Alien Hostage

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Alien Hostage Page 39

by Tracy St. John

  “I don’t know which is worse – Narpok and Jessica’s innuendos or Cissy’s outright crude comments. You should have heard her offering pointers on what it takes to get you in the mood.”

  Tasha could well imagine, but her heart felt bright. If Cissy was giving her clan notes on sex, then the sisters would be having lunch together within the week. She offered an apologetic smile. “And you guys thought your families were hard to take.”

  The men relaxed and chuckled. Wekniz said, “I guess none of us has a decent idea on how normal families work.”

  Falinset rolled his eyes. “We’ve been isolated for so long, we don’t know how society works anymore. If we’re ever accepted on the basis of who we are instead of who we’re related to, I’m not sure we’ll be able to fit in.”

  “I think you’re perfect,” Tasha told him. “All three of you.”

  Falinset pulled her close for a kiss that curled her toes. When he’d finished taking her breath away, he looked her over. His purple eyes smoldered. “Narpok mentioned you were recently naked.”

  “Not quite. I had underwear on. But it’s new underwear.” Tasha smirked naughtily. “Want to see what it looks like?”

  “By all means, my Matara. But I’d like you to model it in our sleeping room.”

  Tasha’s guts tightened. The sleeping room was where all the sex toys were.

  They wandered down the corridor that was wide enough to accommodate a mini shuttle. The place had come furnished, which had been a blessing at first considering all the men’s belongings had burned up in the fire. However, the opulent pieces had none of the shabby charm of Nur’s rescued furniture. Plus the huge vid portraits of emperors and empresses past that hung the length of the hall made Tasha feel spied upon. Their eyes seemed to follow her everywhere.

  She felt relief when they reached the sleeping room. They’d chosen one of the smallest suites in the quarters for its coziness. It was still a large room, but not unbearably so.

  Nur had begun collecting his treasures again, concentrating his efforts on their sleeping … and playing … space. He had replaced almost all the room’s appointments already. The sleeping mat lay within a hand carved blackwood frame. Draperies of hand embroidered pastoral scenes hung from the ceiling. When pulled, they enveloped the bed, making it feel even more intimate.

  The Imdiko had created a sumptuous but comfortable space for their games. Simply walking in made Tasha feel warm all over as the sensual surroundings inspired ideas and memories of desires already realized.

  The men followed her into the room. She stopped in the middle of the widest expanse of floor, between the door and the foot of the sleeping mat. She waited as they found comfortable places to relax and enjoy the coming show.

  Nur lounged across the end of the mat, propped on his elbow, his jaw resting in the palm of his hand. He settled in, smiling. Falinset took the Earther-sized settee in the reading corner Nur had made for Tasha. The Dramok sat back, his arms spread across the back of the midnight blue velvet divan with an expectant air. Wekniz stood on Tasha’s left, his arms folded over his chest, head held high as he looked down his nose at her. To Tasha he looked like a mighty lion looking over his kingdom, proud and scarred from numerous battles.

  “All right, my Matara,” Falinset said, his tone relishing the words he spoke. “Show us the beauty that we have won.”

  She started by unbuckling her belt. She let it slide from around her waist, savoring the anticipation of when they would eventually touch her. Already her nipples were stiff points within her bra, feeling sensitive with arousal.

  “Blouse,” Wekniz growled as soon as her belt hit the floor.

  Tasha turned to him, her hands gripping the hem of the tunic. A floor-to-ceiling mirror hung on the wall behind him, letting her see Falinset in its reflection. He’d see her too.

  She raised the bottom of the shirt up, thinking what a shame it was that they’d have to look at her rounded belly first. Not that they ever complained. In fact, Wekniz had been known to sleep with his head pillowed on her softness. Kalquorians knew how to appreciate a cuddly figure.

  She felt more confident when her lace-clad breasts came into view. Those, cupped prettily in baby blue lace, jiggled invitingly as the blouse cleared her head.

  “Come here, my lovely one,” Wekniz said.

  Tasha went to him, trying not to seem too eager. Only seconds into stripping, still mostly clothed, and she was ready to crawl right out of her skin in her excitement to be with her clan.

