legs of, 61, 63, 364, 370, 398, 409, 453, 464, 477, 489, 506, 508
letters to and from lovers, 70, 209, 211, 224–25, 238, 255, 364–65, 368–69, 401, 405; see also specific names
lifestyle of, 58–59, 71, 74–75, 79, 193–94, 215, 232–34, 236, 249, 457
loss of virginity, 49
Marlene Dietrich’s ABC, 481–82
and Marlene film, 502–3
marriage of, 63–67; see also Sieber, Rudolf Emilian
medications of, 473–74
memorabilia of, 363, 396, 467, 508, 571n1
monocle worn by, 61, 65, 67, 78
move to Hollywood, 168–69, 171–73, 177–82, 187, 200
movie roles of, 67–71, 77–78, 179–87, 188–90, 197–200, 204–5, 212, 216–17, 219–21, 227–28, 231, 238–40, 308, 347–51, 359–61, 370, 386–87, 391, 392, 400, 401, 402, 406, 458, 470, 471, 500; see also Blue Angel, The; other titles
movies as escape for, 39–40, 41, 44
musical saw of, 70, 196, 364
musical talents of, 78
music and dance lessons of, 46, 49, 55, 69
new name for herself, 34
as nightclub singer, 410, 448–54, 459–61, 465–68, 472–75, 477, 478, 479, 480, 485, 489–90
in Paris, 213–15, 249–50, 379–80, 381, 383–84, 388, 397–98, 452, 462, 475, 484, 497, 499, 501, 504–10
physical appearance of, 59, 66, 68, 73, 408
poems written by, 505, 508
post–World War I, 53–79, 383
post–World War II, 383–84, 385, 388–90, 396, 398
as prisoner of her own legend, 492
professional contacts of, 67, 71, 76–77
Prussian pride of, 43, 79, 466, 474
public image of, 187, 233, 238, 248–49, 358, 370
quest for adventure, 39
radio broadcasts of, 372–73, 402, 459
return trips to Berlin, 190–92, 380–81, 462–66
and schooling, 33–34, 35, 40, 46–49
and sexual ambiguities, 73
in show business, 61–63, 65, 71–73, 156, 448–49, 483–85
songs of, 77, 179, 184, 191–92, 212, 347, 348, 349, 364, 373, 392, 393, 400, 451, 461, 467, 474–75, 500
and sound films, 162
suspected of being a German spy, 561n34
teen years of, 30–49
and television, 459, 487, 501, 509, 571n67
transformation for her roles, 196–97, 199–200, 245–46, 459–60, 473–75, 568n10
in U.S., 171, 180–90, 192–257, 351
and USO, 362–67, 370–71, 373–76
wardrobe of, 68, 69, 79, 165–66, 172, 180, 192, 198, 214, 220, 232, 363, 367, 368, 369, 374–75, 393, 400–401, 448–49, 452, 454, 458, 464, 482, 484–85, 505, 506
wheelchair of, 508
work ethic of, 58, 78, 458
and World War I, 30, 34–38, 41–43, 48
and World War II, 351–52, 361, 362–76, 382–83, 474
Dietrich, Otto, 149
Dietrich, Sepp, 149
Dior, Christian, 400–401, 402, 423, 452, 506
Dirksen, Viktoria von, 261
Dishonored (film), 188–90
Disney, Walt, 315
Dix, Otto, 14
Döblin, Alfred, Berlin Alexanderplatz, 161
Docks of New York, The (film), 112
Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler (film), 54
Dodd, William E., 292
Dolly Sisters, 73
Domela, Cesar, 533n55
Dos Passos, John, 227–28
Douglas, Louis, 62
Dreier, Hans, 545n40
Riefenstahl’s move to, 20
Wigman’s school of dance in, 24–26
Dunaway, Faye, 514
Duncan, Isadora, 18, 528n10
Duse, Eleonora, 57
Edington, Harry, 231, 246, 247, 255
Eduardowa, Eugenia, 82, 533n54
Eggebrecht, Axel, 535n83
Eisenstein, Sergei, 187, 209, 263, 278
Eisner, Lotte, 59, 407
Eitel Friedrich, Prince, 77
Elisabeth, Empress, 89
Emil and the Detectives (film), 128
Ertl, Hans, 122, 142, 290–91, 297, 299, 327, 442, 556n94
Esser, Hermann, 431
Europe, Nazi takeovers in, 70, 249, 257, 294, 308, 331
Express-Film Company, 94
Eysoldt, Gertrud, 57
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 240–41, 242, 450, 459
Fairbanks, Douglas, Sr., 111, 183
