Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances

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Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances Page 6

by Lyssa Layne

  He gives a quick frown, but turns it around when he says, “Yeah, well, I guess baseball wasn’t done with me.”

  Jace glances out at the mound and I follow his eyes. If looks could kill, Jace and I would be dead from the sour glare Grant gives us. I quickly look away from one gorgeous male to the other.

  “Well… it was good to see you,” I say, hoping that’s the end of that. If I can survive this small conversation I will officially be done with Jace Richards.

  Jace turns his attention back to me, his baby blues looking into mine as he nods in Grant’s direction. “So, is it true? You and Adamson?”

  I feel my cheeks changing colors and I suddenly grow lightheaded. I casually lean against the fence, trying to keep from fainting. “Are you dating all the women you’re photographed with?”

  Jace lets out the deepest belly laugh I’ve ever heard. God, I’ve missed that. I remember all the times we’d stay up talking about anything and everything, one arm tucked behind his head, the other with my head resting on it while we laughed about nothing in particular.

  “In that case, I’d like to take you to dinner,” he proposes.

  I swear to you, I think my heart stopped beating for that split second. Everything around me freezes while I soak in what he just said. In an effort not to pass out, I give a small nod.

  “Great, I’ll pick you up around eight. Where are you staying?”

  “Um… how about I meet you somewhere?”

  Jace’s face twists into a confused look, but shrugs and gives me directions where to meet him. He leans forward and gives me a kiss on the cheek as he says goodbye. When he leans up, he smiles behind me and says, “Hey, Adamson, nice curveball.”

  I don’t have to turn around to know Grant’s not happy. I continue facing Jace as the two men talk. The tension between the two of them can be cut with a knife. Finally, Jace ends the conversation by saying, “See ya tonight, Nikki,” and turns to leave, melting my heart as he calls me by my college nickname.

  I slowly pivot to face Grant, whose jaw is clenched. Our eyes briefly meet and he starts to turn away from me. I grab his arm and see him wince, but he keeps walking.

  “Grant,” I say, but he keeps walking. “Grant!”

  I run to catch up, stepping around his large frame and blocking him. He stops but refuses to look down at me.

  “Let’s go check out your shoulder.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “No, you’re not. Come on,” I say, and take his hand, which he promptly pulls away.

  I glance over my shoulder and see a group of fans and reporters watching us closely. “Don’t make a scene, stop thinking whatever you’re thinking, and let me look at your shoulder,” I demand in a tone that only he can hear.

  Reluctantly, he turns and walks into the training room. I close the door as I follow him inside. He heaves his glove across the room, then sits on the table. I don’t say a word as I work on his shoulder, watching him flinch with every movement. This is worse than I thought.

  “It might be a labral tear,” I say softly, not meeting his eyes.

  He doesn’t respond, his eyes fixed on the wall behind me.

  “I don’t think you should pitch tomorrow. I’ll order an MRI to have the team doctor look at it and get you some exercises to help strengthen it.”

  He stands up. I chew on my bottom lip as I watch him retrieve his glove. He turns to me. “Sorry, Cole, I just don’t have time for a set-back right now.”

  I nod and squeeze his hand. “I know, and I’m going to do everything I can to keep you on the mound.”

  He fingers a charm on my bracelet, both of us watching him do it. Is he really just upset about his shoulder, or does Jace Richards have something to do with this, too? He swallows and I watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down. Slowly he turns to me, slipping his hand on my waist as he speaks. “I don’t know what did or didn’t happen between you and Richards, but I don’t want to stand in your way.”

  My heart sinks as he says this. “Grant, it’s only dinner with an old friend. Nothing more.”

  He gives me a soft half-smile. “It’s more than dinner, trust me. No man could ever want just dinner with you.” He lets go of my bracelet and his hand moves to my neck, pulling me forward as he kisses my forehead. “Don’t get hurt, Colie,” he says, and walks out of the training room.

  Watching him leave, I think I already am.


