Illicit Temptations (Tempted Series Book 1)

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Illicit Temptations (Tempted Series Book 1) Page 14

by Infante Bosco, Janine

  “Forget?” He took a quick glance around our table before he leaned forward again. His voice dropped to a whisper. “Forget the way you sound when you come?” He shook his head slightly. “Not likely.” He cocked his head to the side as his eyes fixated on my mouth.

  “Mikey.” I croaked. He lifted his eyes and the desire that had been reflected in them turned to anger.

  “Glad our little encounter helped you with your drought.” His jaw tightened and he leaned away from me again. “Rico raved all about it.”

  “What’re you talking about?” I asked confused. “What does Rico have to do with any of this?”

  “Tell me, Princess why did you call me that night? Why didn’t you call him to get you off?”

  Anger boiled in my veins and I felt my fists clench at my sides. I sized Mikey up with a deadly stare deciding I could most definitely kick his ass for talking to me that way. It was my turn to lean forward, shoving an accusing finger in his face. How do you like it Mikey?

  “Listen to me asshole. You called me if you remember correctly…“ He interrupted me.

  “I called you to apologize for putting my mouth on you.” He leaned into me. His breath mingled with mine. “You opened the door for what happened and I won’t be sorry for it, I’m only sorry it drove you into Rico’s arms” He shook his head and then sighed. His face changed, his features softened and his voice sounded resolved. “What the fuck are you doing with him Nikki?”

  “What are you talking about? I have been avoiding Rico’s calls since it happened. He’s the one who is ultimately going to get hurt from our mistake.”

  “You sure about that?” He asked.

  “That I’ve been avoiding Rico?” I rolled my eyes, reaching into my purse for my phone I threw it across the table at him. “Check my phone.”

  “I meant that your relationship with Rico is what you make it to be.” He said without even glancing at my phone.

  I furrowed my eyebrows. “I don’t make it out to be anything other than what it is. What are you even talking about?”

  “How did you two meet?”

  “What do you care?” I asked furiously. How had this conversation gone from Mikey and me to Rico and me?

  “Did he seek you out? Did a mutual friend introduce you? How did you and Rico come to be a couple?”

  I shook my head reaching over the table for my phone. I wasn’t going to entertain crazy and Mikey was acting crazy. His hand closed over mine.

  “Let go of me!” I said angrily.

  “Think about what I’m saying Nikki.” His voice turned into a plea. “Is your relationship with Rico what you think it is? Because if there is even a tiny shred of doubt I want you to tell me. If there is even the slightest possibility that he hasn’t been true to you I need to know.”

  “You’ve lost your mind.” I said accusingly. “Rico has been nothing but good to me. He’s the only guy who has dated me for me! He has done nothing wrong. I’m the one who has fucked everything up since you came home.” I don’t know why I was defending my relationship when I was the one who hammered the final nail in its coffin, yet still I felt like I owed it to Rico.

  “I asked you the other night if you loved him. You never answered me so I’m going to ask you again. Do you love Rico?”

  I stared at him blankly for a moment. There was that question again. There was a time I answered without the slightest bit of hesitation, a time when I was willing to shout it from the rooftops that I loved Rico. Now, I couldn’t answer the question because I doubted that I did and that caused me to wonder if I ever really had.

  I snatched my phone from the table and pulled my hand free from Mikey. I pushed back my chair and stood up, glancing down at Mikey.

  “I came here today to tell you what happened between us was a mistake. I don’t know why I can’t control my attraction to you, but I promise going forward I will. In fact, I think you and I should steer clear of one another for a while. We are supposed to be friends and the lines keep blurring.” I took a deep breath. “Good luck with the club.”

  “Nikki, wait.” He said rising to his feet. He reached for me, but I took another step backward, putting distance between us.

