Mated to the Barbarian Heir: A Sci-Fi Alien Action Pregnancy Romance

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Mated to the Barbarian Heir: A Sci-Fi Alien Action Pregnancy Romance Page 141

by Abella Ward

  "I don't want to sleep." She stroked Ishoel's tiny nose. "We need to decide what to do now. Are you hesitant to accept the position on the Science Board because you're afraid I'll want to go back to Earth?"

  "Have I ever told you that I greatly admire your directness, Gemma?"

  Her eyes narrowed. "Don't change the subject."

  Shay chuckled softly but quickly sobered. He didn't want to put any undue pressure on her. He had thought that they would have several years before having to make this choice, but everything had happened more quickly than he anticipated.

  "I promised you that we would return to Earth, that I would live there with you to continue my research." He stroked her hand.

  "If you took the position, would you have to give up your research?"

  Shay ran a hand over her beautiful, soft hair. He marveled at the silky texture for a moment. "No. But I won't be able to do it the same way I am now. I would be expected to send others in my place with the research parameters. I would have many duties on Bronæl that would mean I couldn't be away for long periods of time."

  "So if you took it, we'd have to stay on Bronæl and could only return to Earth for visits?"


  Gemma frowned. Her lips tightened and her nose wrinkled like it always did when she was deep in thought. After a moment, she let out a pent-up sigh. "I don't have any family there. I don't have many friends. And I just got fired from my job. I don't think there's a lot that's holding me to Earth. And two very big draws to Bronæl."

  Shay held his breath.

  "Ishoel wouldn't exactly blend in, either."

  "We could use a shimmering cloak once she's a little older. It's completely harmless. But are you sure? After everything that happened here—"

  "It's not going to happen again, is it?" Gemma raised a brow, indicating it was more of a statement than a question.

  Shay shook his head. "No."

  Gemma blew out a breath and looked down at Ishoel. "Then it's settled. We'll stay. Take vacations to Earth once Izzy is old enough to understand why she can't tell people we're visiting from another planet."

  "Izzy?" Shay made a face–he would never understand the human tendency to make perfectly good names shorter. But if that was what Gemma wanted, he could learn to accept the short name. "Are you certain that you'll be happy here? Earth is your home."

  Gemma shook her head. "Earth is the place I lived. For a long time now, it hasn't been my home. You have been. And now you and Ishoel both are my home. Wherever you are, I’ll be there too."

  "That sounds familiar… Where did you get it from?"

  Gemma laughed. "I love you. I love you so much."

  The fires burned bright and happy inside Shay. He kissed his human hard, twirling his tongue around hers. "And I love you, Gemma. I love you."

  Chapter Ten

  Time would tell if her back would fully recover, but with Stlozyn healing techniques, Gemma was healed from the birth within a matter of days. Shay still wanted her to stay on bed rest, but she felt good enough to get up and moving. Just lying in bed was boring. And her desire for something spicy had returned.

  Gemma slipped a negligee over her head, checking out her reflection in the mirror to make sure it fit right. It felt strange to have lost so much weight so quickly, like she no longer fit in her own skin. She had to say, she didn't like it. She preferred being a little curvier. To hell with people telling her she weighed too much, she had felt like herself before.

  She slipped from the bedroom into the living room of her and Shay's apartment. Ishoel was down for a nap, giving them a couple of hours for a spicy dessert.

  Her dragon sat on the sofa, watching a holographic simulation of something that looked like DNA. Now that Ishoel had been born, Gemma felt comfortable giving small amounts of blood to him for his research. It was really helping him out.

  Shay suddenly jumped from the sofa and clapped his hands. The holographic projection flickered off. The dragon began doing some weird sort of jig. Gemma had to stifle a giggle. He looked so ridiculous with his robes flapping around him.

  "Good news?"

  "Great news!" He turned, scooping her into his arms. He swung her around before setting her back on the floor and looking at her ensemble. "Wow."

  Gemma pushed back her shoulders, making her chest pop. "What's the good news?"

  "Ummm…" Shay looked back at her eyes. "I've been working on an infusion of human DNA into Stlozyn DNA to try to vaccinate against the disease."

  "And it works?"

  "Better. It's actually reversing the effects of the disease. Simulated DNA works just as well, so it's not like we have to go and harvest human DNA from Earth."

  A grin blossomed over Gemma's face. "I knew you'd do it. You cured your people."

  "I'm going to accept the position on the Science Board. I've earned it now." Shay seized her and pulled her to his lips. He kissed her hard, making sparks erupt in her brain. "And I never could have done it without you."

  Gemma moaned and slung her arms around her dragon's neck, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. Shay responded with the same fervor, hands sliding down her back to grip her buttocks. With one quick motion, she tugged on the ties of his robe, loosening it, and pushed it off his shoulders. His flesh was so warm, so perfect. The tiny scales that glittered over his body were as smooth as skin but had a slightly different texture, a little harder. They didn't give under her touch.

  "You are so beautiful," she whispered, exploring the contours of his chest and abs with her hands. He was so strong, so solid. What had life been before they were together? It seemed a distant dream, too far away to be bothered with.

