Lessons In Love (Bantu Academy Series Book 1)

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Lessons In Love (Bantu Academy Series Book 1) Page 25

by D. Camille

  “Oh, baby. I’m so glad you’re here.” He touched her face.

  “I wouldn’t have missed this, and I wanted to exceed your expectations.” She smiled at him.

  He held her close again. “Oh, you did…you did.” Josiah said with emotion.

  Kenya kissed him softly. “Now, take me to your room and seduce me.”


  “Welcome back to another wonderful school year,” Ms. Adams announced to the staff. “I have a lot to cover this morning in terms of updates on the Academy.”

  She looked around the room, then smiled.

  “I hope you all had a wonderful summer. Our Bantu family had a wedding, and now we have a new Mrs. Bannaka, and pretty soon they’ll have a future Bantu Academy graduate.” Ms. Adams said, looking at the couple.

  “Thank you Ms. Adams. My first year at the Bantu Academy was the best year of my life.” Caelum said, looking at his wife.

  “We also had another newcomer last year, in Mr. Webber.” Ms. Adams turned to Josiah, who was sitting next to Kenya. “Mr. Webber did an amazing job with the students and the parents in his role as Guidance Counselor.”

  “Thank you Ms. Adams.” Josiah said quietly.

  “Mr. Webber was also a lead presenter at a conference this summer, where he made quite the impression and put the Bantu Academy into a national spotlight.”

  Kenya smiled at him with pride. “I was there, and he was absolutely amazing.”

  Josiah looked a little uncomfortable with the praise, as Ms. Adams went on.

  “We’re changing things up this year, and Mr. Webber has been promoted to the Head of our Counseling Department in charge of all the counseling needs for our students and parents.” She announced.

  Josiah looked shocked and Kenya gasped.

  “Congratulations, Mr. Webber.”

  “Uh…wow…uh…thank you, so much.”

  Kenya squeezed his arm in excitement.

  “You deserve it, and we’re proud to have you here.” Ms. Adams said, with a soft smile.

  Josiah looked over at Kenya and shook his head in disbelief.

  “Other staff changes, include the departure of Mr. West. He’s gone on to other endeavors.”

  Niyah and Kenya looked at one another, so did Josiah and Caelum.

  “We now have a new Program Manager.” Ms. Adams shared. “Last year, we had a phenomenal Black History Program and a very successful end of the year school dance. However, I understand that as teachers, your jobs are getting more demanding, in our changing society and our children require even more attention.”

  The staff all agreed by nodding their heads.

  “With that in mind, I’d still like some teacher input, but I’ve hired a manager to facilitate our future programs and events.” She paused as the door opened. “Oh, here he is now…”

  Tariq walked into the meeting and Caelum looked at him.

  “Mr. Tariq Wilson will be running all of our events at the Academy. He’ll work alongside the staff in planning and facilitating.” Ms. Adams informed them. “Welcome Mr. Wilson.”

  Tariq smiled at the staff. “Thank you. I’m glad to be here.”

  He took a seat, the nodded at Caelum and Josiah.

  Another man walked in, dressed immaculately in a suit and tie with shiny expensive shoes. His dark skin shone like the night, and he wore his obvious wealth like a king in royal garb. He looked to be in his mid-thirties, with neat locs that hung to his shoulders.

  Ms. Adams stood as he entered the room, and held out a hand to him. Everyone watched as the man took her outstretched hand, and shook it warmly.

  “Ms. Adams. I’m sorry I’m late.”

  “You’re right on time, I hadn’t gotten to you on the agenda.”

  She turned to the staff. “Everyone this is Omari Clarke. Over the summer, Mr. Clarke became the Bantu Academy’s largest donor ever, and I’d like to welcome him to our family.”

  He turned to the staff. “I’ve heard so many great things about the Bantu Academy and all of the staff here. I wholeheartedly support what you’re doing, and I want to make sure that you’re equipped with everything you need to teach our children.”

  Ms. Adams smiled. “Thank you so much Mr. Clarke.”

  “You are more than welcome. I only had time to stop in today, but I will be around this year, as I want to see firsthand the work that you’re doing here.”

  “You are welcome at any time.” She assured him.

  Mr. Clarke waived at the staff, as he walked back out the door, and the room remained silent.

  “There are going to be big changes this year,” Ms. Adams told them. “And all because of that man…so I hope that you all will make him feel welcome and impress him with your greatness.” She paused and looked around the room.

  “As we begin a new year, with students old and new…remember, we represent Bantu Stephen Biko, in the belief that, the most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor, is the mind of the oppressed.”


  After the meeting, Josiah helped carry in boxes for Kenya to begin redecorating her room. After the fourth big box, he looked at her.

  “What is all this?” Josiah asked.

  “I’m changing my theme this year for the students, so I got all new accessories.” Kenya told him, also carrying a box. “Stop complaining, I happen to know that you are very strong.”

  “You said, you needed help with a few things…” he reminded her.

