Side Chic 4 (Forever Ratchet)

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Side Chic 4 (Forever Ratchet) Page 16

by La'Tonya West

  “Did Skeet say where Tre is now?” I asked my heart beating fast. Hearing that Tre was hurt had me nervous and feeling like I had when he’d gotten shot. Even though we weren’t on the best of terms at the moment it didn’t mean that I wanted anything to happen to him. He was still the father of my children.

  “Skeet said that he asked Tyson to take him home.”

  “Oh shit!” I said and dashed for my car. The first thing that crossed my mind was the gun that he’d had with him when he’d came to Danville.

  “What is it Lala?” Mrs. Jefferson was at my car window, panic written all over her face. “What’s wrong?”

  “I have to get to Tre before he does something stupid. He has a gun!” I told her starting the car. “Keep an eye on the girls. I don’t have time to talk.”

  Without warning Kisha opened up my passenger door and jumped in on the other side! “Drive damn it!” She ordered. I put the car in reverse and backed out of the yard.

  On the way to Tre’s house neither of us said a word. I was too afraid of what we might find once we made it there. Lord please let Tre be okay. I prayed silently as I turned onto his street.

  “Lord have mercy, I am so damn nervous my entire body is trembling.” Kisha spoke for the first time since we’d been in the car. I glanced over at her and saw a tear roll down her cheek. “I know that he’s an asshole but I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to him.”

  I reached over and squeeze her hand. “He’s going to be alright. I don’t think he’s hurt that bad if he asked Tyson to take him home. I am more worried about what might happen if he goes after whoever he got into a fight with, with that gun.”

  “That’s what has me worried!” She admitted wiping her face. “I didn’t even know that his crazy ass had a gun.”

  “Oh yeah…he has one.” I said images of him standing with it aimed at my face flashed in my mind. I shook my head in an attempt to shake the images away. It still hurt to think about it, yet here I was going to make sure that he was okay as usual.

  I reached Tre’s house just in time to see him and Tyson coming out of the house and rushing down the steps. I pulled in the driveway behind Tre’s car purposely blocking him in. Kisha and I jumped out of the car at the same time, not bothering to turn off the car or close the doors.

  “Lala move that shit out the way!” Tre yelled holding his car door open. Blood was pouring from a gash in his head, his lip was busted and his shirt was half ripped off.

  “No she ain’t moving nothing!” Kisha answered before I could. “Look at you! You are bleeding bad Tre! You need to take your ass to a doctor!”

  “Kisha, I ain’t trying to hear that shit right now. Now move the gotdamn car!” He barked. “Fuck the hospital. As a matter of fact the only place I’m going tonight is prison!”

  “Boy stop talking crazy! Think about your kids! If you don’t want to go to the hospital, don’t go but please go back in the house and let that shit go!” I told him. “What are you really solving by going out there in the streets and shooting somebody? Let that shit go Tre!”

  “Fuck that!” He pushed me back out of the way. “Both of y’all take your asses home!”

  “No, I’m not going anywhere!” I told him not budging. “Why can’t you just listen some damn time? Think about your kids. You claim they are the most important things to you. Well act like it right now and take your ass back in the house before someone gets hurt behind a bunch of foolishness!”

  “For real Lala, I’m not trying to hear that shit right now! This shit right here ain’t got nothing to do with my kids!”

  “It has a lot to do with our kids, what good are you to them dead or in prison?”

  “Look y’all are getting on my gotdamn nerves! I ain’t gone ask y’all no more to take your asses on somewhere…”

  “I’m not going no fucking where because you are being stupid!” Kisha was crying again and so was I. “Why can’t you just let this shit go before you end up dead Tre? Don’t you ever get tired of this bullshit?”

  “I wasn’t fuckin’ with nobody! That nigga snuck up on me and hit me in my gotdamn head with a motherfuckin’ bottle!” He roared. He was so close in her face that their noses touched. “Don’t ask me to let that shit go! I’m not about to walk around like some hoe-ass nigga looking over my shoulder everywhere I go! Fuck that! I didn’t kill his sister! Casper did! I’m sick of that nigga threatening me! We are going to settle this shit today once and for all!”

  “So that makes sense to you?” Kisha didn’t let up. “What if you end up dead Tre? You ain’t the only one with a fuckin gun, you know? What am I supposed to tell your kids when they grow up and want to know what happened to their daddy?”

  “I don’t know tell’em whatever you want. Now move the hell out of the way!”

