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Alien Hostage

Page 22

by Tracy St. John

  “What if – what if I clanned you? Made you Clan Falinset’s Matara?” He exploded with laughter again.

  Tasha stared at him, her expression one of utter shock. Her eyes went perfectly round as she stared at him. Her mouth gaped wide open.

  Then she shrieked with hilarity, laughing so hard that she fell down over him. Her drink splashed everywhere, but that only made things funnier. Falinset dropped his cup, sending more bohut all over the floor. He grabbed Tasha and hugged her close as they rocked and screamed over the idea.

  She breathlessly squawked, “Oh – oh, stop. Oh hell. With Maf wanting a pure Kalquor so damned bad – and then – and then I could go up to him – ‘Hi Dad! How’s it going?’”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks. They dripped on Falinset’s face, which strained with the guffaws bursting from his throat.

  He joined in on the vision of their shared disclosure to Maf. “Look, my father! Here come your half-Earther grandchildren! Be a good grandpa and tell them a story.”

  They laughed until Falinset’s stomach hurt and Tasha was limp lying on top of him. Even when they’d calmed down, they would catch each other’s eye and start snickering again.

  Stroking his fingers through Tasha’s hair, absently enjoying how soft it was, Falinset said, “It would serve the bigoted prick right. Trouble is, he’d never let my filing for change of clan status get through to the home world.”

  Tasha rolled her eyes in merry disgust. “Ah, that controlling shithead. He’s got everything buttoned up nice and tight. It would be an excellent joke on him.”

  Falinset thought so too, but his drunken attention had at last come around to the fact he had a soft, warm woman lying on him. His groin heated in interest. He wondered if he should sample what his clanmates had enjoyed so greatly. He wondered if she’d let him.

  Keeping his tone nonchalant he asked, “So tell me about the lucky clan that is getting you once you return to Kalquor.”

  Tasha pulled a face. “I haven’t found them. My one regular guy is an unclanned Nobek who’s in it for the pussy.” She giggled and drained what was left in her glass. “I’m coming to terms with not being the kind of woman who does well with commitment.”

  An Earther female not afraid to indulge lust for its own sake? “You don’t mind that? Sex with no strings attached?”

  He got a sense of something in her closing off though she didn’t move and her expression remained friendly. “I prefer it. I have issues, like you and your guys. I just don’t shut myself away from the whole galaxy over them.”

  “Only from the potential of those who would share your secrets and keep them safe for you. I think I prefer having my two close confidants over the rest.” Falinset couldn’t imagine not having the intimacy he shared with Nur and Wekniz. “I am sorry to hear you haven’t found those special men yet.”

  He noted how fast she moved to take the focus off herself. “What about a woman for your clan? Maf hasn’t blackmailed you a Matara yet?”

  Falinset shrugged, enjoying her warmth blanketing him too much to comment on her deflection. “All the Kalquorian women are now taken. Most of them had fine, upstanding parent clans that Maf couldn’t find anything on. The last fertile one clanned a year ago.” He held onto Tasha to keep her from falling off as he reached for a half-full bottle of bohut. He raised it into the air. “A toast to that lovely lady, whoever she is. Let’s drink to her avoiding the quagmire that is Clan Falinset.”

  Tasha accepted the slosh of liquor he spilled into her glass and clinked it to the bottle. “Get Maf out of your life, and things would be different. You have a good clan. The three of you couldn’t help but have a successful future with him out of the picture.”

  Falinset tossed back a swallow straight from the bottle. He grimaced in pleasure at the warmth it traced down his throat and into his gut. “Want to hear something completely crazy?”

  “I love crazy.”

  “As long as I can assure the safety of you and the princess, I’m almost willing to join up with him. I want to be around the day someone blasts his stupid face off. It would be worth execution for treason later.”

  She snorted. “He’s not worth your life. Fuck him.”

  “You’re right. Fuck him.”

  Tasha looked at Falinset. She really looked at him. Then with a grin, she set down her glass and wiggled her soft, delicious self against him. “On second thought, forget fucking the Basma. Fuck me,” she invited in a low, husky voice.