  “This is a few…” she told him as they entered her room.

  He sat the last box down. “You’re a math teacher. I know you can count better than that.”

  Kenya placed her box, then walked over to him, linking her arms around his neck. “Thank you for your help.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Do you know how proud I am of you?” She whispered.

  Josiah smiled. “Thank you for saying that.”

  “I am. You’re doing it, baby.” Kenya said, softly. “Congratulations.”

  “I didn’t see that coming. Ms. Adams caught me…”

  “But, you deserve it…”

  He looked down at her. “And you deserve the world…”

  “I have it, right here.” She said, looking into his face.

  “Let’s get this stuff unpacked, so I can take you home.”

  She nodded, then kissed him.

  Almost two hours later, Kenya was through three of the boxes, and Josiah was looking over all the stuff, she’d unpacked.

  “You’re using this stuff to teach math?”

  Kenya nodded as she opened the last box. “Yes, I thought a lot this summer about your presentation and Fourth Grade Failure Syndrome, and how teachers can determine how well our boys transition. So, I got a lot of tools that they can touch, with a mixture of colors and textures. I want them to learn, but I understand that I need to also keep them engaged.”

  Josiah smiled at her. “You’re so damn amazing. I love you.”

  “I love you.” Kenya replied, then went back to unpacking the box.

  Watching her, Josiah folded his arms and perched on one of the desks. He knew the moment, she saw his surprise, at the bottom.

  Kenya saw the small velvet box and froze. Confused, she wondered what it was, because she hadn’t packed it. Pulling it out, she flipped it open, then almost passed out. Forgetting to breathe, she started hyperventilating, and Josiah rushed to her side.


  “Oh my god!” She tried to breathe, putting a hand to her heart. “Oh my god!”

  “Breathe…please.” He told her.

  Kenya looked at him. “You did this?”

  He frowned. “Who else is hiding three-carat diamonds in your school supplies?”

  She put a hand to her mouth, as water dropped from her eyes.

  “Josiah…” he whispered staring at the gleaming ring in the box. “It’s beautiful.”

  He took the ring from the box, then took her hand.

  “Will you
be my partner in crime, for the rest of our lives?” he asked.

  Kenya sniffed loudly, as he put the ring on her finger. When it was in place, she looked down at it.


  Josiah pulled her into his arms, and covered her mouth with his. The kiss sealed them together in a promise of love and commitment.

  Josiah lifted his head. “So, did I give you a lesson in seduction?”

  Touching his face, Kenya smiled. “Yes, and I never want you to stop…”

  -The End -

  Hotep Reader Fam!

  I hope you enjoyed the first installment of the Bantu Academy Series – Lessons In Love.

  Story One, A Lesson In Romance, was a story of growth, love, and ancient black history. Leslie and Caelum’s connection was a spiritual one, that allowed them both to grow into new lives. The historical aspect in the form of the Black History program was a peek inside Khemetic History. I hope those who have an interest in the ancient teachings, enjoyed that aspect.

  Story Two, A Lesson In Seduction, is real deal story of life, and two people who have lived it. The statistical points are real, and must be addressed in the educating of our children. I hope you enjoyed Kenya and Josiah’s foray into love, and the knowledge that was shared.

  The series will continue next February, with more stories surrounding the Academy and the people who are dedicated to our children, and our community.


  D. Camille

  P.S. As a reminder these characters originated in the Creator’s Series (Act One, Act Two, Act Three), which was created from the Fall Black in Love Series (When Curtis Met Pearl.)


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  The Black Diamond Series

  Three men…one common bond. Mystery, suspense, romance, and black love. These are stories that you can immerse yourself in with characters that you can connect and bond with. You can feel their pain and experience their joy. Their triumphs make you happy and their failings make you want to be better.

  The Uncut Series

  The sequel to The Black Diamond series featuring the younger characters that were introduced in the original series. The mysteries and storyline follow The Black Diamond Series.

  The Heirs Series

  From Black Diamonds, to Uncut Diamonds…the Heirs…A new generation is formed, designed to be more advanced, more dangerous and more intriguing than their predecessors.

  The Black Land Series

  A conscious romantic suspense series focused on social issues within the African American community.

  The Creators Series

  One story (Fall Black in Love: Volume 2 - When Curtis Met Pearl)... brings three incredible black women together and shapes their lives. In an environment where gender and racial discrimination abound, this group comes together to fulfill their dreams.

  The Sable Inn Series

  Sable Romance presents…a digital imprint delivering passionate and powerful, contemporary love stories featuring African American couples. The Sable Inn features three beautiful black sisters...their lives, their loves and their legacy.

  The Book Club Series

  Sable Romance presents… The infamous Book Club from the Sable Inn series is back! Nadia, Debra and Tiffany make a pact to all find their real life, Book Husbands. After watching the Sable sisters find love, the three women decide it’s time to find their own happily-ever-after.

  Fall Black In Love

  An Annual Volume dedicated to classic Black Love. 20th Century African-American Historical stories.




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