  "You are beautiful." Shay ran his fingers through her hair, moaning.

  "Are you ready for something spicy?"

  In response, Shay lifted her, wrapping her legs around his waist. He moved her to the wall, propping her up in their favorite position. Gemma's whole body felt warm, almost as if the fire inside of her dragon was moving from him to her. She gripped his short hair, using her legs around his waist as leverage. Their mouths met, tongues clashed. Gemma giggled when Shay ground against her.

  "I love how ready we both are right now." She moaned as he ground harder.

  "Me too. I love you. More than you can know."

  "And I love you more than you can know," Gemma shot back, not about to be beaten.

  She kissed her dragon's neck, suckling gently on the sensitive patch right at the base of his throat. That undid him, and somehow without releasing her, he removed the barriers between them and was inside her. He fit so perfectly, just like he had before Ishoel was born. Gemma groaned in pleasure, arching her back to his movement, her eyes sliding closed in bliss.

  This was all she wanted, all she needed. She was home in his arms, it was where she belonged. And right now, with his strength filling her, she couldn't imagine why she had ever wanted anything else.



  Gemma opened a sleepy eye. She propped herself up on an elbow, suppressing a yawn. "Did I fall asleep?"

  Shay brushed her hair from her face, smiling. "It's been a while since we did this, it's no surprise that it wore you out a little. I promise to be less… enthusiastic next time."

  "No!" Gemma shook her head, glaring at him. "You will do no such thing, you hear me? That was amazing."

  Shay laughed. "I only meant that I'll try not to wear you out so badly."

  "I'm not worn out. I'm ready for round three. Or four."

  She tried to think how many times they had made love, but couldn't. They had had to stop a couple of times to take care of the baby, but other than that they had been going at it for hours. Those hours felt good. Gemma couldn't even remember the last time she had felt so relaxed, so at peace. And so satisfied.

  "You always went easy on me back when we were on Earth," she accused. "Why?"

  "The shimmer cloak is only good if it isn't overtaxed. But I want to tell you something."

bsp; Gemma pressed herself to her elbows, stretching her lips to his. "What's that?"

  Shay indulged her kisses for a moment before he pulled back, laughing. "Stop that. This is important to me."

  "I'll behave," Gemma promised, folding her hands into her lap to prove it.

  Her eyes went to Shay's lips, wanting even more of the taste he left on her lips. He was delicious. Like Applewood smoked bacon. Only even better. Like chocolate ice cream. Bacon and ice-cream together. Delicious. Utter perfection.

  "Stop," Shay warned.

  Gemma pulled her eyes to his with difficulty. The blood-red ruby eyes twinkled and a smile played about his lips. From the way he moved closer to her, she wasn't the only one fighting some serious hunger pangs.

  "I told you once that Stlozyn have real names and then public names."

  "Ummm…" She vaguely remembered something about that, so nodded.

  "Well… I have been waiting a very long time to find somebody I could share this with." His smile actually became a little nervous as he rubbed the back of his neck. "It's not to be used, not even in private. Real names are only spoken when one individual tells another, and then at their funeral. It's one of those silly superstitions—"

  "It's not silly." Gemma forced herself to remain still, though her heart was pounding. She could tell by her dragon's nervousness that this meant a great deal to him. It touched her that he would trust her with this, even if she didn't understand the full importance–or perhaps because of that.

  "My true name is Isthæshlyn."

  "That's beautiful." Gemma stroked his face, repeating it in her mind. Isthæshlyn. "What does it mean?"

  "It's the name of a hero in an old folk tale. I always admired him, and when it was time to find my true name, that is what came to me." Shay pulled her closer.

  Gemma hummed as she snuggled into his arms. "Thank you."

  "I should be thanking you. You don't know how long I've waited to be able to tell somebody that… I love you."

  "I love you, too."

  They held each other, eyes closed, revelling in the warmth of being together. Of being home.



  Alien Romance: Caged by the Barbarian


  I am the prize in a cruel game. And these barbarians are killing each other to win me

  What is Bond, warlord of the T’Shav, supposed to do when the woman to play the Goddess in the Fifth Cycle Festival turns out to be his mate? Throw himself into the arena of course, cutting down his competitors with savage joy. This woman belongs to him.

  Lieutenant Sara O’Neill has one big secret: she’s human. After hiding her humanity her entire life, she is caged as the prize in a deadly, bloody game. She’ll be owned by the winner, his to do with whatever he pleases. Usually, that means being killed and eaten.

  There’s no way that she’ll want this brute with his violent tendencies. Until she does.

  But Bond has a mission to complete and he won’t be distracted. Yeah, right. That’s not happening when he’s stuck on a small spaceship with a curvy, delicious human.

  Turns out someone’s out to claim her and his unborn young. Doesn’t the enemy know what happens when they get on Bond’s nerve?

  Forced together, Bond and Sara have to fight the odds, focus on the mission and keep their hands off each other. Let’s see if they succeed... at that last part at least.

  Chapter One: Sara

  The controls shook in Lieutenant Sara O'Neill’s hands as she fought to keep the ship on course. The sudden pressure shift of entering the atmosphere caused it to buck from side to side. If she didn't keep its nose down, streamlined, she'd end up among the ash orbiting the planet. Her teeth clenched as the bright greens and blues of the planet's surface rushed towards her in the view screen.

