Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility)

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Love UnCharted (Love's Improbable Possibility) Page 5

by Belvin, Love

  After my time with Rayna, I read through a few contracts and made notes on them. It wasn’t long after my time in the office that we turned down for the night. I curled up against Rayna’s soft and warm body. Very few times am I able to rein in self-control when she’s in this close of proximity—her warmth, fragrance and delicate skin never failed to make my sacs tingle with carnal need—but I managed. I was so damn exhausted that I don’t even recall dreaming.

  My eyes opened to a dark room. After blinking several times, I realized sleep was no longer on the agenda for me. Not needing to check the time, I knew it was just before six in the morning. So, I started contemplating my day, the length of it and, what it would take to make it successful.

  Her scent made it difficult to focus. It wasn’t every day that I woke up with her so close although she now shared my bed. My throbbing arousal caused a mountain tent on my lap through the bedding. On an average day, I could cope until my shower, but this morning I couldn’t and didn’t have to. She laid with her back to me, her long, loose hair was splayed across her pillow. The scent from her shampoo and other hair products was aromatic and alluring. I turned onto my side to graze her soft skin. I ached for her. She’d alchemized into my obsession in mere months—owned my every thought, personified my every craving.

  Rayna wasn’t the type of woman who slept with her arms and legs draped across you. Not my lady. She much preferred her own space in the bed. There were nights that I lay awake, studying her soft angelic features, giving thanks to Allah for the gift of her in my life, in my home. In my bed. It took a little groveling, but damn if she didn’t finally relent making me the luckiest son of a bitch on the West Coast.

  I enjoyed this cohabitation experience more than I initially thought I would. Like every morning, I yearned for her warm morning breath all over me as I reached over her and grabbed her left breast, kneading it through my fingers. So supple. Within seconds, she stirred. My hand traveled down to her soft yet firm left thigh, gently pushing her leg back onto mine so that I could find her clit, her pleasure control house. In no time, she purred from the slickness that I milked between her legs. She was so wet. So warm. Rayna always melted for me. I nibbled on her neck, calling to her awakening.

  “Brimm, baby,” I whispered out in need of her.

  She stirred again in her resting place, bringing her arm up to wipe hers eyes awake. I knew she was still slightly dozed, so I nibbled a little more as I stroked between her legs, two fingers entering in her soaked valley and called out to her again. Her eyes fluttered as she fully roused. She thrust her pelvis into my hand, giving into the stirring pleasure. She twisted her caramel body and turned to me with hooded eyes. Those eyes caused my near explosion as she moved toward me. Within moments and without instruction, she shifted and mounted me.

  This is one of a sundry things I appreciated about Rayna; she was always ready to gratify, fervent in pleasuring. Yielding to my physical needs. Once she was saddled onto my cock, her wild mane cascaded down and around my face, she pulled the blanket up over us and took me for an erotic ride. And my girl did that well. I would fuck Rayna next to a corpse just to get my fill of her, but this morning I want her atop. This is her favorite position. Ironically, when she’s here, Rayna’s aggressive in her desire of me, more self-assured and effervescently feminine. This is how I longed for her to radiate every second of her life—strong, fierce in nature, and exuding self-confidence.

  I pulled her face down to mine and covered her lips in a hungry kiss that took my breath away. Our tongues danced with fervor. Our lips locked hard and I sucked her tongue and each lip one by one. My fingers tangled in her hair until they itched to grip her lush ass. I grabbed a hold of each of her firm cheeks and pulled her into me with dire need. She moaned as she rocked on top of me with delicious plunges.


  If she only knew how much I needed this, how much this connection with her now affirmed my being. Like the taut grip her hungry walls had on my dick, she held the source of my control. As though I was her very own marionette, she controlled the strings to my happiness, my destiny. Dictated my world. I can’t lie and say that I was comfortable with her having said power. I needed to know that she could responsibly govern my universe, and yet I couldn’t be so sure. But shit, when she put it on me like this, causing my fucking toes to curl and goose bumps to cover my skin—I knew the reality was that she owned every part of me. Mind. Body. And fucking soul.

