Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 45

by Jamie, Danielle

  Zipping up my suitcase and setting it beside Kayden’s, I yell down the stairs, “Jerome, our suitcases are all ready to be brought down to the car.” Grabbing my purse, I head downstairs to grab a snack to munch on in the car. I toss some chocolate covered pretzels into my purse and a bottle of water from the fridge, and head out to the Audi. I’ve lost ten pounds since my accident, and find it hard to eat big meals because of my anxiety. My stomach has shrunk from barely eating these last few weeks, so I’ve been trying to snack and eat tiny meals throughout the day to help me get my body back to normal.

  I’ve gotten a good routine down. I soak in the hot tub when I wake up, eat, and then walk up to the stables and visit the horses. After lunch, I walk a mile on the treadmill, followed by another soak in the hot tub. Dr. Willow suggesting that was the best thing she’d ever told me. It makes my ribs feel a hundred times better. It doesn’t help the weight issue, but it’s getting my strength back up.

  It’s going to be hard getting back into shape and going to kick boxing again once I’m healed. At least walking every day on the treadmill makes me feel energized. I feel like I’m at least doing something to stay healthy, but what I wouldn’t give to kick the shit out of something right about now; all the while imagining Zak’s face.

  Jerome pulled up beside Kayden’s jet at Ellington Field and carried our bags up into the plane. Jax’s car was just pulling up with Brooklyn when I stepped onto the stairs of the jet. Before the car is even in park, the back door swings open, and Brooklyn comes bursting out of it. “Ahhhhh, Bahamas here we come!” She screams running towards me.

  “I see you’re just a tad bit excited about this getaway?” I laugh. Reaching for my hand, she drags me up the stairs into the plane. Jerome and Jax board the plane behind us, with our bags in tow, and hey quickly step around us to put our bags into the bedroom. My heart races when I spot Kayden standing in the doorway of the cockpit talking with the pilot.

  “Hey, sexy! Miss me?” I ask, pinching his butt as we walk by. I flash him a smile and give him a wink as Brooklyn, and I make our way towards the seats. Dixon and Jax are talking with an airport attendant who’s checking their passports. We quickly fish ours out and give them to him. This flight will definitely be interesting with Dixon, Jax and Brooklyn. She’s smack dab in the middle of a big hunky man sandwich. As if she read my mind, Brooklyn yanks me back a few steps whispering into my ear.

  “Oh. My. Gawd! Please remind me why I am not killing Kayden right now? What was running through his mind when he asked Dixon to join us? I haven’t spoken to him in almost a week. The biggest douche bag just below Logan blew me off for some blonde, big-boobed bimbo last weekend!”

  Turning around, I face her so our conversation can be as private as possible in this tiny cabin. “Hey, you knew what road you were going down the minute you started chasing Mr. Southern Playboy himself. So you can’t blame Kayden, because you, missy, did this to yourself.”

  Rolling her eyes, she stomps off towards the mini bar. “I need something fuckin’ strong, like now.” She mumbles under her breath as she mixes herself a drink. I can’t help but be amused, at least her love life dramatics will help distract my mind for the next three days. Handing us back our passports, the attendant heads down the stairs, leaving the airplane.

  “We are one step closer to getting the hell outta here!” I squeal, dragging Brooklyn and her handful of booze over to the leather seats. “Hey guys, you ready for some fun in the sun?” I ask, looking from Dixon to Jax.

  Jax smiles at me, “Yes, I can’t wait. Kayden, Dixon and I are going snorkeling tomorrow. What are you ladies planning on doing?” His Australian accent is so thick; every time I hear it, it makes me giggle like a schoolgirl. I have a weakness for accents.

  Brooklyn and I both answer simultaneously, “Tanning,” instantly bursting out laughing.

  “I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing!” I say matter-of-factly. “I’m going to be taking advantage of this vacation and be a total bum. I want to lie around in my bikini all day, and sip on fruity drinks with tiny cute umbrellas.”

  Brooklyn lets out a squeal of excitement as she tosses back the remainder of her drink. “Sounds like heaven to me, girlfriend!”

