Alien Hostage

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Alien Hostage Page 14

by Tracy St. John

  Nur shook his head. “They need a few more minutes. Besides, I want you to put moisturizer on all over.” He looked her over again, his blue-purple eyes hot. He pulled a cushioned chair with a high back around to face her. “Come over here and have a seat.”

  The Imdiko summoned her in a tone that sounded like an order. Tasha’s breath caught at the firm voice. No coaxing in saccharine tones, no pretense at making it sound like she had a choice.

  Now we’re talking, she thought as she padded across the floor to the waiting seat.

  Tasha sat down while eyeing Nur unselfconsciously. Now that she didn’t smell like a skunk, she was ready to get deep into his personal space. Since she couldn’t race home with Noelle right away, passing the time playing with a strong and hopefully demanding Kalquorian suited her fine. As much as she was eager to get the hell off of Lobam, part of her hoped to give Wekniz a tumble too. If she was stuck here, she might as well be decently compensated for it.

  She wasn’t so sure about Falinset. He had the rough customer look that turned Tasha on, but he was Maf’s son and Ket’s brother. Tasha had birthed an almost violent hatred of Maf, along with Ket. The two of them needed to pay for what they’d done to Noelle. Even more so, they owed the abducted Earther women gallons of blood.

  Tasha had every intention of seeing them pay for their crimes.

  For now, however, there was Nur. She would let him pet and pamper her and ... if he played his cards right ... quite a bit more.

  She sank in the comfortable seat and settled in. “Are you sure we’ll hear Noelle if she needs me?”

  “Positive. Stop worrying and relax.”

  Nur barked a command in Kalquorian, and the chair Tasha sat in lifted a couple of inches off the floor. With one hand on an armrest, the Imdiko guided it over to the sink. He put Tasha’s back to it and had the chair settle back to the ground.

  As he got the slender silver faucet with the spray attachment running, Tasha asked, “Where are your clanmates?”

  “Playing with a couple of drones.” He snickered at her confusion and lowered the back of her chair so that her head hung over the deep sink. His fingers began to carefully comb through the snarls of her hair. “Wekniz sent out his fire scout drones to see if the home is being monitored by Ket and his men.”

  “Fire drones?”

  “They’re flying drones configured to find hotspots for firefighting. They can trace body heat signatures too, but that means they have to go slow. It could be a couple of hours before Wekniz and Falinset finish mapping the area.”

  Tasha tried to think over the situation, but Nur’s fingers massaging her scalp relaxed her. She realized she could easily fall asleep under his care. The man had an amazing touch.

  Her eyelids sank shut. She murmured, “By my count, there are about three dozen guards available to Ket at the compound. They work in two shifts to keep an eye on the women. It could be the containment is big enough that Ket won’t be able to spare too many men at a time to watch here.”

  “Especially since there has now been a successful escape. Maybe we can get you and Princess Noelle out sooner rather than later.”

  Tasha thought he sounded disappointed by that prospect. Or maybe it was wishful thinking. “I appreciate the danger you’re all putting yourselves in. It must be particularly hard on your Dramok.”

  Nur snorted as he rubbed a sweet-smelling gel in her hair. “Not for the reasons you might think. Falinset has no loyalty to Maf. He despises him. We all do.”

  Tasha peeled her eyes open and gazed at him curiously. “What’s he got on you three that you don’t turn him in?”

  Nur was quiet. His eyes were distant, his expression pained. His jaw tensed, making it jut forward. It gave his strong features a tragic cast. Hurt somehow made him look more compelling than before. The effect fascinated Tasha.

  After mulling her question for a moment, Nur shook his head. “When Maf’s identity as the Basma comes out, so will everything else. You’ll hear about it soon enough. I’m going to sit you up now.”

  He adjusted the chair so that Tasha sat upright. He added more, or perhaps a different gel in her hair, making it sit heavily on top of her head. Tasha thought it smelled wonderful, like the outdoors after rain.

  She thought about pressing him for more information about what it was that allowed Maf to blackmail his son’s clan, but Nur’s tone had been firm when he shut her down. For an Imdiko, he struck Tasha as unyielding when he resolved on a course of action. There was an iron strength to Nur that made her stomach flutter when he displayed it.

