Crystal's Dilemma [Bonding Camp 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Crystal's Dilemma [Bonding Camp 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 5

by Christelle Mirin

  After they were seated at the dining room table and Rachel, their cook and housekeeper, had served them with a full breakfast, Crystal and Tommy ate and talked.

  Tommy sipped his water and dabbed at his mouth with his napkin. “Why did you agree to take me on as your assistant? I mean, the real reason.”

  “What do you mean?” Crystal looked across the table at him. “I need an assistant and you presented yourself well.”

  He shook his head, smiling. “I don’t think that’s all there is to it.” He leaned forward, pinning her with a look. “You do perfectly well in the courtroom without any help from anyone. Did you have an assistant before? I think you mentioned someone.”

  She nodded. “Yes, and she recently resigned to get married. That’s why I need someone to replace her. There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes at the firm you don’t know about yet, but you’ll soon find out.” She picked up her coffee cup and sipped at the warm brew.

  “I guess I’m wondering why you hadn’t already replaced your assistant and instead, decided to take me on when I introduced myself to you.”

  Crystal swallowed the coffee and gazed into his eyes. What was he searching for? “If you’re asking if I was attracted to you, I’ll admit I was and still am.”

  “And you wanted me to attend bonding camp almost immediately. Was that because you wanted to get to know me more intimately?” He raised one eyebrow.

  Crystal laughed. “Of course! What woman in her right mind would not want to get you naked, Tommy?” She placed her hands on the table, moving her half-eaten breakfast away from her. “But that’s not why I hired you. I’ve seen you in the courtroom, remember? Even though you may not have known it, I did notice the way you paid very close attention to each case and the intelligence in your eyes called to me. You looked like a smart, young lawyer just waiting to be formed into a formidable opponent in the courtroom. Rather than have to oppose you at trial, I’d rather have you on my side.”

  His face held the expression of a man who had just had his ego stroked perfectly. “That is the best compliment anyone has paid me since I was in high school. I’m glad you see me as a business associate as well as what is turning into a close lover. I can’t believe someone hasn’t taken you off the market yet, though.”

  “Taken me off the market?” She sat back. “You mean married me and shackled me to the kitchen in bare feet or something?”

  He shook his head and waved his hands at her, palms up in supplication. “No, don’t get me wrong, Crystal. But a woman like you, successful and beautiful, not to mention a very sensual lover, usually doesn’t stay single for long.”

  Her thoughts turned to the feelings she had been having lately. “To tell you the truth, Tommy, I have been thinking maybe it’s time to settle down a bit.” She picked up her coffee cup and sipped before continuing. Once she replaced it back on the table, she rested her hands in her lap. “I’m thirty-seven and most everyone I know either is married or on their way to being married. I’m beginning to feel like maybe I’m missing something.”

  Tommy pushed back from the table and rose from his chair. He came around to the other side and slid into the chair to Crystal’s left. Taking her hand in his, he rubbed the backs of her fingers with a light touch. “You’re nowhere near the period of your life when you should worry about your biological clock ticking away. Thirty-seven is still young. What would make you feel like that?”

  She shrugged. “I guess it’s because there’s too many nights when I’m home alone, wondering what it would be like to have someone there with me to spend my life with. Do you know what I mean?”

  He nodded, his eyes warm and understanding. “I may be younger than you, but I’ve felt the same thing. I’m just starting my life, but I’d like to start it with someone beside me. I think there’s a strong possibility I may have found just the right person for that position.”

  “Are you referring to me?” she asked, her stomach quivering with nervousness all of a sudden.

  “Actually, yes I am.” He reached over and turned her toward him fully. “Crystal, you’re smart and capable, a wonderful example of a woman. Having you in my life would be an exciting experience. Is there a chance I could be someone more than an assistant to you?” He tilted his head and cupped her cheek with his hand.

  She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch, placing her hand on top of his. It gave her a feeling of belonging, and that was something she hadn’t experienced so deeply as right now. Was it possible she had found someone to be her soul mate and that someone was a young man? Opening her eyes, she smiled at him. “There are some things you should know about me before we take this any farther.”

