Mated to the Barbarian Heir: A Sci-Fi Alien Action Pregnancy Romance

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Mated to the Barbarian Heir: A Sci-Fi Alien Action Pregnancy Romance Page 1

by Abella Ward

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  Mated to the Barbarian Heir

  A Fantasy Romance

  By: Abella Ward

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten


  Specially Selected Bonus Content (LIMITED TIME ONLY!)

  Contemporary Romance Collection

  Vampire Romance Collection

  Paranormal Shifter Romance Collection

  Alien Romance: The Alien Warrior's Secret Baby

  Alien Romance: Abducted by the Alien Dragon

  Alien Romance: Caged by the Barbarian

  About Abella Ward

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  There was a time when he thought he was born cursed. Yes, cursed, because he was past his age according to the Elder, the King, and he still didn’t have a mate. His pride hurt, rage took him over and he became reckless, plundering planets and invading cities. It had been a few decades since he was exiled to R13, a distant moon of Iovis.

  As a Drakonaar, Prince Darilth was heir to the Rothgar throne. They were an ancient race descended from dragon-like creatures who had first lived on the ice planet of Iovis for thousands of years.

  When the Drakonaar first invaded the planet centuries ago, they didn’t have the ability to shape-shift. The Rothgar King at that time mated with the native Dragon Queen, birthing the first hybrid Drakonaar with the ability to shape-shift into a dragon form and also convert his mate into a shifter. Thus, over the years, the bloodline evolved into powerful shapeshifters.

  Now, as heir to the Rothgar throne, Prince Darilth’s duty was to find his true mate, produce an heir, and regain the power of the Draco’s Eye. The Eye was an ancient blue stone with ultimate healing powers – one that could only be awakened by his true mate.

  The power of the Eye could heal the sick and injured and make the bearer a powerful ruler of the galaxy: a protector of his home planet and of the worlds in his star system. But at the same time, in the wrong hands, it could become a dark force of destruction, giving the bearer limitless power to invade and annihilate planets, enslaving their people.

  The Eye’s magic had been dormant since the last worthy bearer died a few centuries back. It had been handed down to the next successor, his great, great grandfather. Unfortunately, his mate could not awaken it. They could no longer protect the planets that belonged to their kingdom. War broke out some time later as barbarians from a distant galaxy invaded, attacking the neighboring planets. Now Iovis was threatened as well.

  So, the burden of finding a true mate fell on his shoulders.

  It was a challenge, and the Prince feared he would end up like his ancestors, unable to find her. He remembered the witch’s words all those years ago. He had stood before her and looked straight into her eyes while she had the vision. She had said his true mate was of another world. A woman who was different even among her own kind.

  His men had searched far across the Delta Quadrant for this woman. Yet, all efforts had been futile. What was he missing? As the years rolled by, he became ever more doubtful of the witch’s prophecy.

  His failure to find his true mate had made him cynical. When his commander told him he might have a better chance at finding her on the distant space station Andromeda 13, he reluctantly agreed to embark on a new search mission. They were on their way there, crossing a galaxy they had never been to before, when one of the ship’s engines failed. They were forced to crash land on the nearest planet - a small world called Earth.

  It had been a few Earth days, as he had come to know them, since they had crashed. Earth was warm. The air was thick, gravity heavy, and walking difficult. The breathing pills they always carried helped him through the day.

  As he gazed at the woman standing outside the stone and brick building tending to her garden, he wondered why he was so fascinated by her. There was something about her that made him gaze at her as she worked throughout the late afternoon. Her stark white skin almost made her seem like a ghost – a wraith. Her long, ice-blonde hair glistened in the sun. She seems unusual, he thought. Totally different from the others. She had the same features as other humans, but her hair and skin made her look different. Odd, he thought. She almost seemed one of his own kind. His breath hitched then, the witch’s words storming back to him...

  She would be of another world, but different from her own kind...

  She is the one, his inner dragon, Mekarth, hissed. She’s your true mate.

  He had to be careful, yet he knew she couldn’t see him. He had hidden among the trees almost a hundred yards away, his hood pulled down over his face and his dark clothing camouflaged against the thicket. He didn’t want to draw any undue attention from the inhabitants of this planet. The humans. They were known to be violent, thus it would be better if he didn’t interact with them. He saw her go inside. For a brief moment, he had the strange urge to follow her, but he stopped himself. He took a deep breath as he turned, returning to fix his ship.

  Chapter One

  Earth – Present Day

  She was a ghost. A wraith that walked the silent and gloomy halls of the Convent dressed in her white habit. Born with albinism, Ella Stewart had stark white skin and silver-white hair that made her an outcast.

  The night was eerily silent as she stood at the small window of her room staring out at the night sky. Sleep evaded her. Almost all of the girls had left for summer holidays, gone home to their families. Except her. Nobody came to pick her up. Nobody called. She was alone and nobody cared. She still remembered the day her aunt had decided to send her there. Her aunt’s words still rang in her ears, cold as ice. She was only nine... And she had stood at the top landing of the stairs, frozen, listening to her aunt and uncle’s conversation.

