Mated to the Barbarian Heir: A Sci-Fi Alien Action Pregnancy Romance

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Mated to the Barbarian Heir: A Sci-Fi Alien Action Pregnancy Romance Page 29

by Abella Ward

  “Hi, you must be Kelly,” the older woman said, smiling at her. “I’m afraid Mr. Moretti had to run out for a few hours and won’t be able to meet with you to do the orientation. He has, however, asked me to get you situated.”

  Kelly smiled and nodded.

  “Come in.”

  Kelly crossed the threshold and was mesmerized by the beautiful décor. It was strange that a man with such masculine taste could live in a house so properly balanced.

  “You can leave your bag by the door,” the woman told her. “I’m Margret, by the way. You can call me Maggie.”

  Kelly noted the genuine smile and the way she seemed at ease. They spent little over half an hour touring the house. Kelly was shown to April’s wing, where the little girl stayed and she would also room. She was shown a bit of Oscar’s side of the house, which only had his bedroom, a library and his personal office. The rest of the house consisted of a kitchen, dining room, bathrooms, a gym and, to her surprise, an outdoor pool and tennis court.

  “Is that all?” Kelly asked, when they were back in the foyer.

  “Yes, that’s all. Your bag has been taken to your room. If you can find your way, I suggest you head on up there and unpack. I think Mr. Moretti will be here soon and he has little April with him.”

  Kelly took her advice and went to her room and unpacked the few clothes she had brought. She hoped her salary would be enough that she could get a few more child-friendly outfits before the month ended.

  A while later, there was a knock on her door.

  “Come in,” she said.

  The door opened to reveal Oscar who, as usual, was dressed in a well-fitted suit. She was so caught up in looking at him that she almost missed the little girl who was clinging to his hand. She turned her gaze to the little girl, who was looking at her in veiled horror. Kelly tilted her head to the side, the way her little sister used to do when she met strangers, and began to look at her. To her relief, the little girl also tilted her head to the side and looked at Kelly.

  “Nice to see you have gotten yourself settled,” Oscar said, smiling at her.

  “Yes, Maggie really helped me to get settled,” Kelly replied, with a smile.

  “Yes, she’s a sweetheart,” Oscar said. “Listen, Maggie is going to watch April for a bit. I need you to join me in my office so that I can discuss a few things with you.”

  “Sure,” Kelly replied, following him out of her room and into his study. April had run off to find Maggie.

  “Take a seat,” Oscar said, when they were in his office. “Now, as you can tell, my daughter is very precious to me,” he said, holding her gaze from where he sat across his desk.

  Kelly nodded.

  “I just wanted her to have female companionship, since her mother up and left her. That woman should have never had a child. I’m just happy that I have custody so April can grow up in an environment that’s safe for her,” Oscar said.

  “I understand,” Kelly replied.

  “Now, on to business. I leased a car for you to use while you’re under my employ. It comes equipped with a child seat and everything you might need to take April around. Of course, you can use it for your personal purposes if necessary. I assume you have a driver’s license?”

  “I do,” Kelly replied.

  He rifled through a few documents on his desk and passed one across the table to her. She looked down and realized it was her contract. She looked at the salary and almost choked on her own tongue.

  “Is this the right amount?” she asked, handing the contract back to him.

  “Yes,” Oscar replied, smiling. “I did say you would be paid considerably well.”

  “That’s an exorbitant figure,” Kelly said.

  “All my personal employees are paid the same standard fee,” Oscar said.

  Kelly was silent.

  “That’s all for now,” Oscar said. “You should take the contract and review it. You will only be responsible for April at an emotional level. The rest is being taken care of by her various tutors. You can take her out, take her swimming. Whatever you think would fascinate a little girl, as long as it can’t harm her.”

  “I think I understand,” Kelly responded.

  “Are your parents alright with this?” Oscar asked.

  “They came around,” she replied. “I just have to visit them once a week.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem,” Oscar replied, standing and walking towards her. “Can I assume you won’t be running off with a boyfriend of some sort?”

  “Oh no, no worries there,” Kelly replied. She noted the way that Oscar raised his brow.

  “No problem there? I would have thought a beautiful girl like you would be swimming in broken hearts,” he said, pinning her with an intense stare.

  This made Kelly laugh nervously. She was beginning to find him a bit more relatable than the stone-faced millionaire she had always imagined him to be.

  “I guess I’m not attracted to most of the guys in my peer group,” she said thoughtfully.

  “Why is that?” Oscar asked.

  “They’re quite different from what I grew up expecting men should be like. It seems that they’re more interested in virtual reality than actual reality.”

  “Wow, such strong words from such a young mind,” Oscar said, giving her a genuine smile.

  “Well, I’ve had a lot of time to think about it, being boyfriend-less and all,” Kelly replied.

  “So, what do you think men should be?” Oscar asked.

  “Not self-obsessed,” Kelly replied. “I’ve seen the way my father treats my mother, and he waits on her every beck and call as if they were his own needs.”

  “I guess all that was a different time,” Oscar said. “I could say the same thing of women in your generation. Take April’s mother, for instance.”

  “She did seem quite young,” Kelly said, referring to when she had met Julianna on the sidewalk.

