Lessons In Love (Bantu Academy Series Book 1)

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Lessons In Love (Bantu Academy Series Book 1) Page 6

by D. Camille

  Glancing over, he watched her tasting the dishes on the table until she smiled at him. Over wine, good music, and more conversation, Caelum felt Leslie loosening up and letting go. Her sweet smiles touched his heart, while her laughter tickled his ears.

  Later that evening, they listened to the live band perform, while a raspy voiced singer delivered the words, and Leslie sat with Caelum’s arm around her. The entire time, he’d made her feel safe, protected, and worshipped in his presence. He’d made sure that she’d stayed engaged in the conversation, and that she’d had everything she’d needed. Gently, she laid her head on his shoulder and he looked down at her.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  Leslie nodded. “Yes, I’m very good.”

  Khai looked over at them and smiled. “You two are so beautiful together. Black love is amazing.”

  Malik turned to Khai. “I keep telling you that.”

  “Boy, stop.” Khai shook her head at him.

  “Thank you, Khai.” Leslie replied. “Caelum is very handsome.”

  Tariq frowned. “Nobody said all that…but you, Leslie, have the aura of Oshun.”

  Leslie stared at him. “Oshun?”

  “You’re right Tariq.” Caelum agreed. “The first time I saw Leslie, I thought the same thing. She embodies the Goddess Oshun, the most adored of the Orishas, with her purity, love and sensuality,”

  He then added, “She also has divination through dreams…”

  Malik nodded. “So you two have something in common?”

  Caelum smiled. “We have a lot in common.”

  “You’re a dreamer, too, Leslie?” Asha asked.


  Asha smiled. “It’s a gift from the gods. The ancestors have blessed you.”

  “I’m confused.” Leslie told them, lifting her head from Caelum’s shoulder. “I just have daydreams…”

  Caelum turned to her. “Everyone here does, as well.”

  “Although, we call them visions…” Tariq explained.

  “But how…?”

  Asha smiled. “We live our truth, through the Goddess Ma’at, which allows us to vision and manifest.”

  “This is interesting,” Leslie told them, as she looked around the table. “Can you explain some more?”

  Caelum began, “The Goddess Ma’at is the Goddess of Truth. The truth of knowing one’s self,” he explained. “And when you live from this position of truth, you have the power to make your visions become reality through manifestation…”

  Leslie thought about her visions pertaining to Caelum, as she looked at him. “Really?”

  He nodded slowly. “I have proof.”

  “What’s that?” Leslie asked.


  Everyone at the table smiled at Leslie, as she continued to stare at Caelum.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I envisioned you before we met, that’s how our energies connected so strongly.” He explained.

  Leslie was speechless.

  “Are you serious?” she asked Caelum.

  “If you don’t believe me, ask them. I told them all about you before I ever saw you.”

  Leslie turned to the others. “Is this for real?”

  “Caelum told us the first time that we met him, that he was searching for his goddess…and that she’d be in a place where his whole life would come together.” Asha answered. “That’s why, when you told us that you’d met him at the school, we realized that he’d found you.”

  She looked back at Caelum.

  “The first day at Bantu Academy, my new life began…and I believe, I found everything I’d been looking for.” He told her.


  Inside Caelum’s car, he turned on some music before turning to Leslie in the passenger seat.

  “Did you have a good time?”

  Leslie smiled. “The best.”

  He began to drive and Leslie stared at his profile.

  “I didn’t think I would enjoy myself so much. Your friends are great.”

  “They think of you as a friend now, as well.”

  She nodded. “I like that. I got Khai and Asha’s numbers…and they want to have lunch sometime.”

  Caelum glanced at her. “Would you like to do that?”

  “Yeah, I think so.” Leslie nodded. “When I first saw them, I didn’t think that would be the case, though.”

  Caelum frowned. “Why?”

