Livvy's Devil Dom

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Livvy's Devil Dom Page 4

by Raven McAllan

  "For the record? I hate blood. I'd be unconscious by that bit. But hear me, and hear me well," she said, as her voice demonstrated her determination. "Biting, fucking, anything, I'm yours. Yours and only yours. Get it?"

  Livvy jabbed him with her finger as she spoke. "As far as I'm concerned, I don't do oral, I don't do anal, and I sure as hell don't do others. Just you and me, no onlookers. Is that clear?"

  "This time you do. All of it. But think positive, if you're unconscious by the time I bite you, you won't see the blood." Sael thought that would be a point in his favor. It seemed he was mistaken once more.

  Livvy jumped off his lap and turned to stand in front of him, her back to the images on the wall. "That's your mother on there, opening her legs for whoever. Turn the bloody thing off. It's obscene. How can you watch your mother degrade herself like that?"

  Sael sighed. If Livvy hadn't been so incensed, she would have seen the secret look of satisfaction on his face. Not to mention how the film ended! With love and acceptance. Instead, she stood with her face as red as her hair, and glared at him.

  "Think back over what you've said, Liv," he said. "Replay your words in your head. Then think on them."

  "What do you mean? And turn the bloody film off. I've got an orgy all over my boobs." She'd looked down and seen the images as they moved across her sweatshirt. "Thank goodness it's all blurry. I can't cope with this."

  "Liv, what did you say before you listed what you think you don't do? No"— he put a hand up—"let me finish. You said, and I quote, 'I'm yours. Yours and only yours'. If you really mean that, are you ready to throw away everything we've got, everything we might have? Because that's what'll happen. And if you do, who knows if an Inner Devil will come and get you? Remember I'm your first choice—well your only positive choice really. Do this, let me free. Don't, let me die, and give an Inner Devil the chance to take you over. They as a race are not kind, not the sort of beings you want near you, let alone in you. You've heard of mass murderers? People who do unspeakable things? Most are driven by an Inner Devil. Shit, I don't want to share you, but it's the Saffaulian way, and in that I have no choice. Once only."

  "But that's just it, it isn't bloody once. Oh yeah one night maybe, but just what goes on in that night isn't a one thing only, is it now? And how do I know that nasty Devil will be defeated? Can't it come back and try again?"

  He flicked his hand in the air, and the images died.

  Why can't she understand just how important this is? Am I so caught up in it, so close to it, that I haven't explained it all clearly? He thought back quickly over what he had said, and silently groaned. Oh shit, bad explanations there.

  "Right," he said in as even a voice as he could manage. “Let's take this point by point. Okay?"

  He rose and walked across to her, before he stood so close her breasts brushed his chest. He heard her indrawn breath as her nipples made their presence known and peaked proudly under the top she wore. Now was the time to get sneaky. He flicked his wrist again.

  Livvy gasped as she looked down at her now naked self.

  "That's better," Sael said with satisfaction. "See how you react to me." One more flick, and he was as naked as she was. "See how I react to you?" His rigid cock begged for attention. Livvy followed his gaze. She swiped her tongue over her lips and groaned.

  That subtle, nervous gesture was such a turn-on. Already, his pre-cum gathered, and his fangs ached to be used. Time to take charge, show his dominant side, use it wisely, and move things forward.

  "If you don't want me to pounce, show you everything you'd miss by denying us, then don't run your tongue over your lips like that. It makes me want to fuck you hot, hard, and furious in every which way. More than once. And that would be the end of us. I'd go up in flames, and not the sort of flames either of us are used to."

  His smile was rueful. "I am honor-bound not to coerce, push, or persuade you, or flames will appear. This has to be your decision. I can say categorically, if you choose this, and are prepared to go through with it, your Inner Devil won't ever get to you. That is our Saffaulian Promise. Still, hell, Liv, I know it's a lot to take in and just how much I'm asking you to step out of your comfort zone. But what do you think we've been doing this last year?"

  Her laugh sounded nervous. "But that's just it, I don't know. You say we've been doing all manner of things. Things I didn't remember, things I thought I didn't like, and you're telling me I do." She bit her lip. "Okay, I accept that I like being spanked, which, by the way, is an awfully stupid and silly sort of word—just saying—and I've—"

  She blushed.