  “Our relationship was a mistake. I should have seen it from the minute we met. The only good thing it produced was my daughter,” Oscar said.

  “And now?” Kelly asked.

  “Now I’m more focused on raising my daughter than anything else,” he said.

  Kelly saw the look in his eyes when he looked at her. She could tell he wanted to say something else but held himself back.

  “Well, if that’s all,” she said, standing, “I’d like to spend a bit more time getting to know April.”

  “The sooner the better,” Oscar said.

  Kelly walked out of his office, leaving him to stare after her. She was once again surprised at her attraction for Oscar.

  Chapter Five

  Kelly threw herself on the bed as exhaustion finally begun to kick in. She had been caring for April for two months now and there was no shortage of adventure for her charge. They had spent sleepless nights building blanket forts, days idling at the zoo and made numerous trips to the beach. Today had been one of those beach days that had drained her of most of her energy. Oscar had planned the trip to make up for missing dinner the previous night, and April had been over the moon. Kelly, who had grown accustomed to being blackmailed with puppy eyes and pouts, had been at the little girl’s mercy. They had packed their bags, taken the picnic basket Maggie had prepared and headed down to the beach.

  Kelly had been keyed up the entire time she was there. Besides his apparent love for his daughter, Oscar also sported amiable traits such as rock hard abs, exquisitely toned legs and muscular arms, one of which sported an excellently painted tattoo of a lion and the other an eagle. When she hadn’t been feeding or playing with April, she had found herself staring at Oscar. He had caught her a few times and had given her sly, playful grins which she responded to with shy smiles.

  Somehow, his looks had her wondering if it was proper workplace etiquette to wear her strappy bikini. She’d gone out and bought it just for days like these, and she knew the bright pink looked great against her dark skin. She had never been ashamed of being cu
rvy and now, as she sat on the beach staring at Oscar, she began to envision him touching her and holding her just as he had done that day in his office. She knew she had to be careful around him, because even though she wasn’t the thin, slinky type he liked, she had a feeling he wanted more from her than he was letting on.

  After what seemed like a million years, mostly spent trying to resolve her unusual attraction, they had left to take April for ice cream. They had returned home soon after and Oscar had taken a sleeping April to her room while Kelly had headed straight towards the showers.

  Now she tried her best to shut her eyes and sleep, but images of Oscar kept flashing through her head. Just then, there was a knock on her door. She wrapped her towel a bit tighter around her and went to open it, just in case April had woken up and wanted to use her bed, which she had begun doing more recently. She was, however, surprised to find Oscar standing on the other side of her door. He looked startled to see her wrapped only in a towel.

  “I should probably come back,” he said.

  “It’s fine,” Kelly replied.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I would like to take you and April to a family function tomorrow. My sister is graduating from law school and I’m throwing her a party.”

  “Oh, that should be interesting,” Kelly replied.

  “Oh, yes,” he replied. “It should be.”

  He stepped closer to her. Fire burned inside of her. He had that look on his face again. Kelly wasn’t sure what to do, but the one thing she was sure of was that she did not want to step back. He took another step; he was so close now. She was staring at his lips and the next thing she knew he was kissing her. Kelly felt as if she was on fire. She had never felt this attraction to any person in her life, and as Oscar ran his hands up and down her back she felt a tension that she didn’t know had been building up begin to release. Oscar deepened the kiss and stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him. The towel fell to the floor.

  Kelly gasped as his hands came in direct contact with her skin. Oscar kicked the towel away. He walked her backwards until she was pressed against the wall. His touch against her skin was urgent and almost careful. Kelly felt as if she was at a disadvantage backed up against the wall and naked, when he was fully clothed. She tugged at the hem of his t-shirt and was satisfied when he pulled it over his head. Kelly felt the warmth of his skin against her and savoured the way the feel of their bodies touching set her body afire. She was not satisfied, though, and she pulled at the hems of his shorts, which he quickly removed.

  “I want you so badly,” he whispered against her ear, as he pulled her leg up and nestled himself between her legs. Kelly gasped as the warmth of him flooded her.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  “Not just yet,” Oscar said, leading her toward the bed. “Lay down.”

  Kelly obeyed, and slowly climbed onto the bed and lay down. She felt no shame with Oscar. All she wanted to do was make love to him.

  “That’s right,” he said, climbing onto the bed.

  He looked down at her naked body as she lay on the bed. For a moment she thought he was going to pull away, but instead he reached down and brushed a lock of hair from her face. Kelly wasted no time and reached up to touch the finely-toned abs she had been fantasizing about all day. The feel of his skin against her hands was driving her crazy. Kelly looked up into Oscar’s eyes and saw the intensity in his eyes as he looked down at her naked body.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” he said, before pulling her back in for a kiss. This time she could feel the urgency in his touch. “Beautiful.”

  Kelly felt his dominating presence then and somehow it made her want him even more. She tried to push herself up onto her elbows to look at him, but he forced her back onto the bed.

  “Slowly, darling,” he said. “I’ve been thinking about this ever since I saw you on that pavement.”

