Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 101

by Jamie, Danielle

  Oh, my God. Pacing back and forth beside the bed, I slide my fingers nervously through my hair, “Should I get the car ready so we can go to the hospital?” I ask, finally sitting down on the bed beside Savannah.

  “Mrs. Knox, I’m going to go check on the boys, buzz me if ya need anythin’,” Sylvia says rubbing Savannah’s shoulder, then smiling up at me she pats my chest. “I think y’all are gonna meet that precious baby girl tonight,” she says before heading downstairs to feed the boys dinner.

  I drape my arm behind Savannah and rest my other hand gently over her belly. I can feel our baby girl kickin’; she definitely wants out of her mama’s belly. “My contractions are about twenty minutes apart right now, so Dr. Nielson said once they get to be about ten minutes apart to come in. She wants to be sure it isn’t false labor before we drive into Houston.” Snuggling into my chest, Savannah lets out a small yawn.

  She’s exhausted between being nine months pregnant, chasin’ our boys around all day, running a magazine and not sleepin’ almost a wink at night. These past few weeks she’s been runnin’ on fumes.

  Rubbing her belly, I press a kiss to the top of her head, “Try to rest your eyes darlin’. If tonight’s the night, you’re gonna need your strength.” On the outside, I look all cool, calm and collected, but on the inside I am freakin’ the fuck out! The delivery of our twins is a blur because we had so much going on that night with Zak showing up and Savannah going into labor in the midst of it all.

  This time around I have time to think about everything and have a total freak out!

  I need to get our bags together; I need to call Savannah’s parents, call Brooklyn and Dixon, my mom. I feel like my head is spinning, and we haven’t even gotten to the hospital yet.

  Savannah is asleep when I slip out of bed and start gathering all of our bags together to bring out to the Audi Q7. I change into a t-shirt and jeans, before heading down with all of our bags. Thank God I already installed the baby’s car seat two weeks ago, because right now I am in too much of a panic that I’d probably forget how to hook the frickin’ thing into the car. Popping open the hatchback, I toss mine and Savannah’s suitcases along with the baby bag into the back, and run back into the house.

  I hear Savannah screaming as I enter the foyer, and bee-line it up the stairs to find her standing beside the bed holding her stomach. She’s grunting through another contraction.

  “That’s it we’re going to the fuckin’ hospital, I don’t care what the hell that doctor says!”

  Shaking her head and rolling her eyes Savannah walks over to the closet, slips on her Ugg boots and throws a jacket on. “Fine, let’s go. If they make us come back home because it’s false labor, I’m kickin’ your ass Knox, for draggin’ me outta the house.”


  Five hours later

  “You’re ready to push.” The nurse tells Savannah as she finishes checking her cervix.

  Laying her head back Savannah turns and smiles over at me, “It’s almost time to finally meet our baby girl, Knox.”

  Fuck. I think I’m going to throw up, I’m so nervous.

  Savannah is all fuckin’ rainbows and sunshine right now because of her epidural, while I’m sitting over here beside her ready to pass the fuck out. Brooklyn and Dixon are sittin’ out in the waitin’ room. Both my mom and Savannah’s parents are flyin’ into Houston, as soon as they can to meet the newest addition to our perfect little family.

  “Do y’all have drugs for the father?” I ask the nurse jokingly, but at the same time I’m as fuckin’ serious as a heart attack. I almost passed out witnessing the birth of Colton. I don’t want a repeat of that! Child birth is the scariest fuckin’ thing on the God damn planet.

  “You’ll be fine, baby. Just remember to breathe.” Savannah teases.

  I’m so happy she’s finding this all so funny. Getting up out of the chair, I walk over to Savannah’s bed and stand beside her, taking her hand when I see Dr. Neilson come into her room.

  “Y’all ready to meet your baby girl?” She asks stepping between Savannah’s legs and slipping her rubber gloves on.

  This is it. I pray to God I don’t pass out, that would be too embarrassing.

  Leaning down, I give Savannah a quick kiss. Brushing her hair away from her face, I smile down at her, trying to mask the fear I’m feeling and whisper, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Her voice is the sweetest thing ever. Knowing what she’s putting herself through right now makes me love her even more. Childbirth is downright terrifying and here she is doing it for the second time.

