Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances

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Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances Page 45

by Lyssa Layne

  Señora Bruns pats my arm and I turn my attention back to her. “Jen was a wonderful woman and I know you’ll continue to show that boy of hers the same love.” She walks away after she says her piece and I stare at the back of her gray bun, biting the inside of my cheek to keep the tears at bay.

  “You holding up?” Jace’s deep voice rings in my ears as he presses his lips against my cheek.

  I close my eyes, knowing that if I look at him, I’ll lose it and now is not the time for that. Slowly, I nod, and his hands are my waist, giving me a squeeze. I lean back against his chest, relaxing ever so slightly and he holds me, letting me take the moment that I need. It takes a few seconds before I compose myself and straighten up, turning to face him, my game face on again.

  He narrows his eyes, but knows better than to ask anything. “I’m going to take the boys over to your place. If you need me, I have my phone.”

  I force a smile. “Go on, I’ll be fine.”

  Jace starts to lean in for a hug then stops. With a quick peck on the cheek, he turns and the boys follow him outside. I let my mind go to a place it shouldn’t, a place where Jace’s decision to not have children doesn’t matter, and it’s just me, him, and our boys. The happy thought flutters through my mind as I try to remind myself to stop letting my dreams get the best of me before it ends in a broken heart, and I don’t just mean my own.

  “Laurel, how’re you doing?”

  I turn around, already irritated at the question. Why the hell do people always ask that at a funeral? Do they really think anyone is going to say, ‘I’m fine, fuckin’ peachy’? I mean, isn’t the answer kind of obvious?

  When I see it’s Jen’s and my lawyer, Trevor O’Reilly, the annoyance disappears. The man didn’t let me down when I fought Adam for custody during our divorce hearing and he’s been a saint helping us work through all of Jen’s legal issues as well. I shrug and give the typical answer, “We’re doing the best we can.”

  He nods, his eyes soft and sympathetic. It must be a requirement of the job, to be understanding and patient because most of the time, lawyers are dealing with people going through the shittiest times of their lives.

  “I know there’s a lot going on right now but we need to talk ASAP about Sam.”

  My heart jumps in my throat and I grab Trevor’s forearm. “What’s wrong?”

  Trevor pats my hand. “Nothing’s wrong per se, but Jen didn’t sign the last copy of her will, the one giving you full custody of Sam after her passing.”

  The trap door releases and I suddenly feel like I’m falling down a black hole, trying to grasp on to anything so I don’t keep dropping. This is all my fault because Ashley and I waited so long to give her an official answer as to who Sam would live with, now I’ve possibly screwed up his entire life.

  “Wh-what’s that mean?”

  “Relax, Laurel, it’ll be fine. It just means that we have to jump through a few more hoops to finalize everything, but you’re used to that, right?” I narrow my eyes at his poor attempt of humor, knowing he’s referring to all the shit Adam’s put me through. No one ever said lawyers had a good sense of humor.

  He retracts his hand and straightens the lapels on his sports coat. “Technically, Sam will be placed in foster care until we can draw up the papers for you to adopt him. I already spoke with a judge, explained the situation, and he’s approved you as ‘foster family’ so Sam can stay with you. Like I said, just a few more Is to dot and Ts to cross. Please, don’t stress about this.”

  Ignoring his words and on the verge of hyperventilating, I shake my head. “Is…is there a chance I could lose him?” What kind of friend am I? I’m hating myself right now for not stepping up and telling Ashley and Jen that I would take Sam when we first found out about her diagnosis.

  “No, Laurel. He’s yours…I promise.” Trevor leans down, digging in a briefcase I didn’t even notice he had. “I just need your signature here to get the ball rolling.”

  In a daze, I glance over the papers and sign by the X. Trevor takes the papers, replacing them in a folder and then pulls out another set.

  “I almost forgot. There’s a few other things we need to discuss but they can wait.” He taps a white, legal-size envelope. “I have a feeling Jen didn’t mention this one to you.”