  “There. That will set for about half an hour. Now let’s see to your skin,” Nur got to work deep cleaning her face and then putting on a hydrating mask. While that set, he worked on softening her hands and the soles of her feet.

  Tasha was impressed as the effects of Nur’s efforts began to show. Her feet and hands were as smooth and soft as Noelle’s cheeks when the Imdiko finished with them. Her face emerged from the mask brighter than before and even the fine lines that had begun to show on her forehead and at the corners of her eyes had disappeared. Nur got better results than the groomers who worked at the spa in the Matara Complex.

  Nur still wasn’t finished. He continued to work on her face and then trimmed her hair to fix the ‘damage’ he complained her usual hairdresser had unleashed on the tresses. His touch was soothing, and Tasha dozed under his meticulous care.

  The Imdiko’s quiet tone reached her through the mists of being half-awake and half-asleep. “Tasha.”

  She opened her eyes to find herself facing the mirror. Tasha blinked at herself. Her new haircut framed her face softly, and the highlights many walks on the beach had put in her hair gleamed brighter and prettier than before. Her face glowed. She looked like she had slept well for months on end though there had been little real rest on the hard pallet that served as a bed in the prison camp.

  “You are an artist,” she told Nur. “I don’t think I’ve ever looked this good, not even when I was ten years younger and wearing makeup. Thank you.”

  He smiled brightly, pleased with her earnest tone. “I’m glad you like it. We have just a little more before I’ll be satisfied.” He held up yet another dispenser of beautifying elixir. “I want you to put this cream all over your body.”

  Tasha eyed him for a long moment in the mirror before slowly shaking her head. “You do it.”

  He froze for a long moment as he stared at her in the mirror. The dark that hid in his eyes came out in full force, filling his face with intense determination. All the sweetness of his expression fled from his face. He had every bit the same ruthless look that Wekniz wore like a second skin.

  Nur turned the chair from the mirror to make Tasha face him. He leaned over her, his gaze boring into her eyes. His face filled her vision, inches from her own. Tasha forgot to breathe under that stare.

  “Don’t tease what you don’t truly want to give. I mean that, Matara.” His tone said he was not one to play games … but the sweetish-spicy scent of arousal came off him to fill her nose. He wanted her, but there was clear warning that she’d better be sure she wanted him too.

  She swallowed and searched for her voice. She found a ghost of it. “I’m not teasing.” Especially not when you’re looking at me like that. Her heart raced with the thrill of his intensity. “I liked what I saw in the shower. What I’m seeing right now.”

  A slow, evil smile twitched his lips. “Then it would be my pleasure to attend to you. However, you should know that if you give me the delight of touching your body, I will be bound to delight you in return. That means giving me full access to everything, no questions asked.”

  Tasha somehow discovered more of her voice under that powerful stare. “And if I have a problem with what you’re doing?”

  “Then you tell me immediately. We will discuss your concerns.” Nur smoothed an errant hair from her forehead. “I have no wish to hurt you physically or emotionally, Matara. You do need to understand that I pr
efer to be in charge though. Can you handle that?”

  Tasha bit her lip. He was offering her the very thing that made her body sing. Nothing excited Tasha more than a man who made it clear he was in control. No head games. Just straightforward domination.

  She didn’t know Nur, but he’d saved her and Noelle, hadn’t he? And he’d made no untoward moves the whole time he’d had her in this chair, her body draped in only a towel. The moment she’d invited him to enjoy intimate contact, he’d immediately set the rules. It made her want to trust him, at least as far as a sexual romp was concerned.

  “I can handle it,” she whispered. “If I need to you to stop whatever we’re doing, I’ll say ‘exercise’.” Tasha patted her tummy. “That’s the closest I ever get to that word.”

  Nur chuckled. The firm aura of dominion persisted, but it wasn’t quite as harsh now that he knew she didn’t lead him on. “All right. Since you don’t know what to expect from me, I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. First of all, I’m going to take the towel off you. Then I’m going to put moisturizer all over your lovely body. I’ll be paying close attention to what excites you, where you like to be touched. Don’t hold back any reactions. I want to see what arouses you. I want to feel you moving under my hands when it feels particularly good. You will show me.”