  "Well, I've sucked your cock, made you come, and let you … fuck my ass, and…" She drew a deep breath. "And now you're saying if I don't do all of them, in front of an audience, you'll die, and I might become a, a, well, I don't know what I might become. I don't want you to die. But I don't want to be next week's YouTube sensation either. Argh, why me? And why will you die? It's one thing me admitting to you I liked it all, another to be top of the bill of the Saffaul Sex Review. I don't understand any of this. And bloody hell, I keep forgetting to call you Sir."

  Sael felt for her dilemma. Shit, he wished he could just feel her, show her, and that would be the end of it. However, by his oath and his creed, he had no option but to let her decide for herself, without swaying her in the manner he knew he could. No sex, no tenderness, just the facts.

  "It's hard, I know," he said. "But…" He got no further. She glared at him, and stunned him into silence.

  "Not hard, just stupid. Tell me why. Tell me. Or how can I know exactly what's at stake?"

  "My life." He looked at her face and sighed inwardly. Perhaps it was time to explain more. "You asked—okay, you didn't know you asked—but you did ask for me. You needed me. Now you have me, and for some reason, deep in my people's past, my continued being is all down to you, my human. Our laws, our creeds say if my human is not assured I am the perfect Devil for her, her completion, then I die. If I fail, I am no longer worthy of my role, or indeed, my life."

  He looked at her intently, and she looked shocked. "Time to make up your mind," he said.

  "For fuck's sake, Sael. This is my life we're talking about, not a bloody quiz show." Livvy sounded exasperated.

  As well she might, he thought ruefully.

  "I hate the sight of blood, and you're asking me to watch you bite me, apart from everything else. And I'll have a scar, right next to my nipple. I'll never want to go topless in public."

  "You never do go topless," Sael said. Talk about pointing out the obvious. "You are the most uptight, prudish, hot, sexy woman I've ever known. You were made for me and for all we're going to do together. Then, as you say, after that it will all be for me, only me forever." He paused, then continued. "If we become one, take my word for it, you never will go topless in public, only in private. Our private. That sweet body will be for my view only."

  "After we fuck to order?"

  He nodded.

  "I need to think. Alone." Livvy wound her hair around her finger, something he knew she did when she was agitated.

  Well, he could give her that. Sort of.

  "Okay, but here's the rub. Once I've revealed all this to you, we have to be on Saffaul, and ready, before the next Devil's moon."

  Something in his tone must have alerted her. She lifted one hand into the air as if to stroke his cheek, changed her mind and lowered it again.

  "I don't think I like the sound of this," Livvy said slowly. "Okay, tell me. When's that? How long have I got?"

  This was it. In the next few minutes, he'd know whether his life was over.

  Chapter Four

  Sael tried to curb his impatience. He had so hoped it wouldn't come to this, although he'd known in his heart it had to. Livvy would not be his Livvy, his love, and he hoped his life, without questioning every little thing.

  "Not long, pet." He decided to ignore her wince when he called her “pet”. If it'd been acceptable before then it
would damn well be acceptable now. "I've left it as long as I could."

  "So, tell me then. How long until you need to know if I'm prepared to bare my all for love? Sir."

  The snarky, bordering on insolent tone pissed him off. Okay then, maybe he would just tell her the whole damn lot, and duck as the shoes flew through the air. He hoped to hell she was as bad a shot as his mum.

  "That's the next bit," he said warily, as he kept one eye on her fingers. They, he had found out, were the gauges to her temper. The faster she twitched them, the more annoyed she was. He had a feeling they'd soon be a blur.

  "Sorry? You've confused me good and proper."

  "Um, bare."

  "You already told me that." Livvy sounded puzzled. She looked down at his ever-eager cock, which predictably responded as enthusiastically as ever, as his pre-cum became ever more present and glistened as it gathered.

  He watched her clench her thighs together and laughed inwardly. Well, at least she still fancied him.

  "No, love, bare as in, well, bare. No muff. And, er, bareback. No condom." He waited for the eruption. It came with a vengeance.

