Broken Lives

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Broken Lives Page 7

by Brenda Kennedy

  “I hope not.”

  “This is Tuesday night, right?” I ask, as I place the white linen napkin across my lap.

  “Yes, Emma, it’s Tuesday. A toast?” he asks, raising his champagne glass.

  I raise my glass to his. “To happiness?”

  He clinks his glass to mine, “To a lifetime of happiness,” he says.

  The server comes back and places two beautiful green salads on the table with some bread and dipping oil. “Fresh ground pepper for your salads?” she asks.

  We both decline and she smiles and leaves.

  I watch Alec as he places his napkin on his lap. “They make a wonderful Italian dressing. I also went ahead and ordered our meal. I hope you like everything.”

  “It smells wonderful, and I am sure I will.” I cut my salad and take a bite. “It is delicious.” I decide to just go with the events of the night. Alec has put a lot of time and thought into it, and he has excellent taste.

  The waitress comes by the table to refill our champagne several times throughout the meal, but she never lingers for too long. I’m sure those are strict orders from Alec.

  Our meals arrive and it is filet mignon, rosemary rice, and fresh snow peas. It smells delicious and my mouth begins to water. I close my eyes and inhale again. When I open my eyes, Alec is smiling at me. “It’s as good as it smells.”

  “I’m sure it is.”

  He watches me as I cut my steak and take the first bite. I close my eyes again and Alec laughs, quietly. “Should I give you a moment?”

  I open my eyes and smile. “Yes, please. This is so good.”

  “I know.”

  I look at his untouched plate. “You haven’t tasted it yet.”

  “I don’t have to. A great chef always cooks to perfection. I’ve been here enough to know that this will be just as delicious as it was the last time I was here. I am savoring the anticipation.”

  “You do have excellent taste.”

  “Thank you. You look absolutely beautiful this evening, Emma.”

  “I was talking about the food, but thank you. I wish I had known we were coming to such a fancy restaurant. I feel underdressed again,” I say, sitting up a little straighter and flattening out my napkin on my lap.

  He just watches me and says, “You look stunning.”

  As we eat our meal, we talk about families, vacations, and holiday traditions. Alec keeps the conversation light and positive.

  After our delicious dinner, the waitress brings out a piece of lemon torte, two forks, and two cups of coffee. I watch as Alec nods slightly to dismiss her. He squares his shoulders and leans up slightly in his chair. “They have excellent dessert here; however, I thought we would both be too full to have dessert, so I thought we could share a piece. I wanted you to get the full experience of this meal.”

  “Thank you. Alec, this whole meal was wonderful. Even without the dessert, I would say I got the full experience.”

  “You say that now, but you haven’t tasted the torte yet.” He lifts both forks and hands me one.

  I take the first bite and a moan escapes my mouth.

  “Now, you have just experienced the full meal,” he says, laughing. “I almost think that you and that torte should get a room.”

  After dessert, Alec reaches for my hand and smiles. “Emma, I hope you know how much I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” I search his eyes — they are dark and mysterious.

  He leans up in his chair and squares his shoulders, and then he gently caresses my fingers. “Over the past couple of days, I was forced to make a decision. When Molly showed up at James’ birthday party, I was forced to come to terms with my life and the effects that it will have on you and James. I was fooling myself when I thought I could keep my past away from the present.”

  “Alec, I don’t understand? What kind of decision?”

  “I know you don’t understand and I don’t expect you to. I want you to always trust me to do the right thing. I will never ever lie to you or put you or James in harm’s way.”

  “I do, I trust you.”

  He reaches into his jacket packet and pulls out a velvet box. He gives me a slight smile and my heart skips a beat. I open my mouth to say something and nothing comes out. I lick my dry lips, without taking my eyes off of the small box.

  “No, Emma, it’s not what you think it is.” He hands it to me and adds, “Not yet anyway.”