  She looked up at him, her gaze lingering lovingly over his face. The scarred side was brutish and fierce. The unmarred side was handsome but firm with intent. Both sides made her stomach squirm with delicious anxiety.

  He tested the weight of her breasts in his hands. His touch was hot, burning right through the lace and sinking deep into her flesh. His grip tightened, squeezing until pain flared and wetness seeped from her pussy. He let her go with a dark smile.

  “You may go back to the middle and continue stripping,” he rumbled.

  She walked slowly away, putting extra sway in her hips as she went. She knew she asked for trouble teasing him like that, but she couldn’t resist. His growl followed her, the sound animal enough that she half-hoped he would be the last of the three to get to her when the men decided it was time for more intense play. Every hair on her head raised at that sound.

  “Skirt,” Nur called as soon as she returned to the center spot of the floor.

  It was easy to tug the garment off, letting the soft fabric slide down her thighs. She was nearly naked now, the crotch of her matching blue lace panties clinging damply to her pussy. Narpok had been wrong about remaining naked. This stripping down for her clan’s pleasure was enthralling.

  “Panties,” Falinset demanded. “And then present yourself to your Nobek.”

  Tasha gave him startled eyes. He grinned, enjoying having caught her at being naughty. She’d known better than to bait any of them.

  Her heart quickening, she shoved her panties off, shivering more from what would happen when Wekniz got his hands on her again than any chill. Feeling vulnerable, she turned around for their inspection, not daring to meet the Nobek’s gaze as she did so. She made the turn slowly, putting off handing herself over to him for as long as possible.

  “To me, Natasha,” he ordered.

  She peeked at him and wished she hadn’t. His eyes were purple fire, passion and demand igniting as he waited for her. She had no choice but to give herself to him.

  She walked over, stopping about a yard away. He snorted and reached out, grabbing her arm and pulling her close enough that she could feel the heat of his body. He released her, looking her over with an air of possession.

  “Stay,” he said and turned away.

  He went to a drawer, one he and the other two kept locked. It was deep and full of the various items they regularly surprised Tasha with; toys and tools to pleasure and punish. She had no access to the drawer and she never knew what they would take out to use on her.

  Wekniz rummaged in its depths. He pulled out what Tasha initially took to be a dog harness, a thing of black leather straps and buckles. The unscarred half of his face wore a slight smile.

  “A little something for you to wear,” he said. “I wouldn’t want you to get too cold.”

  He returned to her with the strappy item and began to put it on her. One strap cinched beneath her breasts, shoving them up high. He wound more of the straps around each mound, squeezing them so they jutted out from her chest. Then more lengths of leather attached to the looped parts went over her shoulders to join with the band just beneath her shoulder blades, pulling her breasts up even higher.

  She looked at the finished product with surprise. Fully assembled, it wasn’t so much a harness as a cupless bra. It was rather tight however, making her tingle slightly. Her nipples tightened, turning to hard nubs.

  Wekniz left her studying her new accessory, moving back to the drawer where he took out someth
ing small that flashed in the dim light. He returned and showed her what he held in his cupped palm. Dangling gemstones hung from thin lengths of gold, looking at first glance like fancy earrings.

  They were not earrings. Tasha whimpered and took a step back. Wekniz grabbed her by the back of her neck with his other hand and brought her close again. Before she could protest any more, he bent and seized her right nipple with his mouth. Tasha groaned as his tongue ran over her sensitive nipple, making it harder than before. She was abruptly very aware of the pressure of the harness-bra around her breasts as he sucked and licked her into a state of foggy-headedness. Every pull of his mouth, every lap of his tongue seemed to echo against her clit. Arousal tightened her belly and spread warmth through her pussy.

  He released her, leaving her nipple swollen and pulsing. As she started to come back from the dim, delightful world he’d submerged her in, he put one of the gemstone clips on the delicate tip.

  “Ow, ow, ow!” she squealed, raising her hands to take it back off. Wekniz caught them and held her prisoner with a laugh.

  “Now precious, you know you’re going to wear them until I say otherwise,” he admonished. “You get no choice in the matter.”