  He dropped his hand from her cheek and took both of her hands in his. “Tell me. I’m listening.”

  The sun streamed through the windows, dappling the table with light. Crystal took a breath and realized this would be the first time she ever confessed her feelings of late to anyone, bringing them into the light of day. She was nervous and worried Tommy would think differently about her once she revealed parts of her past. Letting out her breath. It was now or never.

  “For most of my life,” she began in a soft voice, “I’ve felt an attraction to mostly women. Sure, I like men, don’t get me wrong, but it always seemed I needed a woman’s touch to make me feel…wanted. I’ve been questioning my decision to be bisexual lately, wondering why I felt so lonely, even when I had someone in my arms. Since I met you, that feeling is a lot stronger.” She squeezed his hands tightly. “Tommy, there is something about you, and I’m not sure what it is but it feels like I’m home when I’m near you. I don’t know if it’s the confidence you show in yourself or the way you are able to take control of me, but you make me feel totally woman and very much wanted.” She swallowed, a lump in her throat forming with tears burning her eyes. “I guess what I’m trying to say is I think I, too, may have found someone I want to spend more time with than just here at bonding camp or in the office. I want to see you outside of the workings of the firm. I want to know if it’s possible to have a deeper relationship with a man, you, and I hope you feel the same way.” She let out a shaky laugh. “Otherwise, I’m going to be in for a huge letdown.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her tenderly. When he moved back, he ran his thumb beneath her eyes, wiping away the tears that had spilled onto her cheeks. “Don’t cry, please,” he said. “I’m pretty damn sure you and I have some connection that’s above both of our understanding. I want to delve into it, immerse myself in it, and I think you do, too. Let’s spend this weekend getting as close as we can and go from there. What do you say?”

  She smiled, her lips quivering just a bit. Straightening her back, she nodded. “I’m such a putz. Tommy, I’m not usually like this, all girly and stuff. I’m the one who can keep her cool under the most extreme circumstances. But you make me feel all feminine and fragile. Don’t break me, okay?”

  “Aw, Crystal, I won’t, don’t you worry.” His gaze grew warmer and his smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

  “Okay,” she said, settling herself with a deep breath again. “I want to know more about you. You participated in our ménage this morning pretty willingly. I’m assuming that wasn’t the first time you’ve done something like that.” She had to know more about this intriguing young man. He was younger than she, but he seemed to be worldly also, even though he was from somewhere in Indiana where she assumed things like ménages weren’t the norm.

  He stood and reached for his coffee cup, snatching it from the other side of the table before sitting down again. He took a sip and placed his cup beside hers on the table. “Okay, in my college days, I did a lot of experimenting with sexual situations. It’s pretty easy to join in a ménage on campus, and I’ve tried just about everything. I’ve never been attached to anyone, though, at least not until now. I do sense a strong connection with you, Crystal. I’ve never felt this way before and it’s amazing to me. You make me feel very alive, and I c
an’t deny it.”

  “But, I’m sure you had lovers who you felt drawn to before,” she said, picking up her coffee cup and holding it in both her hands, letting the warmth seep into her.

  He sat back in his chair and crossed one ankle over the opposing knee. “Yes, but it was more of a sexual thing, not like what I feel with you. When I’m with you, it feels basic and primal, like you’re who I’m meant to be with. I know this is a lot for you to absorb, just getting to know me and all, but I hope you don’t discount my feelings toward you.”

  Crystal chuckled. “This is the strangest conversation I’ve ever had with a new associate. I know exactly what you’re talking about, though, feeling primal. Sex with you is almost animalistic, and my primal urges kick in, giving full control over to you, the male in the situation. Does that mean we are destined to be a couple, do you think?”

  “I hope so, but I’m sure we’ll find out quickly. This weekend holds a lot of promise, Crystal. Not only do I want to start my new career, I want to start my life and I’m hoping it includes you.”