  Leslie sat back in her seat and looked out the window. “You took me to a club and introduced me to not one, but two beautiful women who were very happy to see you…”

  “I have to hear the rest of your interpretation of this introduction.” Caelum interrupted.

  She shrugged. “I mean, I didn’t know what to think.”

  “What did you think?” he asked.

  “Honestly, I had no idea what was going on, but I trusted that you wouldn’t do anything to hurt or embarrass me.”

  Caelum reached for her hand. “And you weren’t wrong…”

  “No, I wasn’t.” She squeezed his hand. “You made tonight a perfect first date.”

  “It’s not over…”

  Looking surprised, she turned to him. “It’s not?”

  “Unless you want it to be,”

  “No…where are we going?” Leslie asked with excitement.

  Smiling, Caelum answered. “Well, I’ve seen where you live, I’d like you to see where I live, as well. Is that okay?”

  “I’d like to see your place.” She agreed.

  Caelum continued driving, happy that she’d trusted him enough to agree.

  “You’re safe with me Leslie,” he said, looking straight ahead through the windshield.

  “I do feel that way, Caelum.”

  “But, I still want you to text your family, and tell them where you are…” Caelum told her quietly.

  Leslie smiled. “Am I staying all night?”

  He laughed softly. “Not yet, but that invitation will stand.”

  “You know how they worry about me.” Leslie surmised.

  “I’m sure you have more than a few messages on your phone.”

  She pulled out her phone and grimaced. “Yeah, I do. I feel like a teenager again.”

  “Before the accident, did you enjoy being a young girl?”

  “I tried. I was into cheerleading and I had lots of friends. I’ve always been a naturally happy person, no matter the situation. I’m the person who thinks of what the worst alternative could be, then tell myself that at least it’s not that bad.” Leslie explained. “What about you?”

  “Because of my family history, I’ve always been taught to excel…so I did. I’m the youngest of my three brothers, and they all set the bar very high.”

  “Do they live in L.A.?” Leslie asked, sending a quick message to Sydney.

  He shook his head. “No. All married and spread out across the country. I’ve got a few C.K.’s in my life, too.”

  “How many?”

  “Four nephews and two nieces.”

  “Uncle Caelum. I bet they love you.” She looked up at him and put her phone away.

  He grinned. “They do. I send them all the things their parents won’t buy them.”

  Leslie laughed. “I do the same for mine.”

  “We’ll be the best Aunt and Uncle to all the kids.” Caelum boasted.

  “I’m competitive, so I like that.” Leslie agreed. “Well take them to Disney World and Universal Studios.”

  Caelum felt her vibe. “Yeah, and camping on the beach.”

  “Oooh, yes! And sleepovers with snacks…”

  “I like how you think.”

  She laughed. “I’d love that so much.”

  “Me, too.” Caelum told her sincerely.

  Leslie began to watch him as he drove, deep in her own thoughts.

  “We’re here.” Caelum pulled in front of his house, and Leslie snapped out of her trance.

  Looking out the window, she admired the nice home from the distanc

  “This is yours?”

  “Yes, it’s a rental.” Caelum explained. “I want to wait to buy with my wife, so it’s something we can look forward to doing together.”

  “That’s thoughtful.”

  He smiled, then exited the car to walk around and help Leslie out. She looked up at him, when she heard the water in the distance.

  “You’re near the ocean, too?”

  Caelum grabbed her cane, then took her hand. “Yes, I love the sound of water. It’s soothing and makes me feel connected.”

  They walked to the door and Caelum opened it, then allowed her inside. Following, he flicked on a few lights.

  “Welcome home, Leslie.”

  Standing in the foyer, Leslie took in the room.

  “Thank you. This is very nice, Caelum. It feels like you.”

  Leading her to a sofa, he smiled. “And how is that?”

  Leslie sat back against the large cushions.

  “Big, warm and comfortable.”

  Caelum sat next to her, close enough for their legs to touch.

