Alien Hostage

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Alien Hostage Page 19

by Tracy St. John

  He hated seeing her like that. He wanted to gather her in his arms and tell her it would be all right. That he’d figure a way to save her and her cousin. He wanted to feed her lies as pretty as she was so she didn’t look so lost and frightened.

  Not knowing if she wanted the intrusion, he cleared his throat. She looked up at him and smiled. His heart thumped hard to see how the brighter emotion took her from lovely to beautiful.

  Encouraged by the smile he asked, “May I join you? If you’d rather be alone—”

  She patted the seat of the lounger next to her. “Of course you can come in. It’s your home, after all.”

  Wekniz sat down. He tried not to crowd her, but he couldn’t make himself sit more than a few inches away. He’d wished for the opportunity to talk – really talk to her. Now that he had the chance, he had no idea what he should say. What could he say? ‘I’m sorry’ was so trite, so useless. Yet he wanted to apologize for not having gotten her and Noelle to safety. And then he wanted to tell her she was the bravest, most beautiful woman he’d ever met.

  He was sure he could feel her warmth, even with space between them. Her sweet scent drifted to him, a fragrance he’d grown used to from smelling it on Nur these last couple of days. He swallowed hard. It wasn’t surprising to Wekniz that a woman would find his Imdiko attractive. Despite all Nur’s protestations to the contrary, Wekniz thought his clanmate was quite handsome. More importantly, he was caring. He seemed to have a sixth sense as far as what it took to make others comfortable in his presence, a boon when it came to grooming his fashionable clientele.

  Wekniz felt Tasha’s gaze on him. He was aware he was not attractive. The scars left on him from the burning, collapsing building were marks of honor he wore proudly, but he knew a female of Tasha’s rank had suitors much more pleasing to look at. Certainly none of them had half a face that looked perpetually pissed off.

  At least he sat on the right side of her, his profile displaying the unmarked side of his face. Now if he could figure out something to say, something besides the bad news he’d just received.

  He began lamely, his tone formal and stilted. “Nur had a client tonight.”

  “One who had a big party to attend in the city, he said. He left without trouble, I hope?”

  Her voice was as appealing as the rest of her, the tone sexily husky and flowing in his ear like wine. Wekniz struggled to keep up his end of the conversation. “He was questioned before they let him get in the shuttle. I saw another shuttle follow him.” Mother of All help any bastard who bothered Nur out of Wekniz’s presence. He’d wear the shithead’s ears for a necklace.

  The conversation wasn’t going to be nice, as much as the Nobek wished he could while the time away with idle chitchat. He wasn’t much for small talk; he just wanted to listen to Tasha’s voice. Unfortunately, he had bad news to share. “It bodes ill that the guards aren’t bothering to hide that they’re watching us. And Falinset just finished telling me about a very frightening conversation he had with Maf.”

  He felt Tasha’s interest sharpen. “He talked to him? What was said?”

  The fear in her voice struck Wekniz in the gut. He turned to face her at last, and caught his breath at her expression. She wore the same anxiety that had filled her tone, but there was also anger. A lot of anger, fury in fact, as befitted someone who readied to protect those she loved. It was a Nobek expression through and through.

  Just as he’d been impressed with Tasha for escaping Maf’s prison camp, so he was impressed now. Wekniz had not been sure what to expect from Earther women. The news vids of Empress Jessica had shown she was no weakling, but he’d not been sure if she was the rule or the exception for her kind.

  Whichever it was, the strength of character certainly ran in her bloodline. Her cousin Tasha showed all the same strength. The way her eyes blazed now, Wekniz thought she’d be a fearsome opponent for anyone who crossed her, no matter how big. Put a weapon in her hand, and she’d probably know how to use it.

  Damn, she excited him.

  Hoping his words wouldn’t drive that brave front away, Wekniz told her, “Maf knows you’re here. Falinset refused to admit to it, but well, this is where we’re at. He also told Falinset right out that he was the Basma.”

  He filled her in on the whole sorry tale, including that she and Noelle were trapped on Lobam and Maf claimed to have complete control over the moon, including communications.