  The nurse hands me a cup of ice chips, “Just keep givin’ her these, it’ll help keep you distracted; you’re gonna be just fine.” I appreciate how nice everyone’s been.

  I give her an appreciative smile, “Thanks.”

  “I feel a contraction coming…” Savannah moans leaning up getting ready to push. She has a nurse on each side of her helping to hold her legs up. I’m froze in place beside her head. I’m in the safe zone up here, and I ain’t movin’ until my baby girl has entered the world.

  She’s squeezing my hand and the railing of her bed with the other as she leans forward bearing down, “Uhhhhhhhh.” She groans, between clenched teeth followed by her breathing exercises. I follow suit and begin breathing along with her.

  “That’s it baby, breathe.” I coach her on as we both breathe in and out. As her contraction subsides, she falls back on the pillow awaiting the next contraction. She isn’t lying down a minute before the next contraction comes.

  After twenty minutes of pushing Savannah looks exhausted. Rubbing her back and feeding her ice chips, I keep giving her words of encouragement. I don’t know how women put themselves through all this pain to bring a child into the world. She is truly my hero. She amazes me every single day, but hell, watching her go through childbirth sets her at an all new level of heroism.

  “Okay, Savannah. One more big push and your lil’ girl will be here!”

  Savannah looks up at me, her face all red and small beads of sweat on her forehead, God she takes my breath away with just that small look. “You can do it baby, one more big push then you’ll be holding our baby in your arms.”

  Nodding, she takes in a deep breath before bearing down for one more big push. She lets out a loud groan as she gives this last push everything she’s got.

  “Okay Savannah, stop pushing.” The doctor tells her as I spot her working on clearing the baby’s airways. “All right, now one more tiny push, Savannah.”

  Savannah pushes again and before I know it, the doctors handing our lil’ girl to the nurse and she gets to work cleaning her up.

  “You did it, baby!” I shout bursting with excitement, the moment I hear our baby’s first cries, my eyes immediately well up with tears.

  “Oh, my God. I can’t believe it; she’s here, Kayden.” Savannah says between sobs. She has the biggest smile on her face as tears stream down her cheeks. It astonishes me the amount of emotions that go through your body at this very moment.

  While the nurses and doctors work on Savannah, I go over and meet my baby girl. I cut the cord, and watch as the nurses rub her tiny little body to clean her up. Setting her on the scale, the nurses announce, “Your baby girl is five pounds and fifteen ounces, and twenty inches long and born at twelve o’ six a.m.”

  After getting a diaper on her and swaddling her in a blanket the nurse finally hands her to me. The second she is set into my arms all the air is knocked from my lungs. She is the most precious little thing I’ve ever seen. She’s so tiny, with the cutest little fingers and face. She blinks up at me as she wiggles a bit in my arms; I swear there are no words to describe what I’m feeling at this very moment.

  Walking over to Savannah, I smile down at her, “She’s beautiful just like her mama.”

  Covering her mouth with her hand Savannah lets out a sob, “She’s perfect.”

  Nodding, I press a kiss to our baby girls little hand that’s wrapped tig
htly around my finger, “Hey, baby girl, I’m your daddy.” I say smiling through my tears that are falling freely from my eyes. Turning, I hand her to Savannah and rub the tears from my face.

  “Let me get a picture of mama holdin’ her baby girl for the first time.” Pulling my phone out I snap a quick picture and text it to everyone.

  Savannah flutters kisses across her head that’s covered in an adorable little cotton hat.

  One of the nurses comes around to the other side of Savannah’s bed with a clip board in hand, “Do y’all have a name for the baby?” She asks sliding her gaze from Savannah to me.

  We have a few names we’ve been thinking about, but Savannah said she wanted to see her first before pickin’ a name. Once she saw her, she’d know what her name should be.

  “What do ya think darlin’? Ya know what you wanna name our lil’ princess?”

  Smiling through her tears of joy, Savannah smiles up at the nurse, “Her name is Kaydence Melody Knox.”

