Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 20

by Jamie, Danielle

  The sad Logan I just had before me instantly vanishes and is replaced as anger consumes his body, “This is about that Kayden guy isn’t it? Did you fuck him when he came to L.A. for his Envy interview?” He spits at me with anger laced in his words.

  What the fuck?!

  “You did not just ask me that? You are seriously a world class douche bag!” My entire body is shaking as adrenalin begins coursing through my veins. “NO, I didn’t fuck him when he was in L.A.! Unlike you Logan, I actually understand what an exclusive relationship means!” I shove him away from me harder this time; “You can leave now; I have nothing else to say to you.” I hiss at him as I swing my hand pointing towards the stairs leading down to his rental car.

  Ignoring my demands, his eyes turn ice cold sending chills down my spine, “I’m not going anywhere.”

  I take another step backwards to create a safe distance between us; I’m shaking on the inside, but not letting Logan see that. I glare at him and point my finger towards the stairs again, “I will not ask you again Logan, leave now.”

  An eerie laugh escapes him as he flashes me a small smile. Logan slides his eyes slowly over my body, immediately making me feel uncomfortable, “You think that Kayden Knox, the Playboy of Houston, is actually going to commit to you? What a joke!” He laughs under his breath, “He’s going to use you Savannah, then toss you aside and move on to his next conquest. I’m in love with you and couldn’t stay faithful; do you really think a man you hardly know will?”

  I cut him off, I can’t listen to this crap he’s spewing for a second longer, “You don’t know Kayden, or our relationship. What’s a joke is you professing your love to me! You don’t love me Logan, and I don’t think you ever really did. The person you love is yourself. You’re wasting your breath, because nothing you say will change my mind. So why don’t you drag your ass back to L.A. and beg one of your little sluts to give you love and affection, because baby you ain’t get anything from me!”

  Ignoring my pleas, Logan continues, “I’m right about him Savannah, you’re just ignoring the facts that are staring you straight in the face. Hell, he may give it his best shot, but believe me, when he goes out of town for business, don’t think for a second he will be able to resist temptation. There are always a million girls willing to do whatever he wants and will keep their mouths shut.”

  I don’t even think before reacting; I swing my arm back and connect my fist with Logan’s nose. “Shut up!” I shout, feeling his nose crack and blood squirt everywhere. I have never punched anyone before in my life, but I just lost control listening to him spew his poison. I had to shut him up.

  I cannot believe I just punched him! Shit my hand is throbbing. I cradle my fist in my left hand, as tears sting my eyes. My knuckles are instantly swelling.

  With a look of utter shock and anger, Logan cups his nose in his hands as he stumbles backwards.

  “You stupid bitch! You broke my fucking nose!” He yells staring at the blood in his hands.

  “Oh, my God...I’m so sorry! Why couldn’t you just shut up and leave? I don’t know why you even thought you could show up here and convince me to take you back.” Panic is consuming me. This is so not how I wanted this to go.

  The look he’s giving me has me backing away from him with fear. “Just stay here and I will get you a rag for your nose.” I say, needing to get away from Logan and give him and myself a few moments to calm down.

  Breathing a sigh of relief, I retrieve a washcloth from the bathroom and run warm water over it.

  Stepping back onto the deck, my eyes land on a man standing next to Logan. He looks to be about six feet, slender build, with slightly styled short brown hair.

  I hold my hand out handing Logan the washcloth, “Here…for your nose.” My voice comes out shaky.

  Great. Now some stranger gets to see firsthand what I did; just freaking fantastic.

  Extending his hand out to me, the mystery man shakes my hand, “Hi I’m Jacob Williams, my boyfriend and I are renting the beach house next door.” He introduces himself with a thick British accent, “I heard shouting, so I came to see if I could be of any assistance.”

  He’s gay? What a shame for the female population, because he’s extremely handsome. Brooklyn would have loved him.

