Coyote Sky

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Coyote Sky Page 19

by Gerri Hill

  “You’re so soft, Lee,” Kate whispered against her skin. “So strong, but so soft.”

  Lee moaned, waiting, as Kate ran both her hands along Lee’s inner thighs, dangerously close, but not close enough. Lee’s hips arched, silently begging Kate to touch her.

  Kate bit her lip as her fingers moved to the edge of Lee’s wetness. Then she straddled her, lowering herself again until her body pressed flush against Lee. Lee grabbed her hips, grinding against her, seeking release.

  “Let me,” Kate whispered. She slipped her hand between them, Lee’s wetness enveloping her fingers. She moved inside her without another thought, her fingers sliding easily through her wetness. She bent her head, finding Lee’s breast with her mouth, her fingers delving deep inside Lee.

  But it wasn’t enough, she wasn’t close enough. She moved to Lee’s mouth, kissing her hard, her tongue raking against Lee’s before she pulled away. She used her knees again to spread Lee’s thighs and she pulled her fingers from Lee as she grasped her hips.

  “Kate, please,” Lee whispered. “Don’t stop.”

  “No. I’ve only just begun.”

  Kate knelt between Lee’s legs, her hands opening Lee to her mouth. She moaned as she covered her, her tongue snaking out, finding Lee’s swollen clit.

  “Kate,” Lee hissed, her hips moving against Kate’s mouth. Oh

  Kate. It was an act that only Lee performed. Lee hadn’t had another woman’s mouth on her in more years than she could count. Maybe that was why she came so suddenly, so hard, that she lifted them both off the bed as her hips arched, and she did something she never, ever did. She screamed out her pleasure.

  With her eyes still closed, she pulled Kate up her body, gathering her into her arms, holding her close.

  “God, Kate, you have no idea,” she murmured, her lips moving softly against Kate’s face. “So beautiful, so incredible. You have no idea.”

  Kate smiled against Lee’s skin, inhaling her scent, snuggling closer to her warmth. “Yes, I do,” she murmured just as quietly.

  Lee rolled them over, settling her weight on top of Kate. She touched Kate’s face softly, gently tucking her hair behind her ears. She kissed her lightly, moving her mouth to Kate’s ear.

  “Please, Kate, let me stay with you tonight.” Her hand cupped Kate’s breast, not understanding the need she had to be close to Kate. “I want to sleep with you, Kate. I want to wake up with you.” Kate pulled Lee’s mouth back to her own. Yes, she wanted to wake up with Lee too. Only she wasn’t quite ready to sleep.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Brenda stared at the phone, her eyes widening as she saw the name displayed. She glanced nervously down the hall to Kate’s closed bedroom door, then looked back at the phone. Well, she couldn’t very well let it ring.

  “Good morning,” she said cheerfully.

  “Brenda? It’s me. Robin.”

  “Why, Robin, what a surprise,” she said, glancing again toward Kate’s bedroom.

  “I know it’s early, but I took a chance Kate would still be in bed.”

  Brenda smiled wickedly. “Oh, yes, she’s still in bed.”

  “Well, I wanted to surprise her, but I’m afraid I’m lost.”

  Brenda sat up, her eyes widening. “Lost? Where are you?”

  “Well, I’m here. Somewhere.”

  Brenda stood quickly, pacing. “Here? As here, in Coyote?”

  “It’s Kate’s birthday.”

  Brenda rubbed her eyes, nodding. Yes, she’d forgotten. “Well what a surprise that will be,” she managed. She glanced again at Kate’s door. “But where exactly are you?”

  “Well, I must have missed your turn because I’m heading into town, it looks like.” A pause, then, “Oh, yeah, now I recognize it. There’s the bakery.”

  “Okay. Well, I can direct you back this way. But you know, Kate would probably love it if you picked up lunch, since you’re right there at the bakery. Tell them it’s for me. They’ll know what to send.”

  “Sure. I’m starving, anyway. I could only get a late flight. I’d intended on driving up last night, but I knew I’d get lost for sure.”