  “I don’t know how you can tell that I’m the person meant for you just by watching me in the courtroom.” She sipped the last of her coffee, feeling the buzz from the caffeine. Or maybe it was the buzz from being so near to him. She didn’t know and didn’t care, just wanting to enjoy it.

  “It’s the way you move, the light in your eyes, and your intelligence all balled into one. I have the sense you’re the perfect woman for me, and if we mesh in the sexual arena, we are golden.”

  He was right, and there was no way she would ever deny what he was saying. She felt the exact same thing about him right now. “Well,” she said, putting her now-empty coffee cup on the table and standing up in front of him. “What do you say we dig a little deeper into these basal, primal urges of ours? Would you like to see the playroom where we bond on an even deeper level?”

  He reached for her hand. “Lead on.”

  Chapter Eight

  When Crystal entered the room they had dubbed “The Playroom,” she was surprised to see Rodgers and Justice leaning against the small bar, having a drink and talking quietly.

  “What are you two doing here?” she asked, leading Tommy into the room and closing the door behind them.

  Justice turned to her and smiled knowingly. “Are you kidding? The way you were this morning, I knew it wouldn’t be long before you two showed up here.”

  Crystal laughed, letting go of Tommy’s hand and coming up beside Justice. She wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him down into a hug. “I’m so glad you know me so well.” She planted a kiss on his cheek and peeked around him. “Good morning, Rodgers.”

  Rodgers, a close carbon copy of Kevin Costner, smiled at her. “It sounds like you’ve already had a good morning.”

  “It’s turning into a very good day, period,” she replied, letting go of Justice and turning toward Tommy. “Tommy, you know Justice, my partner and you two seem to have hit it off famously. I know you’ve met Rodgers, our all-around caretaker here at the compound.”

  Tommy nodded at Rodgers. “Yes, we’ve met. How are you?”

  “I’m fine, of course. Would you like something to drink?” Rodgers held up his glass to Tommy. “We’re just having a small sip of scotch.”

  Tommy shook his head. “No thanks. I want to be firing on all cylinders today.”

  “So,” Crystal said, moving toward the dressing room where they usually left their clothes when they were here, “what do you boys have in mind today?”

  “I asked Rodgers to set up your favorite chair. I hope you don’t mind.” Justice finished off his drink and set the empty glass on the bar.

  “Sounds like a good way to start,” Crystal said, her hand on the doorknob to the dressing room. “Why don’t you show Tommy just exactly what you’re talking about and I’ll get undressed?”

  “Sure thing. Don’t be long,” Justice said. “Tommy, come with me. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen one of these, but it’s Crystal’s favorite toy.”

  She watched as the three men retreated to the back of the room where they usually set up her “chair.” Ducking into the dressing room, she hurriedly pulled the T-shirt dress over her head and hung it on a hanger. She checked herself in the mirror, hands on hips, turning sideways. “Not bad,” she told her reflection. “I don’t see any sign of sagging just yet.”

  “Crystal!” Tommy called out from the other room. “Where are you, babe?”

  Oh, he’s anxious. Justice must have explained the chair. Crystal opened the door and stalked toward the back of the room. “I’m here,” she said, pressing herself against Tommy. “Let’s bond.”

  Tommy groaned and caught her head in his hands, capturing her mouth with his lips. He tasted of coffee, his tongue invading her mouth and thrusting in and out of it as if fucking her. She shuddered beneath the force of it, her pussy awakening with anticipation.

  Tommy broke the kiss and looked down into her eyes. “They tell me you like to be watched while you get yourself off in that chair. I can’t wait to see it.” He took her hand and led her toward the inflatable fucking machine she called “her chair.”

  The three men worked together, positioning her on the chair on her back. The chair was shaped slightly like a check mark with shackles placed at strategic points. Rodgers handcuffed her wrists to the edge of the chair above her head, pulling her breasts high and taut. Justice worked on her ankles, securing them to the bottom of the chair, near the floor and bending her knees at an angle. She watched as Justice handed the remote control to Tommy and quietly explained its use.