  “Okay,” Tasha said. The bald way the Imdiko said what was going to happen thrilled her. She felt the telltale heat of sensual anticipation building in her stomach from the way Nur spoke.

  Nur untucked the top of the towel where it was bound just above her chest. He opened the two ends of the thick fabric, displaying Tasha to his avid gaze.

  * * * *

  Nur looked at the naked woman in his grooming chair and bit back a groan. By the ancestors, he might explode from sheer want before he touched an inch of that soft, sweet flesh.

  Tasha’s breasts were full, gorgeous pale orbs, showing she tended to keep them covered when she sunbathed. Bounteous flesh that would fill his hands so well. The Imdiko could already feel their weight though he only looked.

  Soon, he consoled himself. I will hold them soon.

  His gaze crept down, taking in all Tasha’s curvaceous form. Her stomach fluttered a little, as if whispering to him that she was as excited. Nur didn’t know how that could be possible; his heart pounded a mile a second.

  He kept looking, going further down, down to where her hips flared out. Nice and wide, a gorgeous cradle for a big man to lay himself upon. Added to that sweet vision was the thought of her pale golden legs wrapped around his ass, hanging on for all she was worth as he pumped aching need deep within her. Heat trickled into Nur’s cocks, plumping his sexes with want.

  Then there was the lovely vee of her sex, with tiny soft brown curls swirling over the mound. Nur’s fingers twitched, wanting to pet that lightly furred pussy. Her legs were slightly parted, allowing the Imdiko to see the pink cleft, glistening with the first hint of wet desire.

  The gentle pulse of need that made his cocks twitch became demanding throbs. Nur swallowed, every cell coming to focused life. It was as if each mote of his being wanted to experience Tasha in all her delectable glory.

  He looked into her pretty face, wondering how she felt about him looking her over so carefully. Satisfaction leapt to see her hazel eyes wide and her wet lips parted as she watched him. Her breath came quickly. Little Tasha was excited even though he done no more than gaze. Nur repressed a knowing smile. The beauty was ripe and eager. What a treasure.

  He leaned close to her, his face nearing hers. Tasha’s breath caught and her lashes fluttered at the approach. Her lips pursed slightly, welcoming Nur’s kiss.

  Nur didn’t kiss her. Instead, he bent a little and brushed his nose against her throat, inhaling her scent deeply. He continued down her body, taking in the delicious aroma of woman and soap. The smell of female deepened as he neared her pussy, making his groin clench. Nur barely bit back a groan. Everything about Tasha was exquisite.

  He continued down, still breathing her in. The Imdiko noted little dimples in Tasha’s thighs, and the urge to run his tongue over them was a wallop to his groin. In time, in time, he reassured himself. He’d have all of her.

  Nur reached her ankles and readied himself to touch her. It was only then that he noticed the bottle of body lotion still in his hand. That’s right; he was supposed to be grooming her. It was a good thing rubbing all that sweet flesh happened to be the next item on his agenda.

  He’d already treated her feet, making them nice and smooth. Nur squirted a dollop of lotion into his palm and rubbed his hands together to warm it before sliding them from her ankles to knees and back down again. She was like silk already, and he wondered how wondrous it would feel when he got his cocks in her pussy and ass.

  * * * *

  When those big hands closed over her ankles, Tasha almost begged Nur to pull her legs apart and take her right then and there. He’d hardly done a thing, yet the Imdiko already had her primed. His breath caressed her skin as she watched his dark head move down, down, his lips near her breasts and belly and sex. Oh, how she wanted to feel more than just the air leaving his lungs!

  Now his hands wrapped around her lower legs, smoothing up and down her calves and shins, rubbing little motes of tension from the muscles. Nur’s hands were smoother than most men’s Tasha had been with, no doubt because of working with creams. It was a fascinating dichotomy to feel soft hands that possessed so much strength.

