The Wide World's End

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The Wide World's End Page 40

by James Enge

  She took aim with the songbow. She could see him quite clearly now. She remembered what they had meant to each other, even though she couldn’t quite summon those feelings now. She didn’t feel anything, really. She wasn’t telling herself this was for his benefit. But if he came back, and they killed him, and she could have prevented it, how could she live with herself? She was doing this for herself. There was work to do in the Graith, in the Wardlands, and it needed her. She had to be alive and reasonably sane to do it.

  He was not very near now—still a thousand paces from the base of the Tower at least. But close enough. She was confident her bolt would fly true. She had already seen it all. She let the bolt fly; the bow sang gently in her hand.

  “A hit,” Jordel said calmly, as if he were the judge of an archery contest.

  Yes: a hit. Morlock had fallen over. She had been wounded herself; she knew what his mind was doing now. He would look to see what had hurt him. He would look at the gravebolt that had passed through him—through his leg, she thought. He would see the runic rose on the bolt and recognize it.

  He was motionless for a long time, so long she feared he was dead. (And how would she live with that?)

  Then he rose to his feet. He was too far away for her to see his face, but he was looking toward them here, that was obvious.

  If she knew him from a mile away, then he ought to know her. She stood away from the group so that he could see her better.

  He stood still for a long time as the fire from his Ambrosial blood spread through the plain around him.

  At last he moved. He took the red cloak from his shoulders and tossed it away into the burning grass. He took the black cloak in both hands and bound it across his shoulders. He turned and limped away into the west, trailing blood and fire behind him as he went. She stayed watching until he was out of sight. She stayed there, not watching, until the sun set in the east and the bloodfires lit the blue autumnal land below like bonfires.

  Jordel touched her shoulder. She turned toward him.

  “You did the right thing,” he said. “Come. Let’s go eat.”

  “That’s not what you said before.”

  “I always say that.”

  “I mean . . . about it being the right thing.”

  “I didn’t say it was wrong. I said you didn’t need to do it. Now that you’ve done it, you don’t need to feel bad about it. You probably saved his life.”

  “I don’t feel bad about it. I don’t feel anything.”

  “You will. Come on. It’s cold out here.”

  It was cold. Inside the tower there would be—a fire.

  “Let’s stay out for a while longer,” she said. She was starting to feel something, and she didn’t like it.

  The thains and the summoner had all gone in. Jordel and Baran stayed out with her, although she didn’t ask them to. She was always grateful to them for that.

  But when she had mastered her feelings, she went in and got something to eat. You have to eat.

  Morlock Ambrosius, wearing the black cloak of exile from the Wardlands, limped into the night. Eventually, he took a strip from his shirt and bound up his leg to slow the bleeding, but he didn’t bother to do anything else to it. It would heal or not heal. He was indifferent to it. Eventually the bleeding stopped, but the pain went on for a long time. He was aware of it without the slightest desire to do anything about it.

  Another day of aimless walking and he found himself at night in a town on the coast of the Narrow Sea. Some of the buildings were lit up, so not everyone here was dead. One of the buildings had an open door, so he walked into it.

  There were empty benches and tables. He sat down on a bench.

  A man came up to him and said, “What can I do for you?”

  That struck Morlock as funny, and he laughed.

  “Maybe you’ve had too much to drink already,” said the man.

  Morlock looked at him. He looked around. The place was an inn or something.

  Now there was someone else there. There were two men, one bald, one black-haired, both with red-brown faces and black eyes. “He’s been in a fight,” the bald man was saying. “Look at that bandage on his leg! Listen, we can’t have him dying here.”

  “He’s not dying. He’s just hungry and thirsty. Right, friend? You want something? You’ve got money to pay for it, something to trade?”

  “Money,” Morlock repeated idly. He should have some fingers of gold from the Endless Empire. He took a couple from a pocket and looked at them with vague interest.

  “See there!” said the man with black hair. “I bet you won that fight you were in, friend. What’ll you have? Food? Drink? Both?”

  He was hungry. And you have to eat.

  “Drink,” said Morlock Ambrosius.


