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Attainment (Between Two Realms Book 3)

Page 17

by Amber Flora

  “What the bloody hell is wrong with the lot of you? How could you leave her like that?”

  “You would have died,” Kat said, trying to reason with him.

  “Then they should have let me die. This had nothing to do with me. Cody was more concerned with freeing you then protecting Ashtyn.”

  Cody grabbed Herrick’s shirt in a fury before Jeremiah pulled him away.

  “She saved your worthless life, you sorry … ”

  “Stop it, ya ignorant buffoons. The longer we stand here tearing each other apart the longer Ashtyn is alone with Damon. Are we going to rescue the lass or bicker like a bunch of teenage girls?” Mac looked at his lifelong friend in an attempt to get through to him.

  “Jeremiah, take Kat and the others outside, try to find Ben and Algon,” Cody said.

  “I’m not leaving you! Cody, please don’t make me go. I can help you,” Kat begged, holding his arm.

  Cody turned, gently placing his hand on her angelic face.

  “I’ll find you, I promise. You’re safe now, Kat. He can’t hurt you anymore.”

  She began to sob as he pulled her into an embrace.

  “I’m so scared, Cody. I can’t lose you.”

  “Shh, sweet Katrina. You won’t, I’ll come back to you. We’re all going to leave this place, together.”

  Katrina nodded as Cody kissed her cheek, handing her off to Jeremiah.

  “Keep her safe,” he demanded.

  “I will,” Jeremiah agreed, reaching for his sister with his other hand and leading them to freedom.

  Herrick never could have imagined what he saw when they turned the corner to where they last saw Ashtyn. The room was engulfed in smoke; black soot coated the walls. For a second he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him when he saw what appeared to be Ashtyn consumed by fire hovering over a pile of ashes. She was a beautiful yet terrifying sight to behold.

  “What in the gods … ” Mac mumbled in shock.

  “Did she do this?” Cody asked, looking around at the charred remains of the room.

  “Hummingbird,” Herrick said, slowly approaching her.

  Ashtyn snapped her head around, her fierce teal eyes locking onto his. She was deadly but by the look in her eyes she wasn’t all there.

  “Um, lad, I wouldn’t get too close. I think she flipped her destruction switch,” Mac whispered, doing his best not freak out.

  “Is that what is left of Damon?” Cody asked, pointing to the ashes in front of her.

  “Let’s hope so,” Mac answered.

  “Ashtyn, it’s over, we one. Everyone is safe now. Come back to me, love.”

  She tilted her head to the side as the flames continued to burn. Herrick continued walking toward her with his hands up in an attempt not to provoke her.

  “Herrick, get back, she isn’t herself,” Cody warned.

  “I can feel her, she’s in there and she’s hurting,” Herrick said, not halting his advance.

  “Jaysus, lad, she’ll roast ya like a marshmallow.”

  Mac rubbed the top of his head as he paced back and forth.

  Herrick reached Ashtyn and held his hand out for her to take it. She looked down and then back at him, turning her mouth into a snarl. He remembered the moment they shared together in the tent, how he could feel the heat between them but he didn’t burn. He knew she wouldn’t let him burn, not then and not now.

  He eased his hand onto her cheek, slowly tracing her features with his thumb. The flames didn’t hurt him; he could feel the power but he remained unharmed. Taking a deep breath and praying he was right, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly as he whispered in her ear.

  “I’ve got you, hummingbird. I won't let you fall. I am yours and you are mine.”

  Damon throwing me against a wall was the last thing I remembered before opening my eyes to seeing Herrick’s sparkling gray eyes looking down at me.

  “Hey there, beautiful,” he smiled, brushing my hair behind my ear.

  “You’re okay. I was afraid they wouldn’t find Kat in time.”

  My throat burned and I felt like I went a few rounds with a semi but seeing his face made it all worth it.

  “We’re all okay, love. Jeremiah took Kat and some of the others to safety.”

  The word safety shocked me back into reality.

  “Damon! Did he escape?” I asked, fear seizing me.