  I stare at the stack of papers in my hands, overwhelmed more than anything. Trevor glances around nervously, suddenly feeling bad about the shit he just dumped on me. He mutters a quick goodbye then darts away as quickly as possible. By the time I snap out of my trance, I can’t breathe. The room feels like it’s closing in on me and everywhere I turn, there’s someone in black, dabbing their eyes or stuffing their face with horderves.

  The papers in my arms feel like they weigh a ton and I make a mad dash for the backdoor, running across the grass until I get to my own fence. The snap of a ball landing inside a baseball glove halts my panic attack and I stand outside my privacy fence, unable to see on the other side. I listen closely as Grey and Sam laugh and Jace encourages them, chuckling along with them.

  Slowly, I open the gate and see Jace in his suit pants and his undershirt tossing the ball into the air as he swings the bat slowly, sending a grounder between the two boys. His muscles ripple under his tight sleeves and sweat rolls down his forehead, making him look sexy as hell.

  Grey and Sam dive for the ball at the same time, running smack into each other and falling to the ground in a fit of laughter. Jace jogs toward them, dropping to one knee to inspect for injuries. Once he sees they’re both alright, he laughs along with them and a tickle fight ensues, evoking loud shrieks of laughter. I feel a smile spring to my face and that daydream of mine floats back in my mind. It doesn’t matter that Jace can’t have kids, we have all that we need right here in front of us.



  A very naked and very sexy Laurel sleeps soundly beside me. My head propped up in my hand, I know I should be napping, too, but this is the first time in weeks that we’ve been alone and I can’t take my eyes off her. Aside from work, I’ve been spending every minute of every day with Laurel and the boys. It’s been the best month of my life and I’ve experienced quite a bit in my life from the nightlife in Vegas to the bright lights of a MLB stadium, never did I think spending time with one woman and two pre-teens would be the best moments of my life.

  This past month has also been one of the longest and most trying times of my life, even more so than my trial for illegal gambling. Sam has almost become an extension of me, attached at the hip when I’m around and melting down when I’m not. Laurel’s taken some time off work to help acclimate both boys to the change, but Sam’s not taking it easy on her. When I get home from work, both of them are waiting at the door like puppies with separation anxiety, begging for my attention, but for two totally different reasons. After an entire day of Sam either completely ignoring her or throwing a non-stop tantrum, she’s ready for a break while Sam falls back to the happy, normal ten-year-old he always was before his mom died. I’m no shrink, but I don’t need a degree to understand the kid is going through some tough shit. Laurel’s lined up a therapist for him and I’m trying to talk him into actually going since he completely balked at the idea when she brought it up.

  Home. Yeah, Laurel’s has been my home for the past month as well. It’s not exactly how I pictured it would be. We don’t share a bed, I sleep in the living room, typically holding Sam while he cries himself through the night. And if we actually share a kiss, like a real, passionate kiss, it’s a fuckin’ miracle. Surprisingly though, I’m not scared or pissed off. The old Jace, he would’ve been running for the fuckin’ hills, but not me, not now. With the new Jace, there’s nothing that will scare me away, Laurel and these kids own my fuckin’ heart and it’s scarier than shit.

  Laurel twists in her sleep, sliding her leg over mine. I welcome the touch, slipping my hand behind her thigh as she rolls toward me. This woman is so fuckin’ amazing and I don’t just mean in bed. She’s strong
er than any man I’ve ever played ball with and watching her handle the situation she’s in, only makes me love her more and strive to be a better man so that I don’t let her down. Still, I fuckin’ miss this.

  My hand moves up and down her skin, skimming the bottom of her ass and my hard on begs to wake her up so I can be inside her once more before we have to meet Ashley and the boys at our baseball game. I pause, wondering if I should call to check in on Sam since neither Laurel or me are around. I hated leaving him this morning, but we both needed the break and after making up for our lack of intimacy the past month…three times, Laurel passed out from sheer exhaustion. I would’ve done the same but it’s like I’m in some kind of spell, memorizing every curve of her body, every freckle on her skin because who knows when we’ll get this time alone again.

  “You’re staring.” Her voice is still sleepy as she flutters her eyes, trying to wake up.

  My hand slides over her ass, giving it a tight squeeze before I kiss her tattoo lightly. “Not my fault you’re so fuckin’ hot.”