  Falinset returned the brilliance of her smile, watt for watt. “Oh, so Imdiko and Nobek aren’t enough for you? You want a little bit of Dramok too?”

  She gave him a wide-eyed look. “Is a little bit all you’ve got?”

  “Oh, you’re in for it now.” He moved fast, taking her away from the scattering of bottles and booze they’d spilled, tossing her onto the long seating cushions that pillowed her whole body. She yelped and tittered until he lay full length on top of her and seized her mouth with his.

  Her mouth was like the softest silk, the lips plump and yielding beneath his. He took a moment to enjoy how they felt before letting his tongue trace over the tender flesh. Her mouth parted open for him. Answering the call of her surrender, he dove in.

  He stroked over the velvet of her tongue. She tasted of the bohut they’d both enjoyed, plus something brighter. His tongue swept through her mouth, delighting in the varied textures he found there.

  He felt her beneath him, all gentle swells that his harder body sank into. Falinset groaned into her mouth and was answered with a groan in turn. The heat in his groin swelled, making his cocks fill. An achingly delicious scent perfumed the air; the scent Wekniz had worn to bed last night, the scent Nur had worn the nights before. Falinset had fallen asleep with his shafts hard every night since Tasha had shown up in their home.

  At last, he would be the one to torment his clanmates. Falinset looked forward to it.

  The kiss left him breathless. His pulse pounding in his ears, he broke it to look at her face. How incredibly lovely the Earther was with her face slack in amorous pleasure, her eyes glazed from his passion. She’d been one tough cookie to escape Ket, but all he saw now was sweet submission.

  Hoping against hope, he rose to crouch over her. His voice rough with the command that came so naturally to a Dramok, he said, “The question now is, do I wish to uncover all your treasures myself, or have you do it for me?”

  Her breath caught, making her full bosom rise to make his mouth water. “Whatever you decide,” she whispered.

  “Indeed. Remove your shirt.” He sat back to kneel between her legs, his eyes on her.

  Her gaze cast demurely down, she grasped the neckline of her blouse, the one she’d worn when she’d been abducted. Clean now and clinging lovingly to her wondrous curves, it split open as she pulled the recloseable seam apart. Her golden-pale flesh came into view, making his mouth go dry. He’d thought to remain aloof, watching her disrobe for him, but that was impossible. He reached out to trace the upper curve of her breast, left uncovered by the satiny cup of her bra.

  He was gratified to see tiny bumps raise on her skin, as if she’d taken a sudden chill. She leaned up just enough to shrug the shirt off her shoulders and down her arms. Once she was free of it, he grabbed it and cast it to the far corner of the room. He frowned at the bra keeping him from enjoying the rest of the view.

  “That next,” he snarled, grabbing the shoulder strap and stretching it so that it snapped against her skin when he released it. She jumped a little. Her whimper of acquiescence made more heat trickle into his growing cocks.

  She pulled it off, the motions clumsy as she hurried to obey him. It took her a couple of tries to unbind it from the back. Just as he was ready to tear it off her, the bra came loose. He snatched it away and tossed it on top of her shirt.

  Now she was bare to his scrutiny, her areolas blushing a deep pink, as if embarrassed to be seen by him. He gazed at them hungrily, those darkening circles sitting atop mil
ky globes. No, he couldn’t keep from touching. Even mere touching wouldn’t do at this point.

  He bent down to capture one flushed nipple in his mouth. He sucked it in, his tongue lolling over it. It started off nearly as soft as the surrounding breast, but quickly hardened in his mouth. The tip sharpened to a point. Tasha writhed beneath him, her reaction exciting him.

  He captured the wicked nub between his teeth and applied pressure until she gasped. He released her, looking at the now dark red nipple and inhaling the strengthening aroma of her arousal with satisfaction. She panted, staring at him with misty eyes.

  Staring into her eyes, caging her with his gaze, he lowered his mouth to her other breast. This time he watched the expressions moving over her face as he teased that nipple into pebbled hardness and bit it too. Searing want, a flash of pain, and above all sublime submission flew over her pretty features as he enjoyed her flesh.

