in a most un-arousing manner. A slap on the ass was one thing. A thump on the jaw was something else. She looked lost and bewildered. As he watched, she choked back a sob and swiped angrily at her eyes.

  Her forlorn actions were enough to melt his anger. His incisors dipped, and his fangs retracted. Damn, he was a sucker for tears. Especially when, like now, they were involuntary and unwanted. He pulled Livvy close and cuddled her, and let his chin rested on top of her head.

  "Shh. Okay, Livvy-Love, I'm sorry, but you wake the Devil, and you pay. You should know that, if not in your reality, in your mind. I've a devil of a temper when roused." He grinned. It was maybe not the best analogy to use. "Sorry, but you know what I mean. Remember what we've done? What I've said to you?"

  She hiccupped and nodded. "I remembered bits and pieces here and there—not everything. Now you've opened up my mind, and it's info-dumped everything on me." She didn't seem too happy about it. "Well I don't know if it is everything. I guess I'll find out. I'm trying to sort it all out, but it sounds like a porno film. With me as Miss Porno in chief." She glanced down at his cock. "And you as the male lead."

  Sael decided being so close and personal with her while stark naked and getting harder by the second might not be the best thing at the moment. Damn it, I like it. With a mental sigh, he closed his eyes and flicked his wrist. That's better. Trackies and a sweatshirt might not be haut couture, but they were a hell of a lot safer. He even gave her knickers. See through and barely there but knickers nonetheless

  Livvy looked at him and then at herself and wrinkled her nose. "I don't even want to begin to wonder why I look like I'm off to the gym, albeit in clothes three sizes too big. If I do, I might just freak and fall apart all over again." She took the tissue he offered with a smile and a muttered thanks. Then she looked pointedly at his trackies where his cock made a tent in the jersey. "But I think it's a good idea to be dressed, even like this. That thing has a mind of its own." She gave a watery giggle. "And I'm sorry I hit you. I don't do violence."

  It rather depends on your definition of violence. He remembered some interesting bites and scratches she'd left on him at various times. However this moment wasn't the time to mention them, not with Livvy cuddled in and compliant. Instead it was the time to back off a bit, until they could discuss this thing in a rational manner. Sael had no idea how she'd react to the news he was about to impart.

  "Okay, then I accept your apology. Now we do need to talk. First things first. Will you accept me as your Dom? I'm not asking twenty-four seven obedience. Hell, we both know that's impossible, and Livvy-love, you're too independent to go for that. Which I must say suits me fine. But in," he hesitated, "for want of a better term, in the bedroom, I need you to be my sub. And in other important places. Well, it's that or die."

  "Go on." She looked at her nails. "Persuade me. You don't need to be so melodramatic."

  Sael wished he could gauge her feelings. She sounded as if he was going to recite the phone book to her. He wasn't, and what he was about to divulge would make or break him.

  "Put it this way, you know when you filled that quiz in your magazine, and said never, ever in public?"

  "Yes, why?” Her voice was wary.

  "That's part of it."

  He had no idea what she'd say or do.

  He didn't have long to find out. Her eyes widened, and he was sure if he hadn't known she was human, he would have thought her the supernatural one.

  Am I imagining those bloody flames here, or can I feel that heat? Oh, s-h-i-t. And she says she doesn't do violence. I'm not so sure, but God do I hope she practices what she preaches, so to speak. Well, not during sex, but…

  His mind came back to the present as she jabbed him hard in the stomach. He hadn't been expecting it, and the pain shot through him. He grabbed her wrists, and clamped down hard on his fangs, which were primed and ready.

  I so need to show her just who the Dom is here, or I'm gonna be one big pain, and not the annoying kind, either. At least my cock and balls are safe. It took all his willpower not to cover them with his hands.

  "Now, Livvy-love, don't take off on one. You know all this, even if you chose to forget it. You've just said so. Remember, I'm your Dom. I'm in charge, and I'd love to remind you just how that scenario works."

  "Huh. Yeah, yeah. So you say." She dug her nails into his palms and laughed in a most unpleasant way. "But I don't necessarily choose to take it on board."

  The sarcastic retort made his incisors push through his gums within seconds. He had to reign in his quicksilver temper. Sael had been reprimanded by his seniors for his “react not think” actions more times than he cared to admit.. He retracted them, and bit his lip to control his automatic reaction until he knew all his body parts were safe. It was, he decided, a wise move.

  "You have to." He did his best to keep his voice even and gentle. "Cast your mind back, sort through your mind, and accept." It was so damned annoying, but he'd pledged not to prod her memory. It was one pledge he daren't mess with.

  Livvy pushed back from him, and he let her go, to watch silently as she paced the tiny room. Quietly he pushed open the door to her bedroom, and watched her stalk through with her back ramrod straight, and annoyance evident in every step. When she turned and glared at him, he followed her, and leant against the wall, arms across his chest, and his feet crossed at his ankles. The hairs on his arms stood on end, and his skin prickled. Sadly not in a “hell I'm primed and ready to fuck” way. He might look calm, but he wasn't. She certainly wasn't. He could see the energy spitting out of her and crackling in the air.

