Gage's Serenity

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Gage's Serenity Page 3

by Taylor Rylan

  “Linus, why didn’t you tell me you were tired?”

  I looked towards the voice of my mate, and he’d taken his human shape again to communicate with me. I swiftly shifted and when I did, I realized just how chilly it was this deep in the forest.

  “Your chest looks so much better.” I noticed that the red scar was now healed and in its place was smooth skin.

  “Shifting helped. But you’re avoiding the question. Why didn’t you let me know you were so tired?”

  “Well, because I would have had to shift.” I replied as my teeth started chattering.

  “Sweetheart, we need to get you back to the house. I’m so sorry I didn’t take better care of you. If we shift, can you ride on my back?”

  “Yes. My parents and I did that when we left Alaska. I rode most of the way here on Grayson’s back.”

  “Good. Shift and then hop on. I’ll have us back to War’s in just a little while. Then we’ll get you tucked in, and you can have a nap.”

  I nodded because Gage was already shifting back to his bear form. He seemed anxious and hurried, so I made sure to shift quickly. Once Gage laid down on the ground, I jumped up onto his back, and he was off before I could even get situated. I was able to get in place on his back and in no time, we were back at the Alpha’s house, and my mate was shifting once again. He reached for me and held me in his arms as he rushed into the now empty kitchen.

  “Alpha?” Gage called out. I stayed curled up in my mate’s arms, completely tired and exhausted.

  “Gage? Is something wrong?” Edison asked as he walked into the room with our Alpha.

  “I don’t know. We went for a walk in the woods, but he seemed really tired, so I gave him a ride back but I’m not sure. He just seems more tired than he should,” Gage said as he handed me over to Edison. I looked up into the warlock’s eyes and he smiled knowingly at me.

  “Ahh, Gage, you haven’t yet claimed your mate.”

  “We haven’t exactly had the opportunity yet. Why?”

  “If I’m not mistaken, it would appear that young Linus is starting his first ever heat cycle,” Edison said while looking down at me.

  “What?” Gage shouted. “How is that possible? I haven’t claimed him. Shouldn’t we have had more time?”

  “He’s just turned eighteen. It’s his first cycle. It was bound to happen with or without meeting you. It’s just how these things work. Sometimes you have more time before this sets in. You don’t have to worry, though. It’s a natural thing.”

  “What do you mean, I don’t have to worry? He’s my mate. He’s my responsibility. I’ll always worry about him.”

  I squirmed enough that I was able to jump down out of Edison’s arms. Once on the ground, I ran over to my mate and shifted back. I quickly decided that it would have been better if I’d stayed in my shift. I was dizzy and just so tired.

  “I want Gage. Thank you, everyone for all the support yesterday, but I want my mate.”

  “Linus, do you realize what you’re saying? If you go with Gage, he’ll most likely claim you. You’re in heat and his bear will drive him to do it; he’ll have a difficult time denying you,” War warned me, but all it did was piss me off.

  “Isn’t that what mates do? Aren’t we supposed to claim each other? Why can’t mine claim me if that’s what I want?”

  “Linus, have you had time to think about things? What about Gage? Is he ready for a mate? Are you sure you are?” War asked, but my mate growled low in his throat, and I felt his chest rumble with it. I sighed and leaned into him, giving Gage more of my weight.

  “I want Gage. The fates gave him to me and I want him. I wanted him last night and this morning before this funny feeling started. Why can’t I have him?”

  “Alpha, I’m sorry you feel the way you do, but Linus is my responsibility. I’ll be taking my mate home now so I can care for him properly.”

  “Gage, I really think it’s best if you leave Linus here. He’s been through a great deal over the last twenty-four hours,” War argued, and then I felt it. I was leaning heavily against my mate, and I felt him give in and admit defeat. Our Alpha had told my mate no. He’d said we couldn’t be together, and I felt it break my big, strong bear.