  I let go of his hand and take the beautiful velvet box from him and slowly open it. Inside is a stunning platinum, infinity symbol pendant necklace. I move the box slightly side to side and watch it shimmer under the muted lighting. Smiling, I lightly touch it and admire its beauty. “This is gorgeous.”

  “It’s a symbol to represent that I will always put you, James, and Raelynn first. I want you and James in my life, forever.”

  I look at him and a tear slides down my cheek. “Oh, Alec.” I stand and walk over to him. He pulls me onto his lap and I immediately kiss him. I pull away, only long enough to say, “I love you.”


  I gave Emma an infinity symbol necklace only because I couldn’t give her an engagement ring. My divorce isn’t final yet and my heart won’t allow me to be engaged to one woman while being married to another, even if the marriage is only on paper. Emma kisses me while sitting on my lap in a crowded restaurant — I don’t care who is watching. I return her kiss with just as much passion.

  I take the necklace from her and ask, “May I?”

  She stands up from my lap and I stand with her. While I remove the necklace from the box, she lifts her hair for me away from her neck. I reach around her and fasten the necklace. She raises her hand to touch it before turning to face me. I just smile at her beauty: her blond hair, her fair flawless skin, and her big blue eyes. “Beautiful,” I say, talking about her and not the necklace.

  “Thank you, I love it.” She stands on her tiptoes and kisses my cheek.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Don’t you need to pay the bill first?”

  “I already took care of it.”

  She looks up at me and smiles. “Oh, you’re smooth.”

  I wink at her and she takes my hand.

  On the drive home, she holds my hand like she always does, before she reaches for her phone and texts someone. She doesn’t say anything and I don’t ask. When we get home, I am sad to think that our night is coming to an end. I look over at her and say, “Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

  She holds my hand and smiles. “Thank you, it was a perfect night. Everything, the restaurant, dinner, dessert, and my stunning necklace.” She reaches up and lightly touches the infinity symbol.

  “You are more than welcome. As they say, all good things must come to an end. Are you ready to get the kids? Being a school night, I’m certain Brooke has them in bed.” I look over and Brooke’s house is dark.


  I look back over at Emma, “What is it?”

  “I asked Brooke to keep the kids all night. I’m not ready for this night to end either.”

  My dick twitches at the thought of what this might mean. “You want the kids to stay all night at Brooke and Brice’s house?”

  “If that is all right with you, yes.”

  “It’s just you and me, together, all night, alone.”

  She giggles and says, “Yes, if that’s all right with you.”

  “I’ll get your door for you.”

  I get out of the car and adjust myself before walking over to open Emma’s door for her. She reaches for my hand before I have time to offer it to her. She graciously stands and links her arm in mine. We walk down the sidewalk and up the stairs leading to the porch. I use my own house key to open the door for her.

  Once we are inside the dark house, I secure the door and look at her. She is looking at me and biting her bottom lip. I gently caress her cheek with my thumb, “Are you sure this is what you want?”

  She smiles and leans her cheek into my hand, “
Alec, I am certain that this is all I want.”

  I smile and bend down to kiss her. She responds to my kiss, and I swoop her up in my arms. Without turning any lights on, I walk her through the dark house, down the hallway, and into the master suite. I set her down on the floor without taking my eyes off her. I cup her sweet face in my hands and kiss her. “God, I love you so much” is all I say before kissing her again.

  She reaches behind her and unzips her dress. I raise up and her black dress falls from her gorgeous body and gathers on the floor around her feet. Emma stands there in a black lingerie set, garter belt, and black high heels. My eyes are lust filled and I can’t take my eyes off her. I take a step back so I can get a better look. “Oh, God, Emma, you are beautiful.” I take her hand and spin her around slowly. I look up and down the length of her body and smile.

  She stops in front of me, facing me. “I love you so much,” she says before standing on her tiptoes to kiss me. My dick now has taken on a mind of its own and is rock hard. I should say something, but I’m afraid if I speak, the words will sound like that of a four-year-old. I return her kiss, scoop her hair up and fist it with one hand while I cup her breast with my free hand.