  Tommy came up beside her head, remote in hand. He eyed her, surveying her body, and then he shook his head. “No, this isn’t enough. She needs more in the way of accessories.”

  “Shall I get the toolbox?” Rodgers asked. “We have some nice jewelry for her in there.”

  “Yes,” Tommy said. “Let’s do this right.” He turned back to her and stroked her head. “It’s time to let go, Crystal. Let me be in charge, all right?”

  She nodded, almost quaking with desire.

  Rodgers returned with the black box she knew contained multiple restraints and bondage items. The three men bent over it, picking and choosing. They turned toward her, and when she saw what was in their hands, she smiled. This was going to be good.

  Tommy held a glittering set of nipple clamps, held together by a silvery chain. He bent down over her and took one nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it until it became a hard little bud. Then he placed a clamp on it, sending a shiver of lightning through her. She drew in a sharp breath, catching her bottom lip between her teeth. “Like that?” Tommy asked, rolling her other nipple to prepare it.

  “Mm, yes,” she said, shifting her hips on the vinyl of the chair. She was already beginning to sweat a little from contact with the chair.

  He smiled down at her and clamped the remaining nipple, then jiggled the chain that held them together.

  Twin snaps of pleasure-pain coursed through her, kicking her heartbeat up a notch.

  Justice bent over and parted the folds of her labia, exposing her already swollen clit. “Something’s peeking,” he crooned as he placed another remote controlled apparatus over her clit then turned it on. It suctioned itself to her, but when it began to undulate, Justice quickly turned it off.

  “Oh, God,” she breathed, knowing what was coming. With nipple clamps, a clit sucker and the chair, she was going to explode and they were all going to watch while she did it.

  “Okay, everything’s in place for now. Go ahead, Tommy, at your leisure.” Justice stepped away to join Rodgers as they leaned against the wall, ready to watch.

  Tommy pressed a button on the remote and the bottom of the chair began to inflate, the attached vibrating dildo pointing directly at her already wet pussy. And then the fucking began.

  The dildo entered her cunt with a long, slow stroke. Crystal arched her back, stretching so she could feel the tug of
the clamps squeezing her nipples ever so tightly. “Oh yeah,” she said, rocking her hips as the dildo began sliding in and out of her cunt in smooth, deep thrusts. Crystal turned her head, locking her gaze on Tommy, who stood beside the chair, watching as the faux cock entered her pussy.

  “You want to be fucked, you’ll get it,” Tommy said, his voice deep and mellow. He clicked the remote. The dildo increased its pace, diving into her faster.

  Justice handed Tommy the remote to the clit sucker, and he didn’t hesitate. He turned it on slow speed, the little thing sucking at her clit as if a mouth was planted there drinking from her.

  Crystal’s body rocked, the shackles rattling, as the chair fucked her. She moaned but kept her eyes trained on Tommy. He glanced down at her, his gaze one of lust and heat. Raising both remotes, he clicked them at the same time, increasing her pleasure.

  “I–I’m going to come,” she said shakily, the dildo thrusting wildly into her cunt while the clit sucker busily did its thing to her pleasure button.

  Tommy leaned over and kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth and captured her long, deep moan in his mouth as she came hard and fast. Her pussy spasmed around the dildo, her hips bucking as her world exploded into a thousand shiny points of light.

  “That’s it, baby,” Tommy said against her lips. “Come hard so I can lick your juice from that sweet cunt of yours.”

  “Ohhh,” she cried, the orgasm sending her back up another mountain. Her heart hammered in her chest, and she worried it, too, was going to explode. Seconds later, she heard the soft click of the remotes, and all action stopped. With a whir, the dildo pulled out of her wet cunt and the clit sucker was removed from her mound, she thought by Justice. She wasn’t sure.

  The men backed away from her, giving her room to catch her breath. When she finally got it under control, she let out a long, satisfied sigh. “That was fast but it was good,” she said.


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