Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 58

by Jamie, Danielle

  “Yeah, you could say.” Standing to find Brooklyn, I try to get away from him, but he’s like a lost puppy. Following me onto the dance floor, I glance back at him. “What are you doing?”

  Shrugging his shoulders and wrapping an arm around my waist, he pulls me against his very toned body. “Dancing? What does it look like?” He says matter-of-factly, with a cocky smile plastered across his face.

  “I can’t dance with you, I’m engaged.” Waving my ring in his face, I break free from his embrace and continue to try and find Brooklyn.

  “I don’t see your fiancé here? What’s the harm in dancing, Savannah? If I remember correctly, you really enjoyed dancing with me last Halloween.”

  God he’s persistent. A few months ago I found his charm delightful when I was trying to get over Logan. But now I just don’t have the time for it. I came out to have a few drinks and dance, definitely not to find a guy to get all hot and sweaty with tonight.

  Deciding ignoring him is the best option, I push through the crowd and I spot Brooklyn dancing her way back to the bar. After what feels like a thousand excuse me’s, I finally make it through the mob of people. “Savannah!” She shouts, running at me, wrapping her arm around my waist, and leading me to the bar.

  “Body shots!” She yells climbing onto the bar and lifting her tank top up, exposing her stomach. The bartender wastes no time filling her belly button. One of the guys she was dancing with happily sucks the shot up off of her stomach. “Woohooo!” Brooklyn shouts, jumping down from the bar.

  “You are insane…you know that right?” I laugh at her as she adjusts her tank top.

  “Yeah, I know, but now it’s your turn! Get your little ass up on that bar, Savannah! We came here to have a good time, so damn it, we’re having a good time! Fuck Giselle, fuck Nadia, and any other skanky home wrecking ho’s!”

  Protesting, I try to plant my feet firmly on the ground, but Brooklyn, with her determination, drags me to the bar with the help of her two new guy friends. Within seconds I’m being lifted up onto the bar. “Lay down sweet cheeks, time to officially get this party started!”

  Everyone’s chanting, “Drink…drink…drink!” I can’t look. Covering my eyes with my hand, I lay there waiting for a complete stranger to take a shot from my belly button. Feeling the warm lips on my cool skin, makes me immediately get goose bumps on my stomach. I can hear the bar all cheering as he licks every last drop from my stomach.

  “Mmm that was the best shot I’ve ever had.” I remove my hand and find Shayne. Oh. My. God! Looking from him to Brooklyn, she’s smiling ear to ear.

  “You don’t give up do you?” I ask, jumping off of the bar, pulling my tank top down. He has to know who I am and not just remember me from that night on Halloween. I’ve been all over the damn news for months now. “Look Shayne, I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I have enough shit going on in my life right now. I don’t need to add another thing to the already long list.”

  After the shock of me calling him out wore off, he sat on the barstool beside me, “Okay. I admit I know who you are; more like I know who you’re engaged to. I’ve met him a few times here and in Vegas. He’s a nice guy, but from what I’ve read, he cheated on you. Sooo, I think that makes you fair game.”

  Climbing onto the barstool beside him, I ask the bartender for a Jack and Coke. Taking a long sip, I finally work up the courage to talk about Kayden. “Look, I’m in love with Kayden. The whole story isn’t black and white. There are two sides to the story. She claims she slept with my fiancé, but he insists nothing happened.”

  Taking a ringlet of my hair between his fingers, Shayne twists it while listening to everything I’m telling him. The music is so loud; I can barely hear myself think, let alone have a conversation. I have to lean in so close that my lips almost touching his ear as I talk to him. I can’t help but breathe in his delicious cologne.

  Shaking my inappropriate thoughts away, I wait for Shayne to respond. After a few sips of his beer, he locks eyes with me. “So do you believe him? I think if you did, you’d be with him right now, and not here…sitting with me at the bar.”

  God, I’m so tired of answering this question. I don’t know what the hell I feel. But everyone wants a cut and dry answer from me. I decide to give him the answer that I feel deep down is the truth. “I believe him. I think she’s a lying little bitch who was dared by her friend to sell this story. I honestly don’t think he would cheat on me.”

