Lessons In Love (Bantu Academy Series Book 1)

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Lessons In Love (Bantu Academy Series Book 1) Page 4

by D. Camille

  Since leaving the wheelchair, she hadn’t yet become as comfortable walking without her cane. Although the doctors told her that it was safe to walk without it, she didn’t trust herself enough. Leslie had envisioned herself falling somewhere many times, and that was frightening.

  When she was younger and thought that she’d never walk, Leslie had accepted her fate and made the best of life…but now life was different and a whole new world had opened to her. To be honest, it was more than a little intimidating.

  The wheelchair had become a part of her, and now she felt naked without it… she’d made her cane the comfort she now sought. Taking out her phone, she called the one person who’d been there for her through her transition.

  “Leslie, you okay?” Sydney asked.

  “Are you busy?”

  Hearing her sister’s voice, Sydney became worried. Since she’d been united with Leslie, Sydney had grown to love her younger sibling more than she’d ever thought, because Leslie was one of the most beautiful people Sydney had ever known, inside and out.

  “No, the boys are with Curt’s parents, and I’m just at the studio.”

  “Can we talk for a minute?” Leslie asked.

  “Are you okay? Did something happen?”

  Leslie sighed. “Caelum asked me out on a date.”

  “You wanted that right?”

  “Yes, but he wants to go with his friends.” Leslie said quietly.

  “You don’t want to go?”

  Thinking about their lunch, Leslie paused for a minute. “I don’t know, but I don’t want to disappoint him.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “He says that if I don’t want to go, we can do something else.”

  “Well, do something that you’re comfortable with…” Sydney counseled.

  Leslie closed her eyes. “Then he’ll start to think I’m just weird.”

  “Maybe he likes weird women.”

  “Not funny, Syd.” Leslie told her.

  “Sorry,” Sydney apologized. “You really like him?”

  Opening her eyes, Leslie looked at the door. “I do, Syd…what should I do?”

  “My little sister told me that she was a grown woman now, and that she was going to start living her life.” Sydney repeated. “This is how you live, Leslie.”

  “I want him, so, so badly.”

  Sydney laughed. “Girl…”

  “I do. He hugged me and I wanted to climb him.”


  “Climb him and latch on.”

  “I get the picture.”

  Leslie smiled. “Wait until you see him.”

  “I’m definitely looking forward to meeting him.”

  “I think I do want to introduce him to you and Curt.” Leslie said softly. “You guys know me best, and you can tell me if I’m way off base with Caelum.”

  “In what way?”

  “Caelum is very smooth with his words, and maybe I’m falling to fast for what could be some patented lines, that I’ve never heard before.” Leslie replied.

  “Don’t second guess yourself, Leslie.”

  “Caelum could be my first date, my first sexual experience and maybe my first love…” Leslie told her. “I have to be sure that I’m not setting myself up.”

  “Even if Caelum isn’t your forever man, just enjoy yourself Leslie.” Sydney told her. “It’s okay.”

  “If I had Caelum, I wouldn’t ever want another man.”

  “That’s what you say now.”

  Leslie shook her head. “I know that for sure, that’s why I need your help.”

  “Invite him to the house.”

  She blinked. “When?”

  “This week.”

  “Uh…okay. I’ll do it.” Leslie told her slowly.

  “He’ll have to impress your number one fan.” Sydney teased her.

  Laughing, she asked, “C.K.?”

  “Yes, you know how much he loves his Aunt Leslie. I feel sorry for Mr. Bannaka when he has to go up against Curtis Kendall VI.”

  “I can’t imagine what that boy is going to say.” Leslie sighed.

  “He’s going to grill him like he’s on the witness stand. He’s his father’s son.”

  Leslie laughed. “Yes, I know he is.”

  “If he survives my husband and my baby…then he’s the one.” Sydney told her.

  “I hope he is.”

  Leslie ended the call, then picked up her cane. Leaving her room, she made her way down the hall and around the corner.

  “Miss Benson,”

  Leslie came to a stop at the sound of her name, and waited until the man joined her.