Falkenberg, Paul, 108
“Falling in Love Again” (song), 77, 179, 451, 482, 489,
Fanck, Arnold, 88–106, 132, 134, 297
and Avalanche, 114–17, 162
birth and background of, 93
and Blue Light, 126–27, 136
in counterintelligence, 120
and Great Leap, 103–6
and Holy Mountain, 90–99, 101
and Leni, 88, 90–106, 110, 114, 117, 119–20, 122, 125, 136, 139–40, 262, 267, 304, 419, 442
and Lowlands, 335
and Miracle of the Snowshoe, 94, 103
and Mountain of Destiny, 88, 90, 94
as NSDAP member, 337
obsession with mountains, 94, 122–23
and Piz Palü, 108–11, 116, 120
and Reich chancellery film, 337
sadism of, 109, 125, 535n91
and S.O.S. Iceberg, 138–43, 152
war veterans in films of, 122
and White Frenzy, 119, 124–25, 140
Fangauf, Eberhard, 264, 266–67
Fashion Side of Hollywood, The (film), 232
Faust (film), 154
FBI, 561n34
Fedora (film), 571n13
Feilchenfeldt, Walter, 256
Feld, Hans, 114, 117
Feldman, Charles, 387, 399–400, 402, 406, 450
Fellini, Federico, 428
Felsing, Albert, 5, 32
Felsing, Elisabeth, 32–33, 36, 43, 53, 59, 60, 401
Felsing, Hasso Conrad, 30, 77, 192
Felsing, Jolly, 76, 77, 117, 237
Felsing, Willibald, 32, 36, 76, 77
Felsing family, 5, 32
social and professional contacts in, 77
and the theater, 55
and Wilhelmine Germany, 41, 53, 61
feminist film festivals, 446
Feuchtwanger, Lion, 75, 119
Feuchtwanger, Marta, 119
Film-Kurier, 264
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 247
Flame of New Orleans, The (film), 351
Flanner, Janet, 215, 419
Flaubert, Gustave, 197
Fleckhaus, Willy, 443
Fleming, Robert, 450
Flesch, Carl, 49
Flickenschildt, Elisabeth, 328
Foreign Affair, A (film), 390–95, 399, 459, 571–72n15
Forst, Willi, 69, 70–71, 171, 209, 233, 503
Forster-Larrinaga, Robert, 156
4628 Meter High on Skis: Climbing Monte Rosa (film), 94
Fournier, Dominique, 397
Fraenkel, Ernst, 258
Austria occupied by, 414–15
German occupation of, 331, 357
Marlene with USO in, 373–74
Paris retaken by Allies, 340
prelude to World War II, 250–51, 252, 256, 257
“Train Bleu,” 373
war declared by, 353
Franco, Francisco, 331
Franco-Prussian War, 53
Frankfurt Book Fair, 445
Fräulein Else (film), 128
Frederick the Great, 3
Free French Forces, 361–62
Freeman, Stan, 488–89
Freiligrath, Ferdinand, “O lieb, so lang du lieben kannst,” 503
Frentz, Walter, 122, 267, 268, 280, 297, 327
Freud, Sigmund, 21
Freund, Karl, 128
Frick, Wilhelm, 273
rich, Caspar David, 94
Friedrich, Kaiser, 33
Froitzheim, Otto, 28, 29, 84, 87
Frost, Robert, 471
Führer Builds His Reich Capital, The (filmstrip), 336–37
Funk, Walter, 335
Furthman, Jules, 545n40
Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 426
Gabin, Jean, 356–59
death of, 498
end of affair with, 384, 385, 389, 396–97, 398, 399, 452
and film roles, 357, 383, 385–87
and Free French Forces, 361–62
letters to and from Marlene, 364–65, 368, 379–80
Marlene’s affair with, 356, 357–59, 361–62, 364–65, 368–69, 371, 379, 382, 383, 384, 486
marriage to Fournier, 397, 405, 462
Gable, Clark, 137
Gainsbourg, Serge, 506
Gance, Abel, 278
Garbo, Greta, 106, 137, 187, 223, 231, 263, 349, 356, 505
Garden of Allah (film), 238–39
Garland, Judy, 469, 473
Garmes, Lee, 184, 545n40
Gavin, James M., 381, 382, 384–85, 407, 562n4
George, Heinrich, 75, 279
George Eastman House, Rochester, 513
Georgi, Yvonne, 24–25
Geriatrea, 469
German Nansen Society, 437
German National Association of Visual Arts, 537n122
anti-Semitism in, 314
and Battle of Stalingrad, 336