  It felt like needles stabbed through her nipple, and all she could do was writhe helplessly in his strong grip. Hurts, hurts, hurts … more. Make me take more.

  As if hearing her confused thoughts, he bent and sucked the other areola. Knowing what was to come didn’t keep Tasha from the rush of excitement that enflamed her pussy. He played with her until her nipple was distended and rioting with feeling.

  He clamped it too. Tasha yelped and struggled to get free as pain dug its claws into her breast. Wekniz held her easily, watching her with a dark, knowing smile.

  “Fight it all you like. But I smell how eager you are to be taken. How much you want me to bend you over the bed and fuck your wet, hungry pussy.”

  Rage flashed through her head. She snarled at Wekniz.

  He gave her calm eyes. “Stop reacting to old triggers, Tasha. Think instead. You are with me, a man you desire. A man you trust. This is your choice. Is it not true?”

  Tasha struggled. She knew this was not against her will. He was not attempting to make her his accomplice in forcing her to do what he wanted. She loved Wekniz. She did want him to take her, over and over, for the rest of their lives.

  The old fear and fury abated. She found her center and let the knowledge she was safe ease the memory of a helpless child.

  “Thank you,” she breathed. “Again.”

  Wekniz nodded. “We’ll get there, my love. In time, we’ll make each other whole.”

  She believed him.

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “Go show off your pretty jewelry to your Dramok. Don’t take it off.”

  She nodded and marched over to the waiting Falinset. He eyed her hungrily as she came. When she stood before him, he said, “You may kneel.”

  She sank to the furred rug, feeling safe and warm between his legs. They bracketed her body, enclosing her and making her somehow feel secure. She sighed.

  He leaned forward and cupped the bottoms of her breasts. “Very lovely,” he said. He tugged at one of the dangling clips, sending searing pain through the trapped nipple. Tasha bit her lip and held still. Wekniz enjoyed playing with her as she struggled, but Falinset’s controlling instincts demanded she remain compliant to his whims. It felt right to give the men what they wanted. Exciting.

  The Dramok fondled and played with her breasts until they were flushed from his attentions. Only then did he send her on to Nur.

  She walked to the Imdiko, who still lounged lazily on the sleeping mat. “Bring that one to my mouth,” he said, eyeing her left breast, his lids heavy.

  Tasha did so, squinching her face in anticipation. Nur’s tongue ran slowly in a circle over her areola, making the sensitized flesh burn. She groaned, need tumbling through her abdomen. He reached up to tug at her jewelry. The pull was gentle, but profound because her breasts were engorged by their tight bindings. She panted.

  He gave the same attention to the other nipple. Her pulse roared in her ears and her breasts burned. She’d go out of her skull if he didn’t quit. But she liked it too…

  Nur left off and sat up. He wrapped his long legs around her, holding her against the wooden frame of the mat. He gathered her wrists in one hand, holding them behind her back. “Time to make you a little more naked,” he said.

  She knew what was coming, but that didn’t keep it from hurting when he removed one of the nipple clips. She wailed as molten misery rushed into the tip.

  “Easy,” he soothed, giving the hurt a gentle, wet kiss. The contact sent a lightning bolt of pleasure straight to her pussy. She moaned as the throbbing gradually abated.

  He didn’t warn her before taking the other clip off as well. She twisted and struggled in the attempt to escape the pain. Nur again treated the agony with soft kisses.

  Pain, arousal, and love shook her to her foundations. She quaked in the Imdiko’s arms, his grip the only thing keeping her upright on quivering legs.

  He laid her carefully on the bed. He moved fast to take off the harness bra. Tasha was surprised that removing it made her throb anew rather than decreasing the enticing pulse. He massaged her breasts, making them hurt deliciously once more. The pulse of their ache rebounded in her core.

  “All right, my little love. Time for some grooming.”

  She blinked up at him. Had she heard him right? Grooming, in the middle of sex?

  He laughed at the look of confusion she gave him. A movement at the corner of her eye distracted her, and she turned her head to look.