  Herrick looked behind him and I noticed he was connecting with Mac and Cody, who were lingering close by.

  “Ashtyn, you don’t remember what happened?” he asked, his voice lined with concern.

  I shook my head no.

  “I think he knocked me unconscious.”

  “We got him, lass. It’s over,” Mac said, coming up next to me and kneeling down.

  Sheer bliss washed over me and I felt like I could finally breathe for the first time in months. It was over. All the pain and destruction that monster had caused had come to an end. Herrick helped me to my feet as I wobbled to gain my balance. I couldn’t understand why but I felt like Cody and Mac were avoiding me. When I tried to look in their direction they both looked around room instead of directly at me.

  “How did you escape my mother, love? Last I saw you she had a knife to your throat.”

  The memory of that moment flooded back to me and I wanted to run. I didn’t know if I was strong enough to deliver the news. It was my fault, all of it. I wasn’t sure if Herrick and Cody could ever forgive me.

  “Jewel, was going to kill me. I thought I was dead, then Bonnie came out of nowhere and attacked her. The two of them struggled and Jewel pulled Bonnie with her into the crater. I tried to save her. Honestly, I did, but I couldn’t.”

  Cody stepped forward. I could see the pain in his eyes.

  “What are you saying, Ashtyn?” he asked in a cracked voice.

  “They're gone, they’re both gone. I’m so sorry, Cody.”

  He clutched his fist and spun away from me, taking off toward the exit. Mac gave me a sympathetic shrug before chasing after him.

  “I don’t know what to say. Tell me what to say to make this right,” I begged Herrick.

  He pulled me into him, placing my head against his chest and stroking my hair.

  “She was going to kill you. If I had gotten to her I would have done the same. She made her choice, hummingbird, and it wasn’t me.”

  “She was your family. Your mother is gone because of me,” I sobbed, unable to hold back the tears.

  “You are my family, love, not her. She was a stranger who would have taken the one thing that means anything to me. There is nothing to make right. You are safe; that is what matters.”

  I couldn’t understand it. How could Herrick be so forgiving? I could barely stand myself, how could he ever forgive me for what I had done? I may not have held the sword but I was the cause of Jewel’s death, and all the others’.

  Herrick watched as Ashtyn ran to her father and wrapped her arms around him in relief that he had survived. She was the most resilient creature he had ever met. Life kept knocking her down but instead of accepting defeat it all seemed to make her stronger. He knew she thought herself weak but she had no idea how strong she really was. The woman was invincible. He couldn’t comprehend why she was blaming herself for Jewel’s death. She didn’t kill her and if Bonnie hadn’t stepped in when she did he may never have had the opportunity to hold her again. That was what frightened him. He couldn’t imagine a life without her in it; never again would he go back to the cold lifeless existence he once lived. He was upset about the thought of Jewel being gone, that was, of course, the price he paid for having emotions. It crossed his mind that he could have saved her. Given enough time he may have been able to restore her feelings as well, maybe have some kind of relationship with her, but that chance was gone now. She was gone but Jewel had made her choice. She chose the darkness instead of the light and he couldn’t blame Ashtyn for the actions of a traitor.

  “Did ya tell her what happened to Dam
on?” Mac asked, walking up to Herrick.

  “No, and I’m not going to.”

  “Are ya serious? The lass went nuclear and incinerated the man to ash.”

  “All the more reason she doesn’t need to remember. How do you think she will handle that kind of information? You know how sensitive she is. She won’t leave the house for fear of hurting someone. Is that what you want? For her to become a recluse, terrified of harming anyone around her? Damon got what he deserved, we don’t know what he did or said to her to make her snap like that.”

  Herrick knew Ashtyn’s true nature, she would never have lost it like that if she weren’t pushed to the edge. Whatever happened in that room was a result of Damon’s evil.

  “Shouldn’t we know what triggered it so we can try to prevent it? Look, ya know I’ll always be on her side but we can’t pretend like it never happened and let something that powerful walk around without knowing the trigger.”

  Herrick snapped his head to Mac, snatching his arm.