  “Would you like anything?” he asked. “Dessert?”

  “Mmmm…what do you have?”

  He leaned closer. “Let me surprise you.”

  Leslie stared into his handsome face. “You already have.”

  She watched as he stood to his impressive height and looked down at her.

  “Make yourself at home. I’ll be right back.”

  Leslie’s eyes followed him until he was out of sight. Putting her head back against the cushions, she smiled. Turning her head from one side to the other, she looked around the room, then out of the glass where she saw a darkened pool area.

  Getting to her feet slowly, she walked over to look out. Leslie imagined his near naked body in the water with droplets clinging to his muscles.

  “Do you want to sit outside?”

  The deep voice startled her and she turned quickly to find Caelum standing with two small glass bowls of red sorbet in his hands.

  “I’d like that.”

  Crossing over to where she stood, Caelum handed her the bowls.

  “Hold these, while I get the door.”

  Leslie followed, as he opened the sliding door and turned on some outdoor mood lighting.

  He reached back for the bowls, and told her, “Stay right here.”

  Caelum sat the bowls on the edge of the pool, then returned and lifted her into his arms. Smiling at him, Leslie wrapped her arms around his neck as he walked toward the water.

  “I didn’t want you to slip and fall on this patio.”

  Carrying her to a lounger, Caelum sat her down gently, then bent to remove her shoes. Leslie watched as he nimbly unfastened the straps, then relieved her of one, then the other. Putting them aside, he lifted her again, and moved her over to the water, sitting her on the edge near the bowls.

  “Thank you.” Leslie whispered before putting her feet in the cool water.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Caelum removed his own shoes, then socks and rolled up the bottom of his slacks, before joining Leslie and putting his feet in the water with hers. Picking up a bowl, Leslie handed one to him, then turned to get her own.

  While they stared at one another and ate the cool dessert from their spoons, Leslie swung her bare feet in the water.

  “This is very good.”

  Caelum licked his spoon. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “How did you know I liked sorbet?”

  “You told me.”

  She looked confused. “When?”

  “One night when we were talking, you mentioned it.”

  Leslie looked at him. “You remember details.”

  “I remember what’s important.”

  “My liking sorbet is important?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Yes, because you said that after your accident, you couldn’t keep solid food down, and sorbet was the only thing that made you feel better.”

  Leslie paused. “That’s true.”

  “So, I started a mental list of everything that makes you feel good.”

  Quietly, Leslie sat her bowl aside, then looked into Caelum’s face.

  “I have something for you to add to that list.” She whispered and lifted a hand to his jaw.

  Caelum waited until she pulled his face down to hers and placed her lips on his.

  Chapter 6

  A few hours later, Leslie stood outside her door, with her arms around Caelum’s neck. On the ground next to them were her shoes, her bag, and her cane. She’d dropped them all, before she’d launched herself into his arms.

  Smiling, Caelum held her close, looking down into her face. “Do you know how beautiful you are to me?”

  “I’m trying to understand why…”

  “What does that mean?”

  Leslie shrugged. “You could have any other woman…”

  “And you could choose any other man to be a part of your life…” Caelum rebutted. “But we found one another…”

  “I learned tonight that I manifested you.”

  He nodded. “You did…and I did the same.”

  Caelum lowered his head to hers and kissed her sweet lips.

  “Am I still going to see you later tonight?” he asked quietly.

  She smiled. “Yes, I can’t wait.”

  “I can’t wait to see you again, either.” He told her.

  “Will you call me when you get home?” Leslie asked.

  “Yes, as soon as I step in the door.”

  Touching her lips to his, Leslie initiated yet another kiss. Since the first one, she’d found that kissing Caelum Bannaka, had shot directly to the top of the list of things that made her feel good. The way his full, warm lips tasted hers, coaxing her to allow him inside her mouth, made her burn deep in her core.