  As he spoke, he watched Tasha’s face. There were moments her mood turned bleak, others where she shook her head in disbelief. More often she maintained the angry demeanor. By the time he finished updating her, she’d gone stoic, her expression offering nothing of her mood.

  “So now what happens?” she said in a businesslike tone.

  Wekniz snorted derision. “The usual threats and bargaining from Maf. He’s convinced he will someday win Falinset’s affections.”

  “Can he?”

  Wekniz shook his head adamantly. “Never. I confess I fear the day Maf figures that out. His desperate wish to have Falinset call him father will turn into vengeance I can’t even guess at. What he might do to harm my Dramok or Imdiko in retribution chills my soul.”

  He thought he detected a minute tremor in Tasha’s otherwise stiff posture. He had the urge to take her hand and comfort her. Perhaps he would receive some comfort himself, though he’d never admit to wanting it. Maf could do so many things to injure his clanmates, things Wekniz could not defend them against. It turned his gut icy with dread.

  He dared not touch her however. Wekniz did not want to see her turn away in disgust … or worse yet, accept his touch out of pity.

  He was startled when Tasha took his hand instead. He gazed into her clear blue-green eyes, eyes filled with warmth and compassion. That warmth, absent the pity he abhorred, thawed some of the awful dismay that Wekniz had carried for so long. He turned his hand over to grip back and smiled.

  Her voice was soft as she asked, “What is it that monster has on you? How can Maf continue to manipulate your clan?”

  “He knows things about my parent clan. Nur’s too. He used his knowledge to blackmail them into arranging for us to clan with Falinset. He continues to force our compliance with what he knows of their activities.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What kind of knowledge? What have your parents done?”

  Wekniz didn’t want to tell her. Yet she deserved to know as much as he could tell her as to why she and Noelle remained in danger. “My parent clan has ties with important companies. Companies that manufacture weapons and high-profile security systems. Companies with military contracts. Years ago, they broke faith with their employers.”

  Shame burned his face as he spoke of his parents. He wished he didn’t still fear for them, not when they deserved any punishment they got. That residual loyalty, no longer deserved, would not be banished no matter how hard he tried to do so.

  It was difficult to meet the gaze of the lovely woman next to him. Yet Tasha didn’t look at him with judgment. Interest, but no censure. Some of Wekniz’s tension bled away.

  She asked, “Did they smuggle arms or something like that?”

  “They embezzled. These companies have large government contracts, which means a lot of money lying around. My parents had access to it and couldn’t handle the temptation. Maf is on several boards and committees that oversee these contracts, and he found out.”

  “They could have all gone to prison. Instead, he made a deal with them,” Tasha said in a thoughtful voice. She still displayed no sign of judgment.

  Relaxing more, Wekniz said, “I think they’ve begun to smuggle weapons and secrets for him in the last few years. And do other things too, like sabotage. I don’t know the extent, and I’m afraid to know. I hear a few hints here and there, but I try to keep as unaware of their activities as possible.”

  Her brow crinkled as she thought. He let her, content to feel the soft warmth of her small hand in his. He realized that her attitude made her seem bigger t
han she was. Right now, her fingers looked as tiny and slender as Noelle’s, especially compared to his big paws. Had she really escaped Ket and a squad of armed soldiers? It seemed impossible as he examined that delicate hand.

  Her voice roused him from his ruminations. “Wekniz, I wonder about these companies your parents work with. One wouldn’t happen to be a supplier of those insanely expensive personal trackers?”

  “Maybe.” It was his turn to consider. He thought for a moment before nodding his head. “Yes, they contract with Hirmav Security Systems. Hirmav manufactures trackers.”

  Tasha’s eyes went wide. “And your parents have had their fingers in that particular company for at least three years. Maybe more.”

  “Several years, I believe. Why?”

  “Noelle has a long-range tracker implanted somewhere on her body. Maf should have never been able to get her off Kalquor because of that. I had wondered how he managed it.”

  The cold ball of ice grew heavy in Wekniz’s stomach again. Surely his parent clan wouldn’t have been able to do something like that?

  “Mother of All,” he groaned. He turned away from Tasha.

