Dirty Bird (Caged #2)

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Dirty Bird (Caged #2) Page 9

by M Dauphin

  "She's in Bangladesh, isn't she?" I smile charmingly, trying not to look like the basement dweller I am.

  "Yes." He's too focused on his hands being on me to want to have a conversation about his mom right now. "You look refreshed today," he whispers, running his fingers down my arm.

  "First full night sleep I've had in weeks. They keep me busy; I guess I'm their slave." I make sure to dramatically drop my eyes and play his sympathetic strings.

  "Do I need to have a talk with them?" His eyebrows pull together and he shakes his head. "I'm so sorry, Megan. I wanted to have you out of here by now. You don't deserve being treated like this."

  "I can't wait until you take me away from this, Ben, and we can start a real life together. Any word when? Maybe you could just convince one of them to let us take a walk around the grounds of the house?" I suggest in excitement. "I need fresh air and promise I won't leave your side." Sadly, I would strangle him to death for a chance to run. He's such a nice guy.

  He chuckles nervously and shakes his head at me.

  "I'm sorry, Megan. I've tried, but their wish is for you to stay down here until your debt is paid." He pulls me a little closer. "I know how we could take your mind off things though. Maybe I could make you forget where you are."

  If he's implying what I do believe he is, he's ridiculously delusional. I am not sleeping with this man because he wants to get his rocks off with a prisoner girl!

  "Oh." I chuckle and pull away. "I'm not sure I'm ready for that. I just assumed after marriage." I chuckle again while I sit back down on the bed.

  "I'm sorry for being so forward." He sighs, shoving his hands in his pocket. "I just...you know...marriage is a big deal. Being forced into a marriage that you don't know you'll be truly, um...satisfied...well what if it's not worth the risk?"

  Worth the risk! Is he fucking kidding me! I have to fuck him to see if I'm worth the risk!

  "What are you saying?" I try to be giggly, somewhat confused, but I know what the fuck he's saying and if I had something other than my own fingernails to slit his throat with right now, I would. And yes, I'm using this man, but now it seems the tables are turning and he's going to use me until he can set me free. Ridiculous!

  "All I'm saying is, Jasper is a huge player in this world of ours. If I'm not happy with something he delivers to me, it may not look good, me setting it free. I'd hate to have to return you to this environment, Megan."

  "You'd return me?" I feign hurt. "I thought we had a connection. Don't you like me?" I'm not sure if I'm mastering the doe-eyed look right now, or just looking bug eyed and like I'm trying not to rage.

  "Of course I like you, Megan," he rushes over to me and rests his hands on my arms. "I do, I really like you. But what if..." He trails off and brings his hands in front of him, poking one of his fingers into a hole he makes with his other hand, stuttering to try to find the right words. "Um...I mean that. What if that doesn't work." He lets his hands fall and shakes his head.

  I feel like I'm discussing sex with a fucking child. I may have to kill him sooner rather than later after he gets me out of here.

  "Sex? If we're not sexually compatible?" I state frankly.

  His face turns red and he smiles. "Yes, exactly. What if the sex just doesn't cut it for either of us. Don't you want to know what it'll be like before we make things legal? Marriage is for life, Megan. Life."

  "Well of course, and I just figured it'd happen." I glance around. "Not in the confines of this basement." With a cringe I tell him, "I'd want our first time to be special."

  "I would have liked for that too," he says, his hands going to my hips and pulling me towards him. "But unfortunately, this is the hand we've been dealt. We can make the best of it."

  "So are you saying if I deny you, you're going to deny me?"

  He narrows his eyes at me, then his face falls and he shrugs, not answering my question but giving me all the affirmation I need. He grips my hips a little harder as he pulls me even closer to him.

  "I think it's kind of cozy down here," he whispers.

  This can't be fucking happening. I look toward the stairs, right up there is my escape. And right in front of me may be my only hope.

  Raising my hands to his shoulders, I close my eyes and lean in.