  I walked her to the door, sulking internally. This is the part of my job that I hate; saying goodbye before a trip. She smelled delightful in her Cool Water. Her ass puffed in her plum pencil skirt with her bone Prada pumps. Her hair was pushed back into a knotted ponytail and I suddenly noticed that she wasn’t wearing lipstick.

  “Where’s your lip-gloss?”

  Rayna was beautiful. Her caramel skin glowed radiantly without makeup or extra add-ons. Her lips were plumped and a shade darker than her face, helping to create the most alluring smile. Her eyes were dark brown and always kept you guessing what was behind them, making them so fascinating.

  “Oh, no!” she sputtered, holding her palm to me. “I’ll put that on before I get to work. I knew you’d smear it before I made it to the car.” She giggled. She was right. I loved fucking up her lipstick. It’s a part of my brutish nature.

  “I’m glad you’re giving yourself more time before resuming to working out.” I stood along the wall adjacent to the door, leaning my head into it like some love-stricken teenager.

  “Just one more day. After this morning, I’m reminded of how much I need to stick with my workouts,” Rayna shot back. “You were an animal. That should last ya’ about a week, I hope.”

  I smiled, taken by her teasing. She had no idea—I could never have enough of her, in my bed or on my jimmy.

  “You gonna miss me?” I asked, unmasking my solemnity.

  “Probably a little more than you’re going to miss me,” she murmured, moving closer.

  “How do you know that’s possible? Can you measure how much I miss you?” Goddamn if her sudden proximity didn’t arouse me in less than seconds.

  “You’re the one leaving every week. I’m here…waiting on your return,” she murmured soberly. My head slightly jolted back. It was almost as if I’d been jabbed in the stomach. Her eyes widened in reaction to it.

  “No! No, I don’t mean that in a guilt trip type of way. I just meant that I’m here surrounded by you until you return,” Rayna tried to assure me, albeit unsuccessfully. “It’s probably a little easier for you when you have no reminders. You’re in a new place…new surroundings all the time.”

  I exhaled from frustration. I didn’t want her to feel this way. It was so far from the truth. “Brimm, it’s never easy for me, trust me. Believe me when I say I am looking into ways to slow down my travel.” I traced her jaw with the pad of my thumb. She’d become so precious to me in no time. “I didn’t mean for us to kick things off like this. I promise, I’m working on a solution.” I tried pleading through her eyes. “Keep in mind, you can always tag along.”

  She gasped. “…and get on your nerves even when you’re away working? I don’t think so.” Rayna shook her head emphatically, bearing a soft smile and rolling her brown irises. “I’ll be fine. Just don’t forget to come home from time to time—” She stopped and I could tell something had suddenly come to mind. “Hey! How ‘bout we video chat. That could be fun.”

  A wicked smirk appeared upon her face as she raised an eyebrow. Sensual images ran through my head as quickly as blood rushed to the head of dick. Goddamn. I liked the idea immediately and wanted to show her.

  “Give me your hand,” I ordered and she did so hesitantly.

  I pulled it to my rock hard crotch. Her eyes lit up and she was about to speak before I pulled her into my chest and placed my mouth to hers, pulling her into a kiss that was hard and long. The current state of my cock. She moaned and deepened the kiss. I didn’t want to let her go; I’d much prefer taking
her back to bed and making her scream my name from insane pounding. I wanted to hold her naked body in my arms for hours on end.

  “Brimm, you gotta go. I’ll call you when I land,” I muttered, resting my forehead on hers, breaking our embrace. I heard her heavy panting over my own.

  “Text me when you board the plane,” Rayna whispered, her voice laced with longing. Her eyes looked heavy and I didn’t know if it was from lust or simple sadness of my leaving. Either way, it made it difficult for me.

  After I closed the door behind her, I headed back into the kitchen to grab my coffee from the breakfast table. Chef Boyd broke from his melodic whistling to offer, “You’re going to marry that young lady, Mr. Jacobs.”

