Illicit Temptations (Tempted Series Book 1)

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Illicit Temptations (Tempted Series Book 1) Page 17

by Infante Bosco, Janine

  “It didn’t work did it Princess?” He said looking down as my body betrayed me and arched slightly to his craving his touch. He smiled coyly giving me what I needed wedging his leg in between mine.

  “What?” I croaked closing my eyes because Naughty Nikki the phone sex operator was back. Yes, I now named my alter ego.

  “Staying away from me pretending this thing between you and I didn’t exist wishing that it hadn’t just been a phone call that sent you over the edge it didn’t work did it?” His voice sounded so controlled making me resent him and fight the urge to knee him in the balls. “In fact, I’d say it backfired right in your pretty little face.” He nuzzled the side of my neck, pushing away my hair with his nose, his lips grazing my skin ever so slightly. “Should I do it Nikki? Should I slip my fingers under your skirt and see how much it didn’t work?”

  His hands began to fumble with the hemline of my skirt and I thought about stopping him but I didn’t want to. I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to fuck me up against this counter, but I’d settle for his hand.

  “Should I dip my fingers into that pussy of yours? Tell me Princess are you wet?” He whispered, taking my earlobe between his lips giving it a tantalizing suck. He shifted his body slightly pressing his erection against my thigh. I involuntarily wrapped my fingers around his wrist guiding his hand under my skirt.

  “Are you going to let me watch you come this time, or are you going to be a coward again?” He asked, his words sounding like a dare.

  Did he really just call me a coward?

  His fingertips worked along my thigh inching closer and closer… almost there.

  What was I saying?

  I was a second away from taking his finger and sticking it inside my aching pussy myself, but the front door of the cabin slammed open. Mikey’s hand dropped away from me and he reached behind him for the gun that was tucked into the back of his pants. I didn’t know if it was because of my current state or if I had simply lost my mind, but watching Mike hold a gun was incredibly sexy. His muscles were all taut as his arms extended pointing the gun at the intruder… my father.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I lowered my gun reaching behind me tucking it safely into the back of my pants. Jimmy Gold stared at me with a grin stretched across his face and amusement shining in his eyes. I didn’t know if he was laughing at the fact that I was pointing a gun at them or the raging hard on that was straining against my pants for everyone to see. Lucky for me Victor seemed too relieved to see his daughter safe and sound to care much about the erection I was sporting.

  Nikki brushed passed me running straight to her father taking him into her arms.

  “I’m so glad to see you sweetheart.” Victor said, closing his eyes as he embraced his daughter. Jack, Bones and the prospect walked inside behind Victor and Jimmy closing the door to the small cabin behind them. The room felt immensely small with the five of them standing there. I looked over at Jimmy and the poor bastard looked haggard leaving me to believe he had a rough twenty-four hours being second in command to Victor.

  Victor pulled back keeping Nikki at arm’s length, as he looked her over carefully concern reflected in his tired eyes.

  “Are you okay? You weren’t hurt were you?”

  “No, I’m fine.” She said, glancing over her shoulder at me quickly before looking back at him. “We both are.”

  He nodded before setting his gaze on me for the first time. I crossed my arms against my chest and returned his stare. He dropped his arms from Nikki shoving one hand into his pocket.

  “You did good son.” He said. I bit the inside of my cheek absorbing the four little words that packed a punch pride shining in his eyes as he said them.

  “Is everyone else okay? Mom? Adrianna?” Nikki asked, interrupting the silent moment Victor and I seemed to be sharing.

  He looked at her. “They’re fine.”

  “Luca?” She whispered.

  “Safe and sound.” He said sighing tiredly before sitting down on the couch. The newspaper that Jack had shoved between the cushions brushed against his leg, causing him to lift himself slightly and pull the paper from beneath the cushion. He unfolded the newspaper and stared at the front page momentarily not speaking. After a few moments, he folded the paper and leaned forward, placing it on top of the coffee table.

  “I’m going to go wash my face and then I’ll be ready to go.” Nikki said turning on her heel. “I’ll be right back.”

  All eyes watched her silently make her way into the tiny bathroom. The water sounded from behind the door and Jimmy turned around to look at Victor as he spoke.

  “This should be fun.” He said sarcastically. I turned towards Vic watching him run a hand down his face as he sighed.

  “Everything you asked for is in here.” Jack said, placing a manila envelope on the coffee table in front of Victor. “If there’s anything else you need just holler at me.”

  Vic looked up at Jack giving him a quick nod. “Thank you for all you did last night.” He pointed to me. “For getting these kids to safety and all your help is always greatly appreciated. Jimmy will take care of you and your brothers.” He stood up and extended his hand towards Jack.

  Jack shook his hand. “Anytime brother you know we have your back. Do you want me to stick around or do you and your men have it from here?”

  “We’ve got it from here.” Victor said before moving to shake the hands of the other two bikers that stood on either side of their president. “Thanks again fella’s.”