  “Yes, Alpha. Please take good care of him for me,” Gage said as he placed his hands on my shoulders and gently pushed me away. “I’m so very sorry, Linus. I wouldn’t have done anything to hurt you. Not you. Not ever. I hope you know that,” Gage said before he turned and fled the kitchen. I heard a loud, mournful bellow outside the backdoor, and I wanted desperately to follow my mate.

  “You cannot interfere in matings, War. It’s frowned upon and the fates don’t like it. I hope they don’t decide to reverse your extended lifetime that you received when you mated with Arik. It would devastate him if he had to live without you for centuries,” Edison said to our Alpha. I kept looking towards where my mate had gone, but it was no use. I wouldn’t be able to open the door as a fox, and I was too tired to follow him as I was. “Come on, Linus. We should get you into bed.”

  “Gage? My mate. He left me, too? Why does everyone I love, leave me, Edison? I need my mate. He’s supposed to want me.” I couldn’t stop the tears that were falling from my eyes. Thankfully, in a blink, Edison had us upstairs and in the room I’d spent the night in with my mate.

  “Here you go. I’ll see to you first before I go try to talk some sense into War. I never expected him to say what he did.”

  “I don’t want to be here in Honey Creek anymore, Edison. I want my mate, and I want to leave. I need Gage, please.”

  “I know you do, Linus. I’ll be back in just a bit. You rest now,” Edison said as he touched my forehead, and I fell into a deep sleep.

  “He needs his mate, War.”

  “We can’t find him, Edison. Troy, Ryker, Elliot, and I have looked.”

  “You should have just left them be. It’s been two days, and his heat is peaking. He needs Gage.”

  “He’s not answering his door or his phone. I checked his back door and he’s not home. It doesn’t look like he’s been home for some time. He’s got to be in bear form somewhere out in the woods.”

  “You broke it; you fix it. And if you don’t find him soon, I’ll reverse the longer life that you were gifted.”

  “Okay, that’s not even fair. I didn’t even know that existed. And I technically didn’t tell Gage no. I simply pointed out that Linus is young; he’d been through a lot, and they hadn’t really talked yet.”

  “It doesn’t matter. Gage is his mate. They were thrown together, that day, for a very specific reason. But I can’t keep placing him under. Eventually, he’ll just not wake up.”

  “How did Arik go through all of his heats before he mated with me?”

  “Arik is my son, and things with him were different. Linus is very small and delicate. His fox is so much smaller than Arik’s tiger. That makes things different. Arik can handle the magic better because he comes from me. Linus doesn’t.”

  “How do we help him? Arik found out what happened, and he’s pissed at me. I haven’t slept next to my mate in two nights, Edison.”

  “I didn’t mess this up, War. You did.”

  “Yes, I did. I admit it, fully. But I can’t fix it if I can’t find Gage.”

  “He’s not come into work?”

  “No. He resigned. His letter of resignation was in my inbox the day after he left. You can’t give me any help? Please, Edison.”

  “War, go take care of your mate and cubs. I’ll see what I can do. Hang in there, Linus. Let’s see if the fates are in our favor and tell me where your mate is.”

  I woke, slowly, my brain foggy, and I was still burning up, but I was surrounded by the wonderful smells of my mate. It was almost as if he were in bed with me, so I tried to burrow deeper into the bed so I could surround myself with his wonderful scent more. This reminded me that my rock-hard dick needed attention, and my slick, empty hole needed filled. I writhed on the bed, seeking relief,
only the bed started shaking. And I wasn’t on a bed, was I?

  “You coming back to me, mate? Not that I mind you finding your pleasure on my body.”

  “Gage. Need.”

  “I know you do, sweetheart. But Edison thinks you’ll be over your heat in just a few more days, and then you’ll be yourself again.”

  “No. Not a few days. Weeks. Foxes. Weeks if not mated.”

  “What? Who told you that?” Gage said as he sat up. I was in a bed, and I was lying on top of my half-naked mate in a strange bed in a bedroom I’d never seen before.

  “Don’t know. Weeks, mate. Want you. Want your cubs. Only you. Thirsty.”