  And there he is…Ben. Getting in the car, again. Every mother fucking day this week. In the last month he's missed only a handful of days, and each time he's gotten in that fucking car I've wanted to kill him a little more. It takes him twenty-three minutes from his driveway to mine and, according to my surveillance; his fucking car is on the move here again.


  I was gone almost half of this last month, resulting in Jasper and Ben getting more time with her than I'd like, but it had to be done. Business still has to run as usual, and when it comes time for me to do my part of the work I can't shy away because other men are creeping up in my girl's life.

  Jasper tried to hide it when I told him he'd be in charge of her meals while I was gone, but he was thrilled that I was allowing him to see her again. He's not stupid though. He got strict orders and there are cameras all over the house. He knows what's expected of him and what's not.

  He will not hurt her again, and she will not fall into his mind games again.

  "Daddy, I pooped!" I roll my eyes at the screaming coming from the bathroom.

  When the fuck does a child learn to wipe his own ass? Don't I do enough for this kid? If he's going to grow up here he's going to need to learn to fend for himself more. There are going to be plenty of times when I won't be around to help him.


  This is where it would be nice to have another parent helping.

  I had to take him with me when I left a few weeks ago because there's no way in hell I'd leave him with Jasper, and I can't exactly lock him in the basement with Megan while I'm gone. To say bringing him was a clusterfuck is a mother fucking understatement. The clean up boys that came along had to babysit at the hotel while I was taking care of business, and we had to leave the bodies lay for longer than we would have liked while the swap happened. I was a nervous fucking wreck and I don't get nervous! I can't do that again. Any business that needs to be taken care of will need to be day trips so I can leave Bronson with Megan and not worry about him being locked down there for days on end.

  Jesus, if she'd just break and accept what she is to me…to this empire…shit would be so much easier.

  "Dad!" he screams again from the bathroom.

  "Coming," I mumble, closing my computer so no one sees the most recent surveillance I've been doing.

  I don't need twenty questions why I'm keeping tabs on my most reliable ally, but I don't trust the Vigs as far as I can spit.

  I make it to the bathroom to find Bronson attempting to wipe himself but failing miserably. He looks up at me and his eyes are full of fear.

  Why the hell is he scared right now?

  "Hey, man, you make a mess?" I grab the wipes from the closet and make work of cleaning him up. He laughs the whole time and I can't for the life of me understand him. I guess I missed that time of my life where poop jokes were funny, but this kid is dying over here with laughter as I have to clean shit off his legs because he smeared it when he tried wiping.

  Once everything is cleaned, and my hands have had their first layer of skin scalded off with hot water and soap, he heads back to the office where Katy is working on math with him.

  She's been better since that day in the office. I think she got the point very quickly that I'm not fucking around and she's only here for one reason. She's not so stupid to lose three hundred bucks a day over something like that. I'm sure she has no problems at all finding a good lay, but it's not happening in this house.

  I head back to the computer and pull up the tracking device I put on Vig's car. Call it obsessed, call it crazy, call it what you want, but these men have lost all my trust the minute they told me they're taking my girl for an arranged marriage.

that noise.

  As the light on the screen blinks its way to my house, I stare at the screen trying to figure out what I'm going to do with this family. I can't just make them go away, I need them to keep that area covered, business wise. If I make an enemy out of them, my entire empire could crumble.

  The Vigs have a plethora of connections in South America that I need to stay on good terms with and I have the connection to the prostitution world that they want. We've been hesitant allies for years. Ever since I shot B.K., though, things have been even more tense between us. They know never to cross me, and they're cutting it pretty damn close with this whole Megan thing. The hardest part about all of this is I have to sit back and watch Jasper take the lead on it. I've never hated having him play the role in the past, but right now I wish with all my being that I could take the Vigs and squash them under my thumb without having to have 'the boss’s approval' on it all.

  I'm the fucking boss! Megan is fucking mine!