  It stopped me in my tracks. I took a split second to consider his words. My concentric and ruminant eyes traveled to his large frame. Boyd was robust man. He towered me a few inches and his shoulders stretched a bit wider than mine. He’d always been mannerly and prepared with appropriate responses to trivial exchanges as well as formal conversations, which is likely why I entertained his comment.

  “If I can slow down my life just enough for her to see that I’m a formidable candidate, I just might have a shot,” I admitted with candor. “There aren’t enough shopping trips that can push her hand in that. Turns out she isn’t that type of catch.”

  “That’s very true, sir, but I’m confident that you’ll find a way. Just know that time isn’t your friend, it will never be,” Boyd heeded and went back to whistling a tune. After several beats of contemplation, I headed to my office for a conference call with a head filled to the brim with Brimm.

  After my conference call concluded, I made my way into the master suite to wash and dress for my flight. I was in the closet when my cell phone rang. The tone was distinctive, I immediately knew it was the iPhone. It wasn’t Rayna’s programmed ringtone, “Nasty Girl” that I had my I.T. guy install some way that only techy freaks would know how to do. Instead, it was a generic ring. I crossed the closet over to the island and answered it.

  “Peace-Peace,” I greeted.

  “Divine, my man, long time no hear!”

  A wide ass smile splayed across my face, “David. How are you?”

  “It’s D.J., D. You know I don’t like that David shit,” I could hear the petulant pouting in his tone. He still had lots of growing up to do.

  “David is a strong universal name. I told you to never hide from your legacy. That cool shit is whack. You’re twenty-eight years old and are on the road to success. Your name is David. Fuck a D.J.,” I recited sternly. My intent wasn’t to condescend, but to reaffirm the strengths of his reality.

  “Ye-yeah,” David sputtered, suddenly sounding lowly. “I know. It’s just that I want to be my own man. Build my own damn legacy—”

  I cut him off, “You do and you are. You’re making profound strides. Don’t trip off the small shit.”

  “I know, D, man. But every time I hear his name, it makes me feel like a peon.”

  I could hear ruffled sounds in the background, making wonder where he was. I’d usually hear from David on a weekly basis and sometimes saw him just as much. He hasn’t been to Cobalt to visit me in a few weeks. I would have been more concerned if I didn’t get him hooked up with a job at the movie theater I’m part owner of. I’d hoped he maintain his struggle on the straight and narrow.

  “Have you been keeping your visits with Dr. Halsom?” I quizzed as I adjusted my pants to zip, button, and belt. I was extremely cognizant of the time. I had less than fifteen minutes to be out the door.

  “Yeah, man!” David cried, his voice was high pitched. I knew he was petrified of losing my faith in him, and I hadn’t, but I still wanted to make sure he knew what was expected of him.

  “And the job. How’s working as an assistant manager? Are they treating you right?”

  “Y-yeah…yeah, man!” he spoke emphatically. David’s a former meth junkie and his voice is always so shaky, but I believed him. I would’ve heard if he’d fucked up at his sobriety or job. “Everything’s all good, bro.”

  “Good. Thanks for checking in. Next time don’t space it out so fucking much,” I warned as I grabbed my wallet, keys and pocket watch from the island draw.

  “You’re right, D. I won’t. I’ve just been taking sometime to rebuild my life, you know…” his voice trailed off.

  I knew that although he’d been clean for a year, David was still fucked up in the soul. I’m not sure if it’s beyond repair, that’s for the therapists he visits to determine. But I knew that he needed someone to stay on his ass. Someone he respected. The walks of life we traveled were as polarized as they can get, but we did intersect in the streets—streets that I owned and he fell victim to as he spiraled down a dark hole of addiction.

  I don’t know why I gave a damn. I’d been a cold-hearted son of bitch since fifteen, slinging all types of narcotics. My actions made no connections to the lives of the feeble who were crushed in my illegal trade. The arms of my transgressions stretched further than to the patrons of the pipes, leaves, and powder that I’ve slung; they extended to the loved ones of those users and also to those who were made victims in their ruthless attempts to score my shit. These revelations never scratched the surface of my conscious until I ran into David. He held the mirror to my inner-sinister being. There had to be an unrelenting comeuppance in my afterlife.

