Randall & Hudson_A M/m Humiliation Play Romance

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Randall & Hudson_A M/m Humiliation Play Romance Page 5

by M. A. Innes

  Or how to ask the million-dollar question.

  “My head’s...weird?”

  That low laugh came over the phone again. “Weird, huh? I guess that makes sense. Is your dick confused or does it know what it wants?”

  I could feel my face heating up, and a little noise escaped, half-whine and half-moan. “Um...it’s not confused.”

  That damn laugh came through the phone again and my cock jerked. It was so tempting to reach down and wrap my fingers around it, but that...that would be wrong. Right? His voice dropped lower, and the deep sound vibrated through me. “Does your cock like what happened last night? Did it like getting teased and shown off, then touched?”


  “Tell me more, Angel. I know you’re probably blushing and hard. Aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” He wanted more? Hiding and denying everything seemed like the most logical option, but a bigger part of me wanted to please him. No matter how embarrassing it was...or maybe because it was so embarrassing. “I...you watched me...and then you...and you touched me...and made me strip...and the rules...”

  I kept tripping over the words that were rattling around in my head. Nothing would come out right, and full sentences seemed to be beyond me. It was easier when he was right there, and I could see his face. When I could be confident that he meant it, and he was turned on too.

  “You like being watched...do you know how sexy that was?” Rustling sounds came over the phone, and I wasn’t sure what he was doing, but my mind was filling in all kinds of naughty things.

  “It was?” He’d gotten hard, and he’d been turned on, but...

  “It was, Angel. I got to see you wiggling that ass and bending over for everyone. And you were so good when you did what you were told and obeyed me.” Desire was thick in his voice, and I squeezed my legs together, trying to get enough friction to come without actually touching myself.

  “Did you like obeying me, Angel?” The low, wicked words did crazy things to my stomach. “Did doing what you were told turn you on even more?”

  It was hard to force the words out, but eventually, I managed. “Yes. I liked...liked knowing what you wanted, and that you were turned on...too.”

  “You are perfect, Angel. I bet you want to touch that pretty cock. Don’t you? Is it hard?” I could hear the desire in his voice, but he seemed to think the question was perfectly normal, while it sent my insides whirling again.

  “Yes...can I...I have to...I mean...asking and...” I took a breath and started again, refusing to keep going if I sounded like an idiot. “Yes, I’m hard.” Ha! I did it. “And I’m supposed to ask about...playing with myself, right?”

  Nothing like that had ever come out of my mouth before.

  “Very good. Yes, you need to ask before you play with your cock. You gave me control over it. Right?”

  “Yes.” The word was a little squeaky, but I got it out.

  “Then, when you’re hard, and you want to touch yourself, you need to text me or call. Sometimes I’ll say yes, but sometimes, I’m going to say no. Like last night when you were working. I wanted that hard dick on display, and that meant you didn’t get to come right away. It was worth the wait, though, wasn’t it?” He was making me crazy. I’d never met anyone like him.

  “God, yes...it was so hot...perfect.”

  “I’m glad, Angel. I’m going to show you all kinds of things you’re going to love. I still haven’t forgotten that you need to be punished for coming without permission. Since it was the first time you disobeyed, I’m going to give you a choice about your punishment.”


  “A choice?”

  “Yes. Since you’re hard and needy right now, you can choose not to come until we have our date this weekend, or you can come now, but you need to know I’m going to punish you at work next time you have a shift. Which one are you going to pick?” He said it so logically, like we were picking pizza toppings or something.


  It wasn’t like picking pepperoni or sausage.

  “Come now or wait?”

  It wasn’t that simple.

  He would punish me at work.

  “What would...what would you do at work?” The idea of being punished in front of everyone should have scared the hell out of me.

  That low chuckle came over the phone again. “Nothing you’ll hate. But you will remember it, my wicked angel.”

  My eyes closed, and it took everything in me not to grab my cock. “I don’t know what to do.”