  “Hi, I’m Savannah. Thank you for stopping by, but everything is fine, Logan was just leaving.” I turn towards Logan, shooting him a death glare. He best be leaving, or I will not hesitate to call the cops and have his ass escorted off of my property. “Again, I am sorry about your nose Logan, but I need you to leave. We have nothing left to talk about.”

  “Savannah, are you serious? You just busted my nose for fuck sake! You won’t even consider anything I just said?” He shouts at me while still cupping his nose.

  I have to hold back a laugh. Seriously, I just broke his nose, and he still thinks there’s a chance I’m going to just say, sure Logan come on in, sit down so we can talk about everything.

  I think I knocked the last ounce of common sense out of him with that punch.

  Spinning on my heels, I stare at him, hoping my words finally sink into his damn head, “Yes, I am serious. I want you to leave NOW. There is nothing left to discuss or for me to think about. My mind was made up the moment I caught you in that hotel room. Kayden is going to be here soon, so unless you want another busted nose, I suggest you get the hell out of here. While you’re at it, do me a favor and head straight back to L.A.; I’m sure there are plenty of women waiting there to help you forget all about me.”

  Storming past me, he stops at the top of the stairs, ignoring the fact Jacob is standing here witnessing this entire thing, he shouts,” You are making a huge mistake. Kayden Knox is only going to break your heart. Just wait and see; I’m right about him.”

  Completely fed up, I let out a small sigh, “It’s kinda hard to break something that is already shattered. You seem to forget you broke my heart months ago, and that I will never, or ever forget. Please just go! I don’t want a scene, especially in front of my new neighbor.” I waved my hands towards Jacob, who was standing there looking every bit as uncomfortable as I felt. The pain in my voice is unmistakable.

  Jacob clears his throat and steps in front of me focusing his attention on Logan, “Sir, I believe the lady asked you to leave. We don’t want to have to get the police involved.”

  I’m grateful that Jacob showed up, because I don’t think Logan would’ve agreed to leave without causing a scene or having the police escort him off of my property.

  Huffing out a loud sigh, Logan briskly makes his way down the stairs to his car, avoiding Jacob and the tense situation.

  I’m happy he is finally leaving. I just hope he takes my advice and goes back to Los Angeles; I don’t need this right now. My life is finally starting to get piece back together, and Logan comes barreling into town trying to knock it back down again.

  I let out the breath I’d been holding as I hear Logan speed away down the road.

  Hugging myself, I look from the crashing waves as I speak, “Thank you for your help Jacob; I really appreciate it. I just wish you didn’t have to witness that. It’s not exactly the best way to meet your new neighbor.” I say nervously rocking on the heels of my feet; too embarrassed to meet his eyes.

  “Don’t be, I am just happy I was nearby and able to help. If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to ask. If I am not there, my boyfriend Zak should be. We will be at the house next door for the month.”

  Walking towards the front door, I stop and lean against it, finally looking Jacob in the eyes, “Thanks. I just hope there will not be a next time. I need to get back inside before my lasagna burns. It was nice meeting you.”

  He flashes a mega-watt smile at me before disappearing down the stairs.

  It’s such a shame he’s not straight, because Brooklyn would be all over that like white on rice.

  I watch him walk back towards his beach house before heading inside. I head straight into the kitchen to
check on dinner, and am thankful to find that my timer still has thirty minutes until I have to take out the lasagna.

  I still have time to shower and finish setting the scene for our romantic evening before Kayden gets here. Of course, my hand is throbbing and slightly swollen. Hopefully it won’t put a damper on our evening together. I am dreading having to bring up the whole Logan fiasco when Kayden gets here.


  Stepping out of my bedroom, ready for the evening ahead, I hear my laptop beeping, alerting me of an incoming Skype call. Plopping down onto the couch, I turn my Skype on and am greeted with Reagan’s gorgeous smile.

  “Hey stranger, what’s up?” I say smiling back at him.

  I already know why he’s calling me, Reagan more than likely saw on a gossip website that Logan was spotted at LAX, and then a short while later here at the Houston Airport.

  “Don’t, ‘hey, what’s up me’, Savannah. Why is Logan in Houston? Please don’t tell me you lost your damn mind and are taking him back.” Reagan says with an irritated tone.