  Jack looked over at me. “Take care kid. Try not to freak out so much.” He grinned at me. “Christ, I wish I was a fly on the wall…” He mumbled before slapping me on the back. Bones laughed beside him and the three men made their way out the front door.

  I looked back and forth between Victor and Jimmy not liking their expressions one bit. Jimmy looked at Victor trying to hide his amusement the fuck that he was, while Victor looked as if he was nervously contemplating something.

  “What the fuck is going on?” I asked dreading the answer.

  “Watch your mouth.” Jimmy spat. “We’ve had a rough night and we’re not in the mood for your lip.” He said showing authority for the first time since I had been back in their company.

  “You’ve had a rough night? I’m sorry I didn’t know we spent the fucking night in paradise.” I said my arm making a motion around the small cabin.

  “You little shit be happy that you didn’t have to deal with what the fuck we did.” Jimmy said, rising to his feet to get in my face.

  “No I just had to deal with bullets flying at us and getting Nikki the hell out of the club! She could’ve been shot!” I said, shoving my finger into his chest.

  “Newsflash kid we all could’ve been shot! Just be grateful you didn’t have to kill anyone or spend the night in a fucking cell.” He said, twisting my wrist as he dropped my hand from his chest. “A word to the wise kid if I were you I’d keep your fucking hands off me.”

  “You prick!” I yelled as I lunged for him.

  “Enough!” Victor shouted, causing me to freeze. “Sit down.” He said, pointing to me. I looked at him as if he had lost his mind. “SIT.” He clipped.

  I rolled my eyes and plopped down onto the couch like a child who had just been scolded for misbehaving. Everyone was on edge and I understood that, but I wasn’t in the mood to be lectured. I may not have endured the same shit they had but I still was a part of this hell just as they were the difference being they were accustomed to this shit when I wasn’t.

  “You’re not going to like what I’m about to tell you, but you have to understand that there is no other option. You are going to do what I say because your life depends on it.” Victor said grimly.

  “Are you threatening me?” I asked, looking up at him.

  “No, I’m protecting you.” He said evenly.

  The bathroom door opened and Nikki stepped out. She had pulled her hair back into a ponyta
il and washed all the makeup from the night before off her face.

  “Okay, I’m ready! I can’t wait to take a shower and get out of these clothes.” She said smiling, but as she glanced around at the three of us, her smile faltered. “What’s the matter?”

  “You should sit down too, sweetheart.” Victor said.

  Nikki looked at her father confused before she turned to face me, her eyes searching mine for answers. I shrugged my shoulders I was just as clueless as she was. She walked to the couch and sat down beside me. We both leaned forward, anxious to listen to what Victor had to say fearing the unknown at the same time.

  “You’re not going home.” Victor said, taking a deep breath.

  “What?” I asked incredulously. “You want us to stay here in this shit hole?” I looked around at the cabin. No fucking way. Nikki nudged me with an elbow to my side.

  “What do you mean we’re not going home Dad?” She asked calmly.

  “It isn’t safe for either of you to be back home. I don’t know all the details of what transpired last night, but whoever was responsible for this had no regard for my family. They knew my family was inside that club when they declared war. They crossed the line, making it more personal than about business.”

  “Oh fucking hell.” I said not liking the sound of this.

  “So help me God kid if you don’t shut your mouth…” Jimmy warned through clenched teeth. I wanted to punch him in the face and knock out that gold tooth of his.

  “I’m riding blind in all of this. I can’t gain control of this situation worrying about the safety of my family so until I can obtain the upper hand in this I need for you to go away for a little while.” Victor said. “Don’t think I’m singling you out either because I’m not. Anthony took your sister and the baby to another location as well. Your mother is insisting on staying behind with me in hopes that she can run interference when people ask about you and your sister.” He ran his fingers through his graying hair.

  “Dad, I can’t just pick up and leave. I have a job and…” Nikki scrambled.

  “You can and you will.” He cut her off and then he stared at her long and hard a stare that meant his word was final. “You don’t have a choice.” He turned and zeroed in on me. “Neither of you do.”

  I was about to argue, but something in his eyes told me that I had better keep my big trap shut. Fucking Victor, he couldn’t leave me alone after my mom died. No— he had to come bring me back home and for what to be in the middle of goddamn mob war? I leaned back against the cushions of the couch and propped my feet on top of the coffee table thinking I might as well make myself comfortable.

  “Where did you send Adrianna and Luca?” Nikki asked.

  “It’s better if you don’t know her location.” Jimmy said. I glanced at him and then back to Victor suddenly realizing this was real fucking serious if we couldn’t know where A and the kid were.

  “Wait a minute.” I said, dropping my feet from the table as I sat up straight. “You guys aren’t fucking around. Are we like in real serious danger?”

  “You can be.” Victor said not sugar coating anything. “That’s why I need you guys away from here.”

  “So we are going to stay here?” I asked, looking around the cabin before I looked beside me at Nikki.

  “No.” He shook his head and reached for the envelope that Jack had given him. He unclasped it and peeked inside shuffling through the contents, but not taking them out of the envelope. He extended the envelope to me. “Inside you’ll find two cell phones, credit cards, and new identification cards along with a map and keys to the car that’s parked out back.”