beaten-down men in, 22
compulsory military service in, 290, 295
currency reform in, 425
delusions of grandeur in, 45
exiles in U.S. from, 233–35, 259
expressionism in, 532n38
extraordinary year (1923), 27
Federal Republic, 425
industry and technology in, 13, 60
inflation in, 26–27, 54, 60, 63, 73, 81
instability in, 63, 160, 191, 203, 208
Kostümfilme in, 531n28
Kristallnacht in, 314
Marlene’s assets in, 208, 209, 225
Marlene’s films accepted in, 240
Marlene’s stage performances in, 462–67
military films in, 291–92
mountain films in, 88–101, 102–11, 115–23, 129, 273, 287, 413, 434, 534n72
Munich Agreement (1938), 313
Nazi Party in, see National Socialism
New Woman in, 22–24, 45, 57, 60, 68, 85–86, 115
Night of the Long Knives in, 277
1920s in, 27, 73, 532n38, 533n49
and Olympic Games (1936), 294, 295, 296, 297–98, 444
postwar films in, 426
post–World War I, 22, 53–54, 59–60, 85–86, 122
post–World War II, 411–12, 419
prelude to World War II in, 249, 287–88
Reichstag dissolved, 149
revolution of 1918 in, 10, 43, 45, 53, 59, 60
Sedan Day in, 53
Siegfried Line in, 330
stock market crash and world economic crisis (1929), 160, 208
Third Reich, 258, 421, 446
upward mobility sought in, 83
war-crimes trials in, 415–16, 419
Weimar Republic, 20, 22, 57, 61, 69, 79, 83, 147, 161, 171, 258, 475
World War I in, 11, 22, 34–38, 41–43
World War II in, see World War II
Gerron, Kurt, 163
Gershwin, George, 62, 73
Gert, Valeska, 26
Giacometti, Alberto, 462
Gilda (film), 448
Gillhausen, Rolf, 443, 445
Ginzburg, Carlo, 190
Gladitz, Nina, 517
Glas, Uschi, 521
Goddard, Paulette, 453, 485–86
Goebbels, Joseph:
and approved films, 263, 267
and banned films, 148
and banned songs, 373
death of, 412
diaries of, 422
and Leni’s films, 260–61, 263–64, 273, 274, 279, 280, 287, 288, 290, 292, 295, 296, 300, 303, 304, 305–6, 309, 328, 330, 332, 336, 341, 413, 421, 424
and Marlene, 240, 246–47
and Ministry of Propaganda, 262–63, 266, 305, 309, 321, 322, 328, 413
and Nazi rize to power, 21
socializing with Leni, 150–51, 260–62, 263–64, 307, 315, 334, 422
Goebbels, Magda, 150, 151, 260, 261
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von:
“Just Take My Life,” 500
“Reynard the Fox,” 470
Goetz, Ben, 303
Golden Earrings (film), 387
Gone With the Wind (film), 349
Goodman, Dean, 359, 382
Göring, Emmy, 431, 566n1
Göring, Hermann, 151, 261, 277, 292, 431
Gotthart, Bernhard, 94
Göttler, Fritz, 426
Goulding, Edmund, 263
Grant, Cary, 206
Granz, Norman, 462, 463
Great Depression, 204, 232, 235
Greatest Earthly Joy on Horseback, The (short film), 556n86
Great Leap, The (film), 103–6, 127
Great War, see World War I
Greenland, film shooting in, 138–43, 293, 335
Grimm-Reiter, Helene, 13–14
Grosskopf, Walter, 316
Grosz, George, 99
Guiness, Alec, 450
Guitry, Sasha, 311
Gulbranssen, Trygve, Beyond Sing the Woods, 331
Haas, Willy, 39
Habsburg Empire, 63
Haffner, Sebastian, 27, 35, 53, 160, 171, 262
Hameister, Willy, 297
Hammett, Dashiell, 193
Hampton, Hope, 482
Hanfstaengl, Ernst, 150, 151, 261–62
Harrison, Joan, 504
Harrison, Rex, 459
Hassell, Ulrich von, 296
Hauser, Arnold, 130
Hays Code, 201, 545n42
Hayworth, Rita, 352, 457
Head, Edith, 458
Heiden, Konrad, 293
“Heidenröslein” (song), 212
Heimatfilm (sentimental film in rural setting), 92
Hellman, Lillian, 452
Hemingway, Ernest, 473
death of, 471
Green Hills of Africa, 433–35, 436
and Leni, 432–34
and Marlene, 373–74, 406, 407–8, 453, 499