  I, Deor syr Theorn, told this tale at your request, the true tale of our harven-kin’s exile from the Wardlands. It is a mostly true tale, I think: I talked to many people, even some I hated, to learn the things I put in it. Other things I had to guess at. That’s true in any history, and don’t trust the historian who says differently. I began the tale long ago but finished it only tonight. You may no longer remember that you asked for it. But I think it’s a tale that you need to hear.

  Wyrththeorn, you are the youngest of my many sons, and you have caused me more worry than the others put together. From the time that you were hatched, I constantly found you causing some kind of mischief with your clever fingers, your crafty mind, your crooked, insistent urge to know and do.

  I have here beside me a letter from Rystyrn, your most recent master in the arts of making. He says that he will not have you in his shop. You are disruptive; you are defiant; you cause dangerous fires with your experiments in making; you disturb the other apprentices with your odd remarks about geometry and ethics. He says you cannot be taught, and it is almost true: you cannot be taught by him. And he is the last master of making under Thrymhaiam who would consent to take you as an apprentice, and then only because your ruthen-kin, the Eldest of Theorn Clan, begged him to. Your shadow walks before you, my son, and it is very dark.

  There is only one other person in my life who has caused me so much wonder, amazement, and grief.

  And so, Wyrth, if you have read this far, I give you a choice. In the morning, go to Master Rystyrn and make your humblest apologies. Be a good student to him, and he will be a good master to you, and someday you will have a place of honor under these mountains.

  Or leave these mountains. Leave the Wardlands. Find our harven-kin Morlock in the unguarded lands, as I long ago tried to do and failed. We hear many tales of him these days, and few of them good. But all agree that he is a wonderworker beyond compare, even beyond what he was in his youth, when the greatest makers of Thrymhaiam already acclaimed him as their master.

  Stay or go. I know you will be a trouble to me wherever you are. It’s that way with everyone I love.



  The Lands of Laent during the Ontilian Interregnum

  Laent is a flat or shield-shaped land mass bordered by ocean to the west and south and empty space to the east; north of Laent is a region of uninhabitable cold; south of Laent is a large and largely unexplored continent, Qajqapca. Beyond that is believed to be an impassable zone of fire.

  Along the western edge of Laent lies the Wardlands, a highly developed but secretive culture. It has no government, as such, but its borders are protected by a small band of seers and warriors called the Graith of Guardians.

  Dividing Laent into two unequal halves, north and south, are a pair of mountain ranges: the Whitethorn Range (running from the Western Ocean eastward) and the Blackthorn Range (running from the Eastern Edge westward). There is a pass between the two mountain ranges, the Dolich Kund (later the Kirach Kund). North of the Dolich Kund there are only two human cities of any note, Narkunden and Aflraun. The rest of the North is a heavily wooded and mountainous region inhabited by humans and others of a more or
less fabulous nature (e.g., the werewolf city of Wuruyaaria).

  The Whitethorn Range, by custom, forms the northern border of the Wardlands. The Blackthorn Range is divided between the untamed dragons and the Heidhhaiar (the Endless Empire) of the dwarves.

  Immediately south of the Whitethorn Range was the wreckage of the old Empire of Ontil, ruined by its rulers’ ambitions, ineptitude, and misused powers. A period of general chaos and more or less continuous warfare obtained in these lands until the advent of the Vraidish tribes and the rise of the Second Empire of Ontil (ongoing in the present story).

  South of the former Empire of Ontil lay the so-called Kingdom of Kaen. The ancient cities of the Kaeniar considered themselves at perpetual war with the Wardlands, which lay just across the Narrow Sea. The Wardlands, however, took little notice of the Kaeniar or any other domain of the unguarded lands.

  The region between the Grartan Mountains and the Whitethorns was called the Gap of Lone by inhabitants of the unguarded lands. Inhabitants of (and exiles from) the Wardlands called it “the Maze” because of the magical protections placed on it.

  Immediately south of the Blackthorns was a wooded region of extremely poor repute, Tychar. Farther south was the Anhikh Kômos of Cities, Ontil’s great rival who unaccountably failed to take advantage of Ontil’s fall to extend its domains. The largest Anhikh city, where the Kômarkh lives, is Vakhnhal, along the southern coast of Laent. Anhi may or may not extend its domain to the Eastern Edge of the world—accounts differ.