  “Well, darling, it’s a good thing you waited, then. And all you have to do is head back out of town the way you came. You’ll come to a fork in the road. You’ll want to go left. Stay on that road about five miles. Our road is to the right. There’s a huge yucca behind the mailbox.”

  “Oh, I remember now. Kate pointed it out to me.”

  “Well, call me back if you get lost.”

  “I will. But don’t tell Kate. I want it to be a surprise.”

  Brenda smiled. “Of course. I won’t mention a word to her.”

  As soon as she disconnected, she hurried down the hall, pausing at Kate’s door, listening. She knocked, rapping her knuckles on the door several times.

  “Kate, darling. Are you awake?”

  She knocked again, this time opening the door and peeking inside. The sight before her warmed her heart and she smiled broadly. “Oh, my sweet darlings,” she whispered. Kate and Lee lay tangled together, the covers a twisted mess around them. Brenda hated to wake them, but she knew she must.

  “Kate. Lee.”

  She walked closer, gently shaking Kate’s shoulder. “Katie.”

  Kate stirred, her eyes opening slowly. “Hmmm?”

  “Kate, darling, wake up.”

  “Brenda?” Kate rubbed her eyes, then sat up. “What time is it?”

  “Oh, my,” Brenda murmured. She pointed to Lee. The sheet had slipped to her waist.

  Kate jerked the sheet up, covering them again. Her movements woke Lee, who rolled toward Kate, her contented sigh making Kate want to close her eyes again.

  “You need to get up,” Brenda said. “You both need to get up. Now.”

  “What is it?”


  Kate sat up again. “What?”

  “She’s on her way.”

  “Here? Now?”

  Brenda nodded. “Surprise. It’s your birthday.”

  “Oh, good God, no. No, no, no.”

  “I’m afraid yes, yes, yes,” Brenda said. “It’s your birthday?” Lee asked.

  Kate shook her head. “It’s the fifth.”

  “Saturday,” Brenda said. “Tomorrow.”

  Kate buried her head in her hands, then felt Lee touch her, rubbing lightly on her bare back. She turned, meeting her eyes.

  “I’m sorry.”

  Lee shrugged. “I understand.”

  “I’ll, er, I’ll be in the kitchen,” Brenda said quickly, leaving them.

  “This isn’t how I envisioned us waking up,” Kate admitted. She wasn’t able to stop her hands from moving to Lee, from caressing her breasts. She wasn’t at all shy, with the sun shining in around them. Her thumb raked across Lee’s nipple, watching in fascination as it hardened.

  “Kate, don’t do this to me,” Lee whispered.

  Kate smiled sadly. “You’re right. I’m sorry.” She pulled her hands away. “It’s just—”

  Lee nodded. “I know.” Lee cupped her cheek, meeting her eyes. “Not enough time. We should have talked last night.”

  Kate laughed. “Talking was the last thing on both our minds.”

  “Kate, last night, I know I nearly forced you. I barged into your room, I—”

  “You made love to me,” Kate whispered.

  Lee nodded again. “And now your girlfriend is coming.” She took a deep breath, then tossed the covers off, walking naked around the bed to her clothes. She jerked on her jeans, then looked around for her shirt.

  “Lee.” Kate pulled her own T-shirt back on, then stood before Lee, taking her hands. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say. I wasn’t expecting her.”

  “I know. It’s just . . . I don’t think I’ve ever been in this position before.”

  “The other woman?”

  “No.” Their eyes held. “Jealous. I don’t think I’ve ever been jealous before.”

sorry,” Kate said again.

  Lee shrugged. “She’s your girlfriend.” Lee turned to go, then stopped. She walked back to Kate, then quickly pulled her into her arms.

  Kate didn’t resist. As usual with Lee, she couldn’t. Her mouth met Lee’s, their kisses hurried . . . and not nearly enough. She watched Lee leave, watched her move quietly down the hall, heard her muted greeting to Brenda. Then the Jeep drove off, the sound fading, and still she stood there.

  “Kate, darling, are you okay?”

  She looked at Brenda, and again, a sad smile. “Just lovely.”

  “Well, as much as I want to hear all about it, don’t you think we should change the sheets?”

  Kate looked at the tangled mess of the bed and laughed. “I’d say.” Then she ran both hands though her hair. “What am I going to do, Brenda?”

