arrests and escapes of, 412
art, beauty, and strength as core of, 83, 105, 517
artistic rise of, 81–83, 128, 136
as artist with nothing to learn, 25, 82
assets confiscated, 419, 421–23, 435
attention sought by, 11, 142–43, 419, 423, 432
Behind the Scenes of the Reich Party Rally Film, 280
birth and family background of, 7–8, 265
boxing lessons taken by, 85
car accident of, 433–34, 436
career advancement of, 80, 124–27, 136, 147, 261, 264, 287, 291, 314, 320, 427, 514, 518
childhood of, 8–9, 122
as “child of nature,” 9, 10, 95, 96, 123
as cinema fan, 14, 112
comeback of, 446–47
competition avoided by, 26, 119
Coral Gardens, 518, 520
as dancer, 14–16, 18–19, 20–21, 22, 25, 27, 29, 79–81, 84, 92, 93, 96–97, 104, 105, 117, 124, 145, 440, 523
“Dances of Eros” performed by, 29
dealings with men, 11, 27–28, 29, 80, 84, 87, 90–92, 99–102, 105, 110–11, 113–14, 123, 125–27, 131, 140, 142, 147, 148–49, 151, 261, 293, 301, 330, 340, 341–42, 442
death of, 524
and deep-sea diving, 515, 516, 518–19, 520, 524
denazification hearings of, 420–22, 425
deported from Austria, 419
disregarding her father’s wishes, 9, 10, 11, 13–14, 15–16, 20–21, 22, 25, 127
divorce of, 420, 432
“Dream Blossom” choreographed by, 96
fading influence of, 313, 314, 326, 330, 340, 436
and fame, 293, 313, 314, 444, 511, 518, 520
as film actress, 15, 95, 97, 99, 103–5, 108, 111, 116–17, 124, 125, 135, 136, 137, 273, 312, 330, 333, 343, 426, 428; see also Riefenstahl, Leni, films acted in
film apprenticeship of, 123, 126; see also Riefenstahl, Leni, films directed by
financing sought by, 27–29, 81, 259, 423, 425, 426, 432, 436, 535n81
first sexual experience, 28
flights from reality, 114, 342–43, 411, 436, 438, 440–41, 513–15
and Goebbels, 150–51,
260–64, 274, 295, 300, 305–6
health problems of, 335–36, 339–40, 343, 420, 516–17, 522, 524
in helicopter accident, 522
history rewritten by, 80, 90, 128, 136–37, 261, 263–64, 274, 280, 312, 326, 330, 412, 413, 417–19, 421–23, 507, 513–15, 517–18, 521
and Hitler, 144–47, 149–52, 258–65, 267–69, 273–75, 277–79, 283–84, 289–91, 292–93, 305–9, 331, 337, 412, 417–18, 421, 423, 424, 440, 515, 517–18, 520
honors and awards to, 137, 289–90, 295–96, 311, 417
houses built by, 306–7, 515–16
income of, 95, 105, 124, 292, 295, 336–37, 413, 421, 423, 439
international travel of, 293–94, 307, 313–15
interrogations of, 413–16, 418
judicial inquiry initiated against, 523
knee injury of, 84, 87, 88, 89, 93
The Last of the Nuba, 444, 514, 520
lawsuits initiated by, 423–25, 517
and Marlene, 112–14
marriage of, 340
memoirs of, 25, 114, 128, 326, 426, 507, 516–17, 519, 552n39
and modeling, 86–87
and mountain films, 88–101, 102–11, 115–23, 129, 261, 267, 269, 273, 278, 287, 292, 413, 433, 434, 440, 442
Müller’s film about: The Wonderful, Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl, 127, 519–20
and Mussolini, 295
and Nazi party, 130, 136, 263, 264–68, 273, 275, 280, 290, 293, 315, 330, 333, 413, 420–22, 425, 435, 518, 523
in New York, 514
and Nuba people, 436–44, 446–47, 514, 519, 520, 521–22
outsider status of, 25, 440
peasants and Gypsies used for filming by, 337–39, 423–25, 434, 439, 517, 519, 523
People of Kau, 445, 515
photographs by, 438–47, 511, 515, 516, 518–19, 520
physical appearance of, 86, 120, 446, 514
piano lessons of, 13
and politics, 143–44, 147, 148, 259, 308, 313, 314–15, 413–14, 426
post–World War II, 411–28, 431
production company of, 126
professional contacts of, 85, 297, 299–300, 321, 421, 427, 441–42