  “No, Mikey.” I said. My throat started to feel as if it was closing. I turned around quickly and hurried out of the coffee shop. I left Mikey standing there I could feel his gaze bore into my back as he watched me walk away from him. It would take every bit of strength I had to keep my distance from him. My legs may have been strong enough to carry me away, but I wasn’t so sure about the rest of my parts and I feared I had already left one of them with Mikey in that coffee shop.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When I was a kid, my dad would be home most of the day. He’d pick me up from school and we would throw the ball around. Most nights we sat down as a family to eat dinner together. After dinner, I’d sit on my parent’s bed and watch my dad get dressed to go to “work”. He’d stand in front of the mirror working the knot on his tie until it was perfect. He’d style his hair never leaving one strand out of place. Once he was satisfied with his appearance, he would bring me into my room and tuck me in for the night. I remember watching him shrug his suit jacket on as he reached my bedroom door. He’d flick the light switch looking over his shoulder at me one last time before he went on his way.

  I stared at my image reflected in the mirror tucking my crisp white shirt into my meticulously black tailored pants zipping them up and buttoning the fly. I slid the soft leather belt through the loopholes and tightened the buckle. I glanced down at the tie that lay across my dresser and reached for the comb that was beside it. I lifted my head and worked the comb through my hair fixing it just so. I sprayed cologne next before I reached for my father’s diamond bracelet. I held the gold in my hand, studying it as if it was a foreign object. It was gaudy as all hell, but it was all I had left of my old man. The thick gold plate sat on my wrist. Val splayed across the gold with diamonds. I fastened the bracelet taking a deep breath I gave myself one final glance in the mirror. The reflection staring back at me held an uncanny resemblance to my father. I wondered why I hadn’t noticed before how much I looked like him.

  I looked at the tie once more deciding I wasn’t really a tie type of guy I left it on the dresser and reached for my phone. I draped the suit jacket over my arm and went to slide the phone into my pocket when I noticed that I had an unread text message. I entered the passcode and opened the message. It was from Nikki. I debated for a moment on whether or not I should even open it.

  I hadn’t spoken to her since the day she ran out on me in the coffee shop. I tried to call her once, but then I thought about it. Maybe she was right. Maybe we did need to stay the hell away from one another. I respected her wishes and didn’t reach out to her. Not speaking to her everyday forced me to focus on work I suppose that was a good thing right? Still, I missed her. I missed talking to her. I missed her smile. I missed her smart-ass remarks. Hell, I missed her ass period.

  She was still with Rico this much I know because the prick didn’t stop talking about her whenever he was at Temptations. He had stopped in a bunch of times throughout the week claiming he wanted to check this or that for tonight’s opening. I still didn’t trust him, but I didn’t have anything on him either. Digging for information on him was pointless. Apparently, no one in Victor’s organization cared much about Rico and just labeled him some guy Nikki was passing time with. I was desperate to figure him out even reaching out to Jimmy Gold hoping he could provide some insight into the man in Nikki’s life, but he was just as clueless as he was about everything else. Everything I tried only lead me to another dead end. Everyone thought I was just jealous because I wanted Nikki for myself. The only person I hadn’t tried to pick apart for information was the one person who probably would be able to give it to me Victor.

  I stared at the screen of my phone sliding open the text message with my thumb. Guilt consumed me as I realized that I should’ve
been the one to text her. It was her twenty-first birthday and I should’ve at least sent a text to wish her a good one but I was too proud.

  Nikki: Hey, I just wanted to wish you good luck tonight.

  Well, if I didn’t already feel like the world’s biggest dick that text did it. My fingers hovered over the keypad trying to figure out what to say. After a few moments, I slid the phone back into my pocket, deciding that I wasn’t going to answer. No, I was going to wish Nikki happy birthday in person and while I was at it, I was going to man the fuck up and tell her I didn’t want to go on not talking to her.

  I went to the nightstand to get my piece, but when I pulled open the drawer, it was empty aside from a bottle of Johnny Walker Black. I had left the gun locked up in my office. Great place for it. Here’s to hoping no one tried to clip me on the way to the club. I grabbed the bottle unscrewed the cap and took a sip, hoping that it would take the edge off. I was a nervous wreck about tonight. It didn’t matter how much time I had put in throughout the last week I still felt like a nervous fucking virgin fumbling to roll on a condom.