  “But I’m okay, I swear,” David pledged, waking me from my introspective thoughts as I zipped my duffle bag, ready to leave for the airport.

  “Indeed. I’m on my way out of town on business. Come through Cobalt next week and let me lay eyes on you. Maybe we’ll catch a bite,” I murmured as my eyes scanned a partially opened draw that I gave a cursory glance in to discover it contained Rayna’s birth control pills. Several suggestive thoughts raced in my head in mere seconds regarding those magic pills. I immediately reeled them in, I needed to go.

  “Sure, man,” David agreed and I tapped the red End tab on the phone as I made my way down the corridor towards the front door.


  I flew to Connecticut to meet with a casino whose overhead exceeded its earnings and had been in the red for a couple of years, barely able to stay afloat. Ironically, Mark and Eric’s fraternity was having a convention there. They were Alpha men and were due to be in town for a week-long celebration. I hadn’t seen them in a while and thought to rent a house that we could utilize and meet to catch up. Brett found a four bedroom home with a pool, outdoor Jacuzzi, basketball court, and a fully finished basement with a pool room and fully stocked bar. It was my treat to them for not having had the time to chill like we used to do regularly.

  Right after landing, I headed straight into a meeting, but called Rayna on the way. Her parting words were still fresh in my head. I needed to make her feel a constant connection to me, even if that meant calling her like the fucking love-stricken adolescent I was when I last saw her. I’d do what I had to do.

  The meeting was draining. This was a family owned business and according to my partner, Richard, these were the most difficult to resolve because of the emotional attachment and sense of entitlement the owners had to the business. We had our numbers set and they weren’t very flexible considering the timing and money needed to save it from an inevitable debunk status. I could tell from the start of the meeting this was going to be long and drawn out.

  We were invited to tour the casino that evening and asked to stay for dinner. They were trying to impress us into believing the business was promising and therefore worth more than what we were offering. That was one of the cons of being a rather new merger and acquisitions firm; if we were larger and more reputable, it would have been understood that our decision was based on what’s on paper—only their bottom line. But until we were a little matured in the business in terms of reputation, we had to rely on the art of compromise and negotiation savvy. Needless to say, I was all too happy when the meeting ended.

  I walked through the door of the h
ouse and was contented immediately by its stateliness. The motif was very contemporary and comfortable enough to be considered family style. I saw the lights were on, and although the sun was going down, I didn’t believe they were left on by the property-keeper. Mark and Eric had to have arrived before me. I didn’t see traces of them until I dropped my things and made my way out of the foyer and closer toward the massive kitchen area that displayed a long white wooden island that sat at least six. There was a door across from the kitchen’s entryway that was open and I could hear boisterous laughter that sounded very familiar. I walked down into the basement where I found the two fellows, around the pool table en route.

  “It’s me, bitches,” I sang as I skipped down the steps.

  “Azmir, baby, please let me tea bag you to express my gratitude for this pad!” Eric exclaimed as I approached him and gave him some dap. “Bro!”

  “Oh, no! I’ll blow him first for that Jacuzzi out on the deck!” Mark shouted just before I gave him some love as well. “Do you know how many young and firm AKAs I can fit in there tonight?”

  “I’ll exonerate both of your acts of kindness and accept a simple thanks instead. From the look of the stubbles on both of you, I’d have carpet burns for a week.” I put both my palms in the air, gesturing a no thanks. It was good to see them. They both held whiskey glasses. “So what y’all sippin’ on?”

  “Dude! There’s a fully loaded bar. I’ve started off with brandy. This shit is quality. Fuck!” Mark craned his neck back, looking at the miniature glass. I knew the bar was fully loaded, I paid to have it that way.

  “You know, men of my refined nature always enjoy scotch. It’s delicious, bro!” Eric raised his glass in the air as I walked over to the bar to make my selection.

  “So what does the agenda look like this week for you guys?” I turned my attention back to the shelves, looking for a tumbler. Mark pointed my attention over the sink and I grabbed a whiskey glass. “What type of Greek function is this?” I poured my Armagnac and returned to the cipher at the pool table.


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