  Falinset grasped her breasts, kneading the heavy orbs with demanding hands. Tasha lay compliant while he enjoyed himself with her flesh, shuddering when he tested her with pain, twisting a little when he rewarded her with pleasure. Giving herself up. Relinquishing all control. Showing him with every reaction she was his to command.

  His cocks ached with unremitting demand. His soul demanded even more; that he serve and satisfy this astounding woman to the best of his ability. And since she seemed to enjoy punishment as much as pleasure...

  Her skirt had ridden up to show an expanse of silky thigh. Falinset smacked the pale flesh, enthralled to see his handprint appear like a brand of ownership. A shiver ran the length of Tasha’s body, and her wet lips opened wider. A sigh trembled from them. As if summoned, his shafts jerked in response. Mother of All, she was magnificent.

  His voice thick with a bestial growl, he said, “Take it off.”

  She hooked her thumbs in the waistband and wriggled, forcing the garment down her hips and legs. She was bare underneath. Falinset felt another growl rumbling from his gut as he tore the skirt from her grasp. “No panties?” he asked, his heavy brow lowering.

  She lowered her eyes from his burning stare. “Nur ripped them.”

  “Good. For as long as you are under my roof, you are to be ready to accept my cocks. Anytime I want to use your mouth, pussy, and ass, you will give them to me. Understood?”

  “Yes.” Spoken with a tone of gratitude, as if he’d answered a dearly held desire.

  Perhaps it was all the drinking she’d done. Falinset knew he would not hold her to any promises she made today. But he would enjoy having her make them just the same, if only to serve the current play.

  He looked at her womanhood, exposed fully to him. The fabulous hues of pinks and reds that grew redder all the time entranced him. Her pussy glistened, as did her upper thighs. She was wet for him. Even without him touching her yet, her sex was plumping as it filled with desire. Her clit was swollen, begging him to stroke her there.

  He captured the wanton nub between finger and thumb. Her body tensed, a sharp cry issuing from her mouth. He didn’t stroke. Instead he pinched, and her face twisted with ecstasy and hurt. More honey glided from her pussy.

  “Are you going to please me?” he snarled.

  “Oh yes. Yes, I want to,” she gasped.

  As I will you, he thought. What he said was, “You will keep your legs spread for your Kalquorian master, Earther. I will taste what you offer.” As she drew her bent legs far apart, opening to him, he added, “You do not touch me unless I give you leave to do so.”

  “Yes, Master.” Her pulse fluttered in her throat.

  With his rule over her established, he wasted no more time in doing what he could no longer wait for. Bending forward, Falinset brought his mouth to that fountain of womanhood. He buried his face in her sweetness.

  * * * *

  Tasha’s head swirled with a cacophony of desire, need, and excitement as the Dramok’s mouth and tongue fed on her. The weight of his forehead bore down on her pubic mound, holding her down as his tongue swirled and lapped with ruthless enjoyment. His lips, as soft as his jaw was strong, closed over her clit every now and again to deliver a kiss that made her flush from head to toe with heat.

  Falinset varied his feasting in so many ways that Tasha didn’t know what he might do next. One moment his tongue slid up and down her slit, parting the inner lips with a touch too delicate for such a robust man. Then his tongue stabbed in and out of her entrance, diving deep to make her kick weakly in the air. Back to sliding along the petals only to catch them between his teeth for an instant of heady pain. Then his tongue darting quickly over her clit, sending shocks through her stomach before shoving his tongue in deep once more. A nip to her sensitive nub, followed up by a careful kiss to soothe the hurt away and leave her moaning. And still more enthralling touches until her head swam.

  Was there any pleasure that man’s mouth couldn’t deliver? She thought he must be a walking catalogue of oral pleasure.

  His tongue was slow and languorous one moment, frantic the next. He growled against her flesh sometimes, vibrating her there so that her whole body clenched. Indeed, it was as if each lick and kiss encompassed every inch of her.

  She hadn’t meant to disobey his command that she not touch without permission. Yet she was suddenly aware of her fingers curling in his hair, clutching thick strands to pull him even harder against her. She froze in sudden fright as his face rose to stare at her.