  I feel like a teenager sneaking out. As soon as I hear Grant’s door close, I make a break down the hallway, holding my nude peep-toe heels in hand. I grab the rental car keys from their hook and enter the garage. Stepping into the high SUV, I realize my dress is way too short, but it’s too late to turn back now. The baby blue tunic-length dress is a great contrast against my tanned skin but the fabric below the pleated waistline isn’t quite as long as I’d like. Ugh, one of the issues with online shopping!

  There’s no way I’m going to try to park this beast of a car, so I pull in front of the restaurant for valet service. I slide out of the vehicle, holding my dress down as I do hoping no one gets a look at my thong I’m wearing underneath it. My phone beeps and it’s a text from Jace telling me he has a table on the patio. Taking a deep breath, I make my way through the restaurant.

  He’s chatting with a table full of college girls sitting beside him. I almost roll my eyes at their hopeless flirting, but think about Grant as I do. Great, I can’t even roll my eyes without thinking about him. I stop in the middle of the restaurant, my stomach flipping back and forth, and I think about turning around to leave. While I’m still trying to make up my mind, Jace sees me and waves me over. When I reach the table, he stands and pulls my chair out for me, giving me a kiss on the cheek which only makes my stomach flop more.

  He pours me a glass of wine which I quickly guzzle down. Laughing, he comments, “Nikki Adger, last time I saw you, you weren’t even old enough to drink.”

  Setting the wine glass down, I nod and say, “Last time I saw you was a week before my twenty-first birthday, just before you skipped town.” The tone of my voice is hard and full of anger.

  Jace frowns. “It’s not healthy to hold a grudge.”

  I look down and fiddle with a charm. His fingers move on top of mine, putting an end to my fidgeting. “You’re right though, I did skip town on your birthday. I promise I’ll make it up to you,” he says with a wink and I almost melt away right there. He pours me another glass of wine.

  “What’s good here?” I ask as I searching for a menu. Before Jace can answer, the waiter sets a plate of food in front of each of us.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I went ahead and ordered for us.”

  I glance down at my plate and laugh at the baked potato with ranch sitting in front of me. Jace grins proudly when I look at him. “I remembered what you liked. You used to eat one of these the night before every game.”

  He’s right, it was my guilty pleasure carb-binge that I indulged in every time I played. “Thanks, Jace. These days I try to go a little healthier though.”

  He frowns and starts to wave the waiter over but I grab his hand, my body excited by the simple gesture. “It’s okay, it’s been awhile since I’ve had one of these.”

  We eat dinner, catching up on our families and old friends. Before we know it, it’s almost midnight and my stomach aches from laughing so hard. We’ve spent the last four hours visiting and reminiscing, but there’s still questions that haven’t been answered.

  “Viera’s an hour away. What are you doing here?”

  Jace puts his hand on my leg under the table and shrugs. “I saw you and Adamson together in the paper. I came looking for you once before when spring training first started. But then I got busy, so this is the first chance I’ve had to come see you in person… and I haven’t been disappointed.”

  His hand starts to massage my thigh and I feel my thong getting damp. Twisting the stem of the wine glass in front of me, I try to gather my thoughts. Concentrate, Colie.
  “But… why?”

  Jace leans in close to me, his hand sliding up my thigh under my dress. His breath on my ear only making me wetter. “Nikki, you know there’s always been an attraction between us, but life keeps getting in the way. Boyfriends, girlfriends, our sports, school but now we’re both single, consenting adults…”

  He sucks gently on my earlobe while his hand pushes between my legs. My body is quivering at his touch, but like I told Grant, now is not the time. I grab his hand and hold it steady. “I’m not looking for a relationship right now,” I say, and see a gleam in his eyes so I quickly add, “or anything else.”

  His face falls and he kisses my neck right below my ear. “I want to spend time with you, see what could’ve been between us. Don’t you?”

  I bite my lip. I desperately do, but I have to focus on my career and keeping Grant healthy. “Let’s start off as friends and see what happens from there.”

