Lessons In Love (Bantu Academy Series Book 1)

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Lessons In Love (Bantu Academy Series Book 1) Page 9

by D. Camille

  Chapter 8

  Caelum stoked the little fire, then came to sit next to Leslie on the blanket. With the sand underneath them and the stars above, he smiled at her.

  “This is very romantic,” Leslie told him.

  “I want to give you a lesson in romance,” he said, moving closer.

  “You seem to teach it very well…” she whispered, staring into his face.

  “You need to have a student who appreciates it.”

  Leslie reached out to touch his soft beard. “I do.”

  “Although, I envisioned you…you’re more than I ever imagined, Leslie.” Caelum told her.

  “Is that good or bad?”

  He leaned over to kiss her lips. “It’s very good.”

  She returned his kiss, then reached up to stroke his wavy hair.

  “Tell me what’s happening,” Leslie requested.

  Caelum responded by gently moving her to sit in front of him, where they both could stare out at the dark water. Wrapping his arms around her from behind, he kissed her neck.

  “So, let me tell you what’s happening from my perspective.” He began and Leslie waited to hear his next words. “I left D.C. for a few reasons…to help my parents, to teach our kids, and to find my life. Turning thirty, I wanted to establish some roots. I’d completed my education and traveled around the world…I’d lived the life I wanted then and it was time for me to move to the next phase.”

  She nodded. “That sounds exciting.”

  Caelum tightened his arms around her. “It was, and I want the same for you…which means that I have to adjust my expectations at this point.”

  “What do you mean?” Leslie asked softly over the waves.

  “I didn’t expect that my goddess would be so sweet and innocent. I didn’t know that she’d just be starting her life.” He explained.

  “We’re at different phases in our lives…” she agreed.

  “Yes, so I have to slow down.”

  “And I have to speed up…”

  Caelum kissed her again. “We’ll find the right pace.”

  Leslie put her arms over his and leaned back into him. “Is that what you want to do?”

  “Yes, but it’s not only up to me.”

  Her gaze moved to the fire he’d started.

  “You think we can?”

  “Leslie, I’ve introduced you to my family as the woman that I want in my life. I’ve never done that before.” Caelum said softly.

  “And I’ve never had someone meet my family, either.”

  “Step One.”

  She smiled. “What’s Step Two?”

  “We continue to spend time together and build a relationship.”

  “Step Three?”

  Caelum nuzzled her neck. “Create a love that lasts many lifetimes…”

  Leslie turned back to look at him. “I think that’s a good lesson plan.”

  “And in the midst of our romance, we’ll put together the best Black History program that the Bantu Academy has ever seen.”

  “You know I’m competitive.” She grinned.

  He stared at her, then said slowly. “I know that you’re so beautiful.” Caelum laid her back on the blanket and looked down into her eyes.

  “So we’re both starting new lives together?” Leslie questioned.

  Caelum nodded slowly. “It’s going to be amazing.”

  “Count me in…” Leslie pulled his mouth to hers and they sealed the deal.


  Monday was back to school as the last week of preparation before the students arrived. Caelum and Leslie sat with Ms. Adams to discuss their progress over the last week in regards to the Black History Program.

  “I’m expecting to hear something great.” She told them.

  Leslie looked at Caelum sitting next to her.

  “It is going to be great,” he assured the Principal.

  “Tell me about it.” She prompted.

  “Since most black history events focus around MLK, and the civil rights movement…” Caelum began.

  “Or slavery…” Leslie added.

  He smiled at her and continued, “We’ve decided to display our true beginnings.”

  Leslie chimed in again. “The beginnings of our greatness…”

  Ms. Adams nodded. “I want to hear more.”

  “We’re still working out the full concept, but our theme is…From Gods and Goddesses to Kings and Queens.” Caelum shared.

  “I like that.” Ms. Adams agreed.

  Leslie smiled at Caelum. “This semester, I’m going to have the students working on portraits of themselves as royalty and divinity.”

