Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 34

by Jamie, Danielle

  Her mouth falls open in utter shock as she takes a cautious step back.

  After taking a moment to collect herself she takes a step towards me, poking me in the chest with her French manicured finger, “I wouldn’t hold your breath…Savannah.” My name spews from her mouth like poison. “I’ve witnessed Kayden go through girls faster than he goes through a change of underwear. He will grow bored of you, and when he does…I’ll be the one he comes back to!”

  “Well I guess we will just have to see which one of us is right…” I reach up and grab her hand she’s been poking me with, to squeeze it between my fingers. “I will only ask you one more time to keep your hands off me. Tonight means everything to Kayden; I think you and I both know what it would do to him if we got into a fight, so stop this catty shit and. Leave. Me. The. Fuck. Alone. Go find another man to prey on because, honey, Kayden is done with you!” Shoving her hand out of my grasp, I spin around on my heels, and storm out of the bathroom.

  It takes every ounce of strength I have in me to keep myself from turning around and going back in there to bash her face in. I’ve dealt with enough crap this past week that I don’t need to add Giselle to the list of pains in my ass.

  Walking back towards our table, I set my clutch down and run my hand gently over Kayden’s shoulder. “Can I steal a dance with my amazing boyfriend?” I ask, looking down at Kayden’s heart stopping face. Every time our eye’s meet, it makes my heart skip a beat and my breath hitch.

  “I would love to.” Taking my hand Kayden leads me onto the dance floor. Braxton and Mya follow suit and begin dancing to the music beside us.

  Kayden is a magnificent dancer; I learned this quickly the first night we were together at Vertigo. With his hands resting at the small of my back, and my arms resting around his neck, we danced in time to the music. The world around us just falls away and it feels like we are the only two people in the entire world.

  Our bliss was short lived when Giselle and Dixon, dancing beside us, decided to cut in.

  She’s persistent, I will give her that.

  “Mind if I cut in?” she asks us with a sweet and innocent tone. I cannot help but roll my eyes at her.

  Kayden, of course, always a freaking gentleman, agrees to a dance with her. Shooting me a sympathetic look he takes her outstretched hand.

  “May I have this dance?” Dixon asks extending his hand to me, with a devilish grin on his face. I can already tell from the few times I’ve been around him that Dixon not only feeds off chaos and drama; he thrives on it. So I can only imagine he loves everything going on right now.

  Reluctantly, I take his hand and begin dancing with him, keeping my eyes glued to Kayden and Giselle. She has a smug look on her face as she watches me from across the dance floor. I would love nothing more than to throw my shoe at her plastic face right about now. She keeps tipping her head back and laughing at whatever it is Kayden is saying.

  I swear that evil bitch is making my blood boil.

  “Boy, if looks could kill Giselle would be fuckin’ dead right now!” Dixon chucks into my ear.

  Leaning back, I whip my glare from Giselle straight to Dixon.

  “What? Well, forgive me for not being pleased to see my boyfriend dancing with that twit. She had the gall to come at me in the bathroom, spitting trash about Kayden and me. She has some nerve.” Shaking my head I throw a glance at Giselle, before turning my attention back to Dixon.

  I’m trying to keep myself from fuming over nothing. Kayden is just being polite; he is mine. Giselle can dance with him all she wants. I know who he’ll be leaving with tonight and it sure as hell isn’t her.

  “She has always had her sights set on Kayden. Giselle’s been trying for years to sink her claws into him. She’s convinced they are destined to be together.” Dixon says glancing over at them dancing.

  “Yeah I noticed that,” I say dryly. “I think she loves Kayden’s money and power, not Kayden for who he is as a person. I, for one, am glad he never fell for her.” My eyes linger momentarily at them dancing. I’m just torturing myself. I turn my attention back to Dixon “They’ve always just been platonic, right?”

  “As far as I know. Kayden has always told me they are just business associates. He has not an ounce of attraction towards Giselle. Doesn’t mean she hasn’t tried…many times, to seduce him. I gotta give it to the girl, she doesn’t give up easily.”