  I took the envelope and pulled the contents of it out. He wasn’t fucking kidding. There were two brand new phones one for me and one for Nikki. I pulled out the two New Jersey state licenses, one had my picture, and identification the other had Nikki’s however our names were no longer Nikki and Michael. Nikki grabbed the I.D. cards from my hand and looked down at them.

  “James Trunzo and Sara Trunzo?” She looked up at her father. “We’re brother and sister?”

  Victor nodded towards the envelope insinuating that the answer to her question was inside. I held open my hand and turned the envelope over to shake the remaining contents out into my palm catching the two gold bands as they tumbled out of the envelope.

  “Oh for fuck’s sake.” I said.

  “You want us to pretend to be married?” She asked incredulously.

  “That’s a bit more believable than the whole brother sister angle don’t you agree?” Jimmy said as a matter of fact, raising an eyebrow towards me daring me to question the decision.

  “Look things can happen on the road and I want you both to be prepared. You could be stopped by the cops on the highway or followed by someone. The reality of the situation is that people from the other family will be looking for you they are going to try to use you to get to me for that reason alone I need you both to stick to the story. You are newlyweds driving down to Florida to visit your grandmother and share the happy news of your wedding with her.” Victor said dictating our story.

  “So we’re going to Florida.” Nikki said, trying to make sense of it all. “Are we really going to visit grandma?”

  “Yes, Aunt Gina is expecting you guys.” He said. “The car out back is all yours. You can stop along the way down to get yourself clothes and whatever else you might need. I don’t know how long it’ll be before this is all straightened out, but hang tight.”

  I could barely keep my dick in my pants as it was and now I had to go on the run with mobsters after us pretending to be Nikki’s husband. I was going to die a slow death I was convinced. I placed the wedding bands along with the envelope that held the contents of our new fictional life on the coffee table and rose to my full height.

  “I need air.” I said, sounding as if I was choking on my words. This was entirely too much for me to process. I tried to wrap my head around the fact that just weeks ago I was in Pennsylvania minding my own fucking business and now I was about to go on the lam with Nikki.

  I stepped outside the cabin slamming the door behind me. I could handle going on the run that was just going to be temporary. However, what I was having a hard time with was that I had this aching feeling in my gut that Nikki’s life was now my responsibility that while we were hiding out in Florida it was my job to protect the mobster’s daughter. Me the fuck up with no experience whatsoever with this shit. I started to think it wouldn’t be such a bad thing if someone were to shoot me right at that moment putting me out of my misery and all that.

  My body flinched at the sound of the door slamming and I glanced at my father taking in his tired features wondering if it was possible for a person to age a decade in twenty-four hours because that’s exactly how my father looked.

  “Daddy, there’s something I need to tell you.” I said feeling remorseful.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” He said, rubbing his eyes.

  “Before they shot up Temptations last night I went to the sound booth to see Rico. He was there with another guy and some girl…” I swallowed, trying to find the courage to confess that this whole mess was my fault because I had misjudged the man I let into my life and the lives of the people I loved. “They were doing drugs.”

  My father’s face became stone cold his eyes flickered with something I had never seen before.

  “They didn’t know I saw them and they continued to talk to one another. I heard Rico ask if everything was set to go down and then he told the girl to get out of there before whatever it was he was talking about went down.”

  My dad looked over his shoulder at Jimmy, who simply shook his head. I did notice though that neither one of them looked very surprised by my words.

  “I’m sorry.” I whispered. “I don’t know what his part in any of this was or what his motive was…” I shook my head as my thoughts trailed off. I didn’t express to my father that I feared Rico had just used me to
get to my dad because I didn’t understand any of it. There was a missing piece of the puzzle that linked Rico to my dad.

  “I know you thought Rico was a good guy.” My father began taking a seat beside me he brushed away the contents of the envelope Mikey had poured onto the coffee table and picked up the newspaper. “You seemed happy enough so I tried to turn off my gut feeling telling myself I was just being an overprotective father but I should’ve known better. My experiences in life have trained me to see through a person’s exterior to see passed the façade that they want you to see and uncover the grit of who they truly are. I turned my cheek because I didn’t want to lose you like I’ve lost Adrianna.” He said softly. “I failed you because I was too much of a coward.”

  I shook my head putting my hand on his arm.

  “No Daddy, it’s my fault. I should’ve seen through his charms and realized he was just like any other guy who has toyed with me to gain something from you.” I laughed sarcastically. “It’s a vicious cycle that I can’t escape. The shitty thing is I really cared about him at one point. I really thought he was different. I guess the joke’s on me.”


  My eyes found his and I saw the struggle in them, he was keeping something from me. He was trying to protect me from something. His hands toyed with the newspaper in his lap.

  “What is it?” I asked. “There is something you’re not telling me it’s written all over your face.” I chanced a glance at Jimmy who was staring down at the floor. “Dad?”


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