  “Ooooh…that’s going to be beautiful.”

  “Yes, and it will give them self-portraits to begin to see themselves through their ancestors.” Leslie finished.

  Caelum nodded. “Leslie had a great idea and I can’t wait to see the portraits.”

  “Caelum has something really great, too.” Leslie said excitedly.

  “My friends are going to come and act out some of the stories of the ancestors.” He shared. “And, Leslie is going to be the Goddess Oshun.”

  “And Caelum is Ra…” Leslie informed her.

  Ms. Adams blinked. “Wow, you two have come up with a lot in a week.”

  She watched the two smile at one another.

  “I guess you like working together.” Ms. Adams said, picking up their chemistry.

  “Yes, we do.” Leslie answered. “Caelum is very knowledgeable.”

  “And Leslie is very talented…”

  She looked at them. “I guess you two are the perfect match…for this project.”

  “I think we are a perfect match…for everything.” Caelum said, holding Leslie’s gaze.

  “I’m happy with your progress.” Ms. Adams told them. “How are you two adjusting to the Academy?”

  They turned their attention back to her.

  “Everyone is very nice and helpful.” Leslie replied. “I can’t wait to meet my students.”

  “I understand you have a little nephew attending?”

  Leslie nodded. “Actually two, Curtis Kendall VI, and Rashad Miller Jr.”

  “That’s right. Mrs. Miller’s son, is also your nephew.”

  “Through my sister, Sydney. Niyah is her husband’s sister.” Leslie explained. “Speaking of my sister, she’s also going to come and film the presentation.”

  Ms. Adams looked surprised. “That’s wonderful!”

  “If it’s good enough, Whitlock Studios might want to make it into something they can package and stream with the proceeds coming here to the Academy.” Leslie shared.

  “You two are really doing some big things.” Ms. Adams said in awe.

  “Our goal is to put on the best Black History event ever at the Bantu Academy.” Caelum told her.

  She nodded. “It seems you are taking that goal seriously.”

  “We’re competitive.” Leslie replied and Caelum agreed.

  “Well, thank you both and if you need anything from me, my door is always open.” She assured them.

  “Thank you Ms. Adams. We’re both looking forward to working with the children.” Caelum responded.

  He helped Leslie to her feet, and they exited the office. Continuing down the hall, Caelum escorted her back to her room. Side by side, they walked slowly with Leslie using her cane.

  “I’m happy that we aren’t having issues about the cane today,” Caelum commented with a hidden smile.

  “No, we’re not. I’m going to take it one day at a time, like a wise Bibi told me.” Leslie replied with a smile of her own.

  They continued to walk, while passing other staff members, and speaking politely.

  “So how’s C.K.?” Caelum asked.

  “Ready for school. I think he’s anxious to see you.”

  Caelum smiled. “I bet he is, since I came to take his Aunt Leslie three days in a row.”

  “You can’t get enough of me,” she teased.

  “I c

  At her door, he opened it and she walked inside. Caelum followed her to her desk, then looked down at her.

  “I’ll call you later?” he whispered.

  “I’ll be home.”

  Lowering his head, he touched his lips to hers.

  “Tell C.K. I’ll see him soon.”

  Leslie kissed him again with a smile. “I will.”

  “Have a good day, goddess.”

  “You, too.”

  Leslie watched him turn and leave the room, admiring his tall, sexy body. The tall, sexy body that she wanted more and more each day. Caelum hadn’t mentioned which ‘step’ in the plan called for some tangling of the sheets, but it needed to be somewhere high on the list, because she couldn’t continue having her panties on fire…like now.

  Caelum headed to his room and once inside, began working on his lesson plans for the first semester. At the knock on the door, he lifted his head and turned to see Mr. West entering his space.

  “Mr. Banneker,”


  Mr. West snapped his fingers. “That’s right.”

  Caelum got to his feet. “What can I do for you?”

  “Just checking in to see how things are going.”