  Letting out a sigh of annoyance I turn my attention back to Giselle, locking eyes with the she-devil, “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The remainder of the benefit dinner went smoothly; Giselle pranced around drunk, hitting on every guy without a date. Kayden gave an amazing speech about his sister, and the foundation. They raised almost a million dollars tonight between the price of each person’s plate, separate donations, and the silent auction. Seeing Kayden happy is contagious and I cannot help but be excited along with him.

  At midnight, everyone began trickling out of the ballroom. Braxton and Mya decided to join Kayden and I at the penthouse suite for drinks before having their driver take them home.

  Dixon left with two blonde bimbos he picked up from the hotel bar. I don’t see why Brooklyn is so infatuated with him. He’s hot, I will give him that, but his personality and attitude are beyond annoying. He’s one of those cocky, arrogant guys who knows he’s hot and can have any woman he wants. So he gladly uses them and tosses them aside.

  It’s crazy to think Kayden was once that way. I guess it’s possible if Dixon met the right girl, he too could change. At the rate he’s going though, I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

  Mya and I sit and watch as Kayden and Braxton attempt to play pool. They are both drunk as shit, so it’s quite comical to watch. We made ourselves Hurricanes that taste like heaven in your mouth compared to the skunk beer the guys are drinking.

  Scooting down the couch closer to me, Mya takes another sip of her drink and sets it down on the coffee table. “It’s nice having a normal girl to hang with, not just some bimbo Kayden is hooking up with that we know we will never see again.”

  “Yeah, I feel the same. Moving here from L.A. has been a big adjustment, but you’ve been great at making me feel so welcome.”

  Mya gives me a warm smile, “It’s been so much fun doing our double dates these last few weeks. I don’t have a lot of friends here since I moved from Austin, so I know what it’s like to be the new girl in town. Everyone I work with at the Grand 1894 Opera House is all wrapped up with kids and family.”

  “It is so different back at Envy; everyone is obsessed with their jobs, they live and breathe the magazine. Many of my co-workers are single and not even thinking about marriage or kids for at least another ten years.”

  Turning to face me she lowers her voice so that Kayden and Braxton don’t over hear our conversation. I don’t think they’re paying attention anyway. Between the music and their laughter, we would need to shout for them to hear us talking. “Do you see you and Kayden having kids down the road?”

  I’m taken back by her question, because with Logan we had discussed children but way down the road, like ten years from now. However, since I’ve been with Kayden, the thought of getting married and raising a family in Sugar Land has crossed my mind more than a few times.

  “If you would have asked me a few months ago if I had any desire to have children in the near future, I would have given you a flat out no.” I say letting out a laugh.

  I turn and admire Kayden’s fine backside as he leans over the table to take another shot, missing terribly.

  I let out another laugh as he cusses, saying the pool stick is faulty. “Sorry baby, but I think it’s you and not the pool stick. You shouldn’t drink that many beers and expect to win a game of pool!”

  “Shush woman, it’s definitely the pool stick. I think Braxton tampered with it!” He says letting out a deep chuckle, his Southern twang is even thicker when he’s drunk. It’s so adorable.

haking my head at him with a smile on my lips, I turn back to my conversation with Mya. “As I was saying,” I let out another giggle before continuing, “With Kayden, everything is so different. He makes me feel amazing. I can’t even put into words how I feel when I’m around him. I truly feel that I’m…” now it’s my turn to lower my voice to a whisper, “falling in love with him.”

  Mya smacks my leg playfully, “Girl, anyone with eyes can see that! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know you two are falling head over heels in love with each other. I’ve never seen Kayden like this before…not ever! I’ve known him since all three of us were in kindergarten together. He was in love once before, but the way he looks at you, it’s different.”

  I instantly have butterflies in the pit of my stomach. It’s one thing to feel Kayden and me slowly falling in love with each other, but it’s another thing to have someone else see it too. Not just anyone, but someone who knew Kayden when he was with his ex.