  Appendix B

  The Gods of Laent

  There is no universally accepted religious belief, except in Anhi, where the government enforces the worship of Torlan and Zahkaar (Fate and Chaos).

  In Ontil an eclectic set of gods are worshipped or not worshipped, especially (under the influence of Coranian exiles from the Wardlands) the Strange Gods, including Death, Justice, Peace, Misery, Love, and Memory.

  In Kaen, each city and many places in the country have at least one local god, whose priesthood serves as one of the two branches of government (the other being the military and civil power of the tirgans). There is, at least in theory, a higher rank of national gods, and an upper echelon of universal gods, although their actual existence has been disputed by a significant minority of Kaenish heresiarchs.

  In the Wardlands at least three gods, or three aspects of one god, are worshipped: the Creator, the Sustainer, and the Avenger (“Creator, Keeper, and King”).

  The dwarves of the Wardlands evidently assent to these beliefs. (At any rate, they have been known to swear by these deities.) But they have another, perhaps older, belief in immortal ancestor spirits who watch the world and judge it from beyond the western edge of the world. The spirits of the virtuous dead collect in the west through the day and night and pass through at the moment of dawn, when the sun enters the world and the gate in the west is opened. Spirits of the evil dead, or spirits that have been bound in some way, may not pass through the gate in the west. Hence, dwarves each day (at sunrise, or when they awake) praise the rising of the sun and the passage of the good ghosts to Those-Who-Watch in the west.

  Appendix C

  Calendar and Astronomy

  1. Astronomical Remarks

  The sky of Laent has three moons: Chariot, Horseman, and Trumpeter (in descending order of size).

  The year has 375 days. The months are marked by the rising or setting of the second moon, Horseman. So that (in the year The Wide World’s End begins) Horseman rises on the first day of Bayring, the penultimate month. It sets on the first of Borderer, the last month. It rises very early in the morning on the first day of Cymbals, the first month of the new year. The other two moons set simultaneously on this occasion. (The number of months are uneven—fifteen—so that Horseman rises or sets on the first morning of the year in alternating years.)

  The period of Chariot (the largest moon, whose rising and setting marks the seasons) is 187.5 days. (So a season is 93.75 days.)

  The period of Horseman is fifty days.

  The period of Trumpeter is fifteen days. A half-cycle of Trumpeter is a “call.” Calls are either “bright” or “dark” depending on whether Trumpeter is aloft or not. (Usage: “He doesn’t expect to be back until next bright call.”)

  The seasons are not irregular, as on Earth. But the moons’ motion is not uniform through the sky: motion is faster near the horizons, slowest at zenith. Astronomical objects are brighter in the west, dimmer in the east.

  The three moons and the sun rise in the west and set in the east. The stars have a different motion entirely, rotating NWSE around a celestial pole. The pole points at a different constellation among a group of seven (the polar constellations) each year. (Hence, a different group of nonpolar constellations is visible near the horizons each year.) This seven-year cycle (the Ring) is the basis for dating, with individual years within it named for their particular polar constellations.

  The polar constellations are the Reaper, the Ship, the Hunter, the Door, the Kneeling Man, the River, and the Wolf.

  There is an intrapolar constellation, the Hands, within the space inscribed by the motion of the pole.

  This calendar was first developed in the Wardlands, and then it spread to the unguarded lands by exiles. In the Wardlands, years are dated from the founding of New Moorhope, the center of learning. The action of The Wide World’s End begins in the 407th Ring, Moorhope year 3242, the Year of the Hunter.

  2. The Years of The Wide World’s End

  407th Ring, 2843 N.M.: Year of the Door

  1. Cymbals.

  New Year. Winter begins.

  1st: Chariot & Trumpeter set. Horseman rises.

  8th & 23rd: Trumpeter rises.

  2. Jaric.

  1st: Horseman sets. 13th: Trumpeter rises.

  3. Brenting.

  1st: Horseman rises. 3rd & 18th: Trumpeter rises.

  4. Drums.

  1st: Horseman sets. 8th & 23rd: Trumpeter rises.

  Midnight of 94th day of the year (19 Drums):

  Chariot rises. Spring begins.

