Other Worlds: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Two - Fantasy

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Other Worlds: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Two - Fantasy Page 13

by P. A. Priddey

  The robed man and woman pointed towards the strange-looking grey men in front of them. They were tall and skinny and pulled out their swords before attacking the group. Carrie was amongst them first, swinging her sword with skill and speed, she blocked and ducked and two of them lay on the ground. James slipped, and rolled under a sword before it almost hit him, he spun and swung his own sword catching the creature under the arm killing it. The wolves doubled up on one avoiding its blade before Chi pulled it down and Rho crushed its throat. Asima calmly stepped out the way of a sword and swung her own with ease taking the creature’s head off. Jodie was accurate as always, but her bolts went straight through two of them without causing any damage which surprised her. It gave the gangly looking men a chance to attack her. Paige and Claire blocked their swords, and both women spun decapitating them.

  Alex watched with spear ready but they never needed him. He looked towards the man and woman who were in charge but the huge bear was blocking his view. House hit it one last time and it fell to the ground. The remaining creatures grouped together as a mist covered them and they vanished.

  ‘Cowards, come back and fight,’ Carrie shouted.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ said Alex. ‘I think we’ll see them again.’

  ‘Where are we?’ said James. ‘When you said it was dark, I didn’t think you meant we’d be outside.’

  Alex shrugged. ‘I’ve no idea, but at a guess I’d say we’re a long way from home,’

  ‘We didn’t need passports after all,’ said Claire. ‘House can take us anywhere.’

  ‘Yeah, it would appear so,’ said Alex, ‘but it’s always useful to have one.’

  Paige put her sword away. ‘Are we going back now?’

  ‘Not just yet,’ said Alex, looking around at the bodies. ‘These were not demons.’

  Asima poked the closest with her sword. ‘We cannot leave them just lying around.’

  ‘No, we can’t,’ Alex agreed. He stepped over to the nearest creature, putting his hand over it, and the golden energy turned it into ash. He did the same to all of them.

  Claire grinned. ‘One jumped off the cliff.’

  ‘You won’t find that now,’ said James, nervously looking over the edge. ‘The sea has taken it.’

  They returned to find Luella holding Talitha. She was five years old with black hair which had grey streaks, and blue-grey sparkling eyes.

  ‘I wait all these years and you give me nine grandchildren in a few months,’ Luella told him.

  Alex took his new daughter off his mother, and let his energy strengthen her. He looked down and the other children were staring at him. ‘I’ve only just picked her up.’

  Sarin’s eyes grew big. ‘Yes . . . but we have to show her around, and meet everyone.’

  Alex put Talitha down. ‘OK, but don’t be too long.’

  ‘Of course not, we have to go shopping soon.’

  Alex smiled. ‘I had a feeling that was coming.’

  George nodded. ‘And I have a feeling there will be something at my office for you.’

  James scratched his head. ‘Wouldn’t it have already been there before this happened.’

  George shook his head. ‘No, the details would have been faxed over by the Order.’

  Alex shrugged. ‘I best go and get changed after all that fighting.’

  ‘What for?’ said Claire. ‘You only chucked your spear once.’

  Alex laughed. ‘That’s true I guess, and I really didn’t get much of a look in.’

  James nodded. ‘With House taking care of the giant bear thing, it wasn’t much of a fight.’

  That was not me, it was Rockman.

  ‘What happened out there?’ said Blaze. ‘I could hardly see anything.’

  Alex poured himself a drink. ‘But you could see something?’

  ‘Yes, but it was dark and fuzzy. I kept having the urge the crystal ball like you’d tap an old television.’

  ‘That’s because it was night-time.’

  ‘I’ve always been able to see clearly in it at night.’

  Alex nodded. ‘Yeah, but it’s daytime here, so how far away were we?’

  ‘Very far,’ said Joseph. ‘You could be looking at the other side of the world.’

  ‘And I could see so far,’ said Blaze. ‘Shame it was all fuzzy.’

  ‘It might just need a little practice,’ said Daralis. ‘I would try going overseas, but somewhere closer.’

  ‘I’ll try that later . . . it would be nice to have a look around Paris.’