  “If you make her relive that I will personally make your life a living hell. She’s been through enough, Mac. Let it go!”

  Mac jerked his arm away and threw his hands up in defeat.

  “Whatever ya say, vibrant. Just keep in mind that this time it was the enemy. Next time we may not be so lucky.”

  Chapter 21

  “Let’s go, love, we’re going to be late!” Herrick yelled down the hall toward my bedroom. It felt so good to be home. I had only been away for a few days but this was the first time in months that I wasn’t looking over my shoulder waiting for the other shoe to drop. I just had one last thing to take care of before I could put this all behind me and live my life the way I wanted.

  “You go on ahead. I’ll meet you there,” I called back.

  “They’re your friends. If I show up without you there is a strong chance they will lynch me.”

  I laughed, imagining Mac and Cody holding torches and pitchforks and driving Herrick out of the bar.

  “You’ll be fine, they don’t all hate you. Kat kind of likes you.”

  “Katrina likes everyone. It’s her nature.”

  “True but at least you know she would stop them before they could do any real harm.”

  I heard him sigh heavily. I was testing his patience.

  “All right but hurry it up. If I have to sit there and watch Lori make googly eyes at your father I’ll have nightmares for a week.”

  “Barf. Why would you say that?”

  “To punish you for making me go ahead without you. I’ll see you soon, okay?”

  “Scouts honor,” I replied and waited for another snide remark from him. When one didn’t come I sneaked around the corner to see if he had actually left. I couldn’t have kissed him goodbye, it was too risky. If he had felt my emotions he would have known something wasn’t right. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that this would all be over soon before flashing out of cottage and on to my next destination.

  I stood like a statue in the darkness. Waiting patiently for my moment to strike. When the door creaked open and she stepped into the shadow I made my move: launching toward her from behind, placing the sharp blade against her delicate neck.

  “Miss me?” I growled, letting her feel the cold instrument that could take her life with one swipe of my hand.

  “I was wondering when you would show. It’s been nearly a week since you defeated the big bad wolf. I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me,” Ruby purred, seeming unfazed by her predicament.

  “I assure you I didn’t. I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since you betrayed me and nearly got Herrick killed.”

  She laughed and I pushed the blade closer.

  “You should be thanking me. Without me who knows how long it would have taken you to realize whom you really wanted.”

  “Oh right, you were just doing me a solid, huh?” I snarled.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I was. You were lost, Ashtyn. I helped you find your way. Did you not realize until that moment who you loved more? I had them fight one another because I knew it would force you to decide. I’ll admit I was taken aback by Herrick’s sacrifice. I honestly expected Mac to be the stab victim but no matter, the result was the same. You were able to finally accept your true feelings for the vibrant.”

  “You honestly think I could believe you? If I didn’t know how I really felt how could you have known?”

  She was playing me; she had to be. Probably buying herself time until her minions showed up to rescue her.

  “Do you remember when Herrick left you alone with me downstairs? I hypnotized you. I had some questions and wanted honest answers. You revealed your love for Herrick. How you longed for him when he left. You told me how you felt like a piece of you was missing while he was away and that the moment he walked back into your life you felt complete again. That’s when I decided to have him fight Mac. Fear is a powerful emotion. You can’t ignore your heart when fear has you in its grasp.”

  Did Ruby have a death wish? Why would she admit to hypnotizing me and then erasing that memory if she wasn’t prepared to lose her head?

  “You can’t use people like they’re puppets! We’re not your playthings, Ruby. Tell me why I shouldn’t slit your throat right here? It’s not as if you don’t deserve that and more.”

  “We both know you didn’t come here to kill me, Ashtyn. Deep down I think you know that on some level I do care for you.”

  That’s where she lost me. I was fairly certain that Ruby didn’t care for anyone, especially me, but she was right. As much as I wanted to, I wasn’t there to kill her, although I wouldn’t lose sleep if I had no other choice.

  “I want you to deliver a message to Skyler,” I said, releasing her from my hold. She straightened her dress and turned to look at me.

  “I can arrange a meeting. You can speak with him yourself if you wish.”