  She didn't have a shoe handy. But two cushions hit him in quick succession. When she grabbed a vase and threw it, Sael decided it was time for action. He ducked, reached out, and imprisoned her hands and her mouth. His cock rubbed her pussy and demanded entrance. If he was honest, the thought of that beautiful pussy shaved and on full view was almost enough to make him come there and then. So often, he had bitten his lip rather than demand it denuded of hair. He'd reckoned if it were her thing, she would have done it already. But now, well now, he had no option but to demand. Not ask—the time for that was well past, or in the future—not now. Or was it? He knew no matter how much she demurred, Livvy liked his dominance. Her subconscious reactions showed that.

  Before she had time to blink, he moved one hand and used a finger to tease the entrance to her ass. Her groan was more a plea for "please more" than "please stop." Slowly he pushed against her ring of muscles.

  "You like this, Livvy, just like you want me to warm your ass, tapping you harder and harder, with each sting more pleasurable than the last. Don't deny your enjoyment, or mine. When I release your hands, turn around, and put your hands on the wall."

  He watched as she considered how to respond. Hell, she was so transparent at times. This perfect coupling seemed to scare her and make her ashamed of her feelings. Sael wanted to shout and rail, tell her she was a woman. A beautiful, aroused, responsive woman who turned him on with a look. And a woman he wanted to explore everything with.

  "Livvy pet, this is right. Nothing to be scared of or ashamed by. No one will judge you, except you. Like what we do, embrace what we do, and let's see how far we can go together. Please, my love, do as I say." Oh by all of Saffaul, let her agree.

  Without any rush, and still teasing her ass with his finger, he loosened his grip on her hands. To his pleased surprise, she did as he asked and swiveled slowly as he moved to one side, allowing his finger to stay inside her.

  He moved his other hand and tapped each cheek hard.

  Now the way those redden is perfect, just perfect. So was her soft mewl and sigh.

  "You like that, Livvy. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's one way we can show our feelings. The way you give those beautiful little sighs and moans as your ass colors makes my cock beg to be included. Soon, we'll let it have its wish, both in your pussy and then in your ass."

  "Not bloody bareback, you won't. Not in either of them. And if you think for one minute I'll have a Brazilian, well, you're more than deluded. And stop doing that." He'd bet his last Saffaulian cent she wished her voice wasn't so breathy and full of arousal.

  He pushed into her ever farther. Not for the first time, he blessed the natural lubricant his skin produced when he needed it. He rubbed her rosy buttocks and felt her push back into his hand.

  "Livvy-love. Cool it. Listen to me, pet. No," he said firmly as her hands began to move off the wall. "Leave your hands there. Good girl."

  He rubbed his palm gently over her ass and slowly began to pull his finger back. She winced. "Shh, relax. Take a deep breath. There, perfect."

  His digit was out, and he rubbed his still-eager cock against her. "Now turn around, let me hold you and explain everything else you need to know. If you say no, well, I'll accept your decision. Reluctantly, and I can't promise not to try to change your mind, but on my word as a Saffaulian, I'll do it. Now, let me explain." As surreptitiously as he could he used one of the hand sanitizers that he'd left around the apartment.

  Livvy nodded slowly. "You can try. But for the life of me, I can't see how if I call you Sir, shave myself and let you in me without a condom, it will make a difference. Shit, surely if you put on this crappy peep show it does that?"

  Sael felt like a shit. So much had to be undertaken and accepted without prior warning. Even he didn't know everything that might occur. Each acceptance ceremony could be different. The Elders were deliberately vague about that. They said it kept the couples working together.

  "It is necessary. To show your commitment. And as I'm throwing stuff at you—metaphorically—I mean," he said as he watched her blush from her breasts to her butt and back again. Hell, even her muff got into the act, and the hairs there seemed redder than usual. "You've got until Tuesday to make up your mind."

  "Tuesday? Are you fucking mad?" She shook her head. "As in five days from now? In your dreams, mate. No chance."

  "A chance is all I have, Liv. It gives us five days to practice and get to Saffaul. Wednesday is the Devil's moon. We act, or I die on that night. Not that I'm pressuring you in any way."