  “Well, first, just so we don’t have a major scene here in about ten minutes, you’re going to shower. I’ll change the sheets and make your room presentable.”

  “Presentable? I’ve just spent the entire night and most of the morning making love with another woman. How am I going to be presentable?”

  “You’re going to muddle through it like you always do, darling. Then you’ll send Robin back to Dallas so that you can sort out this thing with Lee.”

  “Sort it out? What is there to sort out? So Lee and I slept together? That’s hardly news around here where she’s concerned.”

  Brenda took her hands, making Kate look at her. “I know you feel something for Lee, darling. You can try to lie to yourself, if you wish, but don’t lie to me.”

  Kate shook her head. “No.”

  Brenda smiled. “Yes. All I have to do is look at you and know.”

  “I don’t want to feel something for her. Lee is Lee.”

  “Yes. Lee is Lee. But I don’t think you have a choice anymore, darling. Just as Lee has no choice. You’ve both been running from this for most of the summer. It’s about time it finally caught up with you.”

  Kate just stared. She had nothing for a rebuttal. It was true, after all.

  “But please, I do not wish for a scene, darling.” She shoved her toward the bathroom. “Shower, please.”

  Lee drove without thinking, her hands clutched on the wheel. Twice she stopped, wanting to turn around, wanting to go back to Kate, to tell her . . . to tell her what? So they had a night together? They had been dancing around it all summer. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Sexual attraction. That’s all. And now she could just move on to the next, just like always.

  But no. Not this time. Lee hated to admit it, but it wasn’t just like always. God, when Kate touched her, when Kate made love to her, when . . . when her mouth had claimed her, God, Lee thought she was going to pass out.

  “I’m in love with her.”

  And, Jesus Christ, her girlfriend is coming.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  “What a surprise!” Kate said with forced cheerfulness. She moved into Robin’s hug but it was awkward and she felt herself stiffen. “You should have called first.”

  “Oh, it was spur of the moment, anyway,” Robin said. “I thought perhaps you’d come back by now, and we could have a party in Dallas, but you hadn’t mentioned a word of it.” She spread her arms. “So, I thought I’d surprise you up here.”

  Kate and Brenda exchanged glances.

  “Well, darling, we’ll just have to have that party right here, then,” Brenda said. “And honestly, if you hadn’t shown up, I’d have forgotten completely about Kate’s birthday. It’s not like she’s reminded me.”

  “I hadn’t actually thought about it,” Kate admitted. She watched with dismay as Robin carried her bag into Kate’s bedroom. She glanced again at Brenda.

  “I wish I could help you, darling,” Brenda whispered.

  Kate sighed. Here they were, hadn’t seen each other in months, and they get by with a short hug and barely a kiss on the cheek. What did that say about their relationship? Was that why her writing was so stilted, so reserved? Was it simply a mirror of her own life? No passion. No desire.

  But that hadn’t applied last night. No, last night, with Lee, she had turned into the kind of woman she always thought she was. Passionate. Desirable. No, with Lee, she’d become nearly insatiable. Lee’s touch upon her skin was like fire. And when her own hands had moved across Lee’s body, she felt a power she’d never known before. No woman had ever trembled from her touch. No woman had ever begged for her kisses.

  She closed her eyes and turned away, wishing things were different, wishing it was Lee instead of Robin.

  “So, you haven’t said, how’s the book coming?”

  Kate turned back around, forcing a smile to her face. “Actually, it’s just about finished. I just haven’t had the right feel for the ending. I have about four possibilities that I’m toying with.”

  “You always said the endings were the easiest part.”

  “Yes. I usually know the ending before I’m even half done.” Kate glanced at Brenda. “This one’s different.”

  “Why don’t you let her read it, darling?”

  “Oh, Brenda, that would be a first. Kate never lets anyone read them before they’re published,” Robin reminded them.

  Kate laughed. “Well, this one has been difficult for me. And actually, Brenda’s read it.”

  “But it was pure torture,” Brenda said with a laugh to Robin. “I had to pretend to be a housewife from the Midwest.”