  Kelly had no time to reply as he began kissing her again. He moved his kisses down to her neck, which caused her body to go completely limp. She was having trouble differentiating reality from the fantasy she had just slipped into. Oscar moved lower, lavishing her breasts with kisses. She let out a soft scream when he sucked her nipple into his mouth. Fireworks went off in her head as he teased and tantalised her body with his hands. When Kelly thought she could take no more, she felt the length of him pressing against her pelvis.

  “Oscar,” she whispered.

  Oscar let out a low groan and Kelly bit her lip as the length of him entered her. Her hips surged upwards to meet him thrust for thrust until their bodies collided with an urgency that drove them both off the edge.

  Kelly lay limp and spent beside Oscar, who had been silent for over five minutes now. She had never imagined herself having sex with her boss, let alone one who was so notorious for being a playboy. Kelly felt as if she should say something, but before she could do it Oscar sat up and looked over at her.

  “We need to talk,” he said.

  “Yes, we do,” Kelly replied, thinking of all the horrible things he was about to say to her. She would need to prepare herself for the worst. There was no way a man like Oscar would want to be with a woman like her, and with everything that had just happened, there was no way he would keep her on. At least she would be able to leave with her dignity, knowing that she had wanted this as well.

  Before Oscar or Kelly could say anything, there was another knock on the door. Oscar jumped up suddenly and stared down into her eyes. Kelly tried to cover her body with her hands, but Oscar clutched her hands.

  “Don’t,” he said, before reaching down and planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  The knock on the door came again. Oscar left the bed and pulled his clothes on, then stooped down to pick up her towel and toss it to her. Kelly grabbed it and wrapped it around herself before coming off the bed to stand beside Oscar. Just like the first time she had stood in his office, she saw a flash of something in his eyes that was quickly replaced.

  “We can talk later,” he said, walking to the door and opening it.

  Kelly watched as April walked in with her teddy bear clutched to her chest.

  “Ready for nap nap,” April said, before proceeding to climb onto Kelly’s bed and curl up into her sleeping position.

  Kelly looked up at Oscar, who was once again staring at her. Kelly waited until he left before she closed the door and let out a sigh of relief. She had no idea how she had let things go so far. It was obvious to her that Oscar had enjoyed it as much as she had, but she had no idea what would happen now that she had slept with her boss. She knew for sure that things would be awkward going forward. She only hoped it would not affect April.


  The three of them arrived at Oscar’s parents’ house while the party was in full swing. They entered the house together, April clinging to her hand and Oscar leading the way. There were a lot more people there than she had imagined. After a few minutes, April took off with a set of children she had been told were cousins of some sort. Oscar took her hand and led her through the house to where most people were enjoying lively conversation. This was the first time they had been in physical contact since the night they had made love. Oscar had spent most of the morning out of the house and, by the time he had stopped by the house, it had been time to leave. Kelly did her best not to let the feel of their skin touching lead her to any conclusions. Oscar had yet to say anything to her and for now she was still just the nanny, no matter how right it felt to have him hold her hand and lead her through his childhood home.

  Kelly realized his parents were not as old as she had thought they would be, and she was even more surprised to see his sister, who stood at about six feet tall with a thin figure that was fit for any runway. Oscar noticed her gaze and smiled.

  “Believe me, I’m still the hottest one in this family,” he said.

  Just then, his sister charged towards them with her arms outstretched.

  “Oscar,” she screamed. “It’s been forever s
een I last saw you.”

  “You know how work gets,” he said shyly.

  “And who is this?” his sister asked, motioning towards Kelly.

  “This is Kelly. She’s been helping me with April since I left Julianna,” he said.

  Kelly took note of the way he had introduced her.

  “Oh, wow, that’s awesome. I’m Mason,” his sister said, stretching her hand out to Kelly. Before Kelly could take it, April ran through the middle of the group, chasing a little boy and screaming with glee. Mason laughed. “It seems like you’re having a good effect on my niece. She hardly ever plays with anyone.”

  “Just a little encouragement here and there does the job,” Kelly replied.

  “Sure does,” Oscar said, smiling at her.

  Kelly could tell he wasn’t talking about April, but she chose to keep that to herself. She needed to clear her head of Oscar, and the best way to do that was to head back to her parents’ for a night. After their tryst together she no idea where they stood and whether or not he was just using her as his little plaything until he got bored. She knew she wasn’t his type and that made it even harder for her to imagine their relationship being anything but sexual.

  Chapter Six

  Kelly returned home the next day to find that April was gone and the usual house staff were also absent. She made her way to her room to get settled and call Oscar, so she could figure out what to do. As she passed the kitchen, she noticed a woman standing in there. She had her back turned to Kelly and she seemed to be looking at something on the kitchen counter. Kelly wasn’t sure what to do, so she opted to clear her throat to get the stranger’s attention. The woman turned around and Kelly was surprised to see that it was Julianna, April’s mother.

  “Oh, hi,” Kelly said, walking towards Julianna. She looked surprised to see Kelly standing there.

  “Kelly, I presume,” she said.

  “Yes,” Kelly replied. “Is Oscar somewhere around here?”

  “Oh no, but he called me and told me he wanted me to come back,” Julianna said.


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