  “Mr. West.”

  He smiled down at her. “How’s it going?”

  “Good, and you?”

  Looking her over, he answered, “I’m good. Did you need help with anything?”

  Leslie looked at him. “Look, Mr. West, I’m not one of these other teachers and I’m not about that life.”

  He looked surprised. “What life?”

  “I understand that you have a way with women, but I’m not the one.”

  Mr. West smiled and moved closer. “How do you know that you’re not the one?”

  “Because I just told you…” Leslie said firmly.

  “So you’re hooked on the new dude?”

  Leslie began walking with her cane.

  “Have a good day, Mr. West.”

  He watched her go. “So you know, I just saw Mr. Bannaka with Ms. Barrett…and she is about that life.”

  Leslie didn’t slow down, but felt the words in her heart as she continued down the hall. When she arrived at Caelum’s room, she knocked on the door, then waited until he came to answer.


  Leslie looked inside and saw Kenya.

  “Hey, Leslie.” Kenya called out.

  “Hi, Kenya.” She looked between the two. “Am I interrupting?”

  Kenya frowned. “Interrupting what?”

  Leslie entered the room and Kenya crossed over to meet her.

  “I don’t know.” Leslie replied.

  “Ms. Adams asked me to check in on the new teachers, When I finished on this side of the building, I was coming to check with you, on your side.” Kenya explained.

  Caelum watched Leslie, as she turned to him.

  “Did you need me for something?” he asked, lifting a brow.

  “I wanted to ask you something…”

  Kenya looked at Leslie, then smiled. “I’m going to finish up my rounds and let you to…do whatever it is you’re about to do.”

  They both watched her leave, and close the door behind her.

  “You’ve come looking for me, is that good or bad?” Caelum asked.

  Leslie stared at him. “I wanted to tell you that I’d like to go out with you and your friends, but I’d like for you to come meet my family beforehand…”

  He smiled. “Do you think I’m going to abduct you?”

  “No, but I’d feel better if you met them first.”

  “Okay, pretty goddess, we can do that.”

  Leslie held his gaze. “Are you sure?”

  “Is this going to be a test?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Good. I like tests, and I always ace them.” Caelum said confidently.

  “I hope you ace this one, too…”

  Chapter 4

  “I hate this dress!” Leslie said frustrated.

  “There’s nothing wrong with the dress, Leslie.” Sydney replied.

  Moving away from the mirror in her room, Leslie removed the dress, then added it to the pile of dresses on the bed, that she’d already rejected.

  “Leslie, all of those dresses look great on you.”

  Leslie walked into her closet, looking for another outfit.

  “He’s going to be here soon,” Sydney called out to her.

  “I know, but I have to find something that looks good.”

  Sydney sat on the bed, waiting for her sister
to select another dress. When she emerged with another one in her hand, Sydney nodded.

  “That one is cute, too.”

  Leslie frowned. “I don’t want to be cute, Syd. I want to be sexy and alluring. I want Caelum to see me and want to rip it off.”


  “I should’ve bought something new.” Leslie went on. “Something more seductive…”

  At the knock on the door, Sydney got to her feet. “All of these dresses look amazing on you. All of your physical therapy and workouts have given you an amazing little body, that I’m sure Caelum will appreciate.” She told Leslie, as she checked to see who was on the other side.

  Sydney opened the door to Niyah and sighed in relief.

  “I’m so glad you’re here. Help me with this girl.”

  Niyah entered the room and looked at Leslie. “Why aren’t you dressed?”

  “I have nothing to wear.” Leslie plopped down on the bed in her underwear.

  “Well you can’t wear that.” Niyah pointed out. “Even though Mr. Bannaka would probably like it.”

  Leslie lowered her face into her hands. “I should just tell him not to come.”

  Sydney looked at her watch. “He’s probably outside right now.”

  “I don’t know what to do!”

  Sydney and Niyah moved over to her and sat on opposite sides.

  “Leslie, it’s natural for you to be nervous. This is your first date as a young, healthy woman.” Sydney began.