  His voice took on a sweeter note that was just as sexy. He honestly seemed to understand how difficult it was, how taking that step was almost impossible. “Do you want me to pick? Do you want me to decide your punishment?”

  “Yes.” Then I wouldn’t have to feel guilty...he was choosing. I’d given Hudson that power, so it wasn’t up to me.

  “All right, Angel. I want you to say something for me first.”

  “What?” Something in his voice made me want to squirm. It was going to be naughty.

  “Say, ‘Master, please decide my punishment.’ I want to hear you say it, Angel.” His voice was rough, and desire flowed through the phone down into me.

  My dick was straining in my briefs, and they were sticky with precum. I’d never been this turned on unless I was at the bar or fantasizing about wicked things. It was the most insane, naughty, incredible situation that had ever happened to me.

  I had to keep reminding myself that it wasn’t a dream. That made it even harder, but I wasn’t going to pretend that I didn’t want it. I wanted it more than anything. “Master, please decide my punishment.”


  Hottest. Thing. Ever.

  “Good boy. I’m picking the one I want more. Do you understand that? This is the one that’s going to please me the most. I’m going to like punishing you, Angel. I’m not going to hide that. I know you’re going to do your best to be a good sub for me, but when you disobey or come without permission, I’m going to love punishing you.”


  “Yes.” It came out anxious and desperate.

  “I’m going to discipline you at the bar. Everyone will know you’ve been bad. But that means you get to come now. You want to touch your cock. I can hear it in your voice.” Frantic sounds came out of me, and he gave a low hum of pleasure. “My needy boy. Reach down and touch your dick.”


  He wanted me to do it now? Like phone sex?

  “Have you ever touched yourself while someone listened, Angel?”


  “Oh, sweet boy.” He sounded like I’d just handed him the keys to Versailles and said it was his for the taking.

  “I haven’t...I haven’t done much.” My hand snaked down under the covers and my clothes and wrapped around my cock. I just couldn’t hold myself back anymore. If I was quiet, he wouldn’t be able to tell what I was doing.

  “Angel, I’d love to be your first. I’d love to be your first everything.”

  The pleasure short-circuited my brain. That was my only excuse. “You would be my first everything. You were my first kiss.”

  His moan shot pleasure right through me. “God, Angel. You make me crazy. I can’t wait to see you again.”

  I tried to drag out the pleasure. I tried to slow down and make it last, but it was impossible. I was racing after it as fast as I could. I clamped my lips together, but he heard something because his voice got heated and wicked again. “You’re playing with your cock. Are you going slow, or are you going fast?”

  A little whine came out, but something in me pushed me to answer. “Fast. I have to...faster...”

  “Because you want to come. You’re my wicked angel. Are you on the bed?”

  Thinking was hard and talking was even worse. “Yes...under...in bed...”

  “Push the covers down. I know you’re hiding that pretty cock of yours, but I want it out.” He only gave me a second before he kept giving me orders. “I can hear how hard
you’re breathing. Let go of your dick, Angel, and push down the covers. I won’t tell you again.”

  The tone of his words had me shaking. That strong, demanding voice knew exactly what it wanted. My obedience. “Yes, Master. I’ll be good.”

  I didn’t want him to change his mind. I needed to come.

  Shoving the sheet and comforter down, I moaned as the cool air of the room hit my cock. Hudson just knew without my saying anything else. “Good boy. Grab lotion or something, I don’t want you to come too soon.”

  I whimpered. “Please...but I need—”

  Hudson broke in, his words firm and commanding. “You need to obey your master, Angel.”

  “Yes, Master.” Damn. That was the hottest thing ever. “I’m sorry.”

  Apologizing probably wasn’t supposed to be so erotic.

  I reached over and grabbed some lotion I kept in the nightstand. I didn’t use it very often. I liked the feel of my dry hand on my cock. Rough and almost painful. It made me feel naughty, which only made me come faster. The lotion made a dirty sound as it came out, and I didn’t even take the time to warm it up before I was grabbing at my cock again.