  Willingly, she opened her mouth, and the foray of tongue play began slowly. Leslie moaned deep in her throat, pressing closer to his big body, and he tightened his hold on her. After a while, Caelum lifted his head, to allow them to breathe.

  “Go inside, before I really have to fight C.K.” Caelum whispered against her lips.

  “I told you, I think you can take him.”

  Caelum smiled at her. “I’ll be back later for you.”


  “Goodnight, my beautiful goddess.”

  “Goodnight…my gift from the heavens.”

  Caelum retrieved her items from the ground, then Leslie reached into her purse and fished out her keys. After opening the door, she turned back to him, and Caelum gently steered her inside.

  “Call me…” she whispered.

  He nodded, then waited for her to close the door. Caelum remained standing for a moment, then began anticipating seeing her face again. Walking slowly to his car, he climbed inside, inhaling Leslie’s perfume that now graced the interior. Starting the car, Caelum smiled and headed back to his house, anxious to hear her voice again.

  Inside Leslie’s house, she leaned back against the door and closed her eyes with a long sigh.

  “That must’ve been one hell of a first date.”

  Leslie’s hand flew to her heart as her eyes opened.

  “Dammit, Sydney. You’re trying to give me a heart attack.” Leslie complained.

  “Uh…I do live here.”

  Leslie smiled. “Actually, it’s your house.”

  Sydney watched her sister come further into the foyer.

  “It’s our house.” Sydney told her. “Welcome home.”

  Leslie remember Caelum saying those words at his place, and smiled some more.

  “How was your evening?” Sydney asked, as Leslie got closer.

  “Oh, Syd…it was amazing.” Leslie’s eyes lit up. “I have to tell you all about it.”

  Sydney hooked their arms. “I can’t wait to hear it.”

  They made their way to Leslie’s room, where Leslie plopped down on the bed, face first, and Sydney stood looking at the woman spread on the covers, until Leslie turned
onto her back and looked at her.

  “I’m in love.”


  Leslie shook her head vehemently. “No, there is nothing you can say. I am in love with Caelum Bannaka.”

  “You’ve had one date.” Sydney reminded her.

  “I don’t care.” Leslie said, sitting up.

  Sydney came to sit next to her. “Leslie, slow down.”

  “He came here to find me.”


  Leslie looked at her. “He told his friends that he’d find me…and he did.”

  Sydney rubbed Leslie’s forehead. “Were you drinking tonight?”

  “I’m not drunk, Sydney.”

  “Tell me what happened,”

  Taking a deep breath, Leslie began. “First, we drove to a nice club. Then, Caelum introduced me to two of his friends, who were like the most gorgeous women in the world.”

  Sydney frowned. “What?”

  Leslie smiled. “Yeah, at first I was wondering what was going on. Asha was this ebony beauty with captivating dark eyes…and Khai had this flawless golden skin and beautiful brown locs. They both looked so strong and confident.”

  “Who were they?”

  “They’re sisters who run a non-profit for black families…and they met Caelum when he got to LA, along with Malik and Tariq. Those are the other two guys in their group.” Leslie explained.

  “What is this group?”

  “They all live by Khemetic principles and have visions…like me.”

  Sydney lifted a brow. “They all daydream?”

  “They’re called visions.” Leslie said proudly. “And they have the gift of making those visions come true, like I did with Caelum…and he did with me.”

  Sydney stood. “I’m going to let you sleep this off.”

  Leslie reached for her hand. “It’s true.”

  Slowly, Sydney sat back down. “What else did you do tonight?”

  “I had a fabulous family style dinner with some of the best food I’ve tasted. Then I danced…”

  “You danced?” Sydney asked surprised.

  “I danced with Caelum.” Leslie nodded. “And I didn’t want to stop…”

  “Oh, Leslie…that’s wonderful.”

  Leslie sighed. “It was. At first I was scared, but Caelum held me so close and I felt so safe. Safer than I’d ever imagined.”


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