  It’s overwhelming and at the same time exciting.

  “He still hasn’t opened up to me about the ex that hurt him. I keep thinking if I give him space and time he will. I won’t lie; it hurts a little that he doesn’t feel he can talk to me about her. I’ve been open and honest with him about everything in my past.” Leaning forward I pick up my Hurricane and drink down the remainder of it.

  Reaching for my hand Mya takes it into hers, looking me dead in the eye, she says, “Believe me; he’ll open up when he’s ready. She did a good number on him, so just him committin’ to you and makin’ himself vulnerable is huge.”


  After my conversation with Mya the night of the benefit dinner, I can’t stop myself from daydreaming about a future with Kayden; picturing our wedding day, and the birth of our first child.

  I’m on birth control so even though we’re not using condoms, my chances of getting pregnant are less than one percent. When I started my period on Sunday morning, a wave of sadness washed over me.

  I know having a baby right now would be a terrible idea; we’ve only been dating a little under a month, and have a lot of work ahead of us before marriage or kids are ever brought into the equation.

  Hell, I still haven’t worked up the courage to tell Kayden I love him!

  I’m planning on telling him Christmas day, it’ll be the best gift Christmas morning.

  We visited my mom and dad in Dallas yesterday. Seeing my dad and Kayden hitting it off so well is another reason why I am giddier than a school girl. My mother absolutely loved him. I was so nervous about him meeting them, and how my dad would treat him after everything with Logan. I thought he would yank Kayden over hot coals before he gave him his approval.

  Kayden was also a nervous wreck before meeting them. He has met them before at one of his father’s events in Nashville, but never on a personal level. I tried my best to reassure him that things would go great, but I wasn’t much help since I was a ball of nerves myself.

  We went out to dinner at Abacus, one of the best restaurants in all of Dallas, located in the Knox-Henderson area. Iron Chef America winner, Chef Rathbun’s cuisine was heavenly. After dinner we went to my parents’ concert where Kayden and I watched the entire show from the side of the stage.

  Watching my parents perform is one of my favorite things of all time. The chemistry between them is explosive, and it makes me hope that Kayden and I can have the kind of love my parents have for each other. Even after twenty-six years together they are still madly in love.

  I was sad having to say goodbye to my parents, but knowing I was going to see them again in a few days for Christmas helped. They were thrilled when we told them Kayden would be joining us. The flight back to Houston was short. I will be all too happy when we pull into the hotel.

  We’re staying in Houston tonight, since Brooklyn is flying in tomorrow, so we can get to airport quicker. It was almost midnight by the time we pull up to the hotel.

  I’m excited to finally have Brooklyn back in town tomorrow; to make things even better, Reagan is also flying in for one night before he heads to his parents for Christmas. It’s going to be great having both my partners-in-crime back together again, even if for only one night.

  Brooklyn’s eager to get back so she can finally try out our new kickboxing class. I’m loving it so far, and I think she will too.

  It sucks we won’t be together very long because of the holidays She’ll be flying back to L.A. to stay with her parents for Christmas and New Year’s. I was hoping she’d fly back to join us at Mya and Braxton’s for their New Year’s Eve party, but she already had plans to attend a party in Los Angeles.

  I’m officially on vacation from work because Eloise and her husband flew to Bora Bora for the holidays. So I don’t have to go back to the Envy offices until the Friday after New Year’s.

  Flying to Dallas this morning, then the whirlwind day we had, to then flying back to Houston has me completely drained. I was never so happy to crawl into bed with Kayden, curling up in his arms. Within seconds we were both slipping into a deep slumber.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Wednesday morning I awoke to the aroma of French toast and sausages. Stumbling out to the kitchen, I discover Kayden stacking French toast onto plates at the kitchen island. He has a vase of fresh flowers in the center of the island, and two glasses of orange juice.

  “Oh my gosh, that smells heavenly!” I say pulling Kayden in for a good morning hug and kiss.