  "You what? Accept your silly ideas? You're fucking joking. In your dreams, mate. In your fucking dreams. Crazy. Fucking mad." She moved backwards, never taking her eyes off him, and with her hands on her hips, she shook her head. "Asshole."

  "I'm always fucking in my dreams, love. Always you, and when possible, in my reality, as well. Ass, cunt, or mouth, all is possible."

  She paled at his crudity and shook her head.

  Yeah, not the best thing to say. "On a serious note, let me say, no way am I joking. It's fact, not fiction. I've waited as long as I dare, but now it's time. Think what you know, please. It's my life at stake." Sael led her to a chair, and she sat down with a thump. Rather than return to his place against the wall, he perched on the arm.

  "So," she said and rolled her shoulders and win
ced. "Damn, I'm stiff. Why do I feel like I've been run over by a steamroller?"

  He shrugged. It wasn't the time to say, “or fucked by a devil”.

  "Let me get this straight," she said. "You're my Devil Within, from the recess of my soul?"

  He nodded and went to stand behind her and massaged her shoulders. Livvy let her head droop and made a soft, sensuous, groan that under any other circumstances would make him think he was on a promise. Not now unfortunately, even though if humans could purr, she was doing just that.

  "Ahh, that is too good. Okay, let me concentrate."

  He moved his hands, and she moaned.

  "Damn, I liked that." Livvy rolled her shoulders and shook her head. "Okay, so let's say you've told the truth. Tell me I've got this right. You need to mark me to ensure you live?"

  He nodded again. She seemed to understand so far.

  "And you chose me last year because?" Damn, no, she didn't.

  He sighed. "I've always been part of you, Livvy. Last year, I came out and showed you what we have, what we are. We need to be together. I need you; you need me. But now, I need to make you mine with more than a semen-stain. More than our mate-marks. I need to graze you, sink my fangs into you. Show you I am your master."

  She shook her head.


  "I don't kowtow to anyone, mister. I'm an equal in everything. I don't have a master." Livvy glared. It seemed her mellow mood had dissipated, and her normal, kick-ass pissy attitude was back with a vengeance. "My mate reads hot BDSM books. According to her they say really the sub is in charge. The sub gets to call red or whatever. That to me shouts equal. So if you think you're the boss, you're in cloud cuckoo land," she said. "Away with the mixer. Up a height, or just plain screwy. Take your pick."

  Sael strove to keep his voice level and not to show any of the panic her words created. "I didn't say we weren't equals. Hell, surely the way I've acted shows you that?" Livvy sniggered, and his skin heated. "Okay well maybe I do get a bit forceful at times, but never ever have I forced you to do anything you don't want. Have I?"

  She shook her head. "No, no you haven't. So I guess I've been okay so far. I do know if I said so, used a safe word or whatever you'd stop. But now I'm getting scared. This sounds almost like I won't have a get-out clause."

  He smiled and ignored the scary goose bumps that covered his skin. "You'll always have that, I promise. However this is so important. My existence depends on it. Please Liv. We have to. It's non-negotiable. You accepted this last year when I first came to you. That was your chance to say no. You gave yourself to me, gave me your total trust and acceptance. Remember?"

  She nodded again. Her eyes clouded over, and her expression was somber. Sael shivered. The room was chilled, and the light flickered, as if it was also worried what might happen.

  "Okay, tell me the rest. Refresh my memory, and show me what happens next."

  Relief filled him. "Thank you," he said simply. "It was always only a matter of time. And now is the time."

  He watched her eyes widen again as slowly, lovingly, he began to run his fangs out. He conveniently forgot he had earlier promised her a safe word. He'd pay for that later, but just now, things had to progress. If she was really unhappy, Sael knew he wouldn't force her to do anything. He might be a Devil, but he was one of the good guys. He could only hope that with her help he stayed one. "You need to make yourself come, Liv. Touch yourself and let me watch. Let me see your eyes go smoky and sex-filled. Let me mark you drop by drop until I taste you, bite, graze, and make us safe."


  Have there been any notices about absconders from Carstairs? Livvy wondered, as she remembered the name of the country's secure unit. Any TV stories saying “this person is dangerous; do not approach him, just call the police”? Even as she thought that, and her lips curved in an almost hysterical smile, she knew she was clutching at straws. So it's crazy, but I do believe it, and sod it, I do remember, even I'm still in denial. And come to think of it, it's no wonder I've had a fair few tummy upsets with someone as ornery as Sael in me. Mind, I'm damned sure it's my dreams I'm remember … argh shut up, and get it over with.

  He might have come out of somewhere last year, but Livvy was more inclined toward Carstairs or Barlinnie, the high security prison.

  "I can read you, Liv."