  Jace moves his hand and squeezes my thigh again with a grin on his face. “Sounds good to me,” he says and then he takes me by complete surprise. It’s not until he pulls away and I’m gasping that I realize Jace Richards just kissed me.


  My eyes are heavy behind my sunglasses. Not only did I get home late last night, but I didn’t sleep more than a couple hours. I was tossing and turning, thinking about the kiss with Jace… and the kisses with Grant. Three weeks ago, I was homeless and single, now I have two of the hottest guys in baseball vying for my attention. Life is funny that way.

  Jace isn’t pitching today, which is why he stayed out so late last night. I try not to be obvious during warm-ups as I watch him sign autographs and flirt with the ladies in the crowd. Still, Benny calls me out. “How was dinner last night?”

  I tear myself away from Jace and shrug. “Fine,” I say, trying to play cool.

  “You know, your boy Grant wasn’t very happy about that. Texted me all night asking if I’d heard from you.”

  I roll my eyes as I push on his calf, stretching out his leg. “He’s not my boy, Benny.”

  Benny sits up and narrows his eyes. “Colie, the boy’s got it bad for you and I thought maybe you felt the same way. I didn’t realize Richards had this kind of effect on your panties.”

  Oh, if he only knew the effect Jace had on my panties.

  Luckily, Grant takes my advice and doesn’t start. He sits on the opposite end of the dugout from me. By the fourth inning, we’re down four to one. One of our rookie pitchers started today and is complaining about his shoulder. I think he’s faking it since we’re losing, because nothing seems out of place when I check him over. I give him the all clear but the inning has already started and he’s benched.

  Lifting my glasses up, I rub my eyes as I take a sip of water. I glance down to where Grant is sitting, but he’s gone. My eyes drift out to the field and I see him on the mound. I throw my water down and march over to Michael.

  “What the hell is he doing out there?” I demand, knowing I’m way out of line.

  Michael spits sunflower seeds on the ground, glancing up at me. “Calm down, Colie. Your boyfriend’s MRI came back clean, no tear.”

  I grit my teeth together as my cheeks flush. “He…is…not…my boyfriend.”

  Michael nods as he spits more seeds out. “Okay, fine, whatever. He’s clear though.”

  “Just because the MRI is clear doesn’t mean he shouldn’t take it easy. The goal is to get him through the season, not just spring training.”

  A familiar voice says, “Chill, Colie, I’m fine.”

  Grant takes a seat next to Michael as the inning is over. I glance between the two men and march to the opposite end of the dugout. Benny looks at me with a smirk and asks, “Lovers’ quarrel?”

  “Ugh!” I growl as I throw up my hands. I stomp down the walkway and watch the rest of the game from the training room.


  It’s been a week and we haven’t spoken a word to each other. I refuse to work with Grant. He’s setting himself up to get hurt and I won’t be a part of it. I have plenty of other players I’m helping, so I’m too busy to dwell on it. Thankfully there’s only two weeks left of spring training and then we’ll be back in New York. It didn’t have to be like this, but Grant is extremely hardheaded.

  On the other hand, Jace and I have been talking and texting every day. We seem to have picked up right where we left off. Unfortunately, we’ve only seen each other once since our dinner and it was a quick hello after the game the day after our date.

  Sitting at the breakfast bar, I’m eating a bowl of cereal for dinner. Jace and I have been texting back and forth about an old friend of ours.

  Timmy bet you wouldn’t score against that monster goalie from St. Mary’s. Remember that?

  I set my spoon back and smile as I type back: I had a hat trick that game.

  I pour another bowlful of Cheerios as I wait for Jace’s response. Thirty seconds later, my phone beeps.

  Then remember back at the dorm that night, he was so depressed about losing the bet that he drank until he lit his underwear on fire?

  I laugh out loud and milk dribbles down my chin as I read the text, picturing exactly what he’s talking about. Grant walks into the room at that time and sets a newspaper on the counter without a word.

  Wiping my chin, I watch him move around the room, fixing himself a Pernod Scotch. I stand up and put my bowl in the sink. When I turn around, we run into each other. Touching him for the first time in a week, my body reminds me how much I’ve missed him. He mumbles, “Sorry” and tries to step around me, but I hold on to him.