  Her eyes still half closed, the ends of her lips turn up. “Is that a fact?”

  I slide her hand over my rock hard manhood and nod. “This doesn’t lie.”

  She giggles, wrapping her hand around me and stroking gently. I roll to my back, closing my eyes and letting my body quiver from the sensations she creates. Warmth spreads throughout me and I let out a soft moan.

  “I need you…now.” I demand, opening my eyes and pushing her hand away so I can grab her hips and pull her on top of me.

  She leans down, licking my lips with her tongue and my hands squeeze her ass. Laurel grinds her hips against my throbbing manhood and sits up, her hands move behind her and grasp my thighs as she swirls her hips. Normally, I love this kind of teasing but right now, I want her—bad. Not taking my eyes off her temptress of a body, I reach for the drawer to grab a condom. For a split second, I turn my head to find the handle and Laurel tugs on my nipple ring, sending a shot of painful pleasure through my chest.

  “Fuck! What was that for?” My nipple pulses and I slide her hand up my chest to do it again.

  Laurel traces her fingers in a figure eight around my other nipple, leaning down and kissing the same path. Without notice, she tugs at it again and looks up at me with a mischievous grin. “What do we need a condom for?”

  The corners of my mouth drop, not sure if she’s being facetious or for real. We haven’t talked about my V since I told her about it. As though she can read my mind, Laurel gently presses her lips to mine.

  “It doesn’t matter, Jace. I don’t know what the future has in store for us, but if we ever get to the point where we want to make a real commitment, go to the next level, or whatever, I’m happy with what we have. We have each other. We have the boys. And that’s more than enough for me.”

  I push a stray hair out of her face and cup her cheek, relaxing slightly at her words. “You mean that?”

  She nods and kisses me again. The passion in both of us takes over and our hands explore the other’s body while our tongues dance together. I sit up, scooting to the edge of the bed and placing my feet on the ground. Breaking the kiss, Laurel stands up and faces me. I grab her hips, peppering her stomach with kisses, trailing her skin with my tongue. One hand slips between her legs and her anticipation coats my fingers. Her fingers pull through my hair, revealing her impatience and I grin, knowing that she’s ready to feel me inside her without any barriers.

  My hands move to her hips, spinning her around so she’s facing the wall while my hands rub over her ass. Licking my fingers, I dip my right hand between her legs, sliding one finger inside her and teasing her for a few moments. Laurel wiggles her hips and I kiss her back as she spreads her legs, lowering herself. I grasp my cock, sucking in as she glides it in her inch by inch. With each movement, Laurel lets out a soft gasp, turning me on even more and I’m not quite sure that’s possible. One hand on her hip, I help guide her up and down my rod and I tilt my head back, trying not to explode immediately from the feel of being so deep inside her.

  “Fuck, babe, you feel amazing,” I mutter, trying to concentrate.

  Laurel just nods her head, her breathing too heavy for her to speak. Leaning back on the bed, I thrust my hips while she grasps my knees and moves with my motion. When I’m about to come, I grab her hips and push them forward, changing movement and trying to prolong my orgasm. Her body’s so close to mine, I drive her hips back and forth faster, listening to her panting increase. She leans back, molding her body against mine, one hand pulling through my hair and I slide a hand up her chest, squeezing her tit and tugging at her nipple ring until she yelps.

  “Jace…Jace…Jace…” she whispers each time my cock hits her G-spot.

  I grin, loving that she’s letting herself go, enjoying the moment and the ecstasy that I can bring her. My hands slide under her thighs, pulling her legs up so that her feet rest on my thighs. Her nails dig into my neck and I’m totally in control of both of our movements. Her face is beside mine so not only can I hear her excitement, but I can feel the quickness of her breath on my cheek as well. Laurel wears a grin on her face as she flutters her eyes in pleasure and I lift and lower her body on my cock, making my own motions inside her and conjuring primal moans from deep inside my woman. Somehow, Laurel’s lips connect to mine and I lose my focus on the task at hand. Why is this woman always so fuckin’ tempting?