  “This is all new to me,” Leslie said, shaking her head. “I am so nervous.”

  “Relax, Leslie.” Niyah took her hand.

  “Yes, relax. You’ve seen Caelum every day and talked with him every night this week. He’s not a stranger picking you up.” Sydney soothed. “What happened to climbing him and locking on?”

  Niyah looked at Leslie.

  “You know my fantasies get out of control.” Leslie replied. “Reality is a lot scarier…”

  “Pick one of these dresses, and get ready for this man.” Sydney ordered, getting Leslie to her feet. “You’ve come too far, to turn back now. Even when you’ve been afraid, you’ve faced every challenge.”

  “She’s right.” Niyah agreed, standing as well. “Let’s get you ready.”

  They all stopped at the sound of the doorbell.

  Sydney turned to Leslie. “He’s here, and you don’t want to leave him alone with the two Curt Kendalls, for too long.”

  Leslie’s eyes widened. “Let me hurry up.”


  Caelum stood outside of Leslie’s home and admired the estate. When the door opened, a man stood along with a little boy who was his spitting image. In his arms, was another little boy, who also resembled him.

  “Hello, you must be Caelum. I’m Curt Kendall.”

  Caelum shook hands with Curt while taking in the dark stare of the little boy.

  “Yes, I’m Caelum. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Curt glanced down at his son. “This is C.K.” He then looked at the boy in his arms. “And this is Julius…”

  Caelum held a hand out to the little boy. “Hello, C.K.”

  “You’re here for my Aunt Leslie?” The boy lifted a brow.

  “C.K.…” Curt warned.

  Caelum smiled. “Yes, I’m here to pick up, Leslie.”

  “Why?” C.K. questioned. “Where are you taking her?”

  “C.K.,” Curt said more firmly. “Stop. Now.”

  The boy quieted and Curt smiled at Caelum. “Sorry about that. Please come inside. Leslie’s still getting ready.”

  Following the two inside, Caelum looked down and saw the boy still watching him. Inside of a living room, another man and little boy were sitting on a sofa, and the man had a pretty little girl sitting on his lap.

  “Caelum, this is my brother-in-law, Rashad Miller, his son R.J. and his daughter, Pearl.” Caelum introduced them.

  Rashad shook hands with Caelum, then took a seat as C.K. sat next to his father, and began openly studying Caelum.

  “As you can tell, Leslie has a family who loves her very much.” Curt told Caelum. “And who are very protective of her…”

  “Leslie has told me about all of you, and I’m glad that she’s had such a big support system.” Caelum replied.

  “So you teach black history?” Curt asked.

  “Yes, I specialize in Khemetic history. Our original ancestors.”

  Rashad smiled. “Curt and my wife have an incredible black history story.”

  “You do?” Caelum asked Curt.

  C.K. decided to answer. “Yes, our ancestors are the first Curtis, and Pearl Kendall. They lived and worked on Black Wall Street in Greenwood, Oklahoma. They survived the race massacre and moved to Los Angeles, where the first Curtis worked at the black newspaper, telling his stories about Greenwood. I’m the sixth Curtis Kendall.”

  Caelum was impressed with the very articulate little boy.

  “That’s an incredible story.” Caelum told him. “You must be very proud of your history.”

  C.K. nodded. “Yep, I am…and my Daddy is the best Civil Rights lawyer since Thurgood Marshall and Julius Chambers.”

  Caelum looked at C.K. “How old are you?”

  “Five. Me and R.J. start kindergarten at the Bantu Academy in a few weeks.”

  “You’ll probably be in one of my classes.” Caelum told him. “And I’d definitely like your input on the black history program that your Aunt Leslie and I are planning.”

  C.K. smiled. “A black history program?”

  “Yes, we’re going to have all the grade levels involved in some way.”

  “What about R.J.?”

  The little boy who’d been quietly sitting next to his father, looked at Caelum.

  “Of course, would you like to be involved R.J.?”