  “I can’t take care of her anymore. She’s already having problems at school with other kids,” her aunt Nora had said. “She would be better off at the Convent.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” her husband said. Within the next few days, she was sent packing here.

  Tears blurred her vision until she took off her glasses and wiped them off her face at the bitter memory. She thought she would be free when she came of age. She thought she would leave the Convent and go out into the world, but fate had decided otherwise. She was forced to take the vows when she turned eighteen. Her aunt thought she would be better off as a nun since her “condition” would not allow her to do any other job. She began teaching at the convent’s senior school. Since then, her life hadn’t become any better, losing a little more color every day.

  She put on her glasses and stared outside. Old sister Margaret, her dorm warden, was taking the final rounds across the yard, back bent as she walked with flashlight in hand. Ella suddenly saw herself years from now. She winced as loneliness gnawed at her heart, wondering if she would grow old in t
hat same gray building, ever more bitter and resentful as the years rolled by.

  She turned off her lamp and the room drowned in darkness. Today was her birthday. She had turned twenty-three and her aunt hadn’t even called. Sighing, she was about to turn when her eye caught a strange gleam of light radiating from the trees right outside the back garden. It was past midnight, and she wondered who could be out there at this hour. Then, she saw sister Margaret heading out the back toward the light.

  Where was the old woman going? Ella’s curiosity got the better of her, and she picked up her flashlight. Still in her nightgown, she tiptoed downstairs, her pumps not making a sound. Passing through the kitchen door, she quietly made her way outside to the backyard and across the garden toward the back wall. The door in the wall was open as she stepped outside.

  There was a full moon that night, so she decided not to turn the flashlight on. Slowly, she followed Sister Margaret’s path into the thicket. She could still make out the faint light coming from the other side of the trees. Carefully stepping over bushes and brambles, she made her way toward the end. When she reached the opening, she gasped.

  In the dim light of the moon, Sister Margaret’s body lay sprawled upon the ground in the trees a few feet away. Splashes of red smeared her white habit. She had never been fond of the old woman, who had always treated her coldly – like she wasn’t worthy. Yet, the sight of her body mired in blood was still disturbing.

  Staggering, she took a few steps back into the shadows. Two strong hands grabbed her from behind, and her scream was lost on her lips as a hand closed in on her mouth. She felt herself being dragged back towards the trees. Her captor suddenly turned her in his arms and pinned her back to a tree, his body against hers. Her breathing became labored. There was no way she could escape. He was tall, she noticed, towering over her. His hand still on her mouth, she saw the man’s face in the dim moonlight. His chalk white face was half hidden by his hood, but it was his piercing sapphire blue eyes that caught her attention.


  Prince Darilth looked at the woman he had pinned to the tree. He had managed to prevent her from entering the force field he had placed around the area. The old woman had trespassed it, and was badly injured by the blow of the force field. He couldn’t heal her even if he wanted to, so he had no choice but to kill her.

  He put the translator in the woman’s ear. “Do not make a sound,” he said in a deep voice as he gazed into her pale blue eyes. He caught her scent and his chest constricted. It was intoxicating.

  She nodded and he slowly moved his hand away. He pulled back his hood so she could take a good look at him. He heard her gasp.

  “P-please don’t kill me,” she implored, tears streaming down her face.

  He held her, ignoring her pleas. He tried reading her mind telepathically, but something was wrong. He couldn’t seem to get into her mind.

  Prince Darilth gazed at her for some time. Why couldn’t he read her thoughts? That had never happened before. This woman was unusual. He carefully took off her glasses.

  “No... please don’t... I-I can’t...” she stammered, blinking rapidly and lowering her eyes.

  “Look at me,” he said, ignoring her protests as he cupped her chin with one hand. Her breathing was labored, he noticed. She was even more beautiful up close, he thought. And very much frightened.

  She looked up and gazed at him, and he could see she expected him to kill her.

  Then, it happened. The silver band with the big blue stone he wore on his wrist began to glow. His chest constricted and he felt a tug in his heart. He was certain of it now. The bond was there. It was a force as strong as any – something he had never felt before.

  She is the one! His inner dragon, Mekarth, exclaimed. The Draco’s Eye senses it. Claim her now!

  He couldn’t believe his luck. The Draco’s Eye had responded to the woman. For centuries, the stone’s magic had been dormant and many of his ancestors’ mates couldn’t awaken it. Yet, this woman had done it. It was incredible.

  “What do they call you, woman?” he asked her in his deep, demanding tone.

  “El-Ella,” she stuttered.

  “Ella,” he echoed.

  Slowly, he placed both of his hands on her cheeks and wiped away her tears. Then, he placed two fingers of each of his hands at her temples as he gazed into her blue eyes.