public image of, 292, 293, 313, 520–21
reputation of, 136
on the run, 411
Schulberg’s visit to, 416–19
self-confidence of, 29, 91, 95, 99
self-image of, 102–3, 105, 329–30, 333, 412, 413, 414, 419–20, 522, 523
self-promotion of, 82, 89, 91, 106, 114, 118, 127, 131, 144, 145–48, 151, 292, 314
Special Film Unit of, 321–23
speech lessons for, 117–18
sports played by, 9, 10, 16, 22
Struggle in Snow and Ice, 110, 127, 138, 513
studio lot built for, 315–16
success achieved by, 258–59, 274, 289–90, 302, 309, 311–12, 321, 327
teen years of, 10–23
at Telluride Film Festival, 512–13, 514
training her body, 9, 85, 93, 103, 316
triumph over her father, 29, 83
as typist in her father’s office, 15–16, 83
and war, 316, 319–27, 330–31, 334–35, 346
Wonders under Water, 518
work ethic of, 292–93, 299–301, 305
working through her pain, 14, 82, 84, 104, 108–10, 433–34, 518–19
Riefenstahl, Leni, films acted in:
Avalanche, 115–20, 127, 162, 435
The Great Leap, 103–4, 106, 127
The Holy Mountain, 93–99, 100–103, 145, 535n83
Piz Palü, 107–11, 116, 120, 139, 263
S.O.S. Iceberg, 138–43, 145, 273
White Frenzy, 119, 124–25, 127, 131, 140
Riefenstahl, Leni, films directed by:
archive of, 435–36, 515–16
Black Cargo, 434–35
The Blue Light, see Blue Light, The
critical reviews of, 137, 138
Day of Freedom—Our Wehrmacht—Nuremberg 1935, 290, 291–92, 323, 415, 416–17, 515
dreams as sources for, 129, 136, 268, 333, 418, 427
Lowlands, see Lowlands
military precision in planning of, 269–70, 280–83, 297–98, 300–301, 305, 306
money squandered on, 332, 335
Olympia, 290, 294–312, 315, 321, 342, 440, 512
and postwar hearings, 420–22
postwar projects, 432–33
remakes of, 436
technical innovations in, 134–35, 287, 311, 555n80
Triumph of the Will, see Triumph of the Will
Victory of Faith, 152, 264, 270–75, 276, 415, 416–17, 515
Riefenstahl film Inc., 316, 335, 336–39
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 19, 57, 243, 385
Riml, Walter, 127, 131, 137, 142, 280
Rist, Sepp, 115, 121, 142, 279
Rittau, Günter, 112, 162
Riva, John Michael, 401
Riva, Maria Elisabeth:
as actress, 219, 459
birth of, 63
childhood of, 66–67, 75, 76, 77, 238
children of, 395–96, 398, 399, 401, 457, 462, 476
citizenship of, 65
and her father, 202, 214, 366, 382, 493
and her mother, 66, 190–91, 192, 193–94, 381–82, 403, 461, 462, 466, 478, 486, 488, 510
as “Maria Manton,” 359
Marlene in U.S., 171
Marlene’s attachment to, 196, 382, 505
on Marlene’s life, 49, 77, 167
and Marlene’s memoirs, 498–99
and Marlene’s work, 199–200, 217, 230, 239, 366, 462
marriage to Goodman, 359, 382
marriage to Riva, 390
as teenager, 257
travel to Europe, 213,
Riva, Paul, 457
Riva, Peter, 395–96, 397, 398, 401, 510, 572n22
Riva, William, 390
Robison, Arthur, 67
Rodger, George, 436–37, 438, 566–67n10
Le Village des Noubas, 437
Rodin, Auguste, 242
Röhm, Ernst, 271, 273, 276–77, 285
Roman, Martin, 542n71
Allied conquest of, 367
Leni’s visit to, 426–27
Rommel, Erwin, 327
Room Upstairs, The (Martin Roumagnac) (film), 386–87
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 204, 235–36, 350
Rops, Félicien, 165
Rossellini, Roberto, 396, 426, 427
Rossino, Alexander B., 325
Roth, Joseph, 11, 61–62, 76, 128, 469
Rundstedt, Gerd von, 323
Ruttmann, Walter, 105, 278–80, 553n45, 553n46
Sagan, Françoise, 452
Sagan, Leontine, 137
Saint Laurent, Yves, 462, 503
Salonom, Erich, 288
Salvador, Henri, 400
Salvation Hunters (film), 196
Sanders-Brahms, Helma, 559n44, 573n12
Sarris, Andrew, 221
Scarlet Empress, The (film), 216–17, 218–21, 223, 228, 238, 240