  I slam my fist into the wall of my office as I pace the floor, denting the drywall and growling at it. Fucking weak construction. When the doorbell rings I want to ignore it, but I know he won't go away. My car's behind the house but not in the garage. I'm certain the groundskeepers are out there for him to talk to; they know I'm home.

  I guess the faster I let him in, the faster he'll be gone for the day.

  Taking a deep breath and counting to ten, I reign in the power-hungry Luke and find Ace, the man second to the man in charge. Sometimes playing this game is harder than it sounds, but I do a fan-fucking-tastic job at it.

  Taking the steps one at a time, I see Jasper walking down the hallway towards his office.

  "Where's Tito?" he asks when he sees me going for the door.

  "Vacation. He'll be back next week."

  He nods and slips into his office, closing the door. Sometimes I wonder what he does all day when we're not working, but I leave him be mostly because I trust him not to do anything stupid. He's my brother.

  Making it to the door, I make sure my fake demeanor of being calm, cool, and collected is in place before swinging it open.

  And there he stands. All six foot of him. The man's good looking, I'll give him that, but he's got nothing on me. Sure he's more tanned than I am, and his hair is shorter than mine, but that means nothing. Megan likes hair to pull on, and she's never once mentioned anything about me needing a tan.

  Holy shit I'm losing my fucking mind! What the hell type of man thinks like this?!

  "Ben," I say, stepping aside and letting him in.

  "Ace." He nods and walks into the foyer.

  "Your dad not with you today?" I look behind him and out to the car waiting in the driveway.

  Typically B.K. comes with him to these meetings and waits in the lounge. Just to make sure we're not giving his son any trouble. Pansy fucking daddy's boy.

  "Um… No," he says awkwardly.

  Oh, what's wrong, Ben? You're not scared of me, are you?

  A grin sweeps across my face that I have to hide from him.

  "Want a drink?" I walk towards the wet bar and expect him to follow, which he does quickly.

  Good dog.

  "It's the middle of the day," he says, then his face falls the minute I send one of my 'don't fucking talk back to me' glares that I only reserve for those that are about to meet their end. "Yes, please."

  "Good." I nod, and pour him a shot of whiskey before making one for myself.

  He takes it, eyeing it until I down mine first, then takes his down and hisses when the burn of the alcohol makes its way down his throat. I watch him and study his behavior. If he was meant to be married to Megan by the time he turned thirty he can't be that much younger than me, but he looks like a goddamned kid. The khaki pants, the loafers, the collared shirt… Jesus, did he step out of a fucking GQ magazine?

  "Want another one?" I nod at the empty glass and he chuckles nervously, then walks towards the hallway.

  "No, I'm ok, thank you." He clears his throat. "So, um. How's the debt repayment going?" He shoves his hands in his pocket and leans against the doorframe, staring down the hallway towards the basement door.

  "No clue, Ben. I'm just the lowly lackey." I shrug and down another shot.

  This shit doesn't get to me like ole pink cheeks over there. One fucking shot and he's already feeling it.


  "Right," he mumbles. "Can I talk to Jasper?"

  Fuck you, Ben. Fuck. You.

  "Let me see if he's available." I clench my jaw and take the smooth gold liquid down with ease before setting down the glass as gentle as I can. "Hang tight, I'll be right back." I nod at him then nod at the camera on the ceiling.

  That's right, pussy, I'm watching you.

  I trek up the stairs and knock on Jasper's office door.

  "Open," he blurts. I shake my head and open the door to see him perched on the desk like a fucking lunatic. Elbows on his knees, fingertips pressed together, watching the computer screen.

  He looks over at me and slowly clicks the screen off.

  "The fuck you doing?" I cross my arms, put off by his behavior.

  "Just what has to be done, Lucas." He narrows his eyes at me and the look in them makes me wonder just what type of trouble he got into when he was gone last month. He's been so fucking weird around me lately.

  "Right," I mumble. "Listen, Ben's here and he wants to talk to you. Just stick to the mother fucking plan, got it?"

  He glares at me and cocks his head to the side, then grins and hops off the table.