  A straw appeared in front of me, and I drank greedily from it. The liquid was cool and refreshing, and when I drank my fill, I went back into a heat-induced frotting, seeking a temporary relief so I could hopefully find some much-needed sleep.

  But a loud moan below me caught my attention before I could experience the orgasm I so desperately needed. I was on my back before I could decipher exactly what was happening.

  “The fates are punishing me; I’m sure of it. I hope you don’t regret this, Linus. Sweetheart, let me help you.”

  “Yes, take me.”

  “No. But I can help.”

  I suddenly felt a hot, wet heat surround my cock, and when I glanced down, I noticed my mate’s blond head bobbing up and down, and then I felt thick, strong fingers probe my entrance. That was all it took before I released my seed into my mate’s waiting mouth.

  Gage — 5

  I hadn’t figured out what I was being punished for yet, but I was sure it was one of the multiple times I’d messed something up. My poor little mate was so miserable. I couldn’t leave him, and when I left War’s house, I’d only gone out in the woods to patrol. My mate was in heat, and I couldn’t be with him, so I’d at least protect him.

  After two days of patrols, War had finally spotted me. When he caught up with me, he told me that he was sorry and let me know my mate needed me. I kept Linus as cool as I could, but it was no use. His little body was an inferno, and when he wasn’t rubbing against me or stroking his own leaky cock, he was in a fitful sleep.

  I knew I was in trouble when I got my first taste of my mate. He needed relief and it was ingrained in me that it was my responsibility to take care of him. I did the only thing I could think of to help. When his release filled my mouth, we both moaned and then he was once again in the restless sleep.

  I gently got up from the bed to run down to the kitchen and refill the water pitcher, as well as grab something to eat. I grabbed my phone on the way out the door and gave Edison a call. I needed some advice.

  “Gage, is everything okay?” Edison asked as he answered his phone.

  “I really need to ask you some questions.”

  Instead of responding, Edison simply appeared at my side, which caused me to jump.

  “Okay, that’s just a little freaky at times. A little warning next time would be nice.”

  “Sorry, Gage. How’s Linus?”

  “Still in heat and it doesn’t seem to be letting up. He said something that has me worried.”

  “What’s that?”

  “He mentioned that if foxes didn’t mate their heat lasted weeks. But he’s a little out of it right now. He’s asleep, I…”


  “I haven’t claimed him. It’s difficult not to though. I helped him and I feel guilty about it. He’s suffering, Edison, and I don’t know how to fix it.”

  “Gage, why do you feel guilty about helping your mate? He’s your one and only mate. The fates gave him to you for a reason.”

  “He’s delirious with fever caused by his heat. He doesn’t know what he’s asking. We haven’t really gotten to know each other yet.”

  “Gage, let me tell you a little bit about certain things. This getting to know each other part is a fairly new concept. When Wallace and I found each other, we mated almost immediately. And, I only say almost because I wasn’t going to allow my One to claim me in a cave. I got us back to my house, and we both got cleaned up, and then Wallace claimed me. Do I regret it? No, not at all. We were fated which means we were perfect for each other. There’s no second chance, no returns or exchanges, nothing. Linus is your mate. The only one you’ll get. He’s your absolute perfect match. Now, get over yourself, and go take care of your mate! He needs you and only you. His suffering will end just as soon as you knot him. He’s yours! Go claim him!”

  Edison disappeared before I could even respond. I fought with myself. I wanted to claim my mate, but I also wanted him to be aware of what was happening. Was he coherent enough to agree? Did he really want me for his mate? It hurt me and my bear to watch our mate in so much pain when we could help.

  I made a sandwich and quickly ate it before I refilled the water pitcher and headed back to my bedroom. Linus had kicked off all of the covers again and was on his stomach, rubbing his cock on the sheets, trying to find relief. Hoping that both Linus and the fates would forgive me, I sat the pitcher down and quickly undressed before joining him on the bed. I grabbed his hips and swiped my tongue across his hole that was a mess from all of the slick.

  “Gage? Please,” Linus sobbed as he looked at me over his shoulder. I gave in and sat back on my heels, bringing my mate with me. His back was to my front, and his entire body was vibrating with need.