  Her hand squeezed his. “It has nothing to do with you, Wekniz. You did nothing wrong.”

  “Except not report them. I should have a long time ago, but at one time they hated what they were doing.”

  “If Maf is blackmailing them—”

  Wekniz wouldn’t let her finish making an excuse for them, though he appreciated her kindness. His parents were guilty and that made him guilty as well. He choked on the shame. “They aren’t held by fear anymore. They are willing to continue their crimes because Maf rewards them so well.”

  Tasha shook her head. “Threats to make them comply, payment to short-circuit their consciences. That’s an old story.”

  Impotent rage swept over him, fury that had no outlet because he was still trapped. Spitting the words like venom, he said, “Last time I saw them, they showed off their latest shuttle. Plus they were looking into buying a big vacation home. It made me sick. They were not the people who raised me to be honorable.”

  “But you are honorable. I can see that.” She stated it as a fact.

  “I want to be. If it wasn’t for Nur’s situation, I’d have turned them in some time ago.”

  “What is Nur’s situation? Is it the same for his parent clan?” She sounded eager to know.

  “Not exactly. My parents aren’t victims, but his are.” Now that they no longer spoke of his family, Wekniz was able to face her again. “They are in a terrible place, Tasha. Terrible. What Maf is making them do – it’s unconscionable.”

  She sounded almost afraid to ask but she did anyway. “What is it?”

  Wekniz heaved a breath. “I’d rather Nur tell you, if he wants to. It’s not my place.”

  “It’s not more weapons, is it?”

  He shook his head. “Maf makes money on many ventures, legal and not. He uses Nur’s fathers to add to his accounts.”

  “Nur’s mother is innocent of any wrongdoing?”

  “Nur’s mother is institutionalized.”

  Shock filled her eyes. “Oh.” She seemed incapable of saying anything else.

  “I think Earthers have something similar to what she suffers from. You call it schizophrenia? It’s not quite the same, but almost. His mother requires constant care and medicating to maintain certain brain chemicals at minimal levels. Otherwise, she couldn’t function at all.”

  Tasha looked around the room, as if searching for an answer. “But – but Kalquor has such good medical resources. You guys cure stuff we Earthers thought were incurable. Nothing can be done for her?”

  “She’s kept comfortable for the most part. But a permanent solution? One that will allow her to live in regular society? No. After her final massive breakdown, only one drug ever made her able to be like the rest of us. Because it is so highly addictive, however, the Medical Board made it illegal for any patient to use.”

  Tasha’s eyes grew bright. Wekniz was awed at the compassion she showed for a woman she’d never met. Or maybe her sympathy was all for Nur.

  “That’s awful,” she said when she’d recovered enough to speak.

  Wekniz nodded in full agreement. “It is. I can’t imagine the strain on Nur’s fathers between their Matara’s pain and being pushed around by Maf.”

  She spent several seconds thinking again. Finally she said, “Falinset won’t turn in Maf because he wants to protect you and Nur’s parents. Otherwise, he has no loyalty to Maf. Right?”

  Wekniz managed a grim smile. “None. What evil he does on Maf’s behalf, he does for us.”

  Her gaze was direct, piercing his eyes. “Is Falinset going to give Noelle up to the Basma? I need to know the truth, Wekniz.”

  With all the assuredness he could muster, the Nobek insisted, “He will not. He’s in his office now, pacing the floors and trying to figure out a way to get you two out of here.”

  “Are you sure? He won’t do it even to keep his clanmates and your families safe?”

  Wekniz wanted to shake her. Falinset had his faults as they all did, but he was not a man who would hand over a child to his hated sire. Never.

  But Tasha didn’t know that. Falinset had kept himself separate from her as much as possible, still holding a little bit of a grudge at her presence. He hadn’t shown her the honorable man he was.

  Wekniz had to ease her concerns as best as possible. “Even if he considered it for an instant – and he would not – Nur and I would not allow it. This is bigger than our parents. It’s bigger than us. Falinset may be angry that it has come to this after all he’s done to keep Maf from hurting any of us, but he has reached his limit. I know it for a fact.”