  The next few minutes were the strangest that Ella had ever experienced. With his fingertips on her temples, she felt her vision coming into focus. She blinked again, wondering what he was doing to her as she struggled to maintain eye contact with the stranger. And within the next few seconds, she could see. He had healed her.

  “How did you...?” she whispered gazing at him as her fear turned to wonder.

  “You won’t be needing these anymore,” he said matter-of-factly, throwing her glasses away. He could feel his healing powers improving. The Eye had responded and now he only needed to claim her to fully awaken his powers.


  Ella knew he wasn’t human the moment she had looked into those cold blue eyes. And now she couldn’t stop staring at the subtle scales around the bone of his brow and temples. His long, silver-white hair was similar to hers, she thought.

  She felt a pull toward him. The way he gazed at her, his voice, and his scent. Something about his features was so alluring.

  Suddenly, guilt rose inside her. What was wrong with her? Her mind was full of sinful thoughts. Her body was behaving in a way she had never known before as something deep and low filled her belly, making her squirm. Then, she noticed his eyes. His pupils had turned to slits, the sapphire blue irises much darker.

  He immediately sensed her arousal and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The women of his race had never responded to him this way. This was a first for him. In one swift movement, he cupped her chin, tipping her head back. His lips were upon hers with a passion that took her breath away. His tongue invaded her mouth as if claiming her as his own. Long after he pulled away, she had that dazed look in her eyes – the look of a woman who had just experienced her first kiss. She struggled to catch her breath.

  “Who are you?” she asked him, dazed.

  He simply gazed back at her, taking out a small cylindrical device from his pocket and pressing it against her neck.

  Something hot seared her neck. Before she could react, her vision blurred once more and darkness engulfed her. Her head fell forward onto his chest as she went into a deep slumber.

  He picked her up, her body light as a feather, and carried her out into the clearing. The moon was waning as he tapped the small panel on his wrist and unlocked the cloaking field. A hulking spacecraft now stood in the vast clearing beyond the trees where nothing was visible to the human eye before. He took her inside and secured her in a sleep capsule. She would be in hyper-sleep all throughout the journey. In the next few hours, his men finished fixing the ship and left Earth’s atmosphere. Once it was deep in space, the captain set the course for Iovis and the ship went into warp speed, racing across the universe.

  Chapter Two

  In Another Universe

  It had been months since they left Earth and Prince Darilth couldn’t stop thinking about Ella. Her sweet scent and the taste of her lips, soft as silk, invaded his thoughts all the time. No woman had ever had this effect on him. The feeling was alien and it unnerved him. There were times when he would just gaze at her as she slept in her capsule, oblivious to the stranger observing her. He wondered if she would agree to marry him once she awoke. He thought of how he could make her understand he was her true mate… that they were destined to be together.

  She will understand, Mekarth hissed. And if she resists, you claim her anyway. She is your mate!

  But he didn’t want to force her. He hoped his father would approve of her. She was frail, not strongly built like the women on his planet, he knew. He had this strange urge to protect her fiercely.

  She was his mate! he thought, jaw clenched. They woul
d have to accept her no matter what. The witch’s prophecy had come true, he thought as he walked back to his chambers.

  Back in his quarters, he poured himself a glass of dark purple wine and took a swig to soothe his agitated nerves. They would be landing on Iovis in a few days. The long wait was almost over.


  It was the cold that woke her. Out of habit, she felt for her glasses near the pillow but couldn’t find them. It took her some time to realize that she could see clearly without them. Then, she remembered everything as it all rushed back to her, a deluge of memory. The stranger, the old nun’s body, her healed eyes, the kiss...

  Her head spun. She tried sitting up, but her body was stiff from the cold. She noticed she was naked under the covers. Looking around, she wondered where she was. It wasn’t her gray room at the convent. She was in a huge, quite comfortable bed inside a room with stone walls. Her head rested on plush pillows and an ornate chandelier hung from the ceiling. Warm, dim electric lighting lit the room. It was as if she was in an ancient castle with modern fittings.

  Her hands and feet were freezing. She glanced around and saw the window was closed, heavy curtains drawn over it. The air was thin and she was finding it hard to breathe. Too exhausted and weak to move, she lay back in the pillows.

  “Hello?” she called out, wondering where the stranger was who held her captive. It wasn’t long before the heavy wooden door to her room opened and her captor strode in.

  He was tall, taller than any human male she had seen. He wore dark pants and a dark coat with a hooded cloak over his shoulders. His long silver white hair was tied at the nape of his neck. He strode over to her bed and she gasped, instinctively clutching the blanket as she covered her breasts.

  “Where am I? And who are you?” she blurted out, her blue eyes wide.

  “You are at the Rothgar Castle,” he said curtly, “And you can call me Darilth.” He gazed at her frightened form, tilting his head to one side, seemingly amused.


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