  I moan and I think she moans, too, but I can’t be certain. My mind is on my painfully hard dick, her breast, and her perfect body. I am thinking I am going to be inside her for the first time and I finally get to make love to my girl for hours.

  She pulls away from me breathless and slowly scoots back on the bed. My eyes travel up her body, lingering on her black heels, her long smooth legs, lacy black panties, her lacy bra, and her beautiful face. My smile matches her smile, as I slowly crawl up her body. She opens her legs for me and I kiss her slowly.

  “Please, make love to me,” she says, in between kisses.


  I am a nurse, married to a doctor, and we have a beautiful daughter we love more than life. I have just given birth and Alec wants our daughter to be named after the both of us. We decide we will name our beautiful daughter after each of our middle names. Luckily, the two names go well together. Alec Ray and Molly Lynn: Raelynn. If we had had a son, we would have named him after Alec.

  “Raelynn, my new favorite name,” he beams, holding our daughter in his arms.

  I wake up to the sound of a car door shutting. I peer over the steering wheel of my dark car and watch as my husband opens the car door for his girlfriend. The way he looks at her reminds me of the way he once looked at me. I watch as they both walk arm in arm inside her house.

  I have been watching her long enough to know this is her house. I made it my business to know everything I can about her. Now I have stalker tendencies. Drugs have done crazy things to me. What in the hell happened to me? I had everything I ever wanted and screwed it up. Now I do drugs to try to forget what I no longer have. I use drugs to take away my heartache. When I am high, I am able to forget about my problems. I focus on finding that ultimate high — we are all in search of it. There is nothing better than the feeling of euphoria. I know death may be a consequence, but it is one I am willing to take.

  “Come on, Doll, can we go home now?” I look over in the passenger seat and my friend Bobby is slouched there. He smells of day-old beer and cigarettes. I look back at the house my husband walked in — it remains dark. My stomach does a flip flop at the thought of Alec in the house, making love to his girlfriend. My head and thoughts immediately fill with rage and I want to go in there and claim what is mine, what was once mine.

  The drugs I do have distorted my thinking. It’s hard for me to tell the difference from the truth and fiction. When I am sober, I know the painful truth. The drugs allow me to blame others for my wrongdoing. They allow me to forget what I once had — what I will never have again.

  I scratch my arms to relieve the tingling sensation that now consumes my thoughts. I scratch my arms so hard I draw blood just trying to find some relief from the itch. I look over at Bobby, who is already filling the syringe with my much-needed dose of heroin. This is just what I need to make me forget and to take my mind off of my real problems. I know this is the reason for my problems, but right now, I am solely focused on my next high.

  “Is this what you need, Doll?”

  I smile and lean over to kiss him. Bobby is my only friend. He is a large man and at one time, I can tell he was very good looking. He saved me from some thugs a long time ago, and I will always be grateful to him. I always feel safe when I am with him.

  Chapter Four: A New Beginning


  I wake up and I am hot, way too hot to sleep. I blink a few times and memories of last night come rushing back to me. My night with Alec; our first time together. I close my eyes and try to remember every last detail.

  I am cradled safely in Alec’s arms. “Good morning, Emma.”

  I look up at him and he gently brushes my hair from my face. “Good morning, Alec. Did I wake you?”

  Alec leans into me and kisses me sweetly, “No, Baby, you didn’t wake me. I was just watching you sleep and remembering last night.”

  “Mmm, last night was pretty special.” I kiss him back just as sweetly.

  “Yes, it was; it was just as amazing as I knew it would be. I wish we could stay like this all day,” he says, scooting closer to me.

  I cuddle into him and ask, “Why can’t we?”

  “Baby, I’m glad I was able to make you forget, but we have work today.”

  “Work! Oh, God, I forgot all about that,” I say, trying to sit up in bed.

  “Not so fast, Emma, we have plenty of time. I’ll start breakfast and get the kids from Brooke’s while you shower.” He kisses me again before he stands up from the bed and slips on his boxer briefs.