  Tasha studied him for a moment before reluctantly nodding her head. “Unfortunately, that may have happened too late. If Maf has control over the moon, it’s only a matter of time before he sends Ket in to grab Noelle and probably kill me.”

  Wekniz found it fascinating that while Tasha was passionate with anger when she spoke of Ket taking Noelle, her voice fell flat when it came to the possibility of losing her own life. She was ready to die trying to save her little cousin.

  He assured her, “I will do everything in my power to keep that from happening.”

  Her eyes went cold with a Nobek’s brutality. “As will I. No matter what else happens, Ket dies. I will see to it.”

  She meant every word of it. Who was this woman, so sweet with concern one moment and killer cold the next? The combination made his warrior nature rise to the fore.

  “You have my vow that I will help you. My life for you and my princess.”

  At his words, Tasha softened again. She smiled up at him, her eyes warm. It made his heart stutter for her to look at him in such a way. He’d offer to kill a lot more men to keep her gazing at him like that.

  He was shocked when she reached up to stroke the scar dragging the corner of his mouth down. Her husky voice even lower than before, she murmured, “So strong. So fierce.”

  He swallowed hard. He did not dare to think she could be interested in him, and silently warned the throb in his groin to depart. “Strong and fierce. And not pretty.”

  Tasha snorted as if he’d said the most ridiculous words ever uttered. “I don’t care about pretty. Give me vigor. Intensity.” She rose up on her knees on the lounger so they were eye to eye. Her hand cupped the melted side of his face with the air of a connoisseur admiring a fine piece of statuary.

  Wekniz couldn’t believe it when she leaned close to press her lips to his marred cheek. “Give me power and might.” Her hands moved down, touching his chest and abdomen, her hands skimming over his shirt to feel the body beneath. “Bravery. Guts.” She pulled at his shirt, drawing it up to uncover the rest of his scars to touch them with reverence before bending to run her mouth and tongue over the disfigured flesh. “To hell with pretty. I want the body of the conqueror, the man who has faced the worst and lived to tell about it. The
magnificence of the warrior who can’t be defeated.”

  Wekniz watched her, too stunned to move consciously. Yet his instincts blazed to life. His cocks pounded with the beat of his pulse, the hairs on his body standing on end. As she kissed and stroked the scarred skin with frenzied excitement, his being drew closer to the violent moment when he must take her.

  She abruptly stopped her near-frantic embraces to stare at him with want-filled eyes. “You are magnificent. Will you have me? You don’t have to offer sweet words. You don’t need to worry if I want you to fuck me senseless, because I do.”

  One part of Wekniz thought she had to be joking. Surely this beautiful creature couldn’t want him. But the burning in her eyes said something else. Seeing that eagerness slammed shut any arguments the Nobek might have come up with. Hunger roared forward, taking away all hesitation.

  In an instant, Wekniz had Tasha on her back, his body covering hers, passion pouring from him as he tore at the shirt she’d borrowed from Nur. All was devouring need.

  She was as ardent, her hands everywhere, her mouth latched onto his. Damn it, she was a little wildcat. He felt ravished, ravaged, ready to be made a meal of by the fervent Earther. The dominant in him rose up, but Wekniz held it off. He didn’t want to mess this chance up.

  But when her hand clamped on his crotch, the need to be in charge overwhelmed him. He wanted the woman his way. His need to be in charge was quick to remind him she’d practically begged him to take her. He heeded that call, moving fast to grab her wrists and pin them over her head. He heaved up to stare at her.

  Tasha gazed up at him, her eyes growing wide and round and soft. Her mouth parted open, a tiny sigh escaping. Her breathing was quick and shallow. Her expression – it was all want. Complete surrender.

  Wekniz’s cocks swelled at the sight of willing, compliant woman. The wildcat had wanted to be tamed. The thought swamped his senses, and his shafts gave a massive jerk.

  By the ancestors. This could be amazing.

  His thoughts flew, wondering what she’d respond to. Being held down played havoc with her desires. He scented the raw need coming from her lush little body, the smell drawing his more animalistic instincts to a razor-sharp point. Oh, he had a thought or two of where an interest in bondage could lead.


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