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Attainment (Between Two Realms Book 3)

Page 19

by Amber Flora

  “Um, Herrick. Did you mean to bring us here?” I asked in surprise at our surroundings.

  “I wanted to bring you to the place where we first made love, the place where you told me you loved me for the first time.”

  “To get technical that was actually in your dream and I remember you saying that you don’t make love.”

  “Can you please not ruin this moment, just go with me here. Ashtyn Lane, you are the first woman I made love to whom I actually wanted body and soul. The moment I touched you I knew you were mine as I am yours. I promise to devote my life to making you happy. To love you more each day than the day before.”

  “Are you proposing?”

  He sighed and I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “I’m trying to,” he said, getting down one knee and pulling out a ring.

  “Oh God, I messed it up! I’m sorry, start over. I’ll shut up,” I said, zipping my lips.

  “It’s okay, love. I love you just the way you are. Even if you do fumble every romantic moment I try to create. Ashtyn Lane, would you do me the honor of becoming Mrs. Ingham?”

  “You said your last name!” I said in shock, remembering how he once asked me not to use that name, the name of his father.

  “It can be yours if you say yes.”

  “Yes! A thousand times yes!” I squealed in glee as he placed the ring on my finger and wrapped me into his arms.

  “You are mine, hummingbird. Your light engulfs me. I want to spend whatever time we have on this earth by your side. I don’t want to spend another night without you curled up beside me.”

  Happy tears streamed down my face as I hugged him tightly.

  “I am yours and you are mine.”


  I sat in my hospital bed surrounded by my family. I didn’t know how much longer I could keep my eyes open but I wasn’t ready to sleep, not yet. Herrick brushed my matted hair out of my face, kissing my forehead.

  “Give the word, love, and I’ll make them all disappear,” he said in serious tone.

  “It’s fine, really. I like knowing they’re here,” I managed to croak out.

  “You’re going to be quite the ladies man. Aren’t ya, you little bugger.”

  “Dad, please take my son away from Mac before he starts to rub off on him,” I begged, looking at Algon.

  “What about this one though? If she’s anything like her momma you will have to beat the boys off with a stick,” Lori said, looking down at my precious daughter, who slept in her arms.

  “Something tells me with a vibrant for a father she will be just fine,” Gloria said.

  “I kind of feel sorry for her. She may never get a date.” Kat laughed, making googly faces at her.

  “It’s her brother they should worry about. He will be watching her every move. He’ll know all the boys who are after her.” Cody spoke as if he were remembering his relationship with Sarah.

  “Can we please not speak about my children dating right now? They were just born, can we just let them be babies first?”

  Ben walked over to Gloria, placing his hand on her stomach.

  “I would also prefer that we all quit speaking of children and dating.”

  “I still can’t believe you chose not to know the sex of the baby. Isn’t it driving you crazy?” I asked Gloria, looking at her baby bump.

  “Not really, I think it’s exciting. We will be completely surprised.”

  “We will be completely unprepared,” Ben corrected her, causing us all to laugh.

  My heart was filled with joy. I never could have imagined this was how it all would play out. Married to the man I love, mother of two perfect children and surrounded by the people who mean the most to me in the world. Through all the hardships, losing so many of our loved ones and fearing as though every day could be our last, we were finally free to live the lives we wanted. With Avonya restored, more dreamwalkers were showing up every day. The city was thriving again, especially with Katrina as the high priestess. She still worked in the hospital from time to time, healing people. But that was part of what made the people love her so much. Her heart was devoted to healing dream realm and who better to do that then a healer? Cody had been extremely busy training the new recruits and working with my father to build a working alliance with Cardician. Once Algon returned to wizard realm, he and his rebels took control of committee and began the long process of repairing their own realm. His first order of business was establishing a treaty between Cardician and Avonya. I knew my mother would be proud. I may not have been the savior or the one to lead her people but the end result was exactly what she envisioned. I smiled as Herrick placed my son and daughter in my arms and kissed my cheek.

  “All right, everyone, out. Ashtyn needs some alone time with her children before they get taken to the nursery.”

  “Thank you,” I mouthed as everyone waved goodbye and shuffled out the door.

  “I’ll be back in a bit, love.” Herrick said, closing the door behind him.

  I lay there holding my beautiful bundles in my arms. Thanks to my and Herrick’s bloodline, I could pass this moment onto them through a memory once they reach maturity. I wanted them to know without a doubt that they were loved.

  “My sweet Kaden and Kira. You are loved more than you will ever know. Your father and I will be by your sides for as long as the gods will allow. You are and will always be our greatest achievement. Never forget the bond that ties you and always protect the ones you love.”

  “Congratulations. I must say I wasn’t expecting two of them.”

  My face went white when I looked up to see Chloe sitting in the chair beside my bed.

  “What are you doing here?” I said, trying not scream with my children in my arms.

  “Because it’s exciting! You are holding the phoenix in your arms. We have waited so long for this day.”

  She clapped her hands together in joy.

  “No, this isn’t possible. Damon is dead, Avonya is restored. There is no need for a Phoenix.”

  I shook my head emphatically.

  “Oh honey, you don’t honestly think it’s that easy, do you? That was the prequel, the party's just getting started.”

  “Please don’t do this. He is innocent he doesn’t deserve this kind of life.”

  I begged as tears rolled down my face.

  “None of us do, did you deserve all that happened to you? Did I deserve to be the bringer of bad news? We all have a role to play, Ashtyn. Besides, who said the phoenix will be a man? Kind of sexist don’t you think?”

  “Are you saying it will be my daughter?” Chloe tapped her finger to her chin as if she were deciding.

  “Oh, I don’t want to give away the answer. The fun is in the journey. Don’t worry, momma, you have time to figure it out.”

  With that, Chloe disappeared. I looked at my miracles sleeping in my arms. My heart broke thinking of the future they might have. One thing I knew for certain: They wouldn’t have to bear the burden alone. They had a loving supportive family behind them who will do whatever it takes to ensure that when the phoenix rises darkness will fall.




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