  “Fine since you don’t give a fuck and you are hell bent on going, I’m going too!” She snatched the backdoor of the car opened and hopped inside locking the door.

  “Yo Tre, you need to get your babymamas under control man!” Tyson shouted from where he stood on the other side of the car. “We got shit to do!”

  “You shut the fuck up!” I snapped frustrated. Here Kisha and I were trying all we knew how to keep Tre from going out into the streets and doing something stupid. Instead of him thinking logically and telling him to leave the shit alone too, he was encouraging it.

  “Bitch, you shut the fuck up!” He shot back.

  I started around the back of the car at him but before I made it halfway. I heard the screeching of tires and Tyson yelling something with a look of terror on his face, I turned and saw what looked to be Mina’s car at the end of the road but things progressed so fast from there that I couldn’t be sure. All of a sudden my entire body felt as if it was on fire and everything went black after that.


  The next day I lay in hospital with a gunshot wound to the hip and one in my side, still in shock of the events that had taken place the day before. The shit just didn’t seem real to me but I knew that it was because it’d been on the news all night long. I’d turned off the TV because I couldn’t take seeing it anymore. Every time their pictures showed on the screen it made me sick to my stomach. Again I’d been blessed and my life had been spared. I knew that I should be glad and thanking God but I couldn’t because I knew that those bullets should’ve claimed my life and not theirs. Tears ran from my eyes as I lay there looking out of the window feeling a surge of mixed emotions. I felt bad about Tyson but the thought of Lala being gone damn near took my breath away. I couldn’t hold it in any longer, I broke down and cried like I’d never cried before. After all of the fucked up things that I’d did to her, she’d still been there trying to keep me from doing something stupid or losing my life and it had ended up costing her hers. I knew that the guilt of her death would forever haunt me and rightfully so because she would’ve never been there if it wasn’t for me.

  “Son it’s going to be alright.” My mama got up from the seat that she’d been sitting in next to my bed. She sat next to me on the bed and wrapped her arms around me, lying my head on her chest. “It’s going to be alright.” She rocked me back and forth. I felt her tears wetting my face and mixing with mines. This was a sad day for all of us. I heard the door open but I didn’t bother to look and see who it was.

  “Hey, how is he doing?” I heard Kisha ask my mama.

  “Not too good.” Ma answered her. “Who is your friend?”

  “This is Lavar, Mrs. Jefferson. Lavar, this is Mrs. Jefferson, my children’s grandmother.”

  “Hello nice to meet you.” I heard a deep baritone voice and turned around to put a face to the voice. “Hey man, sorry for your loss.” He told me.

  “Thanks man, I’m Tre.” I extended my hand.

  “I’m Lavar.” We shook hands and he stepped back next to Kisha and put his arm around her shoulder in a comforting manner.

  “Well, they believe that they’ve found Parnell.” Kisha blurted, her eye
s were swollen from crying and she looked exhausted.

  I sat up. “What do you mean, they believe that they’ve found Parnell?” I asked confused.

  “Mina’s house burned down this morning. All the way down to the ground.” She revealed her face reflecting grief. “On the news they say that they’ve found the remains of several victims and it could take a while for them to identify all of them. The reason why they think Parnell was one of the victims is because Mina’s car was parked in the garage and that’s the car that he was driving yesterday when…” She didn’t finish her sentence. She hung her head shaking it from side to side and I saw tears start to fall. “Lord knows, I pray that her daughter wasn’t inside. That’s all that I have been thinking about since I heard. Even though I didn’t care for Mina, I hate it for her too. No one deserves to lose their life that way.”

  I hated it for Mina and her daughter too but as for Parnell I couldn’t help but find some comfort in knowing that he’d died in such a fucked up way. To me he deserved it and I didn’t feel an ounce of remorse for him or any of the other niggas who were with him and had taken part in Lala’s and Tyson’s murder. The only thing that would’ve made it better is if I could’ve personally watched those motherfuckas burn.

  “This is why, I want to change and get my life together.” Kisha spoke tearing me away from my thoughts. “Because of shit like this. Now Lala’s babies have to grow up without their mother. That’s some sad shit!” She stood up and walked towards the door. She placed her hand on the knob and then looked back at me. “I hope and pray to God that this right here changes you because if it doesn’t then there is no hope at all for you.”

  “Hold up a minute, you are talking like I did this shit! Like, I pulled the trigger.”