Schaub, Julius, 341, 411
Schaub, Wilma, 411–12
Scheib, Hans, 297
Schell, Maximilian, 158, 469, 502–3, 570n43
Schiaparelli, Elsa, 374
Schiele, Egon, 242
Schiffer, Claudia, 521
Schiffer, Marcellus, 71–73, 210
Schirach, Baldur von, 285–86
Schlageter, Albert Leo, 279
Schleicher, Kurt von, 277
Schmidt-Rottluff, Karl, 242
Schnauber, Cornelius, 564n48
Schneeberger, Gisela, 280
Schneeberger, Hans:
and The Blue Angel, 112, 162
and The Blue Light, 127, 137, 556n97
The Exploding Mountain by, 121
Leni’s relationship with, 101, 103–5, 109, 110, 111–12, 113, 124, 127, 420
and Lowlands, 279
and mountain films, 91, 101, 103–5, 109, 115, 127, 137, 162
and professional contacts, 112, 114, 121
as trustee of Leni’s possessions, 565n12
war experiences of, 121
Schneider, Hannes, 103, 119, 121
Schneider, Romy, 432, 462, 473, 503, 506
Schönberg, Arnold, 233, 533n49
Schubert, Franz, 80
Schulberg, B. P., 205, 415
Schulberg, Budd, 415–19
Schultze, Norbert, 561n35
Schwarzenbach, Annemarie, 307
Seidman, Ginette and Paul-Émile, 475
Selznick, Irene, 459
Senso (film), 428
Seven Sinners (film), 349–50
Shanghai Express (film), 197–200, 213, 240, 351
Shaw, George Bernard, Misalliance, 246
Shirer, William, 285
Sieber, Anton, 64
Sieber, Ernst, 507
Sieber, Rudolf Emilian “Rudi”:
aging, 469, 492–93
birth certificate of, 63
chicken farm of, 410, 455, 475, 478, 479, 480, 485
citizenship of, 226
death of, 497–98, 499
diaries of, 455, 456, 506
family background of, 64
film connections of, 64, 67
film work of, 68, 69, 71, 194, 202, 214, 226, 353
as grandfather, 396, 401, 476
health problems of, 455–56, 475, 493
and Maria (daughter), 202, 214, 366, 382, 493
Marlene in U.S., 171, 201, 208, 211, 212
and Marlene’s assets in Germany, 208, 209, 225
and Marlene’s lovers, 202, 209, 211, 222, 251, 252, 253, 353, 357, 365, 371, 389, 404, 455, 475, 480
marriage to Marlene, 63–67, 157, 193, 257, 379
messages to and from Marlene, 192, 201, 202–4, 209–10, 211–13, 221–22, 225–27, 253, 359, 360, 380, 382, 388, 395, 471
money from Marlene, 76, 202–3, 209, 215, 222, 371, 409–10, 455–56, 477, 492–93
in Paris, 194, 202, 209, 211, 213–14, 221, 226, 238, 251, 395
separate life of, 67, 75, 157, 194, 410, 488
Tamara as lover of, 75–76, 157, 190–91, 194, 227, 238, 256–57, 353, 409, 410, 455–56
U.S., family visits of, 201–2, 208, 238, 241, 353, 409
Signoret, Simone, 506
Silk Stockings (musical), 408
Simmel, Johannes Mario, 244
Sinatra, Frank, 367, 501
skiing, Arlberg technique,
Skoronel, Vera, 25
Slezak, Walter, 261
Sokal, Harry, 28–29
affair with Leni, 29, 101–2, 125–26
departure from Germany, 259
as film producer, 91, 101, 106, 119, 125, 126, 127, 426, 513, 556n97
financial support to Leni from, 28, 29, 82, 90–91, 312
gifts from, 90
war experience of, 121
wealth of, 81
Sol y Sombra (film), 432
Song of Songs (film), 212, 214, 223, 224
Sontag, Susan, “Fascinating Fascism,” 446–47, 514, 520
Sorge, Ernst, 142, 149
Sorkin, Marc, 108
S.O.S. Iceberg (film), 138–43, 145, 152, 273
Soupault, Philippe, 278
Southern California, American dream in, 234–35
Soviet Union:
German invasion of, 336
Marlene’s stage performances in, 472–73, 479
Spanish Civil War, 331
Sparkuhl, Theodor, 67
Speer, Albert, 305, 520
and International Pavilion, Paris (1937), 307
and Leni, 267–68, 343
and Leni’s family, 344, 345, 411
and Leni’s films, 267–68, 315, 412
memoirs of, 267–68, 334
and party congresses, 267, 282–83
Spender, Stephen, 191, 452
Spiro, Eugen, 119–20
Spitz, René, 130
Spoilers, The (film), 360
