Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances

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Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances Page 14

by Lyssa Layne

  “Colie, this isn’t a race. Slow down!”

  I laugh as I pull my leg back, stretching my quad. It’s been a month since my sister’s wedding. I came clean to Grant about Jace’s potential marriage proposal. All he said was that he wanted me to be happy, and life went on as though it had never been discussed.

  Luckily, Jace hasn’t brought it up again, but with baseball season ending right around the corner, I know it’ll be a hot topic in the off-season—both from him and the press.

  “How’s the shoulder?”

  He circles his arm as if testing it and nods. “It feels good. I think I’m ready to get back.”

  Since I took over his rehabilitation, he hasn’t pitched. Michael really messed up his shoulder. I glance over at Grant as I let my foot down. “Tell me again why you kept pitching when your arm hurt so bad.”

  “I trusted him and I shouldn’t have. I told him it hurt and he said I had to push through the pain for it to feel better.”

  I shake my head. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard but I don’t dare tell Grant that. “Know where he’s at now?” I ask.

  Grant doesn’t say anything. He moves a few steps ahead of me, then stops and turns around. My hands on my hips, I raise my eyebrows, not moving toward him, waiting for him to answer.

  Grant shakes his head and walks back to me. “Colie, I’ve got a bad feeling about him…and Richards.”

  I start to roll my eyes but Grant touches my arm lightly. “This isn’t a jealousy thing, Colie. I have to show you something.”

  For whatever reason, I believe him. I think deep down he knows if he put up a fight for me, he’d give Jace a run for his money, so I doubt he’s making this story up…whatever it may be.

  We get back to his Escalade and we both climb inside. He sighs as he hands me a newspaper. On the cover is a picture of Jace in a nightclub, dancing extremely close to another woman who is not me. Grant points and I see Michael sitting on the couch behind him. Ah-ha, so it was him in Vegas! The headline reads “Richards Back to His Playboy Ways?” I skim the article, which states that he was seen in a nightclub with multiple other women, but it’s the date that gets me. The pictures were taken on the night of Meg’s wedding.

  Dropping the paper in my lap, I shake my head, completely confused. Grant reaches over and touches my hand, since my charm bracelet is now locked up due to Jace’s request. He speaks softly, “Colie, are you okay?”

  “Take me home,” I demand.

  “Cole, I didn’t—”

  “I know, Grant. You didn’t do this or make it up. I want to confront him about this before he leaves town.”

  Pulling in front of the loft building, my heart races until Grant touches my arm again. A calm feeling washes over me and I put my hand on top of his.

  “Want me to go up with you?” he asks.

  Shaking my head, I tell him no. I start to pull my hand away, but he grabs it with his other one. His eyes are full of concern and in a serious tone, he says, “Colie, be smart. I don’t have a good feeling about this, so text or call me as soon as it’s over.”

  I swallow hard and nod. He leans over and kisses my cheek, giving my hand a squeeze before I head inside. My heart races at the confrontation I know I’m about to face. I’m not sure if he’ll deny it or confess. As much as the images of other women makes me sick, I want just as badly to know what the hell was Michael doing there with him.

  I quietly open the door to the loft and tiptoe down the hallway. I hear Jace on the phone and lean around the corner. He’s already dressed in black dress slacks and a button down shirt with the top two buttons undone. His hair’s in a fauxhawk with his hoop earrings on display along with his gold chain necklace.

  “I know, Sal, I get it. She’ll say yes. Trust me, she’ll say yes,” he says into the phone. Sal is his manager that I’ve only met a few times. I don’t get a great vibe from him, but Jace is pretty successful, so I don’t say anything.

  “Sal, it’s under the table, no one will ever know.” He glances at his watch and takes a sip of his juice. “Got it, Sal…Okay, bye,” he says and hangs up.

  I move and the floor creaks. Jace turns around quickly. I see anger briefly flash over his face but it’s quickly replaced by a grin that reaches his eyes. “Hey, babe. Adamson get you all sweaty for me?”

  Walking over to me, he runs his hands up and down my UnderArmour pants and shirt. I wiggle away from him and nod at his phone. “What’d Sal want?”