  She jumped, and Sael grinned. "Remember, I'm the Devil Within. We need to go over the Saff-word again. Your Saff-word is the word you use when you want me to stop what I'm doing and never do it again. For others it's different, they can negotiate, but for we devils it’s a straightforward cut-off. Choose one." He waited. "And I don't mean cut off as my balls or my blood supply."

  She stared until a faint flush of red stained his skin. The fact he could be vulnerable and show it was a comforting thought—even though not much else was at that moment.

  "Liv, tell me your Saff word. You need one." He looked at her steadily until she felt uncomfortable and looked at the floor. "We'll use red as in normal play, as stop, and we'll talk about it later, but now I need your no, no, never word."

  "Crumble, but…" She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

  He lifted his hand in the universal "stop right there" sign. "Crumble it is. Don't use it unless you are sure you can't accept any more of what's happened, or will happen, because like I said, once used, it can't be taken back, and I won't try again. That's really important, so don't use it unless you're really sure. If you say red, I'll stop, but it's only stop this time not forever. Do you understand?"

  Livvy nodded slowly. Well, I think I do, but … oh hell, what have I got myself into?

  "Then let's take it one step further. If I ask you a question such as that, you need to reply with a simple ‘yes, Sir’ or ‘no, Sir’. We might as well start as we'll need to go on."

  Livvy wondered just what was jumping about in her tummy. Nothing would surprise her. Her mouth was dry, and her nerve ends stung. She was going to commit herself to something she'd tried hard to forget.

  "Yes, Sir."

  He expelled his breath in one long, noisy exhale. That indication that he'd nervous helped her to be sure she'd made the correct decision.

  "When we fucked so fully, you accepted everything I asked of you. Look." He lifted his left wrist to her and turned it over. There, just above the crease of his hand, was a tiny symbol.

  She ran her finger over it slowly, and trembled. Then she lifted her left hand.

  "I remember this," she said slowly. "Last summer, I thought I'd dreamed it, and then I woke up to see this on my wrist. I thought I'd had too much to drink and gone to Penn and Ink, in town, to have it done."

  She touched her wrist and rubbed the tiny image, its black whorls a mirror image of the one inked onto him. "What does it mean?"

  "You're mine. This is our link."

  He hesitated, and Livvy thought she'd never seen someone look so lost or alone. She deliberately hardened her heart. If he read her, then let him know it took more than a sob story to win her around. She might have agreed he was her Sir, but it took a lot more to help her understand everything. The amount of information she had to take in was enough for a PhD at least.

  "Ah, Livvy-love, no sob story, just fact. You let me out, and now we pay the price."

  That remark sparked a thought in her. "Talking of which, you ass—" He looked bewildered, as well he might. How on earth could he know what she was talking about? That thought hadn't even formed coherently before she'd spoken.

  "Paying the price," she said. He still looked at her blankly. "You didn't use a condom. If I'm pregnant, I'll do more than clock you one on the face. I'll make sure you never get the chance to father any more children. Or sing anything but soprano."

  He covered his cock protectively and half-laughed. "Yes, well, let's hope it doesn't come to that."

  "Oh, let's hope it does." He's purring, she thought, bloody purring.

  "I haven't ever used protection. There's been no need."

nbsp; What? I've been daft enough to let him in me bareback. Never… However that nasty little seed of thought was digging into her mind. Ah seed, shut up, not to be imagined.

  "But up until now, my cum was clear. I told you," he said, and she blinked.


  "Really, and when you let yourself, you'll remember. It's different now though. From today on, it's sperm-filled and virile. That's the way it works. We will make beautiful children. Proper little Devils full of spark and feistiness."

  "You're mad." She shook her head. How the hell does he know that? Has he had a snip reversal or something? This has got to be another surreal dream. Got to be. I'll wake up and realize my dreams have gone up to a new level of weirdness. Should I pinch myself?

  "Ouch." She glared at the figure beside her. There really was someone with her, and he'd pinched her. She could see the red mark on her arm.

  "I did it for you, the pinch," he said in an “aren't I helpful” tone of voice. "I thought it might be more effective if it came from me."

  Livvy leaned toward him and pinched him back. Hard. He blinked and gave the most theatrical wince she'd ever seen.

  "Shit, woman. Okay. There's no need to retaliate."

  "Ha, there so is."

  She moved away and sat across the room from him. Doing so made her feel strangely lonely. There was a tug, deep inside her, a connection she wanted to deny but couldn't. What was going on?

  "This will get us nowhere fast. Start talking, so I can sort memories and dreams from memories of reality. Firstly, no way did you just spring out of me last year. So?" I sound like a complete brat. She decided she didn't care. She needed information, and fast.

  "Of course not. What a stupid idea. My name as you well know, if you chose to acknowledge it, is Sael. I am Saffaulian. I was born many moons ago there. In our world. Which, if humans weren't so insular and so sure they knew everything, would be obvious to see. Behind Orion. And my mother would be most upset if you denied her existence. Come to think of it." His voice filled with humor. "I don't think my father would be overly impressed either."


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