  5. Rain.

  1st: Horseman rises. 13th: Trumpeter rises.

  6. Marrying.

  1st: Horseman sets. 3rd & 18th: Trumpeter rises.

  7. Ambrose.

  1st: Horseman rises. 8th and 23rd: Trumpeter rises.

  8. Harps.

  1st: Horseman sets.13th: Trumpeter rises.

  Evening of the 188th day of year (19 Harps):

  Chariot sets; Midyear—Summer begins.

  9. Tohrt.

  1st: Horseman rises. 3rd & 18th: Trumpeter rises.

  10. Remembering.

  1st: Horseman sets. 8th & 23rd: Trumpeter rises.

  11. Victory.

  1st: Horseman rises.13th: Trumpeter rises.

  12. Harvesting.

  1st: Horseman sets. 3rd & 18th: Trumpeter rises.

  6th: Chariot rises, noon of 281st day of year. Fall begins.

  13. Mother and Maiden.

  1st: Horseman rises. 8th & 23rd: Trumpeter rises.

  14. Bayring.

  1st: Horseman sets. 13th: Trumpeter rises.

  15. Borderer.

  1st: Horseman rises. 3rd & 18th: Trumpeter rises.

  407th Ring, 2848 N.M.: Year of the Kneeling Man

  1. Cymbals.

  New Year. Winter begins.

  1st: Chariot, Horseman & Trumpeter all set.

  8th & 23rd: Trumpeter rises.

  2. Jaric.

  1st: Horseman rises. 13th: Trumpeter rises.

  3. Brenting.

  1st: Horseman sets. 3rd & 18th: Trumpeter rises.

  4. Drums.

  1st: Horseman rises. 8th & 23rd: Trumpeter rises.

  Midnight of 94th day of the year (19 Drums):

  Chariot rises. Spring begins.

  5. Rain.

  1st: Horseman sets. 13th: Trumpeter rises.

  6. Marrying.

  1st: Horseman rises. 3rd & 18th: Trumpeter rises.

  7. Ambrose.
  1st: Horseman sets. 8th and 23rd: Trumpeter rises.

  8. Harps.

  1st: Horseman rises.13th: Trumpeter rises.

  Evening of the 188th day of year (19 Harps):

  Chariot sets; Midyear—Summer begins.

  9. Tohrt.

  1st: Horseman sets. 3rd & 18th: Trumpeter rises.

  10. Remembering.

  1st: Horseman rises. 8th & 23rd: Trumpeter rises.

  11. Victory.

  1st: Horseman sets.13th: Trumpeter rises.

  12. Harvesting.

  1st: Horseman rises. 3rd & 18th: Trumpeter rises.

  6th: Chariot rises, noon of 281st day of year. Fall begins.

  13. Mother and Maiden.

  1st: Horseman sets. 8th & 23rd: Trumpeter rises.

  14. Bayring.

  1st: Horseman rises. 13th: Trumpeter rises.

  15. Borderer.

  1st: Horseman sets. 3rd & 18th: Trumpeter rises.

  Appendix D

  The Wardlands and the Graith of Guardians

  According to Gabriel McNally’s reconstruction (generally accepted by scholars of Ambrosian legend, always excepting Julian Emrys), the Wardlands were an anarchy with no formal government at all. According to legend, the Wardlands had not been a kingdom since the golden age at the beginning of time, when the King (usually identified with the divine aspect known as God Avenger) ruled in person in Laent and elsewhere. Since then it has been considered blasphemous, or at least irrationally presumptuous, for any person to assert a claim to rule the Wardlands. Those who try to do so are exiled or (in extreme cases) killed.

  What in other cultures would have been state functions (national defense, dispute resolution, even road building and repair, etc.) were carried on by voluntary cooperatives: the Arbiters of the Peace, the Guild of Silent Men, the League of Rhetors, etc. Most famous in the unguarded lands was the Graith of Guardians, sworn to maintain the guard.

  The Graith had three ranks of Guardian: the lowest and most numerous were the thains, wearing a gray cape of office. They were hardly more than candidates to the Graith proper, and they undertook to obey their seniors in the Graith, even more senior thains.


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