  "Ozone layer cleared," her computer coolly informed her.

  Sara yanked on the controls, flipping the engines from forward to reverse thrust. It was a maneuver guaranteed to shut them off immediately in atmospheric conditions. The ship jerked and the hum of her engines cut out. Good. The engines were too powerful to be this close to the planet's surface; they'd propel her deep under the planet's exterior.

  The smaller thrusters were already on. Sara reached out to either side, manipulating levers to slow her descent. She operated this stupid ship comfortably with two people, but in most situations required more. The ship she had wanted to buy would have been much easier to handle on her own.

  Damn payroll cuts, Sara thought furiously as the control panel lit up, warning her of the imminent collision.

  A string of curses flew out of Sara's mouth as she lowered the landing gear. If this didn't work, she'd end up a smear on the planet's surface – an example of what not to do when the Corps trained next year's students.

  "Impact in ten seconds," the computer said. "Ten."

  Sara threw the thrusters on full blast, flinching when the whole ship shuddered. Screeching metal tore at her ears.


  The lights flickered.


  "Come on," Sara hissed. She was still going way too fast.


  She abandoned the flight controls and rushed to cargo and disposal.


  Sara's hands flew over a panel, opening up the garbage and waste ports.


  "Activate emergency waste expulsion," she shouted.

  The propulsion of waste from the ports jerked the ship upright, throwing Sara to the ground. The control panels sparked and several rivets popped overhead. She curled into the fetal position as loose items were thrown all about. A solid thud had her rolling across the floor, trying to brace herself against the walls.

  "Landing complete," the computer said.

  Sara waited a moment to let the chairs stop rolling before she stood. Another curse escaped her as she took in the damage. Black scorch marks pocked the controls, and more than one lever looked like it had melted into place. So, the controls were fried and, no doubt, the thrusters were shot after that. At least she was in one piece. She put a hand to her chest, her heart pounding, and let out a shaky laugh.

  "Shall I give you a damage assessment?" the computer asked.

  "Nah, not right now. What's around here? I want to make sure I haven't dropped into Munchkin land and squashed their mayor. Or the Wicked Witch of the West. I'm in no mood for quests..."

  There was a brief pause. "There appears to be a temporary encampment with vessels faster than the speed of light nearby. Would you like a map?"

  Sara shook her head. "They'll find me. I'd like to stay safe inside here until I know whether they're friendly or not."

  The computer didn't respond to that. Not that that was surprising. These older models were programmed to be functional, not friendly. The new Soundbolts had a computer that would congratulate you on your singing skills, but this rust bucket interacted at the bare minimum. It made for a very arduous journey between the stars.

  It was all she could afford on her salary, though, and there was no way in Satan's menstrual cramps that she was staying on the Corps base she was assigned to. The space station orbited a backwater moon and she needed some excitement. That was why she had taken off to the aptly-named Planet Adventure, which was basically Disneyland, only a gazillion times bigger. Sara had blown all her savings on the two-week stay. She had thought it was worth it until her engine cut out over this planet.

  "Hey, where are we, anyway?"

  "Rozaist, Hockorn system."

  Rozaist? Sara shook her head. This was a planet where the religious crazies went. Not that she had anything against believers, but mass hordes of rioters demanding opposite-species relationships be made illegal set her teeth on edge. Rozaist wasn't part of the United Species, though, and as such was fair game to anybody who wanted a piece of it. The Corps was occasionally called to settle squabbles here, but they didn't technically have any jurisdiction. More often than not, it was one war
lord or another who offered the planet 'protection' and implemented their own sort of justice. Hopefully, her position in the Corps would give her some protection against the locals.

  That thought flew out the window when the lights went out. The displays shut down and Sara found herself in utter silence. Even the usual hum of air circulation had stopped. She sat, bewildered, for a moment, but the answer came to her quickly.


  With a curse, she drew her issued blaster gun and turned on the built-in light that she insisted on adding, despite her colleagues' scoffs. It was an old habit, leftover from her days back on Earth, before she ended up out here.

  Don't think about that, Sara told herself harshly. Earth is gone.

  She found herself a defensible position and hunkered down, adjusting her bionic eyes to register heat signatures. Five of them lurked just outside the ship. There was a wheezing noise, the sound of air being released. Too late Sara realized that the air vents were active again, pumping in a gas of some sort. Her head swam, bright lights flashing across her vision, and she slumped to the floor.

  Don't let them find out I'm human.


  Light stabbed into her eyes when she woke, but the bionics adjusted so quickly that Sara only had a brief moment of discomfort. The first thing she noticed was that she was still wearing her uniform. Good. Then she hadn't been taken by slavers to be auctioned off at the market. If she had been, they would have either stripped her bare or put her in provocative clothing.

  Her curvy, muscular build and thick waist were considered beautiful for women out here, despite the ideal for men being stick-thin. If she wanted to, she could have been a model or actress – any number of things. But she was a military girl. It was all she knew in her life before coming to the stars and all she wanted now.


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