  As soon as I hear my sister’s name, fresh tears fall from my eyes. God I am a blubbering fuckin’ mess right now.

  Then to have Savannah name our baby after me, I loved the name Kaydence. We were on the fence with it; Savannah was nervous she would have trouble spelling it when she starts school. My girl is always thinking about the craziest shit when it comes to names.

  “That’s a beautiful name. She looks like a Kaydence.” The nurse says rubbing Kaydence’s little hand.

  “She does, doesn’t she?” Savannah says matter-of-factly.

  “It’s perfect.” I tell her leaning down and pressing a kiss to Kaydence’s chubby little cheek, then turn to give Savannah another kiss. Sliding my fingers into her hair, I press my lips to hers, not caring that there are other people in the room. I fuckin’ love this woman with my entire heart. She just went through hours of labor to bring our lil’ angel into this world.

  “God, I love you.” I murmur against her lips making Savannah giggle.

  “I take it ya like the name too?” She asks searching my face as she awaits my answer.

  “You bet your sweet ass I love it. My lil’ princess is named after her daddy and her aunt, I couldn’t be happier at this very moment if I tried.”

  Interview with First Class Books

  INTERVIEW By: First Class Books(FCB) with Kayden & Savannah

  Thank you both so much for granting First Class Books the first official interview with you as a couple. I don’t want to waste your time, because I know you are both so busy. Let’s start off with a question for you Kayden.

  (First Class Books) Kayden, how did you feel the first time you saw Savannah?

  (Kayden) I was in Shock! I’ve met a lot of gorgeous women, but Savannah has to be the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. Then I was definitely curious. I had to know who she was, and if she was single. Because, if so, I was not going to stop until I got her to go out to dinner with me, or something, anything!

  (FCB) Savannah, what was going through your mind when Logan showed up in Galveston?

  (Savannah) What the fuck is going on! I thought I was hallucinating, because he was the last person I ever imagined would be knocking on my door. Then after I processed the fact that the person I despise most in this world was really here in Galveston. I was trying to figure out how the hell I could get his ass back to LA, A.S.A.P!

  (FCB) What is your favorite thing to do with each other?

  (Savannah) Sorry, Kayden but I have to go first! haa. I love going riding with him. It is so relaxing, but we can be competitive too. I just love it!

  (Kayden) Well mine is rated R. So I think I better keep that one to myself.

  (Savannah) Oh, my God, seriously Kayden. You are to much. Haaa.

  (FCB) Kayden, how are you handling all the attention that comes along with dating Savannah?

  (Kayden) Lucky for me I’ve been in the spotlight most of my adult life. So paparazzi following us around I can handle. The only time it really affects me is when they write shit in their magazines or on blogs about us that are not even close to the truth. I love Savannah more than life itself. So to read things saying we are on the rocks. Or I am flirting with other girls. It just pissed me off. We try to support each other. It’s important that we have trust above everything else, because they can make any lie seem believable. At the end of the day, we have to be able to say I know it isn’t true, that its all total bullshit.

  (FCB) Name one funny thing about each other that you love.

  (Kayden) I’m going first this time, so zip it motor mouth. I love her sense of humor. Savannah is one of the most laid back chicks I know. She can chill with me and my friends and take all the shit they spit it at her and give it right back. We spend most of our time together laughing.

  (Savannah) Aww thanks baby! I think the same thing. I think that’s why we clicked right away, and our relationship is as amazing as it is. We don’t take life seriously. We just have fun and enjoy every minute we have with each other and our friends.

  (FCB) Kayden, how was it really meeting Savannah’s parents?

  (Kayden) I put on a few extra strokes of deodorant that day! I was a nervous wreck. Savannah kept telling me it was fine, they would love me. But I could sense she was just as nervous as I was, so then I was even more nervous. I think because I knew how her parents felt about everything with Logan. I was scared they would hate any guy she dated after that, expecting us all to be total douchebags. But I was really surprised when Maverick and Paisley were so welcoming towards me. We are all down to earth country folk, so we kicked it off right away. They welcomed me into their life with open arms. I am blessed to have an amazing girl, and lucky that her parents see that I truly love her with all of my heart.