  “Well, then what are you doing here?”

  There’s the million dollar question. “I don’t know. I guess I’m scared that it could be true. Then I’ll look like the idiot who allowed her fiancé to cheat on her, and she just stayed by his side.”

  “Savannah! Get your ass over here now! You gotta see this!”

  Brooklyn shouts at me, running as fast as she can at me. Taking my hand, she pulls me off of the bar stool, dragging me up the stairs to the VIP section. Before I can ask what’s going on, we stop dead in our tracks.

  “What the fuck!?” I spit out, as my eyes take in the disturbing image before me.

  “That’s what I said!” Brooklyn says with disgust dripping from her lips. Brooklyn lets go of my hand and stomps across the VIP section. Snapping out of my state of shock, I quicken my strides to catch up to her. Before I can say anything to stop her, Brooklyn’s grabbing Giselle by the hair, and yanking her off of Logan’s lap.

  “You nasty little slut!” She shouts before slapping Giselle across the face. Shoving her down onto the couch, she whips her head towards Logan, holding her hand in the air at him. “Don’t you fuckin’ move, unless you want to spend the next hour fishin’ your balls outta your stomach!”

  “Holy shit! What the fuck is going on?” Shayne asks, finally catching up to us.

  “That is the woman we think helped set the plan in motion, to set up Kayden to look like he cheated on me.” I say with venom pouring from my mouth. “Hold my drink, would ya?” Handing him my drink, I storm over to Giselle.

  “Where’s your phone?!” I shout at her, jamming my finger into her chest.

  “What?” She asks, staring up at me with a dumb look on her face. Her perfectly styled hair is now disheveled. Miss Prim and Proper is finally revealing her true deceitful and conniving self to the world.

  “Do I need to spell it out for you? Get. Your. Phone! I want you to call your little friend Nadia and tell her this charade ends now! I want her to tell me the truth, or so help me I’ll beat it the fuck outta her!”

  “She’s…here…at Vertigo!” Giselle stumbles over her words, whipping her head around to look at the crowd of people now watching us.

  “The last time I saw her…she was heading to the ladies room.” Stepping in front of me, Brooklyn tells her to get Nadia back up to VIP…NOW, because we’re going to have a nice friendly chat with her, finally clear this whole thing up.

  Logan looks like he’s about ready to shit his pants. I don’t doubt he had a hand in all of this, especially seeing him all cozy with Giselle. I think I puked a little in my mouth when I saw them kissing. Shivering as a cold chill travels up my spine, I suddenly feel very dirty. I’m in desperate need of a long hot shower after this.

  After what feels like an eternity, I finally spot Nadia walking back up to the VIP lounge. Her eyes just about pop out of her head when they landed on Brooklyn and me.

  “I don’t want any trouble!” Nadia yells, backing away from us. We’ve attracted the attention of pretty much every single person in the VIP lounge. I can only imagine the shit that’ll be all over the news after tonight.

  “Hold it, bimbo Barbie! You’re not going anywhere.” Brooklyn yells as she charges towards her. “You’re going to sit your ass down and have little talk with us.”

  After talking with Nadia for over thirty minutes, she finally cracked, telling us everything. Just like I assumed, Logan and Giselle were the masterminds behind the entire thing. Going as far as paying off Kayden’s assistant to let them know whe
n he was going to be in Paris so they could “accidentally” run into him at the hotel bar.

  I feel sick to my stomach knowing people could hate me so much. Logan has hurt me in so many ways over the last few months. I don’t understand how he could do this to me after everything I’ve been through. Why couldn’t he just accept I was happy and moving on with my life? How can people be so unhappy with their lives that they make it their life’s mission to make other people’s lives a living hell?

  “Wow, that’s some messed up shit!” Shayne says, handing me my drink and walking with Brooklyn and me back down to the bar.

  “Yeah, I just went through a week of hell when I should’ve been mailing out engagement announcements. All because some jealous bitch couldn’t accept the fact that Kayden loves me and not her.”

  “Well I’m just glad I spotted them upstairs. Now we know the truth. You can set things right with Kayden, and hopefully she sticks to her word and makes a public statement giving everyone the real story.”