  I let out a moan and prop my chin in my hands. “Oh, my God, no! I’m just as shocked as you are that Logan came here. He has lost his freaking mind. He actually thought he could show up here, promising me everything under the sun, and I would be stupid enough to take him back!”

  The drama and chaos I’ve endured over the past few months is enough to last me a lifetime. Now Logan showing up here has just piled on a whole boatload more. Reagan should know me well enough to know I’ll NEVER go back to that asshole.

  I instantly notice Reagan relax as he sits back in his office chair, looking as if a humungous weight has been lifted off of his shoulders.

  Running his hand through his sandy brown hair, he lets out a small chuckle, “You don’t know how relieved I am to hear you say that. I thought I was going to have to jump back on a plane to Texas and knock some sense into you!”

  I can’t help but roll my eyes, “I would never in a million years take Logan back. I don’t care what excuses he has for cheating on me. I am done with him; he is my past, and hopefully Kayden Knox is my future.”

  Sliding his hands behind his head, Reagan sways his chair back and forth with a big smile stretched across his face, “You don’t know how happy I am to hear that, because if you took him back, I’d have to commit your ass!”

  Shaking my head, I let out a small laugh. “Believe me; I’d beg you to commit me! Oh, and it gets better! He had the audacity to tell me I should move back to L.A., so we can work things out.”

  Reagan lets out a loud chuckle, “Thank God you told him no fucking way in hell!”

  I nod my head in agreement, “Mmhmm, and it doesn’t stop there. He then tried to scare me with Kayden’s past, throwing his well-known playboy ways in my face. He told me he still loves me, and that Kayden will only break my heart. I literally snapped; I was beyond pissed off already that he was arrogant enough to show up at my house, but then trying to use Kayden’s past to get me back…that was my breaking point.”

  Reagan shoots up in his chair sporting a shit eatin’ grin, “Oh, do tell! Now this story just got interesting. So did you put the King of the Douchebags in his place? Did he run off with his tail between his legs?” I can’t help but enjoy the look of pleasure and excitement on Reagan’s face as he fires off his questions. He’s dying for the nitty-gritty details.

  I’m glad he called; talking with Reagan just for these few minutes has helped me relax. All the tension built up inside of me was slowly seeping away.

  “Well, sort of.” I finally answer holding my hand up in front of my laptop, showing Reagan my swollen red knuckles. “I kinda, sorta, punched him...and possibly broke his nose.” I slap my hand over my eyes laughing with embarrassment.

  Reagan’s eyes practically pop out of his head as realization hits, and he sees my hand.

  “Holy shit, Savannah! You’ve been in Texas days!? You’re already turning into a bad ass! I am going to call you Chuck Norris from now on.” He teases. “I am so pissed I missed that! What happened after you punched him? Did he go ape shit? If he laid a hand on you, I will break his fucking neck.” The words are pouring out of his mouth so fast; I can barely process them, let alone answer.

  For the next ten minutes, I explain to Reagan everything that happened with Logan. I let him know about Jacob showing up after overhearing us argue, and how I think him coming over helped me get Logan to finally leave.

  Reagan was happy to hear that I had shown Logan the door and told him there was nothing left for us to discuss. I just hope Logan stops being selfish and returns to Los Angeles so I can finally move on with my life.

  Reagan had to end our call because he was about to film an episode for his show. It was nice talking with him about everything because it helped me feel better, but at the same time it made me miss him. However, I don’t regret my decision to leave L.A. Deep down I know moving is one of the best decisions I have made in a long time.

  Chapter Two

  I have the wine chilling, the lasagna in the oven on warm, and candles lit all around the house. I’ve proudly displayed throughout the living room, kitchen and bedroom all the flowers Kayden has sent me. I even took a few roses from the vases, pulled the petals off, and sprinkled them across the bed.

  Three candles are lit on the stand beside the bed, the same ones Kayden lit the first night we spent here together. It’s the only lighting I have in the bedroom, giving it a romantic glow.