  I shook my head no as I lowered my knife.

  “I don’t want to see him, not now, not ever.”

  “Why the change of heart? It was just a few weeks ago you would have done anything to find him. Now you have the opportunity to have a relationship with him and you turn your back on it?”

  Ruby walked over to her desk, sitting on top of it like a skilled seductress.

  “I thought I needed answers. I wanted so badly to know where I came from, to have the family I always wanted, but all of that has changed. I realize now that I do have a family. I have an amazing group of people who I know will be there for me no matter the cost. Blood doesn’t make a family, love does and I have enough love to fill the void of not knowing. The past is just that, the past. If we really want to build a better world we have to start looking at the future. The Zeotecs had their time. It’s ours now and we will right the wrongs of our ancestors. Skyler has had centuries to make a difference and what has he done with it? Hidden in the shadows letting his own people suffer for his mistakes.”

  Ruby smiled and for a second it looked like she was proud of me.

  “You’re wise beyond your years, young dreamwalker. I knew it the moment I saw you. You have a fire inside that can’t be extinguished. Hold onto that, don’t let this harsh world jade you.”

  “You’re strong, Ruby. You have built an empire in the harshest of worlds. We could use someone like you for what’s to come.”

  “I’m afraid fate has other plans for me, bright eyes. Hurry now, tell me what you wish for Skyler to know. My people will come for me soon and I can’t promise they will let you escape unharmed.”

  I knew her minions wouldn’t lay a hand on me without her permission but Ruby didn’t get where she was by being compassionate. If they knew I had sneaked into their domain to do their leader harm she would have to inflict some kind of punishment onto me to maintain her ruthless status.

  “Tell Skyler it can all end with him. If he destroys the book the past can be put to rest. He can give closure to all those who suffered from our bloodline. If he doesn’t do the righ
t thing, if the evil that my mother gave her life to contain gets out, I will find him. He will not be able to hide. No realm will give him refuge from my fury. He can be a tool of destruction or that of reconstruction, the choice is his, but I swear on the souls of the fallen if he allows that kind of evil to go free I will lay waste to everything he has built. I will rip apart his world brick by brick and scorch the ground he walks upon. It’s the dawn of new era, the phoenix will rise and with it comes vengeance.”

  Chapter 22

  I stood outside Brian’s bar holding my mother’s letter. I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking as I stared at the unopened piece of paper. In the beginning I had hoped if this moment ever came, if I found the letter she had left me all those years ago, that it would hold all the answers to my lingering questions. Did she love my father? Did she know what would become of me? So many questions I held inside of me. Now, looking at the fragile parchment in my grasp, none of that seemed to matter. I looked through the bar window to see my friends gathered together laughing and embracing one another. Whatever this letter says it won’t sway my heart. I was exactly where I was meant to be. Everything that happened that led up to this moment wouldn’t change one simple fact. They were my family; my future rested with them. It was time the past was buried.

  My darling daughter,

  If you are reading this than I have failed, not only you but our people as well. The burden rests on you now, my sweet child, to make the tough decisions and suffer the agonizing fate. How I wanted to save you from this affliction. Yet as I write this I know you will succeed. You will be stronger and wiser than I could ever dream of being. I wish I could warn you of the perils ahead but fate will not allow it. This though I can say: Do not make my mistakes. I thought if I kept my secrets I could defeat the enemy and keep those I loved safe, but I was wrong, Ashtyn. The task was just too much for one person to bear. Perhaps if I had let people in, trusted them to make their own decisions, we could have worked together to change our fates. The sisters are coming for you too. Fate will have you in her hold soon enough. Your perseverance will bring forth the phoenix. The power lies inside of you, Ashtyn. You must win the battle for there to be a war. When the time comes your wizard half will be unleashed and all the power that was dormant inside of you will burst to the surface. It may be difficult to control, you will be overwhelmed by all the things you are suddenly capable of, but believe me when I say that you will flourish. This is what you were always meant to be. You will need these abilities to protect your child, for the charge bestowed to you will be minimal compared to your offspring.


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