  “Me, too. I just hope me not believing Kayden didn’t fracture our trust. I knew deep down he was being honest with me. I was just so scared of the possibility that she was telling the truth.”

  “Well, I wish you the best, Savannah. If you and Kayden are ever in Vegas and want some UFC tickets, here’s my number.” Pulling a business card from his pocket, Shayne hands it to me and pulls me in for a hug. Kissing my cheek, he whispers in my ear, “I hope Knox understands how lucky he is Savannah, because you are a priceless diamond.”


  “Well, you ready to go get your man back?” Brooklyn asks, wheeling her luggage across the airport.

  “Yes. I can’t wait to put all of this behind me and go back to living my life with Kayden by my side. We’ve gone through enough shit; I think it’s about time God, or fate, or whoever, just allows us to be happy.”

  “Amen sister! What are the odds Kayden and the guys are in Vegas?” Rolling my eyes, I speed past her with my luggage in hand.

  “Don’t even say it Brooklyn; I want a drama free life from now on. By the way, sorry, you’re missing Xander’s concert tonight.”

  Jogging to keep up, she grabs my arm. “Slow down biotch, I don’t wanna break a heel! Oh, and I sent a text Xander this morning. He said no worries; they’ll be in Texas in a few weeks. He promised me he’ll set two tickets aside with our names on them.”

  Sitting in the airport terminal waiting for our flight, I scan through my cell, reading all the texts Kayden’s sent me over the last week. I can’t help but smile at all of them. Even though I was scared and ran back to LA, Kayden never let me forget that he loved me, even when he was thousands of miles away.

  I can’t wait to surprise Kayden in Vegas and tell him that I want to come home. This week has been hard but has taught me a lot. I definitely think I need to learn to take all these gossip magazine articles I’ll see in the future at face value. I promised Kayden our love was indestructible, and I need to remember those words every day moving forward.

  Magazines will blow things out of proportion; people will sell false stories. What matters is how we face them. I now know facing them head on together as a united force is key. I can’t keep running every time I get scared, and doubt what I know deep inside of my heart. Kayden has proven to me time and time again that he loves me. I need to let the fact that he won’t hurt me like Logan did sink into my stubborn head. My fears of being cheated on again almost cost me the only man who can truly make me happy.

  Nadia told me last night that she’ll be doing an interview tomorrow with In Touch Weekly, telling them the true story, the lies and deceit; explaining that Logan and Giselle orchestrated this entire thing out of spite and jealousy. Let that be headline news, and Kayden and I can get back to celebrating our engagement. I still feel terrible for doubting Kayden, but I know we can move past this and become stronger as a couple.

  The unconditional love and desire Kayden and I have for each other has been proven indestructible. There’s no doubt in my mind that he is my soul mate. No one else on this Earth could have gotten me through this nightmare, and now that it’s finally behind us. There’s nothing I’m looking forward to more than becoming Mrs. Kayden Knox.


  Savannah & Kayden’s story continues in the fourth and final novel, Infinite Desire available now worldwide in ebook and paperback.

  Savannah & Brooklyn’s Dare to Tell Interview with Kayla the Bibliophile

  Let’s start with a little foreplay…

  What would you say is the most embarrassing thing you have done or had done to you?

  Savannah: The most embarrassing thing would be streaking outside a nightclub in Cabo. Not my greatest moment!

  Brooklyn: God! Her streaking was freaking hilarious! As for me, I have no embarrassing moments, I just roll with whatever shit I do or is done to me. What good is life if you can’t laugh about the embarrassing crap that you’ve done.

  Craziest Fan moment?

  Savannah: I really don’t have a crazy moment. Fans of my parents are usually really sweet and respectful. I did have one guy, whom I ran into while at the beach surfing, tell me he would love to be my baby daddy. I can’t stop laughing just thinking about it!

  Brooklyn: No crazy fan shit yet, but once I become an A-list actress, come ask me again. Ha!

  Pick one!

  Favorite book and/or author?

  Savannah: Collide & Pulse! I love me some Gavin Blake haa! Gail McHugh is a fabulous Author.