  “Grant…” I say softly.

  His body is tight under my hands, which rest on his hips. He sets his drink on the counter and looks down at me. “Colie, don’t do this.”

  “Don’t do what? Care about you? Think you’re insane for pitching with your shoulder the way it is?”

  He grabs my shoulders, giving me a light shake. His voice is unrelenting when he talks. “Exactly, Colie! I can’t handle this… us, I want more, but neither of us can give that right now. I need…” He stops and takes a deep breath before continuing, “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but it hurts too much to have you around right now.”

  I feel like someone’s stabbed a knife in my chest. I’ve hurt him. I never meant to do that. Tears sting my eyes and I can only manage a small nod. He takes his drink and leaves the room. The tears let loose and I can’t stop them. Heading to my room to cry in private, a picture from the newspaper Grant set on the counter catches my eyes. The headline reads, “Playboy Jace Richards Enjoys a Night on the Town” and shows a picture of him in a lip lock with a brunette. I can’t wait to get back to New York where I’m homeless and single.


  Pacing back and forth, I glance at the monitor one more time. If they don’t get here soon, I’m going to be late to the game. It’s the last game of the Grapefruit League before we start the regular season back in New York. Today’s game is against the Diplomats, and both Grant and Jace will be starting. I haven’t eaten in twenty-four hours due to my nerves, so I wish their plane would just land already.

  My phone beeps with an incoming text: I don’t see you.

  I glance up at the monitor and see their plane has arrived. In the middle of texting back, I hear my name.


  I turn around and run to my sister, wrapping my arms around her and giving her a big hug. Geez, I’ve missed her! Thankfully she’ll be here today to help me figure things out. Grant and I are cordial with each other, but things are still incredibly awkward. And things with Jace, well, they’re moving along… slowly but surely. Of course, today will only be the third time I’ve seen him since our first dinner. I haven’t had the nerve to ask him about the brunette in the paper either, but then again, it’s not like we’re dating so I don’t really have a right to ask.

  Meg and I chatter away, generally talking at the same time but knowing exactly what the
other is saying. Mark laughs at us as he picks up their luggage. I give him a quick hug and hello as we walk out to the SUV. My phone beeps again.

  Nikki, don’t tell me you aren’t going to be here today… I need to see you.

  Smiling, I type back: Picking up my sis & her fiancé. We’ll be there soon.

  Great! How about I take you all out to dinner after I bring home the win today?

  I laugh and see Meg raising her eyebrow. I type back a quick okay then back out of my parking spot.

  “So which one was it?”

  My smile turns into a frown. “There’s only one right now. I told you Grant and I are just friends.”

  “Boo!” Mark calls out from the backseat, making both Meg and I laugh.

  “Sorry, Colie, but I’m a Grant fan on and off the field. Jace Richards seems too big for his britches,” Mark comments.

  Glancing back at him, I say, “I appreciate your concern, Mark, but once you get to know Jace, I think you’ll change your mind.” I pause before going on. “He’s taking us to dinner tonight.”

  Meg gasps. “What? We’re going to dinner with hottie Jace Richards? Colie, I’ll have to go shopping.”

  Mark groans in the backseat and I laugh at both of them. “I’m sure whatever you packed is fine. If not, you can borrow something of mine.”

  “Not that blue dress of yours, it’s way too short,” Mark says and I blush, making a mental note to get rid of it.

  I pull up to the stadium and hand Meg their tickets. “You guys are right behind home plate. Have fun and I’ll see you after the game.”

  I jog into the stadium knowing I’m late. I spot Benny, who is shaking his head at me.

  “Both your boys are stressin’,” he informs me.

  I raise an eyebrow. Both? How does he know both are? Besides, I told each of them where I was. About that time, I feel Grant’s hand on my back. “Everything okay?”

  I turn around nodding and he immediately removes his hand. “Their flight was running late,” I say and Grant nods, moving on to warm-up.


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