  I took one final shot before placing the bottle back in the drawer. If I didn’t haul, ass I was going to be late and I still had one stop to make. Anthony was waiting for me in the living room. He was dressed in black slacks and a fitted shirt. I think it was the first time I hadn’t seen him in a T-shirt and leather jacket.

  “Well look at you Little Mikey all dressed up ready to play with the big dogs.” Anthony said solemnly.

  “Can we just get the fuck out of here, please?” I said shrugging on my suit jacket. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow. Jimmy was right the man definitely made the suit. I made this suit look damn good. I refrained from blowing a kiss to myself in the mirror.

  Anthony rolled his eyes before slapping me on the back. Apparently, I got that a lot.

  “Let’s go Romeo.” He said as he ushered me out the front door.

  There was a black town car waiting for us outside to take us to the club. I guess working for Victor had its perks. We made ourselves comfortable in the back seat of the sedan and I instructed the driver to make a stop at Green-wood Cemetery before heading to Temptations. Anthony looked at me, but didn’t question me. The gates would be closing soon not really giving me much time for a visit, but then again that wasn’t the point. I don’t know, maybe it sounded ridiculous it felt a bit ridiculous, but I just wanted to visit my parents before the opening, hoping that being close to them wouldn’t make me feel so alone.

  Once the car made its way through the gates I directed the driver to the section that my parents were laid to rest. Green-wood cemetery was the largest cemetery in New York spanning about 475 acres notorious for its greenery and steep hills. My parents’ plot was on the top of one of them forcing me to get out of the car and trek it up the hill. It was easy to spot their grave the earth piled on top of the plot still fresh from my mother’s burial.

  I should’ve brought flowers. My mother loved flowers lilies were her favorite my father would bring her a fresh bouquet once a week. I was such an inconsiderate asshole.

  “Hey Mom… Dad.” I said hoarsely. I thought this would be easy visiting them, but it wasn’t staring at the fresh dirt was just a harsh reality smacking me in the face reminding me of what I lost. A lump formed in my throat, choking me, I fought to swallow it, hoping to bury the emotions that were invading me.

  “I’m not sure why I’m here other than I felt the need to be close to you both. I thought it would help me.” I let out a heavy sigh. “You know, to clear my conscience and all that. I came back home after you died Mom. There was nothing left for me in Pennsylvania and it seemed only logical to move here after all you guys are here too. I work for Victor now, but not in the same regard as you did Dad. I’m going to be running one of his nightclubs. Tonight is the Grand Opening and I’m nervous. Really nervous. Everyone expects me to be just like you and I’m afraid I can’t live up to those expectations. I’m not sure if I am capable that I even would want to out of respect for Mom. Losing you broke her spirit your death made the woman who was always so strong and loving a woman who traded those qualities in to be a woman who lived her life in constant fear. Death changes people I get it. Losing the both of you changed me. I’m not afraid like mom because well, I’ve got nothing to lose.”

  For some reason Nikki’s face flashed in my mind. It was ridiculous because I couldn’t risk losing her when I didn’t have her to begin with. I shook my head and shoved my hands into my pockets. That damn girl consumed my every thought. It’s sick. Shaking her off trying to rid her from my mind, I bent down and took a handful of dirt in my hands spreading my fingers apart I let it fall back onto the pile.

  “I guess I came here to ask you to look out for me Dad and for you Mom to forgive me for the choice I made. I know it’s not the path you would’ve wanted for me to take but I hope you understand that I felt like it was my only option.

  I rose to my full height and patted my slacks down, making sure I didn’t get any dirt on the suit that set Victor back five large ones. Standing in front of my parent’s grave talking to a pile of a dirt I felt alone so fucking alone. I took a deep breath and pulled myself together, digging deep inside for the best pieces of my mother and father that were instilled in me her strength and his bravery.