  Brooklyn: Oh, you know I love me some hot rockers, so my favorite is the Sinners by Olivia Cunning, DAMN those books are freaking HOT!!!

  Import or Muscle car?

  Savannah: I love both. Anything with Kayden behind the wheel looks hot, haa!

  Brooklyn: Gotta say muscle car. I love the new Challengers that look like the old style cars. Having a hot guy behind the wheel of one of those is my Kryptonite!

  Favorite song and/or musician?

  Savannah: I am obsessed with Madilyn Bailey’s covers! That girl can make any song her own!

  Brooklyn: Jared Leto, I would marry that man in a heartbeat if he asked! He’s sex on a fucking stick, his being able to sing is just a plus.

  White, Dark or Milk Chocolate?

  Savannah: Milk Chocolate! I hate white or dark…yuk!

  Brooklyn: Same here bestie!

  Sam or Dean Winchester?

  Savannah & Brooklyn in unison: Dean!

  Commando, Boxers or Briefs?

  Savannah: Kayden looks beyond sexy in some tight briefs, so I gotta go with briefs.

  Brooklyn: I love my man ready for whenever the mood arises, so commando, haa!

  Damon or Stephan Salvatore?

  Savannah: WHO? Ha!

  Brooklyn: Yeah, I don’t know who they are?!

  Wine or Mixed drink?

  Savannah: Mixed!

  Brooklyn: Mixed for me too! Liquor is quicker. Haa!

  Coke or Pepsi?

  Savannah: Coke

  Brooklyn: I’ll drink both; I’m not picky.

  Biker boy or Rocker dude?

  Savannah: I love a hot rocker!

  Brooklyn: I pick both; the perfect guy is Jared Leto mixed with Jax from Sons of Anarchy. Can you say: ‘Walking Orgasm’?!

  Do you believe in vampires?

  Savannah: No, but it would be cool if they were real! I love True Blood!

  Brooklyn: I think I dated one before; that dude was weird!

  If you could have a super power what power would you pick?

  Savannah: Hmmm…I don’t know, haa. I guess being able to move things with my mind; might make getting things so much faster!

  Brooklyn: Oh, this is easy for me, X-ray vision. That way I don’t have to wait until the guys already naked to see if he’s worth the ride or not!

  What would you do with your super power if you had it?

  Savannah: I would move things, like if I’m comfortable on the couch and need a snack; I can just flick my wrist and make a cookie
come to me.

  Brooklyn: Well I already answered that. Haa!

  Would you abuse your super power? How?

  Savannah: Define abuse? Haa…I would definitely use it to make Kayden mysteriously have his pants fall down .

  Brooklyn: Every damn day!

  Enough foreplay, let’s get it on!

  Tell us about your 1st time!

  Brooklyn: I’m so going first with this one! Back of a 69 Mustang with Jaden Rivers. He was the bad boy in our preppy High School. I wonder what he’s up to these days?

  Savannah: God, that guy was a douche. He was the biggest man-whore!

  Brooklyn: Man whore or not, he sure could fuck!

  Savannah: Anyway, my first was at Matt Allen’s house. He was the star quarterback, me the head cheerleader, so cliché as Brooklyn would say. Haaa! we did it in his Jacuzzi, so not as fun as I imagined it would be!

  Screamer, moaner or silent?

  Savannah: Screamer, especially with Kayden; it’s impossible to stay quiet!

  Brooklyn: All of the above, sometimes those sounds are real, or me acting, haa to boost the egos of some not so great lays.

  Whips or chains?

  Savannah: I love a good spanking now and again, and I love it when Kayden pulls out the handcuffs!

  Brooklyn: I love being spanked, the harder the better. Ha! Restrained? I love being the one restraining!

  What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?

  Savannah: Whiskey Sour!

  Brooklyn: I love me a Cherry Hooker!

  Do you ever leave home without panties on?

  Savannah: If it’s up to Kayden, every damn day! haa!

  Brooklyn: Depends on where I’m going!

  Have you ever had sex while at work (any job)? If so, where?

  Savannah: Nope, but I know for damn sure Brooklyn has!

  Brooklyn: Ha! Guilty! I’ve banged a few actors in their trailers in between running lines.


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