  He shrugs and walks to the kitchen, pouring himself another glass of juice. “Just checking in, making sure I’m staying out of trouble.”

  Bingo! Perfect opportunity! I toss the paper on the counter in front of him and raise an eyebrow. “Doesn’t look like you are,” I quip.

  Jace glances over the headline and smirks. “Come on, babe. You believe everything you read? It was just a dance.”

  “Fine, it was just a dance, but that was your thing that you couldn’t make my sister’s wedding for?”

  He moves around me and rubs my arms as he pushes his chest against my back. Goosebumps cover my arms at his touch.

  “This was after my business meeting. We were relaxing a bit. Besides, I was in bed with you when you woke up the next morning.”

  I close my eyes as I remember our early morning roll in the sheets. No, Colie, focus! Opening my eyes, I point to Michael. “I thought you didn’t know him. What are you doing hanging out with him?”

  Jace quickly spins me around, painfully pinning me against the counter with his hips. I struggle to move away from him but he only pushes harder.

  “Colie, you need to stop sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong. I’m setting us up for a good life, so just stop questioning it.”

  Colie? Since when has he ever called me that? Only once in person, that night in D.C…

  Putting my hands on his chest, I try to push him off me but he grabs my wrists tightly with one hand. With the other, he opens a drawer and fear takes over my body. I start twisting and wiggling trying to get out of his grasp but it only makes it worst. Surprisingly, he only pulls out a manila envelope.

  Shoving it against my chest, he says, “Don’t act like you’re so innocent. How long have you been fucking Adamson?”

  “What?” I gasp, not having realized I’d been holding my breath.

  He nods at the envelope in my hands, a devious grin creeping on his lips. “Open it.”

  With shaky hands, I open the envelope and pull out a stack of eight by ten photos. They’re all of Grant and me from my sister’s wedding—on the dance floor, the patio, cleaning up after the reception…in the parking garage. Feeling a surge of confidence, I toss the photos on the counter.

  “This proves nothing, Jace. Grant and I are friends, you know that.”

  “Colie, I don’t care what you two are—friends, fuck buddies, husband and wife, it doesn’t matter. I only needed you to clean up my image.” He leans forward and kisses my cheek before he continues, “Which you’ve done a lovely job of that. You’re America’s sweetheart and I’ve got sponsorship deals coming in left and right. So you have two options now. One, stay with me, we’ll get married, be the happy couple America wants to see. You can have Adamson on the side while I entertain all of my lady friends. Or two, you leave me for Adamson, breaking my heart, making you look like a cheater and Adamson the douche that he is. As a bonus, I’ll ruin both of your careers. No one will want a trainer that sleeps with her clients and there might be a drug report that says Adamson’s been doping up under your care.”

  Hot tears burn down my cheeks. How could I be so stupid? I’m screwed either way. If I stay with Jace, I’ll be miserable, but Grant’s career wouldn’t be hurt. If I leave him though, it would be at the expense of our reputations and careers. It’s not fair that Jace is going to bring Grant down when he’s done nothing wrong.

  Jace moves to me, sliding his hand around my waist. “That’s your new proposal. Think about that one and we’ll discuss it next week when I’m
in town to take the pennant from your Aces. Got it?”

  He slips his tongue into my mouth and I desperately want to bite down on it but I fear the consequences. Pulling away, he grabs my breast and pats my ass. “Good girl, Nikki. I know you’ll make the right decision.”

  After he walks out of the apartment, I let out a loud scream of frustration. Picking up the closest thing in my reach, I hurl a crystal vase against the door he just walked through. As it shatters and falls to the ground, I sigh, not feeling any better since money is of no importance to him.

  Staring out the window, I hold my phone, wondering what to tell Grant. I jump when the phone beeps.

  Everything okay?

  Chewing on my bottom lip, I debate what to tell him. Buying some time, I type back: Yeah, I’m fine. Stop worrying.

  I throw my phone on the couch and head to the bathroom. I turn the water on and undress in the bedroom. Looking around the room, I know I can’t stay here, no matter what option I choose. Digging in the closet, I find my suitcase and throw it on the bed. I begin tossing every article of clothing I own into the luggage and zip it up feeling a bit better.