Hemingway, Mary Welsh, 373, 374, 453
Henning, Hanna, 137
Hepburn, Audrey, 402
Hepburn, Katharine, 247
Hermès accessories, 200
Hess, Rudolf, 268, 271, 273, 284, 334, 415
Hessel, Franz, 190, 507
Heuser, Kurt, 434
Hilpert, Heinz, 246–47
Himmler, Heinrich, 35, 286
Hindenburg, Paul von, 42, 77, 147–48, 276, 277
Hinkel, Hans, 265–67, 341
Hintner, Cornelius, 536n94
Hinze, Ingetraud, 396
Hitchcock, Alfred, 400
Hitchens, Gordon, 419
Hitler, Adolf:
attempted assassination of, 343
charisma of, 144, 268, 269, 271, 518
death of, 412, 413
and Leni, 28, 144–47, 149–52, 258–65, 267–69, 277–79, 283–84, 289–91, 292–93, 305–9, 331, 340, 421, 423, 518
and Leni’s films, 136, 148, 260, 261, 267, 271–72, 273–75, 277–78, 283–90, 291, 292–93, 295, 300, 305–7, 311–12, 321–23, 328, 329, 337, 424, 518
lifestyle of, 150
losing self-control, 313
loss of power, 343, 367
and Marlene’s films, 240
and Marlene’s postwar stage performances, 463, 467
Mein Kampf, 149, 151, 293, 331, 431
movies about, 470–71
and Night of the Long Knives, 277
at the opera, 553–54n55
and party members, 276–77
postwar investigations about, 416<
br />
rise to power, 143–52, 203, 211, 213, 259, 264, 267, 431
takeovers in Europe, 70, 249, 257, 315
and the Volk, 268, 269, 288, 427
Wilder’s triumph over, 393–94
and World War II, 257, 313, 315, 319–23, 326–27, 331, 334, 335, 336, 367
Hitler Over Germany (film), 266
Hitler Youth, 285–86
Hitler Youth in the Mountains (film), 266
Hobsbawm, Eric, 141
Hobsbawm, Sidney, 141
Hoffmann, Erna, 19
Hoffmann, Heinrich, 150, 261
Hohenzollern dynasty, 43
Hölderlin, Friedrich, 99
Hollaender, Friedrich, 62, 158–59, 163, 168, 191, 233, 347, 393
“box office poison” in, 247, 257
and Depression, 204, 232
exiles from Germany in, 233–35
film industry in, 236
Hays Code in, 201, 545n42
Leni boycotted in, 313–15, 415, 418, 514
Marlene’s life in, 193–94, 215, 232–34, 236, 249, 358, 389, 457
Marlene’s move to, 168–69, 171–73, 177–82, 187, 200
postwar, 504
scandals in, 201
in wartime, 351–52, 354, 372, 394
Hollywood Canteen, 352
Hollywood Victory Committee, 351–52
Holy Mountain, The (film), 90–99, 100–103, 145, 535n83
Homecoming (propaganda film), 70
Hörmann, Gheo von, 439
Horst Wessel Song, 272, 273, 289
Hugenberg, Alfred, 65, 77, 211
Huston, John, 351
Ickes, Paul, 138
Ihering, Herbert, 60
I Kiss Your Hand, Madame (film), 69, 399
“Illusions” (song), 393
Image, 513
Impressions of the Deep (film), 523
Internal Revenue Service, 256
International Exposition (1937), Paris, 307
International Olympics Committee, 294
Interview, 511–12
Isherwood, Christopher, 452
Israel, Marlene’s stage performances in, 466–67, 479
Leni’s visit to, 426–27
postwar filmmaking in, 426, 427, 428
It’s in the Air (musical revue), 71–73, 75, 156
Jabs, Waldemar, 162
Jacob, Peter, 340, 416, 417, 418, 420, 432
Jacobi, Lotte, photographs of Leni by, 86–87, 118
Jacobi, Mia, 86
Jäger, Ernst, 280, 313, 413
Jagger, Bianca, 511, 514
Jagger, Mick, 446, 511, 514
Jannings, Emil:
and The Blue Angel, 155, 156, 158, 163–64, 166–68, 169, 172
in Pandora’s Box, 57
and Paramount, 209
socializing, 77
and sound films, 162
in Tragedy of Love, 67
and von Sternberg, 152–55, 163–64
Janowitz, Hans, 128
Jaques-Dalcroze, Émile, 19
Jaworsky, Heinz von, 99, 127, 131, 538n8
Jazz Singer, The (film), 161
Jigsaw (film), 399
“Johnny wenn du Geburtstag hast” (song), 191, 212, 482
Dietrich & Riefenstahl: Hollywood, Berlin, and a Century in Two Lives Page 61