  Tasha closed her eyes to feel his touch better. Now he paused, returning to massage her thighs with another healthy dose of moisturizer. He started with her outer and backs of her thighs, his grip moving up to the lower curve of her buttocks before sweeping down to the backs of her knees. Back and forth, back and forth, his kneading touch insisting on squeezing tautness from the muscles.

  Then he was on to the front of her thighs. His fingertips framed her pussy as he continued to coax all the stiffness from her legs. Tasha wondered at the conflicting sensations of her body: her legs relaxed under Nur’s care, but other parts tightened in anticipation of being touched.

  When his ministrations moved to her inner thighs, Tasha couldn’t withhold a groan. He was so close to touching her where her pulse pounded. She felt his fingers sliding in the slickness close to her sex. He stopped just short of making contact with her there, concentrating his efforts a hairsbreadth beneath. Tasha widened her legs and opened her eyes.

  Nur’s half-smile was almost cruel as he met her gaze. She didn’t get the chance to ask him to touch her before he said, “Not yet.”

  Her breath caught at the implacable tone. A soft mewling sound escaped her throat, but she didn’t beg. With those two words, Nur had informed her he wouldn’t be swayed.

  The assurance the man had in the way he handled her made Tasha tremble in equal parts want and nervousness. He’d told her his control would be absolute. Seeing it was so enthralled her. Excitement bubbled in her belly.

  Nur left off her legs. He stepped next to the chair and cradled her neck in his hand. He prodded her forward so that she bent at the waist. He swept her hair aside and got to work on her neck and back.

  With Nur no longer near any erogenous zones, Tasha thought the excitement would ebb. Yet somehow the anticipation of what was yet to come continued to build. Nur’s hands were powerful as he squeezed, reminding her over and over of what he might do to her later. Even as her muscles relaxed under his expert care, tension continued to build in her belly.

  He leaned her back against the chair. Nur rubbed cream over her arms, his hands sliding up and down until it melted into her skin.

  The Imdiko’s eyes gleamed with wicked light as he gazed at her face. “Eyes closed,” he said, his tone one of lazy demand as if her compliance was assured.

  Heat wound down her spine. Her breath momentarily stopped to note not the slightest bit of request in his tone. Tasha’s eyelids slammed shut, cutting off the vision of Nur looking down on her.

  Warm hands closed
over her breasts. Tasha clenched the chair’s armrests in her fists as Nur rubbed the full mounds, manipulating the flesh like an artist with clay. His hands might have been softer than those of any man who’d touched her before, but their strength made up for that. When he rolled the swelling points between his fingers and thumbs, he did so with an almost punishing grip. Tasha moaned in bliss at the rough, uncompromising pinches.

  Warmth tumbled through her guts as Nur continued to play with her breasts. He tested the weight of the globes, patted them from side to side to make them shiver, and plucked at the hardened nipples. Tasha felt herself examined minutely, her every reaction gauged. The Imdiko’s touch send trills of excitement to her sex, making her wet and wanting.

  His use of pressure was so expert that even when he moved from breasts to belly, Tasha’s pleasure continued to build. His fingertips drew lightly down her ribs, as soft as hummingbird wings flickering over her flesh. When he traced over the edges of her navel, she made small breathless sounds. How could something so careful feel so profound? How could the most whisper-light sensations be so intense? Somehow Nur made them so.

  He left off the gentleness to rub her belly with a firmer touch, as if to analyze its softness. The commanding way he touched her made Tasha’s body heat until her insides felt melted. No, there was no pretense at compromise here. Nur claimed her and refuted any sham of bargaining.

  “Look at me,” he said, his tone hoarse. “Let me see that you want this.”

  Her eyes fluttered open to stare into that dark, compelling visage. The front of his shirt had parted open as he’d worked on her, showing the delicious swells of his chest. Tasha drew a shuddering breath, thinking how much she wanted to put her mouth and hands on him.

  Nur’s eyes narrowed before he nodded. “Good.”

  With that, he moved the chair and lowered the back so that Tasha lay flat from head to knees. She gasped as Nur slid over her, his weight draping on her body and pinning her to the seat. His hot, naked chest pressed against hers, making her wonder if it was her wildly pounding heartbeat she felt or his.


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