  I pass the mirror on the way to the bathroom and stop. I stand in front of it wearing nothing but the diamonds Jace has given me. I quickly take them off and shove them in one of the boxes they came in. Stepping into the steamy bathroom, I feel my muscles relax, although I’m still a ball of nerves.


  I stand in front of the building and look up to the tenth floor. I hear an old familiar voice and a smile crosses my face.

  “Colie! My good friend, where have you been?”

  Maddox walks toward me wearing a pair of holey jeans and a torn t-shirt. Taking him by surprise, I wrap my arms around him and give him a big bear hug. It’s the first time I’ve physically touched him other than a handshake. It doesn’t take him long to return the gesture. I hold him just a second longer, needing that old stability from my previous life, even in this homeless man.

  Pulling back, I nod at the building. “Know if my apartment is still vacant?”

  Maddox rubs the stumble on his chin and I know he’s cooking up a scheme in his mind. I point to the diner across the street. “I bet a hot meal would jog your memory?”

  He grins and answers, “I bet it would.”

  After placing our order, Maddox excuses himself and heads to the restroom. I enjoy the warm caffeine of a hot cup of coffee as it clears my mind. Hopefully, after I get my apartment back, I’ll have some space and time to figure out what to do.

  Maddox returns as our food arrives and promptly begins shoveling it into his mouth. In between bites he fills me in on all the tenants in the building and their reaction to its condemnation. As he starts in on my plate, a bell rings signifying someone entered the restaurant.

  Glancing toward the door I see him. My body is up and running before I even realize it. I slam my body against him and he throws his arms around me. My whole body starts to shake as I cry against his chest. He holds me tight, rubbing my back until the tears stop. In his presence I begin to calm down, if for no other reason than I feel safe with him.

  “I thought you said you were fine,” Grant says with narrowed eyes.

  I laugh and wipe my eyes. “You should know better than to believe that crap,” I answer with a laugh.

  He kisses my forehead, leaving his arms around me. He walks us back to the table and shakes Maddox’s hand. When he pulls his hand back, I see he’s placed a bill in his hand. I shake my head in disbelief. All this time I thought Grant and Maddox didn’t like each other but really they were really working together for my own good.


  “Alright, Colie, tell me what’s going on,” Grant says as he closes the door to the training room.

  Ignoring him, I begin organizing the exercise bands in a box across the room. I hear him sigh then feel his thick, strong arms over mine and his hot breath against my neck. In a low, husky voice, he repeats my name. I lean back against him, closing my eyes, wishing I hadn’t been so stupid. His hands slide down my arms and he wraps them around my waist. Then he pulls me against him and rests his chin on my shoulder.

  Feeling safe for the moment, I slowly tell him everything that happened. His hands tighten on my waist as I continue the story. When I finish, he lets go of me and walks across the room. He slams his hands on the training table, muttering under his breath.

  Leaning against the counter, I chew on my bottom lip. “Grant, I’m so sorry. You have nothing to do with this. I won’t let you get mixed up with this or ruin your reputation.”

  Grant looks up at me, shaking his head. “You think that’s why I’m upset, Colie?” He lets out a low laugh and walks back to me. His fingers twirl the end of my braid before he looks me in the eyes. “I couldn’t care less about my career or my reputation. After this season, you and I both know I’m done. At best I’ll be a reliever. Colie,” he sighs and goes on, “I’m concerned about you, your safety, your reputation.”

  My stomach flutters as he says this and his fingers run down my forearms. He looks down into my eyes and starts to lean toward me. I lick my lips in anticipation and a smile forms on Grant’s lips.

  “Hey, hey, my….oh sorry,” Benny says walking in. Grant and I both jump across the room in opposite directions.

  Grant runs his hands through his hair. Walking by me, he grabs my arm lightly and whispers, “I’m calling my lawyer. Do not leave here without me.”

  I nod and he runs his thumb down my cheek. I have to grab the table behind me for support. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and leaves the room.

  Benny glances over his shoulder at me and grins. Raising his eyebrows, he asks, “So you finally gave in to my boy?”