  “I’m good.” Caelum replied.

  Mr. West smiled. “Good. You know, the male staff here, we have to stick together.”

  “For what reason?”

  “Because these women do,”

  “My understanding is that the Bantu Academy is one family.”

  Shrugging, Mr. West, replied, “Until you make one of them mad.”

  “I’m going to go out on a limb and say, one of them means a woman?”

  “Look, I’m just trying to warn you. When you move on from Ms. Benson, your name will be mud.” Mr. West counseled.

  Caelum folded his arms. “I have no plans to move on.”

  “What?” Mr. West asked with a frown.

  “You heard me.”

  “Didn’t you two just meet?”

  Caelum nodded. “Yes…your point?”

  “Hey, that’s your game. I’m not knocking it.”

  “I’m a man. I don’t play games with women’s feelings.”

  Mr. West smirked. “Ok, Mr. Bannaka. I’m just saying there are a lot of women around here. You don’t have to settle.”

  “You think I’m settling for Miss Benson?” Caelum raised a brow.

  “She’s cute, but the cane would have to go. That’s asking a lot.”

  Caelum unfolded his arms and moved to stand in front of Mr. West. “Get out of my room, and stay the hell away from me, before we both lose our jobs here.”

  The two men stared at one another, until Mr. West took the hint.

  “I guess I’ll see you around.”

  “If you bother Miss Benson, you’ll see me sooner than later.” Caelum warned.

  Mr. West turned, then Caelum followed his gaze to the door where Leslie was standing, watching them. At the look on her face, Caelum wanted to punch Mr. West in his face, but knew this wasn’t the time or the place. Instead, he hurried over to where she stood, and took her hand.

  “Didn’t I just leave you?” he asked softly.

  Leslie’s angry gaze was on Mr. West as he approached.

  “Uh…Miss Benson.”

  “Save it Mr. West.” Leslie replied. “Me and my cane aren’t asking anything of you, and if you bother me again, I’m going to make you very acquainted with it.”

  “I didn’t mean any offense.” Mr. West put his hands up, looking at the angry pair.

  She frowned. “Well it was certainly taken.”

  Seeing Caelum’s hard look, Mr. West walked out the door and Caelum closed it behind him.

  “Kenya said that he wasn’t any good.” Leslie said, turning to Caelum.

  “Yeah, I’ll make it my business to catch Mr. West in traffic…real soon.”

  Leslie looked at him. “I don’t want you going after him, Caelum. Not over something like this.”

  “He was out of pocket, and he knows it.”

  “As long as using my cane isn’t asking too much of you, I’m fine. I could care less about Mr. West. I don’t want you ruining your reputation and jeopardizing your job over his nonsense.” Leslie said, touching his chest. “Because we have a plan, remember?”

  Caelum smiled down at her. “What made you come over here?”

  “I wanted to show you something.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s on my phone.”

  He nodded, then walked her over to is desk and seated her. “Let me see it.”

  Leslie pulled up a video and showed it to him. He smiled when C.K.’s face came on the screen.

  “I just got this.” Leslie explained, then let it play.

  “Hey, Aunt Leslie. It’s C.K.! I can’t wait for school to start. I’m out with my Momma getting more supplies.”

  Then they heard Sydney, who was doing the filming in the background.

  “Good job C.K.”

  He looked into the camera, then frowned. “Oh, yeah…and tell Mr. Bannaka, I’ll see him, too.”


  The video stopped and Caelum laughed. “He doesn’t give up.”

  “He’s tenacious, like his father and mother.” Leslie smiled. “I thought you’d get a kick out of that.”

  “You know, I’m going to be his favorite Uncle, one day.”

  Leslie gave him a look. “You’d have to beat out Rashad.”

  “I got this.”

  She looked him over in his dark slacks and light grey dress shirt. “You look very handsome.”

  “Thank you, Miss Benson.”

  “In my room earlier, I was wondering at which step do we, uh…get to the business?” she asked.