  “You dare?” he asked softly, his eyes dark pools of black rimmed with purple.

  “Oh no,” she whimpered. “I didn’t mean – I’m sorry—”

  He rose to all fours, his stormy expression on his thick features making him like a bear. A big, dangerous grizzly bear. Tasha was too frightened to move.

  “You will pay for your defiance of my orders,” he said, his tone more terrifying for its quietness. “Turn over, face on the cushion, ass in the air.”

  His was a voice no one dared disobey. Tasha didn’t have a chance to think before she assumed the position he’d ordered.

  She heard the soft sounds of his movements, with no clue what he was doing. She wasn’t about to check either.

  She found out quickly enough when the sound of leather snapping against flesh joined the flare of pain across her ass. Agony swiftly moved to a delightful hot throbbing. She forced herself to relax, waiting for more.

  Two more strikes had her crying out in mingled bliss and hurt. Falinset said, “That will do for a first infraction. I admit to being pleased to have the chance to turn that gorgeous ass red under my belt. Watching you dance under discipline is a thrill, Earther. But perhaps you can do as you are told from now on?”

  As polite as his words were, he still spoke in that quiet, deadly voice. Tasha shivered to think of the other punishments he might deliver, both enthralling and horrendous. She whimpered, “Yes, Master.”

  “We shall see. You will find I do not tolerate disobedience.”

  She remained crouched, the tremors shaking her the only movement she made. She didn’t know what Falinset might do to her next. The uncertainty made her stomach twist in anxiety, but she was wetter than ever. She hoped he would consent to fuck her. The need to have him inside was swamping every sense.

  His fingers pushed against her pussy, startling her. Yet she remained in place as he examined the folds with slow care. Three digits shoved deep inside, making her moan into the cushion. It felt so good for him to do that.

  He pulled out and pushed her over on her side. He loomed over her, a dark muscled brute, capable of taking anything and everything he wanted. And it was Tasha he wanted, the desire blatant as his dual erections strained the crotch of his trousers. She licked her lips to see her effect on him.

  He looked to the nearby liquor cabinet and opened it. He rummaged in its guts, making the bottles inside clink. He pulled out a length of thin, soft rope. Tasha’s eyes widened.

  “It’s not the first time my office has been the site of intimate games,” he grinned as he grabbed her
wrists. He bound them together with a quickness that her eyes could not follow. “I saw this shoved in the back of the cabinet when I found our last bottle of bohut. I’m so glad it was still here along with a few other things.”

  He pulled her bound wrists down to her waist, simultaneously shoving her legs upward so that her knees bent. Before she could think to protest, he tied her wrists between her ankles, trussing her up into a helpless ball.

  “I heard you enjoyed the fuck chair,” he leered, looking her over. “You like being held down for your lover’s use. Now I have you. I can do as I wish with you and you cannot get away. Any pain, any pleasure I choose to give, you must accept.”

  She couldn’t help but pull at the rope, to see if she could escape. Though loose enough not to compromise her circulation, there was no give. She was well and truly caught, at the mercy of the man kneeling over her. He watched her attempts to break free with a lazy smile, but the cinnamon-spice scent of his arousal grew sharper. He liked seeing her vulnerable to him.

  Falinset leaned towards the cabinet again and drew out a small box and something else long and thin her hazy vision couldn’t quite make out. He set the unidentified item down and broke the seal of the box with a pleased smile. “I’m rather glad this didn’t get used before. You know how a situation can change at the last second. So it was when I brought this in here, along with the rope. I got to use the rope but not this.”

  He opened the box and took out a slender dildo. He tapped the base to let her hear it hum. Another tap made it vibrate even faster. His eyes gleamed when a third tap made it buzz like an angry bee.

  “Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?” He tapped it again to turn it off, then once more to put it on the low setting. He placed it against her clit.

  Feeling it quiver against her sensitive flesh drew a moan from Tasha’s gut. Falinset slid it all over the erect nubbin, making her insides throb. She panted as pleasure went crystal bright at that one point. Lying on her side, her wrists and ankles trussed together, she could do little but wriggle against the intensity.


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