  “I was just about to come wake you up, but I guess the aroma of breakfast beat me to it.” Gripping my butt in the palm of his hands Kayden lifts me off the ground kissing me one more time.

  “You need to stop spoiling me so much. I feel guilty. I need to start trying to beat you to the kitchen in the morning so I can make you breakfast for once.”

  “I will never stop spoiling you Savannah, so get used to it.” Slapping me playfully on the butt, Kayden flashes an impish grin before climbing up on to the chair at the island. I climb up and sit beside him, savoring every bite of the best French toast I’ve ever had.


  After breakfast, we headed to the airport to pick up Brooklyn. Her plane from Vancouver is supposed to arrive around noon and Reagan’s flight from Los Angeles is scheduled to land around two.

  I was surprised to see Xander at the airport when we got to Brooklyn’s exit. She never mentioned he would be picking her up. Kayden looked just as confused and shocked as I am.

  “Hey Xander, I’m Savannah…Brooklyn’s friend. We met a few weeks back at Drip.” I say reaching my hand out to shake his.

  “Yeah I remember, nice to finally meet you when I’m sober.” Letting out a nervous laugh he reaches out to shake my hand.

  “To say that night was crazy would be putting it lightly.” Kayden said as he slid his hand around me, pulling me against him before reaching out to shake Xander’s hand.

  “Brooklyn told me about the whole Logan situation that night. We just missed it; I think we left the club about twenty minutes before the whole thing went down. Sorry to hear your ex is a total asshole.”

  “I don’t think he will be showing up here again anytime soon after the beat down I gave him.” I couldn’t help but smile hearing Kayden say that.

  I hope it’s true and Logan stays as far away from Texas as physically possible. I pray the fight with Kayden put the fear of God into him, and he realizes there is no chance in hell we will ever get back together so he will move on with his life, and I can happily continue moving on with mine.

  We talked with Xander for a few minutes as we wait for Brooklyn’s plane to land. He said that she has no idea he’s here, that she had mentioned in a text last night that she was flying in today, so he wanted to surprise her.

  He’s home for a few days for Christmas before they go back on the road with all the other bands. He told us about Lance’s Honky-Tonk Bar in Galveston that his band is playing at tonight. Kayden and I both think it sounds like fun, so we told him we’ll see what Reagan thinks.
We know Brooklyn will be down for it. He had me sold at mechanical bull. I’ve always wanted to ride one, so I can mark that off my bucket list tonight.

  Brooklyn came barreling down at us with excitement. She couldn’t believe Xander had shown up to surprise her. She is in quite the love triangle right now between him and Jax. She goes from no man to two in a matter of weeks. I know Jax is still going out with other woman on his nights off. He is smokin’ hot so I wouldn’t expect him to sit around waiting to see where things go with Brooklyn.

  We all went out to the same little café Jax recommended to us a few weeks back to get lunch. Xander looks intimidating with all the piercing and tattoos, but he is surprisingly funny. What’s that saying? Never judge a book by its cover! Under that rough exterior is a really nice guy and I can see why Brooklyn’s stayed in touch with him.

  Usually she hooks up with a guy and never to sees them again. Something about Xander has her swooning all over him. Maybe it’s what he does for her between the sheets; she is always complaining about men not satisfying her.

  The only thing I’m worried about is his lifestyle hurting her. We’ve gone to enough rock concerts in L.A. to know how crazy things get backstage before and after the concerts. As long as he can be honest with her and treat her right, then I will give him a chance.

  After lunch we head back to the airport to pick up Reagan. Brooklyn went with Xander back to the beach house riding on the back of his Harley. So we went back to the airport alone; we have nice weather today so no planes were delayed. I’m still dragging from all my traveling yesterday and I cannot wait to get home, start the fire pit, have some drinks and relax before we go out tonight.


  Most of us are sitting around in our Adirondack chairs by the fire pit; I’m digging my toes into the cool sand when Reagan appears behind me with a Christmas present. “Ooo we’re doing gifts now?” I ask with glee, taking the gift from his hand.


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