  Luella looked on thoughtfully. ‘It wasn’t the witches you fought?’

  ‘No, Mother, it was a man and woman in charge from what I could see.’

  ‘What happened to them?’

  Alex shrugged. ‘They vanished, and took a few others with them.’

  ‘What were the creatures like?’ said Joseph.

  ‘There was this giant bear with tusks,’ said Paige, ‘and two huge spider people things.’

  ‘And sabre tooth dogs,’ said James.

  Alex nodded. ‘That’s what I called them.’

  ‘And some really ugly, tall, skinny, grey looking men with swords,’ said Claire. ‘I thought one had James for a moment.’

  ‘Yes,’ said James, somewhat sourly, ‘I was a bit edgy as someone put us on the top of a cliff, and I hate heights.’

  ‘House wouldn’t have let you fall,’ said Alex.

  James frowned. ‘He was pounding on a giant bear at the time, and might not have noticed if I fell off.’

  Alex smiled. ‘Oh . . . I forgot about that.’

  ‘You do that a lot, I sometimes think you do it intentionally,’ James grumbled.

  ‘You can float,’ said Paige. ‘So I don’t know what you were worried about.’

  ‘Yes, I can a bit, but I worry about getting too high,’ said James, and he noticed a lot of them grinning at them.

  ‘Why don’t you practice with us,’ said Leanne. ‘You can’t get hurt if you do it here, and it might get you over your problem,’

  James stood and looked out of a window. ‘I might just take you up on that, being mocked is much worse.’

  ‘I will take a look at some of the books about world mythology,’ Joseph offered.

  ‘There are more books in the library,’ said Michelle, ‘or you could try the internet.’

  ‘I would not know how to look for them on there.’

  ‘We will help you,’ said Anna.

  ‘What about the Order?’ said Asima. ‘They have lots of books, and it’s what they do now.’

  Alex stretched his shoulders. ‘You could even go over there if you want, Joseph, and look for yourself.’

  ‘Not while I’m trying to figure out that message, but I can give them a call.’

  Alex nodded. ‘Yeah, the message is more important, and we can look at pictures on the internet ourselves.’

  ‘So what’s the plan for today?’ said James.

  ‘Shopping, running, and partying.’

  Briana sipped on her tea. ‘A party sounds lovely, but I don’t have anything decent to wear.’

  ‘I told you we have plenty of clothes for you here,’ said Summer.

  ‘I know you have, but it doesn’t seem right taking your clothes.’

  Blaze sat down. ‘Well, like Alex said, we’re going shopping.’

  ‘You just need something to go shopping with us,’ said Alex.

  Briana looked surprised at that. ‘Are my clothes that bad?’

  Alex went to say something but Luella cut in. ‘Your clothes are lovely, just a little old fashioned.’

  ‘Would I embarrass you?’

  ‘No, dear lady,’ said Alex gently. ‘It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. I just think you would feel uncomfortable walking around the shops. You said yourself that you were not happy here in what you’re dressed in.’

  ‘I know. It’s just that I’ve worn this type of dress for a long time.’

  The pucas ran over when they felt Briana’s sadne
ss. ‘What you doing to Mother?’ said Daisy.

  ‘We’re going to give her a makeover,’ said Carrie, ‘only she’s worried it might not suit her.’

  ‘What’s a makeover?’

  Carrie smiled. ‘New clothes, new hairstyle, you get the works.’

  ‘Go for it, Mother,’ said Flax. ‘It’s lovely, and you could always change back if you didn’t like it.’

  ‘And I so want to do something with your hair,’ Carrie beamed.

  Briana looked worried. ‘You don’t want to cut it off.’

  ‘Of course not, just look at Daralis and Luella. I did theirs and they have lovely long hair.’

  ‘OK,’ said Alex, ‘we’re going shopping soon, so go get yourselves sorted.’

  ‘A bit impatient there, mister,’ said Claire. ‘Does fashion bore you?’

  ‘Yes, if I’m honest, but shopping might give me a chance to hold my daughter.’