  The cool feel made me gasp, but the friction of my hand against my cock made it heat up quickly. “You like it rough, don’t you, Angel? You want it to hurt just a little.”

  Pathetic, needy sounds spilled out of my mouth, and they just made me grip my dick harder. “Yes. I have to...I need to...more...”

  “You want more? You want me to let you come?”

  Was that what was holding me back?

  I wasn’t sure. All I knew was that I was so close I could feel my orgasm rolling through me, but I couldn’t get there. I needed to come. “Yes. Please!”

  “Keep playing with your dick, but I want you to tug on your balls. Remember, I don’t want you to come yet.”

  I released the sheet I’d had a death grip on and reached down to grab my balls. Rolling them between my fingers, I teased at them for a moment before giving them a tug. Lightning shot through me, and I gasped out, “Please!”

  “That’s a good boy. Again. Let me hear how wonderful it feels.”

  The mix of pain and pleasure had me whimpering and crying out. I needed to come. He had to let me. “I need...I can’t wait...Master, please.”

  He must have heard the desperation in my voice, because he finally took pity on me. “Pinch the head, Angel. Show me how you like the pleasure. Make it hurt like I would. I’d give you what you need.”

  A strangled sound came out as I took the head of my dick between my fingers and obeyed his instructions. Electricity shot through me and everything went white.


  There was nothing left in me but to obey my master.

  It was the hardest, most violent orgasm I’d ever had. It rolled through me and just kept going as I tugged on my cock, soaking up the wonderful sensations that came from touching the oversensitive, tender skin.

  When it was finally over, and I just lay there panting and jerking as the last sparks of pleasure shot up my spine, I picked up the phone from where it had fallen on the bed and reached for a tissue to clean up the mess. I probably should have been mortified about what had happened, but hearing his voice was the only thing on my mind. “I’m sorry. I dropped the phone.”

  Hudson laughed, rich and deep. “So fuckin’ sexy. I’m going to take you out tomorrow night. When are you done with classes?”

  Tossing the mess toward the trash can, I leaned back on my pillow and pulled the sheet up over me again, not even bothering to pull up my pants. That required too much work.

  “Eight. It’s not a late night.” My brain was fuzzy, and everything was going soft. I just wanted to close my eyes and sleep more. The sheets felt silky against my skin and I felt like I’d run a marathon. “A real date?”

  His voice was warm and soothing, making me sink deeper into the wonderful sensations still flooding through me. “Yes, Angel. A real date.”

  “That’s wonderful.” I yawned and snuggled down into my bed, closing my eyes. “And you won’t tell me I’m a whore who wants to be raped.”

  There was the slightest pause, but my brain almost didn’t catch it. “No, I’d never say that. You’re my angel, and I know what you need.”

  “You know everything...so perfect...”

  There was another low laugh. “I don’t know your real name. Randy, isn’t it?”

  I smiled, and another yawn came out. “Randy is a nickname. Sounds better than Randall, like I fit in there.”

  “I like Randall. Maybe Randy when you’re my slut. That’s a better nickname for when you’re being a dirty boy.”

  “Angel. Already have a nickname from you.”

  “Who says I only get one?”

  I wasn’t sure. The question didn’t make sense. “Rules somewhere.”

  “Go back to sleep, Angel. I’ll text you about the plans later.”

  “Yes, Sir. Sleep.” That was an order that would be easy to obey.

  “My wicked angel.” His voice was far away, and thinking was too hard.


  He said something else before he disconnected the call, but my brain didn’t catch it. The phone fell back to the bed, and I told myself I’d only sleep another hour or two. Then I’d get up and function. Oblivion was right in front of me when I heard a knock on the door that made me jerk and open one eye.

  “You okay in there?”