  “You did!” She spat through tears. “You did because we both begged you to leave that dumb shit alone, go back in the house and put the gun away but you wouldn’t listen. You were hell bent on going after Parnell. If I hadn’t gotten in the backseat when I did then I would be dead too and so would you. The only thing that saved you was that you were leaned over in the backseat trying to get me out of the car so that you could leave.” She shook her head and walked out of the room crying. Lavar followed her.

  I laid there for a few minutes after they’d the room just staring at the door, one thing playing over and over in my head. Before you do anything stupid think about whether or not you want to make things harder than what they are. Sometimes the best decision we can make is to walk away from it all. The words that Ms. Lizzy had told me.

  I closed my eyes and images of Lala’s beautiful face filled my head. I could see her smiling and those beautiful eyes of hers staring at me. The strange thing was that images I was seeing of her in my mind were of the first day that I’d ever laid eyes on her… If only I could go back to those last few moments before that car had pulled up in front of my house. I would’ve gladly traded places with her but I couldn’t instead I had to live with her blood on my hands for the rest of my life.

  A Glance at Crazy In Luv 2…


  “Nelle calm down shawty and repeat that again but slower and a little bit calmer.” I was having a hard time making out what she was saying because she was beyond hysterical on the other end of the phone.

  “Corey, I just found out that Mina’s dead!” She cried. “Oh my God Corey! I know that she did some foul shit to me but she was still my blood. I can’t believe that she’s gone!”

  “What?” I asked not able to believe what I was hearing. “Man damn, I’m sorry to hear that. Are you sure that she was inside the house?”

  “Yes, her car was still parked in the garage and everything. Her mama had Simya, thank goodness.” She sobbed. “Corey please come home. I don’t want to be by myself and I can’t get in contact with Mia.”

  I let out a sigh. “Alright baby, I’m on my way. Let me go holla at my supervisor and tell him that I have an emergency at home. I’ll be there shortly, okay.”

  “Okay…and Corey drive safe.”

  “I will baby.” I disconnected the call and looked over at Mia, who was stretched out naked lying in bed next to me propped up on her elbow and staring in my face…Crazy In Luv 2 coming soon!!!

  Thank You’s

  First and foremost I would like to thank God for everything. Without him nothing would be possible. I thank him for blessing me with this wonderful gift to be able to write and entertain people with my stories. Secondly, I would like to thank my three beautiful babies, Ny’Ajah, Camari, and AnTeyvion. You three are the reason that I grind so hard and continue to strive for more and to become a better me. I would like to thank my mom, Angela Taylor and my dad, Paul Hill. I am thankful for and appreciate you both. To my grandmothers Ann West and Mable Hill, I love you both and thank you for being there for me whenever I have needed you both. To my sister and my best friend Tinika Taylor, I love you more than life itself. You are my rock, the one person I can depend on when everyone else in this harsh world has turned their backs on me! I treasure every moment that the two of us spend together.

  To all of my aunts, uncles and cousins, I love you guys. R.I.P to my uncles Steve and Calvin, I miss you both very much. A special shout out to my uncle Al Kelly, even though we don’t get to see each other much anymore because of our hectic schedules, I love you to pieces and thank you so much for the love and support that you have shown me. Thank you to my sister from another mother Denise Mason, I love you girl and appreciate you. Thanks for listening to my constant drama lol even though I already know what you be saying in your head when I be yapping…lmao! To my cousin, Teresa Porter (my late night, early morning riding partner). Thanks for being there for me the times when I have needed you the most to just be a listening ear.

  Now I’d like to thank all of the fans who have followed my work! Thank you to each and every one of you who has ever purchased any of my work or just taken time to read an excerpt of mine. I appreciate it. Thank you to Cash who has believed in a sista since day one. I can’t begin to express to you how much your friendship and constant advice and support means to me, I love you and will always treasure our friendship.

  To all of the wonderful authors who have supported me or just given me advice, thank you. Aaron Bebo, Jason Hooper, Aleta Williams, Authoress Redd, Andrionna Williams, Candice Stevenson. There are a few of you who have been some real riders so I definitely have to shout you out. Kendra Littleton, Brandi McClinton, Novie Cuteyez, Sharon Blount, Skeet the Poet, Karen Patterson, Chyna Blue, Raychelle Williams, Shayna Williams, Judy Richburg, and Shaniqua Townes. Shout to one of the best book clubs BRAB! You guys rock!!! Thank you all so much. If I have forgotten any one I truly apologize. I suck at this lol. Please know that it wasn’t intentional.

  And A Special Thank You To #teamsidechic!!!!




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