  “Yes, Baby,” he says, watching me intently.

  “Thank you.”

  He winks at me and walks out the door.

  I shower and let my hair dry naturally. A little mascara, lip gloss, body spray, a gray dress, and heels. I am now ready for the day. I hear laughter and I know the kids are home from spending the night with Brooke.

  I walk out of the bedroom and the kids are dressed and sitting at the table eating their oatmeal and a banana. I grab a coffee before joining them at the table. I kiss Raelynn and then James. Alec smiles and stands to pull out my chair for me to sit down. He whispers in my ear, “You look beautiful.” And just like that I get those butterflies low in my belly.

  After breakfast, Alec showers and is dressed for work after only a few minutes. It must be nice being a man. He walks out of the bedroom in his dark blue scrubs and smiles when he sees me.

  “I’ll take the kids to school on my way to work,” he says.

  “All right, I’ll pick them up from school. Do you want to eat dinner out after we go to taekwondo?”

  “Sounds perfect. Come on, kids, get your book bags,” Alec yells to the kids, who are both in the bedroom.

  The next two weeks go by, and we fall into a comfortable family routine. Alec helps with the kids, the housework, and dinner. We spend a lot of time at home just being a family. I am happy that we haven’t seen or heard anything from Molly. Alec has court tomorrow, and we are anxious to see if Molly will show up to contest the divorce. We both are hoping to be able to move on with our lives once it’s final.

  Alec and I still sleep in separate bedrooms; he doesn’t want to do anything to hinder his divorce. After everything Molly has done, this is nothing. I don’t think it will matter whether we share a bed or not. Once the kids are in bed and asleep, Alec and I lie in bed together and talk about his court date tomorrow and what it will mean for us and for our relationship. I see a spark in his eyes that is usually missing.

  “The chance of her showing up tomorrow for court is very slim. I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” I say, trying to relax him.

  “There is always that small chance she will.”

  “And if she does, the judge will award you the divorce that you deserve

  Alec looks at me and gives me a half smile. “Have I told you how lucky I am to have you?” he says, cupping my cheek.

  I smile and lean into his hand. “You always tell me, and it never gets old.”

  He leans over, kisses me, and breaks away only long enough to say, “Good, and I love you so much.”

  I want to say, I love you, too, but, he is already kissing me again.

  The next morning I wake up before Alec does. Since we sleep in separate bedrooms, it’s easy to not wake him. I was going to take the day off work to offer moral support, but he thought it would be best if I went to work. I shower and dress in a red above-the-knee-length dress. After I make the bed, I start the coffee and begin making a big breakfast for everyone.

  I hear the shower and I know Alec is up. He often showers first thing in the morning. Before he sees me and even before his first cup of coffee, he showers for the day. I hear singing and I smile. Alec always sings in the shower. When the bacon and pancakes are done, I wake the kids up before making the eggs.

  Alec comes up behind me and hugs me. “Good morning, you’re up pretty early this morning.”

  I lean into him and say, “Good morning, I wanted to make everyone a nice breakfast before I left for work.”

  “Is there a special occasion?” he asks, while pouring himself a cup of coffee. He is dressed in a grey suit, white shirt, and black tie. He looks more like an attorney than a doctor. Dressed to impress the judge, I think to myself.

  “I don’t need a special occasion to do something nice for my family.” I flip the eggs and Alec hands me a plate.

  “Momma, can I wear this shirt?” I turn around and James is standing there holding a red Spiderman shirt.

  “You didn’t like the shirt I laid out for you?’ I ask, walking closer to him.

  “I like this one.”

  I take the shirt from him and slip it over his head. He slides his arms through the armholes and smiles at me. I tell him, “There you go, handsome as ever.”

  “Thank you, momma.” He hugs me and turns to walk back into his bedroom.

  After breakfast, Alec walks us to the door and kisses and hugs both kids before kissing me. “I’ll call you around noon to let you know what happened.”


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