  “Well, if Brenda’s already read it, I think it’s only fair that I get to too.” She linked arms with Kate. “Besides, how else am I going to occupy my time around here?”

  Then why did you come? But Kate bit back her retort. She should be flattered that Robin had made the effort to surprise her on her birthday.

  “Why don’t you two go out to the deck?” Brenda suggested. “I’ll bring out a pitcher of herbal tea.”

  “Wonderful,” Kate said. “We’ll enjoy the sunshine. It’s warmed up nicely.”

  “Was it cold here this morning?” Robin asked. “It was very pleasant down in Santa Fe.”

  Kate pulled two chairs out into the sunshine, offering one to Robin. “It’s been in the forties the last week or so but we’re still hitting the seventies during the day. There’s not a lot of color change here but higher up, the oaks have turned red. Up in the ski areas is where most of the color is,” Kate explained. “Aspen trees.”

  Robin laughed. “You’ve certainly changed, Kate. I hardly recognize you anymore.”

  Kate bristled. “What do you mean?”

  “Talking about the weather and the trees.” Robin pointed at her. “And look at you. You’re all tan, relaxed. In Dallas, you always seemed so stressed. You were always in a hurry. I never would have thought you could stand being out of the city as long as you have.”

  Kate nodded. “I was stressed. And everybody is always in a hurry. Maybe things are slower up here because there’s no place to go,” she said with a laugh.

  “Well, here it is October and you’ve not mentioned coming back. I sometimes think you may not ever come back.”

  Kate looked toward the cliffs and the blue, blue sky behind them. “I’ve never thought of not going back, Robin. But honestly, I really haven’t given much thought to going back, either.”

  “Here you go, girls,” Brenda said, handing them each a glass of tea. “I’ve put the burritos in the oven to warm. We’ll have an early lunch since we all missed breakfast.”

  “Oh? You skipped breakfast too?”

  Kate and Brenda exchanged glances.

  “Kate slept in. I think it’s the cool mornings now that keep her in bed longer.”

  Kate hid her smile but gave Brenda a slight nod.

  They were all quiet for a moment, then Kate noticed Robin impatiently tapping the arm of her chair. She’d barely been there an hour. Was she already bored to tears?

  “So, what do you do with your time?” Robin asked. “I mean, what do you do all day?”

  “Read. Take walks,” Brenda said. “I paint. Kate writes. We talk. We sit out here and soak up the sun.” She looked at Kate. “Sounds awfully boring, doesn’t it, darling,” she said with a laugh.

  “Yes. But I’m sure it’s done wonders for my blood pressure.”

  “Why don’t you get your laptop out, darling, and let Robin read. Then you and I can begin planning this big birthday party we’re going to have tomorrow.”

  “Oh, Brenda, we don’t have to have a party. It’s just another birthday.”

  “Nonsense. It’s your day. And instead of bothering Sophia, I think we’ll do something we’ve not done all summer. Grill burgers outside. How does that sound?”

  Kate smiled. “It actually sounds fun. Thanks.” She turned to Robin. “What do you think?”

  “Burgers on the deck? Well, I had thought we could drive down to Santa Fe, maybe have a nice dinner somewhere, take in a movie. You know, normal stuff.”

  Kate shook her head. “You know, I don’t know what it is, but I just have no desire to go into Santa Fe. Brenda and I went one weekend and we had a good time, went to a couple of galleries, had dinner.” She shrugged. “But I’m just not in the mood.”

  “I can’t believe you’ve turned into such a homebody,” Robin said. “You used to love to go out to dinner.”

  “Yes, I did.” She looked out at the vastness of the land surrounding them, not understanding the pull she felt, the connection. And certainly not understanding the peace that settled over her just by walking outside and breathing the fresh air, feasting on the sight of the cliffs. She knew of no words to explain it to Robin, but she didn’t want to leave it.

  “Well, like I said earlier, I hardly recognize you anymore.”

  Brenda laughed. “I think you may be right, Robin. I haven’t noticed it, I suppose, since I’ve been around her, but Kate has mellowed quite a bit, hasn’t she.”

  “Mellowed? Is that what you call it?”

  “And what would you call it?” Kate asked.


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