  Wekniz was bringing in, of all things, an emergency hover stretcher. It floated alongside him, and she noted it came complete with a stasis field emitter. What the hell was going on?

  “Don’t forget, the voice activation no longer works on it,” Wekniz told Nur as the Nobek brought the stretcher next to them.

  “Well, it is an older model.” He grinned at Tasha. “Retired hospital surplus. Interesting find, isn’t it? Up you go.”

  “What is this about?” Normally she’d have obeyed without thought, but the idea of the men playing doctor made her nervous. She needed a few answers before that happened.

  “It’s time for a shave.” Nur gave her a smack on the ass for her reluctance, and she jumped with a squeal.

  Not wanting to receive a full-blown spanking, Tasha climbed up on the stretcher. It didn’t dip at all under her weight, she noticed. Its padded surface was almost comfortable. “A shave? But I lasered this afternoon.”

  Nur pushed against her chest. “Lie down. I’m going to immobilize you with the stasis field and shave that sweet little pussy of yours.”

  “Oh.” Tasha wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She kind of liked her soft pubic curls, but the idea of Nur’s close attention aimed there was exciting. What the hell. It would grow back.

  She lay back. Nur frowned at the control panel. “Okay, just bodily stasis. I don’t want her in a coma.”

  Tasha jerked. “Hey, if you don’t know what the hell you’re doing—”

  Her body stopped moving. Try as she might, she couldn’t lift even a finger. The Imdiko grinned down at her. “Just kidding. I knew what button to push all along.”

  “You ass,” she said without heat. It was the kind of joke Cissy would have appreciated.

  Okay, so I think it’s funny too. But he scared the hell out of me for a moment.

  Nur was able to move her around easily though she couldn’t stir a muscle. He spread her legs, putting her pussy on display. She felt the air waft over the damp flesh. They could see how aroused she was. She was helpless and utterly exposed. Theirs to do with as they pleased.

  Falinset had come over to stand next to the watchful Wekniz as Nur arranged her to his satisfaction. He handed the Imdiko a laser trimmer. “This is the one you wanted?”

  “Thank you,” Nur said. He sat back down on the e
dge of the sleeping mat and positioned Tasha so he could easily bend over her pussy.

  He thumbed the laser’s buttons, setting it to his satisfaction. Then the warm brush of it played over her mound, the narrow red beam no more uncomfortable than sunlight on her skin. But she’d never had sunlight on her pussy before.

  Nur brushed over the top of her mound, brushing away the dark curls to reveal pale, blameless skin beneath. Tasha bit her lip to see herself smooth. It made her look more defenseless than ever.

  The Imdiko ran a finger over her slit, igniting a firestorm of desire. Tasha’s instinct was to move against his touch, but her body remained still on the stretcher. She couldn’t move. Couldn’t stop him. Her breath quickened.

  He pushed a finger inside her. “So warm. Soft. You feel good, my Matara.” His thumb brushed her clit, and she clenched around him. Well, at least something on her could still move.

  He withdrew his finger and licked it. Then he got back to work. “Ah, now it’s easy to see those plump lips of your pussy,” he exulted as he stripped away all concealment. “All pretty and pink. I do like seeing you this way.”

  Falinset had brought him other items. Tasha frowned to know they must have planned the whole thing earlier in the day. Sneaky Kalquorians.

  The cool wash of the cleansing wipe, removing the shorn hair from her skin, put chill bumps all over her. Nur added a pleasant smelling lotion, telling her it would calm any irritation from the close lasering.

  He set everything aside. “And now for the final examination,” he grinned.

  He leaned forward. The slow, wet rasp of his tongue moved up her slit and over her clit. Thunderous bliss crashed over her. He kept licking, tasting flesh now bared for his attentions. He left nothing untried, his tongue dancing over the outer lips, the inner petals, and her clit. Unable to move, Tasha cried out over and over as need stampeded in the wake of his savoring.

  Two of his fingers dove into her as he continued to mouth her, driving hard and fast to make her drenched and eager. Dripping with her honey, he moved his fingers to her ass, stretching her with ruthless power. Her body tried with all its strength to move against him. But there was no way to physically respond, no way to find either release or escape.


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