  "Of course." After tossing on his suit jacket and checking the mirror, always one to make sure appearances are on par with demeanor, he clears his throat and gives me his 'I'm in charge and don't fuck with me' look.

  I follow Jasper down the stairs that lead straight to my office. Ben's still leaning against the doorframe, relaxed until Jasper enters the room. Once in, I close the doors and go straight for the desk, leaning against it as I watch Jasper walk across the room and greet Ben.

  "Ace here says you need to see me?"

  "I'm just checking in on how things are going." Ben stands a little taller the longer he speaks. "My dad's starting to get a bad feeling about this. I just want to make sure we're still on track for Megan's debt to be repaid in a timely manner."

  Kid's got balls, I'll give him that. I raise an eyebrow at Jasper and watch for his response.

  "On whose time? Mine...or yours? Because the way we do things in this house, my house, is on my fucking time!"

  I watch Ben stare at Jasper for what feels like forever, probably trying not to shit his pants. Poor kid, sometimes when Jasper goes off on these tangents I feel sorry for the fool that decided to set him off. I know for a fact that if B.K. were here right now Jasper wouldn't have acted like that.

  "Go on down, Ben," I say, watching Jasper pace the hallway. "You have fifteen minutes. Not a minute more."

  He nods and heads to the door and I follow to make sure they're locked down there. No need for her to get out…again.

  "I have to go check on Bronson," I say to Jasper as a warning to keep an eye on the videos to make sure nothing happens down there.

  He turns his head, a menacing look on his face, and growls. A drastic mood swing from not two minutes ago.

  "You know they're fucking down there, right?" The words he spits at me bring my blood to an instant boil.

  It's not just the words, either. It's his reaction to them.

  "Is this what you've been so out of sorts about lately?" I cross my arms so I don't punch a fucking hole in the wall.

  What the fuck is happening?!

  "She's letting him take her, Lucas. And you're not stopping it."

  "You shouldn't care what she does with her body, Jasper," I grit the words out, tension lacing my entire fucking body.

  I want to storm down those stairs and pummel the fuck out of that pretty boy that's ruining shit around here.

  Mother fucker!

  "It's this empire, L
ucas! She's fucking the mother fucking enemy! What the fuck does that make her to you!" he bellows, his voice echoing down the hall.

  I glare at him, seeing a man very affected by this news, and try my hardest to calm the fuck down before I do something stupid.

  "If I go down there right now it won't end well. For anyone. And you're not going anywhere near her either," I add when he stands a little taller.

  His face morphs into one I've only recently started seeing on him. "Someone needs to teach her that her body isn't hers to give," he snarls.

  Jesus fucking Christ, he never gives up.

  I storm over to him and take his collar in my hands, shoving him against the wall. "You so much as think about her again and we're going to have massive fucking problems. I thought I told you to leave Megan to me?"

  His eyes red and face tense, he's fighting with holding back what he really wants to say to me but he knows fucking better.

  Shoving him back, I curse under my breath. "He needs to be warned not to touch her," I whisper. "And it has to come from you."

  The grin that sweeps across his face isn't a happy one. In fact, it's just the opposite. It's a sinister, joker-style grin that only mentally unstable people get.

  Not fucking surprising coming from Jasper.

  "I can do that," he answers, standing up straight then heading towards the basement.

  "Not until his time is up," I snap and he stops in his tracks then turns on his heel, walking back toward me slowly.

  "So you're just going to let him have this time with her?" He steps closer. "Touching her? Fucking her?"

  "Go wait in the foyer. He should be up soon." My fists are clenched at my side and I try holding restraint.

  "No," he barks. "He's done now."

  God, how I want to be the one to send Ben this warning, but I can't. It needs to come from the man in charge, and to all outsiders that's Jasper. If I did it, I'd just look like the crazy hired hand that Jasper needs to have taken care of because he tried one-upping the boss man.

  When they get to the top of the stairs, Ben eyes me with a scared look on his face.


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