  He shrugged. “Is it our real history? Including the pyramids, the Pharaohs and the Queens?”

  Caelum wondered who the hell these little boys were. They were starting kindergarten? He turned his attention to their fathers.

  “You two have some amazing little Negus.”

  Both Curt and Rashad smiled. “Yes, our young kings are something…” Rashad agreed. “They know who they are.”

  “And are very proud of their heritage and their culture.” Curt added.

  “They remind me of myself, when I was their age.” Caelum told them. “Except a lot more advanced…”

  Curt asked, “How did you come to teach black history?”

  Caelum looked at C.K. with a smile. “I too, have a story about my ancestor. His name was Benjamin Banneker.”

  All four stared at Caelum for a moment.

  “The Benjamin Banneker?” Curt questioned.

  “Yes, he’s a distant relative.”

  “He made the clock out of wood!” C.K. shouted.

  Caelum laughed. “Yes, and created many almanacs about the motions of the Sun and Moon, and the true places and aspects of the planets.”

  Both C.K. and R.J. looked amazed.

  “Wow!” They both exclaimed.

  Curt laughed. “I think you’ve won them over.”

  “That was my goal.” Caelum replied. “Leslie warned me.”

  “Do you know all that stuff too, like Benjamin Banneker?” C.K. asked, and R.J. nodded in agreement.

  “Actually, yes. I was named after a constellation in the southern sky, which means Heaven, and both of my parents studied astronomy.” He told them.

  “Are you going to teach it in your class?” R.J. asked.

  “I’m going to teach you all everything I know.”

  Both boys smiled as the women finally arrived in the room, and all the men and boys got to their feet.

  “Aunt Leslie!” C.K. yelled. “You look so pretty!”

  “Yeah, you do!” R.J. added.

  Leslie flushed as she felt Caelum’s stare. His dark eyes moved from the top of her head, slowly down her body, covered by a short red halter-top dress. Her curvy legs ended in some
low-heeled pumps, that she wore to ensure that she could maintain her balance, and still look fashionable.

  “Hi, I’m Sydney, Leslie’s sister.”

  Caelum blinked out of his perusal of Leslie, and noticed the woman now standing next to him.

  “Hello, I’m Caelum.”

  Sydney smiled. “Nice to meet you, and now I have the answers to a lot of questions.”

  “Hi, Mr. Bannaka.” Niyah greeted.

  “Nice to see you, Mrs. Miller.”

  Leslie waited until his attention turned back to her and Caelum walked to stand in front of her, while Sydney and Niyah joined their husbands and children.

  “Your nephews beat me to the punch, but I must still say that you look as beautiful as the Queens who sat on the thrones, and I am humbled to be in the presence of such a goddess as you.” He said, looking down into her face.

  “I don’t think they quite said it like that…” Leslie whispered.

  Caelum reached for her hand. “They’re only five…but I’m sure it won’t be too long, before they will.”

  She smiled. “They are rather advanced.”

  Leslie led him over to where her family sat, and they both joined them.

  “So Caelum, you survived the two Curtis’?” Sydney asked.

  “I tried to hold my own.”

  Curt spoke, “Trust me, he did.”

  Leslie looked surprised and turned to Caelum. “You aced it?”

  Caelum stared at her. “I’m always a man of my word.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Caelum, where are you from?” Sydney questioned and he turned to her.

  “D.C. area originally.”

  She nodded. “And you’re all the way out here in L.A.?”

  “My parents moved out here a few years ago, then my grandmother joined them. They told me about the Bantu Academy and I decided to apply, because it sounded like something that I would enjoy.” He turned to look at Leslie. “I also felt the Universe leading me here for another purpose.”

  Niyah and Sydney shared a look.

  “What’s that?” Curt asked.

  “To find the woman of my dreams…one who also dreams.”

  He smiled at Leslie and she returned it, while the others looked on, and C.K. frowned at the interaction.

  “Why is he looking at Aunt Leslie like that?” the boy asked.

  Sydney turned to her son, as Caelum answered.

  “Because she is amazing…”


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