  The music is blasting, and right now I’m listening to One More Night by Maroon Five; swinging my hips to the sound of Adam Levine’s seductive voice as I set the table.

  Kayden will be here any moment, and I’m trying to stay busy, keep my mind off of everything that occurred earlier with Logan. I’m dreading having to tell Kayden about him coming to Texas.

  I thought moving here would help things with Logan slowly become a problem of the past. Instead my problems just followed me.

  Setting the last fork on top of the napkin, I jump as I suddenly feel hands wrap around my waist. It startles me, causing a small scream to escape my lips. I’m still on edge from my confrontation with Logan.

  I squealed as the strong hands lifted me up off of the ground and spin me around. Kayden’s cologne consumes my senses. Excitement erupted inside me; I have waited four long days to finally be in his arms again.

  “Ohhhh!” I giggle as Kayden hoists me up, and grips my butt in the palm of his hands. I wrap my legs around his waist, and the moment our eyes meet, I instantly get lost in his mesmerizing green irises.

  He flashes me a smile showing off his sparkling heart-stopping grin. I swear that smile could melt the panties off of every woman within a ten mile radius.

  “Miss me?” He asks; his Southern drawl combined with his deep husky voice has me tingling all over.

  “I missed you so much it hurts!” I’m bursting with excitement.

  Running my uninjured hand along his stubbly jaw, I tell him, “I have missed every inch of you.” I begin fluttering kisses along his neck, savoring the taste of his skin.

  Kayden squeezes my ass and lets out a deep moan as he presses me against his hardening cock, “I have twelve inches right here, Savannah that missed you so much it’s almost painful. These last four days have felt like the longest four days of my fuckin’ life.”

  I stop kissing his neck and raise an eyebrow up at him, giving Kayden a crooked grin, “We made the best out of a difficult situation…I never knew Skype sex could be so much fun!” I laugh.

  I feel my entire body flush as images of our hot Skype sessions flash through my mind.

  Giving my ass another squeeze and pressing his erection against my swollen clit, Kayden lets out a low sexy growl. His gaze is burning hot; the intensity in his stare sends shivers along my spine. “Believe me, watching you get yourself off with your vibrator was beyond hot; I exploded the moment I saw your eyes roll into the back of your head. The sounds you made as you were cumming are the sexi
est fucking things I have ever heard.”

  Before I can respond, Kayden is devouring my mouth. His tongue tastes of cinnamon gum, instantly making my tongue tingle.

  I moaned into his mouth, grinding my clit against his bulging cock that’s trapped inside his jeans.

  Entwining my fingers in his hair, I hold his mouth against mine.

  Kayden Knox is like a bad habit I never want to kick. I’ve never felt more alive than I do when I am with him. It’s terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time. The effect he has on me in such a short amount of time is crazy, beyond insane, but I crave the all-consuming feelings he’s set ablaze inside of me.

  Turning away from the table, he slams my back against the wall, grinding against me, meeting me thrust for thrust. We’re tangled together in a passionate, intense kiss, starving for each other’s touch. I can feel my climax building as my body submits to Kayden, and the pleasure he’s inflicting on my body.

  The combination of Kayden’s cologne, the taste and sensation of his mouth on mine, and his cock stimulating my clit with every thrust has me drowning in ecstasy. My fingers hurt from driving them into his back.

  I slip into a state of euphoria as Kayden slowly slides his hand under my dress; he moans with pleasure when he discovers I’m not wearing any panties.

  Within seconds, he has three fingers deep inside me. His groans of pleasure are like music to my ears; instantly electrifying every nerve in my body.

  “God Savannah, you’re so tight. I love how wet you are for me already. I can’t wait to taste your sweet juices…I am going to lick every inch of this body until you are begging me to make you come.”

  Fisting his hair, I slam my head back against the wall, relishing the feeling of his lips on my skin, and his fingers pushing me to the verge of climax, “God Kayden…I missed you, missed this.” My words come out breathy and laced with sex.


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