  Luella smiled at her son. ‘Come on, Briana, let’s get you dressed then you can buy some new clothes of your choice.’

  ‘That needs money and I’ve never had any.’

  ‘You don’t need any,’ said Paige. ‘We have Alex, and we can get the pucas some presents, too.’

  Briana stood up. ‘That’s very kind of you, Alex.’

  ‘He’s like that,’ said James, ‘and it doesn’t matter how much you spend.’

  ‘Now you’re just teasing.’

  Alex winked. ‘No, he’s quite correct, spend as much as you like.’

  Paige folded her arms. ‘You never told us that before.’

  ‘I didn’t have to, you did it anyway.’

  Kaeya jumped on his shoulder. ‘Will you buy me something?’

  ‘Of course, what would you like?’

  ‘Some cloth to make new clothes, these are beginning to fall apart.’

  ‘You best tell Daralis what you want, I’ve a feeling she will know more about pixie clothes than anyone.’

  Daralis held her hand out to Kaeya, who jumped on it. ‘I will sort it for you, I’ve been making pixie clothes for a long time.’

  The children returned after twenty minutes and Talitha climbed on Alex’s lap while Carrie picked up a sad-looking Alhena.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ she said.

  ‘I don’t think we have time to take the pucas.’

  ‘No, but there’s a lot more of them now, and they’ll enjoy playing on the machines while we’re gone. We can leave them here having fun and buy them some presents instead.’

  ‘That would be much nicer,’ said Alhena, now a lot happier

  ‘What about the babies?’ said Alex.

  ‘They’re Asleep,’ said Daralis. ‘The pucas will keep an eye on them.’

  Chi walked over from the fire-place. I will watch over them while you’re gone.

  ‘Thank you,’ said Alex. ‘Before we go, I have something to give Talitha first, and so does James.’

  Alex carried his daughter to the study with James and the children followed. He took a necklace out of the desk and put it around her neck. James put the ring on her finger and it shrank to fit.

  The first stop was a textile shop to get the material for the pixies. Only six of them went in, and Paige took a lot of interest in the material.

  Alex purchased five large rolls of cloth. He lifted the door to a luggage compartment on the coach. ‘We forgot to get needle and cotton.’

  Daralis coughed. ‘If you want me to make clothes for all of them you better buy me a sewing machine.’

  They dropped George off at his office before going to the store. Blaze and Luella took Talitha to get some clothes. Daralis and Briana went to choose an outfit for the party. James and Joseph stood looking at bags.

  ‘Nice to see you again Mr Aylward,’ the store manager said. ‘Is it for a special occasion?’

  ‘My daughter’s birthday,’ Alex told him.

  ‘If you need any assistance just ask.’

  Alex thought about it for a moment. ‘Do you have any dolls houses?’

  ‘Yes, we have a few, let me show you.’

  The store had five houses and Alex chose the biggest two. They came in kit form and would have to build them himself. The store manager got an assistant to take them to the tills for him.

  ‘What you looking for, Papa?’ said Shaula’

  Alex rubbed his chin. ‘I’m not sure, but I did get something for the pixies.’

  Shaula frowned. ‘We don’t know what to get the pucas.’

  ‘Let’s have a look around,’ he said, but had no idea either.

  Shaula pointed at a game of Buckaroo. ‘The pixies would love that.’

  ‘Why on earth would they? It’s as big as them.’

  ‘They would sit on it until it kicks up.’

  ‘That sounds cruel.’

  ‘No they will love it, trust me.’

  ‘OK, I will get one, but remember this was your idea,’ Alex sighed. ‘What about some films for the pucas?’

  ‘They have nothing to watch them on.’

  Alex raised an eyebrow. ‘How do you know that?’

  ‘Jarak told us the first time they ever watched a film was at our home.’

  ‘That’s true, well I’ll go and find Briana and sort it out with her,’ he said, and she ran to the other children.

  Alex found Briana near the women’s clothing section with Daralis. ‘Are you enjoying yourself?’

  Briana beamed a smile. ‘I never knew shopping could be this much fun’

  Daralis gave her a rueful look. ‘She might need a bigger cottage.’