  He smiled. “That’s important to you?”

  “I’ve been dreaming of it for years…”

  Caelum became serious. “I don’t want to sex you into love, Leslie.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it won’t last…”

  She placed a hand on his leg, where he stood.

  “Are you sure?” Leslie questioned.

  Caelum took her hand, because he knew how she liked to explore.

  “How about we just let it happen naturally?” he suggested. “No plan…no time frame.”

  “It’s probably better that way.”

  “I think so.”

  She contemplated his words. “You think?”

  “I know that when it happens between us, we’ll both experience something that we never have before.” He told her softly.

  Leslie looked at him. “Does my lack of experience turn you off?”

  Caelum released her hand and touched her face. “I’m honored that you want me. I want to be everything your heart has imagined, and everything your mind couldn’t. I want the foundation of our relationship to be built on trust and love, with sexual intimacy just making everything better.”

  Leslie got to her feet and looked up at him. “You make it sound so magical.”

  “If it’s not…then it’s not worth it.”


  That evening Caelum met up with Malik and Tariq at Malik’s home. He entered and the three sat down on the sofas.

  “How’s it going Caelum?”

  “Everything is real good.”

  Malik grinned. “How is your Oshun?”

  “The goddess is well.”

  Tariq shook his head. “I can’t believe how quickly you found her.”

  “The Universe responds to intense affirmation.”

  “Now that’s true.” Malik agreed.

  Tariq looked at Malik. “Then why are you still waiting on Khai?”

  “I’m waiting for her intensity to match mine.” Malik replied. “And then…it’s all the way on.”

  Caelum smiled. “It’s worth the wait.”

  “Are you planning to do the family thing with Leslie?” Tariq asked Caelum.

  “We did this weekend. I
met hers and she met mine.”

  Malik lifted both brows. “Already?”

  “When you know, you don’t have to waste time. Plus, my Bibi can read me like a book, and already knew where my head was at.” Caelum explained.

  “And where is that?” Tariq asked.

  “Wanting to have my goddess and start the next phase of my life, but…”

  Malik frowned at his pause. “But what?”

  “Leslie is also starting a new phase of life,”

  “So how is that going to work?” Tariq questioned.

  “We’re going to try to transition together.” Caelum sat back on the sofa. “That’s why I’m moving slowly. The last thing I want to do is make her have regrets.”

  “Moving slowly?” Tariq asked. “Didn’t you just take her to meet your family?”

  “Slowly, in other areas.” Caelum clarified.

  “Oh.” They both said.

  He sighed. “Yeah, and throw in the fact that she’s ready to speed down that lane, doesn’t help.”

  “Speed up with her then,” Tariq said simply.

  “Thanks Tariq.” Caelum said sarcastically, then turned to Malik.

  “So I wanted to talk about the Black History program. I appreciate your help.”

  Malik smiled. “No problem. I’m happy to do whatever I can.”

  “Khai is going to represent the Goddess Ma’at.” Caelum told him.

  “I can see that,” Malik said with a grin. “She is the truth.”

  Tariq shook his head. “Why didn’t I get a role to play?”

  Caelum looked at him. “I need you to direct, since you like to run things.”

  “That’s what Kings do.” Tariq boasted.

  “Yeah, that’s why I’m representing Imhotep.” Malik brushed his shoulder.

  Tariq nodded. “This really sounds like a dope program, Caelum. You’re doing your thing with it.”

  “Leslie has some really brilliant ideas. I thank the Universe for putting us together on it.” Caelum shared.

  “How big is this program going to be?” Tariq asked.

  Caelum replied, “It’s getting larger than I initially imagined. Leslie’s sister is a cinematographer at Whitlock Studios, and she’s going to film it.”

  “Whoa…” Tariq looked impressed.

  “And the studio may package and stream it…” Caelum finished.

  Now it was Malik’s turn to look surprised. “This is the real deal.”

  “That’s the plan.” Caelum replied.


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