  “Linus, are you absolutely sure? Sweetheart, I need to know this is what you want.”

  “Yes, Gage. I want you. I want to be yours, please.”

  I flipped my mate around and gave him a long, slow kiss. I wanted to try to make everything as sweet as he deserved. I’d only ever get to claim him this once, and even if he didn’t remember everything, I would. When Linus finally moaned into my mouth, I knew I’d started what I’d set out to achieve. I broke from the kiss and laid my mate back on the bed and slowly and gently worked my way down his neck and chest. I discovered that his ribs were quite ticklish. I needed to remember that for future use when I wanted out of trouble.

  “Gage, please.”

  “In a bit. I’m enjoying your body right now. Let me, please?”

  “Yessss,” Linus groaned as I swallowed his cock once again. He gently thrust his hips up, trying to hurry things along, but I had other plans.

  “Nope, behave, sweetheart,” I said as I held his hips down on the bed. I continued to bob up and down on his slim cock until he was once again filling my mouth and shouting through his release.

  “Gage! Take me! More!”

  “You’re a needy little thing, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. I need you!”

  With a strength I didn’t realize he had, Linus yanked me down on top of him and pulled my mouth to his. It was my turn to moan into his mouth when I felt my neglected cock probe at his slick entrance. When Linus started kissing his way down to my neck, I extended it enough that he had more room. As I started slowly pushing my way into his body, several things happened at once. Linus screamed in ecstasy as I felt his cock spurt again, this time between us, he bit down on my shoulder—claiming me—and I thrust completely into him as my knot inflated for the first time ever. When I started to fill my mate, I leaned down and bit into his shoulder claiming him as mine.

  “Mmm, yes,” Linus said as I licked his bite closed. He must have taken it as a hint because he did the same in return for mine. I rolled us over and pulled him on top of me with my knot still stuck inside his body, my seed slowly releasing.

  “You and I are going to have a talk about this a little later, mate.”

  “Told you I wanted you. You wouldn’t listen.”



  “Are you…I don’t know…coherent?”

  “Yep. I feel so much better, too. But this will only be a little break. You do have food in the house, right?”

  “I don’t understand. When bears go into heat, they’re not really aware of what’s going on except for their need.”

sp; “Yeah, but I’m not a bear. And I’m still in heat. But your knot is a wonderful thing, you know that?”

  I groaned when Linus wiggled his ass and scooted down a little further. He started kissing my chest, and then tongued my hard nipples. I felt my cock continue to slowly release my seed into his body; my knot throbbed and tingled with every spasm.

  I wrapped my arms around Linus and sighed.

  “I can’t wait to tell you I love you.”

  “Mmm, I love you, too, Gage.”

  “You heard me?”

  “Of course I did. We claimed each other. You’re mine and I’m yours. I know all about the mate bond and how we can always communicate. My parents made sure I knew all about this stuff. And now, I can easily let you know all about foxes, and what we’re like when we go into heat.”

  And show me he did. For the next few days, when I wasn’t knotted to my insatiable mate, I was either napping beside him or grabbing something for us to eat. For the first time in as long as I could remember, my bear was at peace. Linus shared so much with me by simply opening his thoughts to me.

  My mate had already been through so much in his young life; I hoped I was able to provide a stable and loving enough life for him. We’d never have to move since the cabin was already mine, free and clear. But I really hoped Linus was willing to make it our home.

  Three days after Linus claimed me, and then I him, his fever broke. He pulled away from me and simply passed out. For someone who was so small, he had an amazing amount of energy and endurance. I was only shy of a century old—so quite young for a shifter—but Linus had worn me out.

  I wouldn’t change a thing about it though. I adored my little mate and was so thankful that the fates had given him to me.

  I woke up with the sun shining in my eyes and looked around the room. Linus was curled up beside me snoring softly. Damn, was there anything about him that wasn’t cute? After checking on him through our bond, I realized that not only was he deeply asleep, but he was also happy and content.


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