Spoliansky, Mischa, 62, 71, 156, 191, 506
Springer, Axel, 506
Stage Fright (film), 400–401, 402
Stauffenberg, Claus Schenck Graf von, 343
Steel Animal, The (film), 290, 291, 342, 435, 554n67, 559n41
Stern, 442–43, 445
Sternberg, Josef von “Jo,” 152–59
affair with Marlene, 167–68, 172, 182, 190, 192–93, 197, 208, 210, 215–18, 227, 229–30, 241, 355, 460
art collection of, 241–42
in Berlin, 211
and Blonde Venus, 204–6, 210
and Blue Angel, 112–13, 157–59, 162–73
death of, 481, 498
and The Devil Is a Woman, 227–28
as director, 216, 217, 218, 349
and Dishonored, 188–90
early years of, 195–96
and end of the affair, 221, 229–30, 233, 237, 238, 242–43, 256, 479–80
fading influence of, 229
and financial matters, 203
and Jannings, 152–55, 163–64
and Leni, 113–14, 413
Marlene created by, 159, 165, 167, 172, 196–97, 216–18, 227, 229–30, 395, 476, 506
Marlene discovered by, 503–4, 541n62
and Marlene’s film roles, 164, 166–69, 179–87, 197–200, 212, 215, 217, 227, 230, 231–32, 350, 406, 503
memoirs of, 481
messages to and from Marlene, 210, 211, 215–16, 218, 242–43, 405
and Morocco, 179–87, 197
move to Hollywood, 168–69, 179, 233
name change of, 196
and The Scarlet Empress, 216–17, 218–21, 228
and Shanghai Express, 197–200
and Sieber, 202, 209, 211, 222, 455, 480
socializing with, 238, 256, 257, 356, 405, 466, 468, 480–81
travels of, 242–43
and war, 257
Sternberg, Riza von, 167, 182, 192, 200–201, 202
Stern Film, Inc., 434
Stewart, James, 347, 348, 354, 402
Stolze, SS-Hauptsturmbannführer, 321, 424
Storr, Hermann, 321
Stout, Rex, 491
Strachan, Robin, 566n9
Strasser, Gregor, 277
Stravinsky, Igor, 355
Streicher, Julius, 275
Strength and Momentum (short film), 556n86
Stresemann, Gustav, 160
Sudan, civil war in, 522
Sudermann, Hermann, Song of Songs, 211
Sudetenland, Hitler’s threats against, 313
Sullavan, Margaret, 248
Swanson, Gloria, 512
Sym, Igo, 70
“Taking a Chance on Love” (song), 364
Taming of the Shrew, The (Shakespeare), 57
Tauber, Richard, 76, 77, 399, 467
Taylor, Elizabeth, 401, 402
Taylor, Maxwel D., 563n26
Technicolor, 238
Tel Aviv, Marlene’s stage appearances in, 466–67
Telluride Film Festival, 512–13, 514
Temporary Nationality Act (1945), 565n6
Thale boarding school, 15
Théatre de L’Étoile, Paris, 462
Thielscher, Guido, 61
Thielscher Girls, 61–62
Thomas, Danny, 362, 363, 366
Threepenny Opera, The (film), 86
Three Stars on the Cloak of the Madonna (film), 432
Time, 521
Time of Silence and Darkness (film), 517
Tobis Cinema, 240, 334, 425
Toller, Ernst, 75
Torberg, Friedrich, 455, 475, 485
Touch of Evil (film), 457–58
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, 165
Towns, Forrest, 302
Tracy, Spencer, 469, 470
Tragedy of Love (film), 64, 67, 164
Traut, Walter, 316, 321, 434, 435
Trenker, Luis, 423
death of, 519
and Great Leap, 103
and Holy Mountain, 91, 95, 96
and Leni, 89–92, 95, 100–101, 102, 103, 105
marriage of, 105
and Mountain of Destiny, 89–90, 94–95
and The Rebel, 263, 267
Struggle in the Mountains by, 120–21
Trezona, Charlie, 371–72, 396–97
Triumph of the Will (film), 92, 275–91
Behind the Scenes of the Reich Party Rally Film, 280
cast and crew for, 278–82
filming of, 279–80, 284, 290, 305
and Hitler, 277–79, 283–90
honors and awards for, 289–90, 295–96, 307
impact of, 288, 447
Leni as director of, 277–85, 287, 288–90
Leni’s changing claims about, 287, 417, 515
and party rallies, 275–76, 278–80, 282–87
postwar distribution of, 435
Dietrich & Riefenstahl: Hollywood, Berlin, and a Century in Two Lives Page 63