  Dixon, finally pulling his eyes away from his cell phone, glances at us with a sly grin on his face. “I plan on hitting the clubs this weekend. Find me some hot ass Bahamian babes. Hope you won’t mind me and Jax dragging Kayden away from you to party it up one night this weekend.” I catch him momentarily looking at Brooklyn. He is such an ass; he’s trying to get under her skin and we haven’t even left the freakin’ ground yet.

  Adjusting in the seat, I slip my legs under my butt. I smile as sweetly as possible, trying to contain myself from jumping across the plane and strangling Dixon. I just say, “No, I don’t mind at all. I imagine there are many ways for Brooklyn and me to entertain ourselves.”

  Before Dixon can say anything else, the pilot comes over the intercom informing us to buckle up and that we’ll be taking off momentarily. Brooklyn pops a piece of gum into her mouth, and tosses a piece onto my lap. “Want any?” She asks, looking over at Jax and Dixon. They both nod yes, and she tosses a piece to Jax who catches it one handed. I almost choke on my gum when Brooklyn whips a piece at Dixon’s head.

  I’m suddenly consumed with the aroma of Kayden’s cologne, and I turn and see him walking towards us with shots in his hand. “Ya’ll ready? I thought we should all take a celebratory shot before the jet takes off.” He walks over, handing Dixon and Jax their shots. I happily admire his fine ass as he stands in front of me. I can’t resist the urge to touch it so I lift my foot and poke him in the butt with my toes and let out a small giggle.

  “Hey, now!” He yells, spinning around and smiling a panty droppin’ grin down at me, handing me my shot. “No frisking me until the plane is in the air.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” I tease.

  Brooklyn raises her shot glass and makes a toast, “To a weekend to remember and a past to forget!” Poking me in the arm with her elbow, she smiles at me before tossing back her shot of whiskey.

  “Cheers!” We all shout and down our shots.


  Exhausted from not sleeping a single full night over the last two weeks, I’m finding it hard to keep my eyes open during our flight. Kayden is working on his laptop, trying to get some more work done before our plane lands. Dixon has been texting nonstop, and Jax has been playing games on his tablet. So Brooklyn and I decided to head into the private bedroom of the jet to lie down and watch Bridesmaids. Almost an hour into the movie the plane experiences horrible turbulence. It starts shaking and bouncing all over, instantly shooting pains through my body as I bounce around on the bed. Gripping my ribs, I scream out in pain, overcome by flashbacks of the car accident. One minute I am lying on Kayden’s bed with Brooklyn, the next I feel as if I am really back inside my Audi, bouncing around in the back seat as the car flips along the embankment. The sounds of my screams are almost deafening to me.

  “Savannah! Savannah!” I can hear faintly along with my terrified shouts. The pain is excruciating. I can feel tears streaking down my cheeks. I can hear Brooklyn and Kayden shouting at me and feel myself pressed against Kayden. The smell of his cologne is soothing me. I finally hear my screams stop, but I’m still crying. Looking around, I see Brooklyn white as a ghost and staring at me. She’s sitting on her knees on the bed, and Kayden is sitting behind me, holding me against him with his arms wrapped around me.

  “Holy shit! What the hell happened, Savannah?” Brooklyn’s voice is full of panic as she crawls closer to me, taking my hands into hers. Shaking my head as the tears continue to fall, I stare at her. I am so confused. I don’t know what happened.

  “I…I don’t know. I was watching the movie, and then I felt like I was back in my car the night of the accident. It was shaking and being thrown all around as it flipped over and over. The pain…I felt pain everywhere.”

  “No shit, y
ou hurt all over! But you did it to yourself just now. The plane hit turbulence, bouncing us around on the bed a little, but then you went fuckin’ crazy! You were tossing and turning all over the bed! I didn’t know what the hell you were doing. I kept trying to talk to you and get you to stop, but you just kept screaming out. It was like a blood curdling scream I’ve never heard before except in movies. You scared the shit out of me. Your eyes were freaky as hell; it was like you were looking straight through me.”

  Kayden’s just sitting behind me, not saying a word as he runs his fingers through my hair. I can’t believe that just happened. Brooklyn looks traumatized; so much for our relaxing getaway. We’re not even to the Bahamas yet, and already I’m having a freakin’ panic attack, scaring the shit out of everyone.