  Lost in our kiss, Laurel tightens around my erection and it’s too late to hold back. I let myself go, groaning as I do but above my own voice, Laurel cries out, “Jacen!” and I kiss her shoulder, feeling consumed with love as she uses my full name. Coming down from our spasms, I let go of her legs and wrap my arms around her body, hugging her tightly and moving my lips over her shoulder blades.

  Sweat rolls into my eyes, stinging them slightly and I lay back on the bed, bringing Laurel with me. Her own hair is matted down from our workout and I push it off her forehead. My hand leisurely moves over her stomach and I keep my eyes on my movement, not looking directly at her.

  Trying my best to sound casual, I say, “You know, you only call me Jacen when you come…”

  Her eyelids flick open slowly, making it seem like it took every ounce of energy she had to open them. A lazy smile graces her lips and she shrugs. “You force me over the edge, making me need that extra N to show you my full appreciation.”

  I laugh and lean down, covering her nipple with my mouth. Laurel’s fingers rub my scalp as she moans softly while my tongue teases her even more. I’m getting hard again, ready for one more round when Laurel sits up.

  “As good as this feels and as much as I hate to say this, we need to get ready for the game.”

  I sigh because she’s right. Before I pull away, I take her piercing in my mouth and pull before letting go. Laurel moans again and I roll to my back, letting go of her because if I don’t right now, I never will. She leans over and kisses my forehead before getting to her feet.

  “Shower?” she asks. One eyebrow is raised and I have to move my hands behind my head before I pull her back on top of me.

  “You can go first.”

  Her hands move to her hips and her bottom lip protrudes in a pout. “You’re not going to join me?”

  Sitting up, I kiss her tummy again while my hands squeeze her tight ass. “You know we’ll never make the game on time if we do that.”

  Laurel lets out an exasperated sigh but doesn’t make a move toward the shower as my lips move to her hip bones. God, I love every single fuckin’ thing about this woman—her smooth skin, her sweet scent, her kind soul, her loving heart, and I could just keep going. Instead, I swat her ass, taking her by surprise and she jumps in my arms.

  “Shower. Now. Before we skip that game all together.”

  “Fiiiine.” She sways her ass on purpose and I groan as she does because my cock already aches to be inside her again. The water turns on and I glance at the clock on the bed-stand. Fuck! We’ve only got forty-five minut
es to get to the ball field. I jump up and run down the hallway to the other bathroom, taking the quickest, and coldest, shower so that we’re not late. Five minutes later, I’m walking back in my bedroom with a towel slung low around my waist. I’m not even through the doorway when I freeze in my tracks.

  “Laurel fuckin’ Darbis, what the hell are you wearing?”

  Turning around slowly, she pulls her hair through the back my baseball cap that’s perched on her head as she grins at me. Sauntering across the room in a pair of jean shorts and one of my old Diplomats tshirts that’s tied behind her back, showing just enough of her midriff to have me standing at attention again, she stops in front of me and pats my chest. Pushing on her tippy toes, she kisses me softly and when she pulls away, she tugs the towel from around my waist, letting it drop to the floor.

  “Oops, sorry.” Her face is anything but sorry and I love it. When I reach out to her, she sidesteps me and moves into the hallway. “See ‘ya at the game.”

  Shaking my head, I laugh as I watch the woman I love walk down the stairs. I get dressed as quickly as possible, replaying our actions on repeat until one thought jumps in my mind from out of nowhere: I’m going to marry that woman.


  “Get enough sex in to tide you over?” Ashley asks, lifting her eyebrows behind her sunglasses.

  Giggling, I shake my head and look around the bleachers where we’re sitting. “Ssh! Someone will hear you.”

  “It’s not like it’s a secret, Laurel. Ever since you two starting doing it, you’ve been on cloud nine.” She rolls her eyes as she pushes her sunglasses on top of her head.

  My cheeks burn a bright red and I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to hide the postsex smile that’s always present after a few hours in the bedroom with Jace. Maybe it’s because we hadn’t been intimate in a month, maybe it was because I finally got to feel him bare inside me, or maybe it’s simply because Jace knows how to rock my world in the bedroom, but whatever it is, I can’t take my eyes off the former pitcher as my mind reminds me of the sexy things we did together this morning.


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