  (FCB) You recently went to Savannah’s hometown of Memphis, Tennessee. You got to meet pretty much her entire family all in one day. How did that go?

  (Kayden) I was nervous again, but it was so much fun. Her family is as laid back and funny as Savannah. Like her parents, they all welcomed me into their family with open arms. Her grandpas are so funny old men. They remind me of the two old guys on grumpy old men. They bickered the entire time we fished, but I could tell they are really great friends. I look forward to going back, and Savannah and I have talked about maybe building a house on her family’s land. A home away from home so to speak.

  (FCB) This question is for you Savannah. How has life been since moving to Texas? I imagine it’s completely different Los Angeles.

  (Savannah) Oh, I love it. I’ve vacationed here a few times. Just fell in love with Galveston and the city of Houston. Thanks to Kayden I’ve made an amazing new friend Mya. She’s the fiance to Kayden’s best friend Braxton. They’ve made life in Texas a lot more fun!

  (FCB) Thank you for taking the time to do this Interview!

  (Savannah) You’re welcome I think I can speak for Kayden as well when I say it was a lot of fun.

  (Kayden) Yeah, for our first interview together, I think we can say it was a success! Thanks for having us.


  Kayden & Savannah’s Interview with Crazies R Us

  Today, we welcome to our blog Danielle Jamie’s characters, Kayden Knox and Savannah Livingston, from Inescapable Desire. We have been dying to meet this beautiful hot young couple for some time now…squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  Crazies – Tell us one thing about Kayden that no one else knows.

  Savannah – “He’s secretly Metro Sexual, haaa. He likes facials and lets me groom his eyebrows!”

  Crazies – Kayden, are you a boob or butt man?

  Kayden – “I love me some boobs, but nothing is like a fine ass. I hit the jackpot with Savannah because she’s the whole package.”

  Crazies -Aww, that’s so sweet : ) What was your first impression of Savannah?

  Kayden – “Shy, but could have a kinky fun side buried deep down just begging to be released! I knew she was a spitfire who spoke her mind without holding back. I knew that the minute she blurted “Holy Shit” when h
er eyes landed on me.”

  Crazies -Boxers or briefs?

  Kayden – “Briefs and some days Camando, haa.”

  Crazies -Oh my (fanning ourselves)!! Savannah, If you and Kayden were stranded on an island, what is the one thing you would take with you and why?

  Savannah – “Whiskey because if I’m going to be stranded on an island, I’ll need to be drunk, haaa.”

  Crazies – Kayden, same question?

  Kayden – “A four-wheeler for us to go riding around on. It will definitely keep things fun!”

  Crazies – We are sure you have plenty of ideas to keep things fun. Okay, Savannah, where do you see yourself 5 years from now??

  Savannah – “Hopefully still Assistant Editor at Envy and married with a little Kayden or a mini-me running around in Sugarland.”

  Crazies -Kayden, being so young and successful, tell us what drives you?

  Kayden – “After injuring my knee my senior year, I gave up the dream of being in the NFL. So instead I focused on opening up my night clubs since I majored in business. My father owned the hotels and after I graduated I got half of the company. So I worked my ass off trying to be a successful entrepreneur. After my grandfather died, I took over our oil business. It was just another thing to add to my many business ventures. I love it. I love the feeling of knowing something is successful because of me.”

  Crazies – Savannah, what do you REALLY think of Kayden’s parents?

  Savannah – “I love Lorelai! She’s so sweet and funny. Reminds me a lot of Kayden. His father Victor, I don’t really know. I don’t recall even having a single conversation with him. I just know Kayden and him are not close. So really can’t say much about him.”

  Crazies – This question is for both of you. What song best describes your relationship??

  Savannah – “When we first met I would say Stay by Rihanna. I thought I was the only one out of the two of us with commitment issues. But soon I learned it took as much for Kayden to open up to me as it did for me to open up to him.”

  Kayden – “Now I would say Boyce Avenue’s Find Me. I love that song and it speaks volumes for our relationship.”


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