  I roll my eyes and punch him in the arm as I walk out of the room.


  Turning off the hot water, I pull the curtain back from the steamy shower. For the last twenty minutes, I’d been letting the water and steam engulf me and refusing to think about the crazy life I am leading. Drying off with my towel, I find myself wishing for last February when things were so much simpler. Sure, I was homeless, but I also wasn’t betrothed to a total asshole.

  I walk into the guest room at Grant’s house with a towel wrapped around me. Some of my clothes are still here from when I stayed with him before spring training. On the beige, overstuffed chair, I see Grant’s shirt I wore the first night I stayed here. Walking over to the chair, I pick up the shirt and take a sniff. Mmm… It smells exactly like Grant, a fresh yet musky scent. Then my nose picks up another smell.

  Something’s burning. Sticking my nose in the air like a hound dog I inhale the air around me. Standing up, I quickly drop the towel to the floor and pull on his shirt with a pair of boy shorts. I open my door and follow the scorched scent.

  Walking through the door to the kitchen, I see Grant waving his arms trying to disperse the smoke drifting away from the oven. I lean against the doorframe watching this six-foot tall, professional athlete jumping around like a monkey, trying to hide his mistake, but I don’t get to watch for long.

  The shrill sound of the smoke alarm goes off above me, taking me by surprise. I jump into the kitchen away from the noise. Grant spins around at the sound, his cheeks red from the smoke, possibly from embarrassment too and he mutters under his breath.

  He walks past me and our arms briefly touch, sending my nerves into a tizzy. He reaches above him trying to silence the alarm, his white undershirt rising and displays his perfectly cut abs as he lifts his arm. The button is just barely out of his reach and the alarm continues screaming at us.

  “Here,” I say as I walk around in front of him and put my hands on his shoulders. Giving me a boost, Grant raises me above him. My fingers fumble around on the detector until it quiets. Grant slowly lowers me to the ground, my unrestrained breasts just mere inches away from his mouth. I inhale quickly as I feel his warm breath against them as they pass by his head and my nipples stand at attention. My
feet firmly on the ground, Grant rests his hands on my hips.

  Nodding behind him, he explains, “I was attempting to make you chocolate chip cookies.”

  The aroma of burnt cookies tickles my nose and I laugh. Moving my arms around his neck, I pull him to me for a hug. We hold on to each other, not wanting to let go. The timer goes off, causing us to break apart. Gliding around him, I make my way to the stove and pull out another tray of burnt cookies. I set it on the counter, then stick my finger in the dough that’s left in the bowl. I almost gag when I taste it.

  Forcing myself to swallow, I open the fridge and pull out a beer, handing it to Grant. “Sit and watch the master,” I tell him as I open the bottle for him.

  He laughs and takes a long chug. We make light conversation as I whip together a new batch of cookie dough. Both of us avoiding the obvious reason why I’m staying with him. I open the oven and pull out a tray of perfectly baked cookies, sans smoke, and place them on the counter to cool. A few minutes later, I lean over the counter and hold a cookie in front of him to take a bite.

  “Mmm, Colie, these are way better than mine,” he compliments.

  I laugh and eat the rest of the cookie in my hand. “Did you even taste yours?”

  He shrugs and answers, “Well, no, but since mine were inedible, yours are better by default.”

  Spooning dough onto another cookie sheet, Grant comments, “You’re wearing my shirt.”

  Bending over to put the tray into the oven, the blood rushes to my face. I stand up quickly as I shut the oven door and put my hands on the counter behind me. “Umm… yeah, it was in my…, er… , your guest room…I hope you don’t mind. I can go change,” I say stumbling over every word.

  Grant flashes that rare smile of his and walks around the counter to me. He yanks on the sides of his shirt, pulling me to him. My body tingles excitedly as his fingers walk up my rib cage until his hands are on either side of my cheeks. We stare deep in each other’s eye and I bite my lip wondering if he’s going to kiss me. And he does, except his lips land on my forehead and not where I’d like them to be. I can feel his breath on my skin as he replies, “Colie, I don’t mind at all.”


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