  Chapter 5


  “Do we have the second round of interviews set up for the warehouse manager position yet?” Glancing up at my assistant as he walked in the room, I frowned at the look on his face. “No? What happened?”

  Wes, a guy in his late thirties that looked more like a butler than a secretary, walked toward the desk shaking his head, not a wrinkle in his impeccable suit or a hint of a five-o’clock shadow. I, on the other hand, looked like I’d been left in the washer too long...wrinkly, kind of sad, and a bit too fuzzy for the office.

  “I’m sorry. The delay in calling about the second interviews has made things more difficult. Of the four applicants, two have accepted other positions, one has moved out of state for more opportunities, and one is now a resident of the state penitentiary on charges of bribery and assault with a deadly weapon. However, from what I was told, there are other charges that are going to be brought.”

  He said it with such a straight face I thought he had to be kidding. “What?”

  “Evidently, he was stealing money from his previous employer. When it was discovered, he tried bribing the admin that uncovered it. That altercation did not go well, hence, the assault charges. A letter opener was mentioned.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding.”

  “No. Unfortunately not. The man’s soon-to-be ex-wife was very eager to unload some of her frustrations. I’ll have HR repost the job and see if we can get more responses.”

  “At this point, I think it would be easier to replace me than that damn warehouse position.” I was only being slightly dramatic. Albert, the previous manager, had done a great job for almost as long as I’d been alive. But no one had noticed mild Alzheimer’s setting in until the office was in such bad shape it was going to take someone months to get it all worked out.

  Right now, that lucky person seemed to be me—partly out of necessity and partly out of penance.

  The company wasn’t that big, and I should have known something was up. I’d just thought he was slowing down, and the delay in getting his reports in was because the new systems were a little hard to learn.

  Patty, his wife, kept telling me not to beat myself up because even she hadn’t noticed how bad things were getting, but that didn’t make me feel any better. Merrick Trucking was an international trucking and moving company, but we took great pride in being a family. As head of that family, it was up to me to notice when people were having problems.

  “Yes, it would.” Now the twinkle was very clear in
Wes’s eyes, but the rest of his face was still very somber.

  When Albert had first given his notice and talked about retirement, no one had realized anything was wrong. It wasn’t until we’d started looking for reports and trying to get things organized so he could train his replacement that we began to understand the scope of the problem. Once I’d realized how much effort it was going to be to get that position ready for a new employee, we’d had to put off hiring someone.

  The delay had only been for a few weeks, but it looked like that was going to set us back again. “Are you sure there isn’t anyone internally that wants the job?”

  He just shook his head. “No, unfortunately, we’re a small company without tons of extra employees and sadly, everyone is happy where they are. It’s tragic.”

  “The sarcasm isn’t appreciated.”

  “It is, however, necessary when you ask me the same question every time we discuss the matter.” Wes didn’t believe in putting up with anything from me. It was a little like I was being groomed and tweaked until I resembled the kind of person he thought a CEO should be.

  He’d told me once that I was still a work in progress.

  It didn’t matter that I’d taken over after my father had stepped down five years ago and had managed to almost double the company revenue, without adding a lot of unnecessary bulk. I’d done a damn good job. Wes, however, was very clear that someone in my position had an image to uphold, and I wasn’t trying hard enough.

  If he wasn’t such a good admin, or secretary when he’d pissed me off, I’d have probably thrown him out the window a long time ago. It wasn’t like he’d changed after he’d been hired, either. He’d always been a shit, but he’d done such a good job, I couldn’t complain.

  “Okay, have HR post it today before they leave. I know they might have to work late, but if we can get it out before the weekend, that might help. And start scheduling interviews with people as soon as you can, don’t wait until you have several good candidates.”

  “Do you want to open the position to people from out of state?” The hesitation was clear in his voice.

  I just sighed and leaned back in the chair to rest my head on it. Closing my eyes, I shook my head. “Not yet; let’s still focus on finding someone local and open it up at the end of next week if we have to.”


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