  “The turbulence must have triggered a panic attack, baby. Everything is okay now.” Looking down at me, I see the pain in Kayden’s eyes. That hurts more than the physical pain. Kayden kisses me with so much love it takes my breath away, instantly calming me. “Lie down and relax, and if you need me at all just send Brooklyn out to get me, okay?”

  Nodding my head, he kisses me one more time before heading back out with Dixon and Jax. Running my hands over my face, I let out an aggravated growl. “Oh, my God, Brooklyn, what the hell was that?! I feel like I am slowly falling apart!”

  While lying beside me, Brooklyn leans up on her elbows and stares down at me smiling. I cannot fathom why she is smiling right now, while I am fuckin’ losing it!

  “Listen to me, Savannah. You have got to be one of the strongest people I know. What you’re dealing with right now, it’s expected; you went through some crazy shit! But you are going to get through this. I believe it with every fiber of my being. With Kayden and me by your side, you will get through this. You just have to believe it as much as I do.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Chapter Six

  After what feels like forever, the pilot came over the intercom announcing we would be landing shortly. We all buckled quickly and prepared for the plane’s landing. I am bursting with excitement to start this vacation and get the hell off of this airplane.

  Kayden owns a small private island in the Bahamas with a small airstrip on one end, which made it easy for us to arrive without being noticed. Grabbing my purse, Brooklyn and I follow Kayden, with Dixon and Jax right behind us.

  “Welcome to paradise, baby.” Kayden says grinning at me, swinging open the door.

  Reaching out, I take Kayden’s hand and we make our way down the stairs. The weather is perfect, nothing but warm breezes and sunshine. I can smell the ocean; the warm salty air has a calming affect over me. “I cannot wait to get my bikini on and lay on the beach!” Excitement is bursting out of me as we make our way to the Jeeps waiting for us.

  “Hell yeah girly, we are going to get our tan on! Forget the bikini; this place doesn’t have a soul on it! I’m going all natural!”

  “Well you better make sunscreen your friend because the last thing you want is a sun burned twat!” I say, laughing and pushing her playfully. Just being here a few minutes, I am already feeling like my old self. No one knows where I am. We all agreed no cell phones for the entire weekend. Nothing but relaxation and fun!

  “I, for one, am all for skinny dipping.” Dixon says, walking past us, but not before slapping Brooklyn on the ass.

  “Better be careful, Dixon, don’t want the fishes thinking your little wiener is lunch!”

  My mouth, I think, just hit the asphalt. I cannot believe Brooklyn just screamed that out! I’m trying my best to contain my giggles as they go at it. Kayden snickers and keeps pulling me along beside him. Stopping momentarily, Dixon turns around looking back at Brooklyn with a cocky grin on his face. “That’s not what you were screaming the other night, if I recall correctly.” With that, Dixon sprints over to one of the Jeeps before jumping into the driver seat.

  Brooklyn, for once, is speechless. I glance over my shoulder at her. She rolls her eyes and sprints over to the same Jeep Dixon climbed in, jumping into the passenger seat. Jax and Jerome took all of our bags and loaded them into another Jeep on the air strip. After talking to Kayden momentarily, Jerome is the first to head to the house. Kayden, Jax and I all climbed into our Jeep.

  “Well I know one thing; this weekend will definitely not be boring.” Kayden says dryly, starting the Jeep and speeding down the runway onto a dirt road. Within minutes, we are on the other side of the island pulling up to Kayden’s house. The house is absolutely breathtaking. It’s all white with a large wrap around deck. Off to the side is a tiki-style hut with a straw roof. I can see a large dock out front of the house with speed boats and wave runners. The house is surrounded by palm trees and tropical flowers and no one, but us is around; truly making it feel like our own hidden paradise.

  Jumping out of the Jeep, Kayden runs around to open my door, takes my hand, and helps me out of the vehicle. Jax jumps out and gets right to work on collecting our luggage. Wrapping his arms around me, Kayden pulls me against his hard, rigid stomach, and gazes down into my eyes. Looking into his sea green eyes sends shivers throughout my body. The love and passion seeping out of them is setting my entire body on fire.