  Alex glanced at all the clothes in the trolley. ‘Did you get something to wear for your birth ceremony?’

  ‘No,’ said Briana, ‘it will be traditional clothes for that. I will have to see some of my friends before I decide what’s going to happen there.’

  Alex nodded. ‘I’ve been told you don’t have a television.’

  ‘No, never had one, and like I said I only ever watched a film once.’

  ‘We have some extra ones at home, and dvd players.’

  Briana pushed the trolley down an aisle. ‘That would be nice, but I don’t have any electricity to work them.’

  Alex rubbed his chin. ‘That could be a problem.’

  ‘You can have my generator,’ Daralis offered.

  ‘I knew you had electricity,’ said Alex, ‘but never knew you had one of them, I heard no noise.’

  They entered the electrical department and Daralis walked towards the sewing machines. ‘It’s just a simple spell, similar to a shield.’

  ‘I couldn’t take that off you,’ said Briana. ‘You might still need it.’

  Daralis picked a box up off the shelf. ‘I won’t be using it again, as much as I loved my cottage I won’t be going back to live there . . . I have a new home now.’

  ‘You’re giving up your cottage just like that?’

  ‘Yes, I’m afraid my dear nephew is stuck with me now,’ said Daralis, looking at Alex who smiled.

  ‘That offer extends to you and your pucas, too,’ he said.

  ‘Who are you, Alex?’ said Briana, and gently touched his face. ‘You’ve shown me nothing but kindness since I got here.’

  ‘I’m your friend, and we look after our friends.’

  ‘Then, my friend, I have to turn down your offer for now, but it would be nice to watch television when I go home.’

  Alex scratched his head and turned to Daralis. ‘How did you get a signal at your cottage?’

  ‘I haven’t had one since they changed it to digital.’

  Alex considered it. ‘I’ll go and find Michelle, and see if she can do anything about it.’

  He found her in the film section with a few of the others, including the children. Alex spoke to Michelle who nodded, and he told the others it would be OK to buy as many films for their friends, and some for Briana.

  They finished when Michelle added a satellite system to one of the sixteen trolleys. Talitha sat in one looking at all the stuff.<
br />
  ‘Have you spent all my money?’ Alex asked her.

  She beamed. ‘I don’t know, but I think it will cost lots.’

  ‘And so will these,’ said Adhara, trying to push a trolley full of films.

  James rubbed his chin. ‘Will they need those if Michelle is fitting a satellite?’

  Alex shrugged. ‘It can’t hurt, and we don’t know what kind of signal she will get.’

  Paige looked fed up. ‘I can’t believe I couldn’t think of anything else to buy the pucas.’

  James grinned. ‘Joseph and I have sorted that problem out for you.’

  ‘What did you get them?’ said Sarin.

  ‘Joseph will show you on the coach, and you can help him get them ready so we can give them to the pucas soon as we get home.’

  Paige inspected the trolleys. ‘How many sewing machines did you get?’

  Daralis pointed to a box. ‘Just the one.’

  ‘We will need more,’ said Paige, and an assistant fetched another three.

  They started putting the stuff through the tills, and Alex passed Blaze his bank card before picking Talitha up.

  Briana had tears in her eyes. ‘No one has ever bought me anything before.’

  ‘Think of it as the first of many,’ Alex smiled.

  ‘But I don’t deserve it.’

  ‘Who does if not you?’

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘You’ve spent your life looking after others, just like Mother, Daralis, and Blaze.’

  ‘That’s what I wanted to do, and I love doing it.’

  ‘Yes, and we’re grateful to you for doing it, so why not be rewarded for it.’

  They picked George up on the way home, while the children were busy helping Joseph opening the gifts for their friends.

  George sat next to Alex. ‘One birth certificate, which I will keep hold on to, and I will need a photo of her, too.’

  Alex rubbed his brows. ‘Michelle can do it for you.’

  ‘And of course you have another inheritance.’

  Alex grinned. ‘How much is it this time?’

  George raised a brow. ’Four hundred and thirty-eight million.’

  Alex whistled. ‘I must have a nice bank account.’

  ‘You have many nice bank accounts.’


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