  “Wish me luck.” I whispered, pressing my fingers to my lips and saluting their grave. Before I lost my shit and trust me I was on the brink I turned on my heel and made my way down the hill wondering if the pain of losing them would ever get easier. I reached inside my jacket pocket and pulled out my sunglasses, putting them on to shield my bloodshot eyes from Anthony. I got back into the car instantly feeling his eyes on me.

  “You okay?” He asked.

  “Fine.” I cleared my throat and leaned my head against the seat. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

  Anthony kept his gaze on me for another moment before nodding. He looked ahead at the driver his eyes meeting his in the mirror.

  “Take us to Temptations.” He said.

  And just like that, I was on my way to secure my spot in Victor’s organization. God help me.

  The bass vibrated off the walls of Temptations the house disc jockey was going off doing a damn good job at getting the main dance floor packed with people. The club was dark aside from the impressive light show that shot vibrant colors across the club. The large disco ball suspended in the middle of the main dance floor spun around in circles catching all the hues of blue red and purple. Those wearing white clothing stuck out in the crowd of people as their clothes glowed in the darkness.

  I tore my gaze from the lights that were putting me in a trance and stared at the flowers that decorated our V.I.P. table a surprise that was waiting for me when Adrianna and I arrived at the club. There was a “Happy Birthday” balloon attached and I assumed they were from my father since there was no card attached and Rico was just as surprised by the gesture as I. I was officially twenty-one years old legal to do all the things I had been doing since I was eighteen. I didn’t feel like dancing or drinking until I threw up like your average twenty-one year old been there done that. Still, it was my birthday and the Grand Opening of my dad’s nightclub so I plastered a smile on my face and willed myself to enjoy myself and act my age accepting drink after drink shot after shot.

  I leaned back against the cushions of the white leather couch that I was sitting on and took it all in. Rico stood off to the side bopping his head to the beat of the music as he greeted people that recognized him. I was on point with my suggestion to have him headline. Since we walked into the club people have been asking us when he was going to go on. We were together still or at least we were pretending to be. I had told him in the beginning of the week I hadn’t been fair to him and that until I sorted out this bullshit in my head maybe we should take a break. He insisted that we wait it out telling me he wanted to be a part of my birthday pro
mising to be a better boyfriend and make all our problems disappear.

  The thing was it wasn’t Rico’s fault our relationship fell apart and as much as he tried he’d never be able to resolve the issue because the issue was Mikey and my undeniable attraction to him. There was no fixing that, one couldn’t fix a force of nature, you just had to embrace it and ride the wave. Staying away from Mikey didn’t lessen my infatuation it only made it worse because I realized I wasn’t just infatuated with him but that I felt something else for him. I missed my friend and it was almost as if I was mourning his absence and the loss of our friendship the same way I had when I was just ten years old.

  I felt a body fall onto the couch beside me, pulling me away from my thoughts of Mikey I turned and looked at Adrianna. My sister hid her pain well, unless you knew her circumstances, one could never tell she was breaking inside. She was wearing a black jumpsuit cut down to her navel exposing her cleavage. I prayed that I took after her and that when I had kids, I’d look as good as she did. Her hair was pulled from her face in a high ponytail so that you had no choice but to appreciate her beautiful face, her high cheekbones and almond shaped eyes demanding you to stare at her in awe. She smiled at me as she handed me a glass of champagne clinking her glass to mine.

  “Happy Birthday baby sister.” She said exposing that she was tipsy and tipsy Adrianna was fun. She forgot all about her problems and went with the flow breaking free from the chains that bound her to reality and got lost in the freedom, allowing herself to be carefree even if it was only for just one night.

  “Thanks A” I said, taking a sip of the drink she offered me. I watched wide-eyed as she downed her entire glass.

  “I love this song!” She exclaimed happily rising to her feet. She took my glass from my hand, placing it on the table beside my flowers and pulled me to my feet. “Dance with me!”

  I couldn’t deny her seeing her this happy was contagious and I smiled at her, letting her drag me towards the dance floor. Rico stopped us as we were about to pass him and kissed my forehead.


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