  “Welcome to paradise, baby.” Leaning down, he gives me a kiss full of hunger. I open my mouth slightly, allowing his tongue into my mouth. The feeling of it is brushing against the roof of my mouth and intertwining with mine makes my body crave more. It amazes me how just the slightest touch from Kayden can make me completely undone.

  Pulling his mouth away from me, I let out a small whimper, already missing his mouth against mine. “I plan on kissing you every second of the day that we’re here, so prepare those yummy lips of yours, Knox.” I grip both of his butt cheeks in my hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. “Doctor’s orders.” I say with a wink.

  “Oh, really…well I would hate to go against the good doctor’s wishes so I will be sure to kiss you every chance I get.”


  Brooklyn and I lay basking in the hot sun while Kayden, Jax, and Dixon speed around on the wave runners chasing each other. I can’t contain my laughter as I rest on my elbows watching them. Brooklyn convinced me to go tanning with her on the beach topless. I refused to go completely naked. At first I was shy because Jax and Dixon are here, but Kayden stole my bikini top and stuffed it into his board shorts, leaving me no option but to go topless. He playfully kissed my breasts, saying that he couldn’t wait to see them all sun-kissed and gorgeous.

  “I think I’m going to have to be drunk twenty-four-seven to get through this weekend.” Brooklyn says, rolling onto her stomach. Looking over my shoulder at her, I smile; I can’t help but find it all entertaining.

  “Well I will gladly join you. I’m finally off the oxycodone and am just taking ibuprofen now, so I am ready to get completely trashed this weekend. I go back to work this week, so I want to take full advantage of this vacation.”

  “I think there’s no better time to start than now!” Looking up towards the house, Brooklyn shouts up to Juliana, one of our staff who works for Kayden. She’s petite, standing at just barely five feet, and has jet black hair which is pulled up into a tight bun. She’s wearing a pair of khaki shorts, a white Polo sleeveless tank, and white flip flops. All of the staff here is dressed in the same attire.

  Walking down to us quickly, she stands above us, hands behind her back and smiling warmly, “Yes, ma’am, how may I assist you?”

  “Can you make us two hurricanes, please?”

  “I will get those made and right back to you immediately. Will that be all?”

  Smiling back up at her, I cut in, “Can you bring us a bowl of diced up watermelon also, please? Thank you, Juliana.”

  Within a few minutes, she’s walking back towards us holding a tray with our hurricanes and bowl of fruit. “If that will be all, I’ll excuse myself to check on your dinner for the evening.”

  “Thank you.”

  Brooklyn snatches her drink up f
irst. It looks absolutely delicious with red and orange swirling around inside of it, a slice of pineapple on the slide of the glass, and pink umbrellas are the perfect touch. Taking a sip, her eyebrows perk up, and a smile spreads across her face. “Holy shit! Best fuckin’ Hurricane ever.”

  After finishing a piece of watermelon, I sip on my straw welcoming the cold crushed ice and fruity liquor into my mouth. I purse my lips as my taste buds are hit with the taste of liquor. “Wow! These are strong!”

  “Hell yeah, I love this place, they don’t hold back on the good stuff. Girl we are going to be plastered by the time the guys finally come in for dinner.”

  Won’t we be a sight; staggering around the beach topless with our glasses in hand?

  “All I know is, tonight I will not stop trying until I have Dixon in my bed. That piece of shit owes me a good fuck after the way he’s treated me since we came back from LA after your accident.”

  “I can’t keep up with you! So will it be just Dixon this weekend? Or are you planning on hooking up with Jax, too?”

  “Damn u bitch, you’re making me sound like a damn whore. No, I don’t plan on sleeping with Jax, but that doesn’t mean I will not be flirting my ass off with him. Dixon is going to get a piece of his own medicine.” With a look of determination on her face, Brooklyn’s watches the guys out on the water and chugs down her drink. Shaking my head, I plop back down on my lounger. I just hope her plan doesn’t backfire and somehow end up ruining my vacation. I need a relaxing weekend more than I need anything else right now.


  Around seven, we all headed to our rooms to get ready for dinner. We’ll be eating outside on the large deck overlooking the ocean. After a quick shower, I put on a white cotton strapless sundress Kayden laid out for me and white flip flops. I blow dried my hair and pulled it into a side bun, adding a small white rose hair clip.


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