  Oh no, and she was a Dutchman. He watched her warily. As well he should, she thought with grim satisfaction. "If, and I say if, I agree to this sordid stuff—" She didn't get a chance to say anything more.

  Sael roared at her.

  She stared at him, sure her mouth was wide open in astonishment. Shit, it was a wonder no fire and brimstone shot out of him and hit her. To her dismay, she felt herself grow wet, her muff, as he called it, get damper by the minute, her juices coat her pussy, her clit, and—oh, shit—the top of her legs.

  "Sordid? Sordid? How dare you say what we have, what we need, is sordid? Different, taxing, difficult to essay, yes. But please, never sordid. Sordid, indeed. Hah!" His voice rose. "No way is our love sordid. Or the way we need to reaffirm it. It may not be the human way, but it is the Saffaulian way. My way. Humans are so mundane."

  He snorted.

  Oh ho, she'd pissed him off royally. Something she hadn't thought was so easy to do. It seemed she was wrong. He surely had a quick fuse. He had hidden it well so far. But, seriously? Did he really think that? If so, she'd try to find a bridge to sell him. She wasn't that naïve. This was all a big con to get her to do things she never, ever would. Wasn't it? Livvy looked at the expression on Sael's face: solemn, strained, and oh shit.

  "You're not joking, are you?" she asked with horror, as it dawned on her he meant everything he said.

  He shook his head.

  Oh, bugger, bugger, shit. "To save you, keep you alive, we need to, er, fuck in public, no condom, no covering, no anything?

  He nodded.

  I can't think of any swear words to describe how I feel now.

  "Oh, dear!"

  It was enough to make Sael laugh. A deep, belly laugh that made his cock sway and his mouth look even more kissable than usual.

  That was it. Livvy knew that whatever, however, she was going to do as he said. Anything to save him. She had a sudden thought. Was her razor charged?

  She made up her mind there and then and broke into speech before she had a chance to change it.

  "Okay, right. I'll do it. Please, Sir, what, when, how, and where?"

  An X-rated grin broke across his face and sent her pussy into overload. "You mean it?" He looked both incredulous and hopeful.

  "Oh, for fuck's sake. I never say what
I don't mean, Sir. No, I'm not totally easy with all this stuff, no, I don't like the idea of fucking in public, and no, I definitely am not sure I've either experienced all you say, want to experience it, and very definitely not sure if you are trying it on. But"—she held her hand over his mouth to stop whatever he was going to say—"but I admit, I love you, don't want your death on my conscience, and er, I have wondered why I now like caviar."

  He threw his head back and roared. With laughter. His skin shone red, and then blue, but before she had a chance to ask why, his fangs clicked into place.

  "Lose the blades, buster."

  "Yes, pet." He retracted them and grinned before those weird lights she’d seen so many times twinkled once more in his eyes, and he broke into laughter again.

  Livvy stared at him. There she was, she offered her all, and he bloody laughed at her. Damn, she wished she had something hard in her hand. And a decent aim. Perhaps, if she tried to throw a book at the door, she might hit him, instead? Preferably somewhere vulnerable.

  "Ah, love. I'm so, so, sorry. This is something over and above anything I'd ever want to ask of you. And to be honest? I would have still made you my sub first, known you were securely mine, but—but it's needed. And after? Well." He sounded as if he was brooding. "Well, after? We'll see."

  "That is just what we won't do. If I actually find myself going through with all this, we won't see. Anything at all. Because that will be it. Nothing. Nada, niet, non, rein de tout. That. Will. Be. It. No us. No anything. I'll let you shave me, fuck my ass, make me suck your cock until you come. Do all those things I don't quite remember. I guess I'll even grit my teeth and pretend I'm not in The Red Shoe Diaries. Or that people may or may not be queuing up to take their turn with me. Or—"Her voice rose. "—that you'll stand back and let them. No way do I want your death on my conscience, be you real, in my imagination, human, or any sort of Devil. But no way do I want to be associated with anyone who willingly subjects me to this sort of humiliation. Oh, and don't call me pet, or I'll miaow or bark at you." She paused. "Sir."


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