Other Worlds: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Two - Fantasy

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Other Worlds: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Two - Fantasy Page 16

by P. A. Priddey

  Alex pulled the chair out from under the desk. ‘I’m going to just sit here concentrating on the painting, just don’t let Claire shave my eyebrows if it works.’

  ‘Are you picking on me tonight?’ said Claire.

  Alex smiled. ‘Well I did say you get cranky.’

  ‘True, but I am a forgiving person.’


  A Witch in Time

  Alex stared at the painting for almost fifteen minutes when a hazy feeling came over him. The light faded and became dark. He was no longer in the study but outside where he could see a man painting the picture of the mansion. Something was wrong, he felt empty and worst of all he couldn’t sense his children.

  WHO ARE YOU? A voice boomed in his mind

  House, you’re shouting, said Alex, he felt strange. It was similar to his dreams, but this time he was in control. It was an eerie feeling as he couldn’t see his body.


  Oh, yeah, I forgot you don’t know me yet. I will be living here in the future. I gave you that name, and you’re still shouting.

  What about me in the future? Where am I?

  You’re still here, but I probably shouldn’t have said that.

  Are you a spirit in the future, too?

  No, I’m a man, this is the only way I could come back to find someone.

  Who are you looking for?

  A couple of witches will be flying past here soon.

  How did you know to look for them here?

  He will paint them into that picture soon.

  I have seen them a few times, why do you look for them?

  So I can find out where they live, and stop them when I go back.

  Why do you want to do that?

  Because they’re evil, and have a prisoner.

  There they are now, said House.

  Alex looked up and saw two dark shapes, and started to follow them. I’ll be back soon. He glanced down noticing very few houses, and realised the population was a lot smaller at this moment in time.

  Is it a happy place in the future? House asked, ten minutes later.

  Yes, we’re all very happy, said Alex, wondering why House was still there so far from home, but decided not to say anything.

  Are there many living there?

  Yes, a few, and children.

  That sounds nice.

  They followed the witches in silence until they arrived at a forest by a large hill, where a cave appeared. Alex could see the wizard kneeling inside.

  Do not be alarmed or let on you can hear me, I am Alex, he said in the wizard’s mind.

  The wizard’s eyes grew big. I do not see anyone.

  I am in spirit form, as it was the only way I could travel back in time to find you.

  Why would you go to the trouble to do that?

  So I can free you. Sadly I cannot do it for a long time, but I promise I will come for you one day.

  Can you break the spell?

  Yes, but not in the form I am now.

  That’s OK; it gives me something to wait for.

  What’s your name? Alex asked.


  Take care, Adair, I will see you in the future.

  Tell me something, how did you know to come back in time to find me?

  We found an old encrypted message with my name on it, goodbye Adair.

  Goodbye, Alex, said the wizard, Godspeed.

  Do we speak this much in the future? House asked, as they neared home.

  I’m sorry, said Alex, we do talk a lot, but I’m just worried I might say something that may affect the future.

  That could be bad I suppose.

  You must never tell me where the witches are or anything about our meeting until after I’ve done this trip.

  If you think it is best.

  Yes, it might change what I do. It was nice meeting you again, so goodbye for now.

  Goodbye, Alex.

  Alex concentrated on the painting, but nothing happened. He concentrated on his own body, and was soon back inside it.


  Claire never gave it a thought of doing anything to Alex, well, not until he mentioned it. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard the screams coming from the hall. They all ran out of the study as fast as they could, it was Alex’s daughters.

  ‘Papa’s gone,’ cried Sarin, all the children were being held.

  ‘Where’s Alex?’ said Luella. ‘I can’t sense him.’

  ‘In the study,’ said Claire.

  ‘Why hasn’t he come out?’ said Blaze, as they tried to calm the girls down.

  He cannot come out at the moment, said House. Children, your papa is fine, he has just sent his spirit back in time and that is why you cannot sense him. He said it so soothingly the girls calmed down.

  ‘How come they reacted like this?’ said Summer.

  They are connected in more ways than you could imagine, and the connection was broken when he went back to another time.

  Adhara looked frightened. ‘What if he’s done it wrong?’

  He did it right, and is most likely talking to me at the moment, or should I say three hundred years ago.

  ‘How can he do that if you’re here?’ said Sarin.

  I was also here a long time ago.

  ‘How long did it take him?’ said Shaula.

  ‘It lasted about an hour.’

  ‘That long,’ said Shaula, and hugged Blaze who had picked her up.

  James sat down looking puzzled by it. ‘You knew he was gonna go back in time all along?’

  Yes, of course, I met his spirit, said House.

  Luella looked up. ‘Do you know where the witches are?’

  Yes, I followed them with Alex.

  ‘And you never thought to tell us where they lived?’

  I wanted to, but Alex forbid it.

  ‘Why would he do that?’ said James.

  Skye shook her head. ‘I thought that would be obvious.’

  ‘Not to the rest of us mere mortals,’ said James.

  ‘Speak for yourself,’ Joseph added.

  James looked at him with a raised eyebrow. ‘You know what she’s talking about?’

  ‘Yes, but I will let Skye explain it.’

  Skye put her book on the table. ‘House would never have known if Alex didn’t go back in time.’

  ‘Why’s that?’ said Claire.

  ‘House knows where the witches are because he followed Alex.’

  ‘We know that,’ said James.

  Skye rubbed her eyes. ‘OK, if House could’ve told us where the witches are, what would we have done?’

  ‘Gone after them of course.’

  ‘Not if Alex hadn’t gone back in time.’

  Claire rubbed her ear. ‘He wouldn’t have had to if he hadn’t forbidden House not to tell us.’

  Skye laughed. ‘If he never went back in time, House wouldn’t know where they are.’

  James sighed. ‘This is so confusing.’

  Paige held Talitha. ‘I understand House wouldn’t know if Alex didn’t go back in time, but House knew before Alex went back in time.’

  ‘But he did go back in time,’ said Skye. ‘And if he didn’t because House told him where the witches were, there could’ve been a time paradox or whatever it’s called.’

  James shrugged. ‘I’ll take your word for it.’

  ‘What you’re saying is, Alex had to go back whatever?’ said Luella.

  ‘Yes, it was the only way,’ said Skye.

  You are very clever, said House.

  Skye looked up. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Of course House could have told Alex when he first met him, and none of us might be here now,’ said Joseph.

  ‘That’s a bit drastic,’ said James.

  ‘I didn’t mean dead, I meant here at the mansion. Alex had work to do, and that was information he didn’t need until now.’


  Alex opened his eyes and the stud
y was empty, he felt a surge of relief engulf him. He opened the door only to see his girls running to him. ‘What’s wrong?’ he said, and saw they’d been crying.

  ‘You went away from us,’ said Adhara.

  Alex knelt. ‘I’m sorry, I never knew that would happen until I went back in time.’

  ‘You’re not going to do it ever again are you?’ said Sarin.

  ‘I hope I never have to,’ said Alex, and put his arms around them. He glowed, everything was OK again, and the girls ran down to the cinema.

  Welcome back, Alex, said House.

  ‘Thank you, and to think you knew all along.’

  Yes, did I do well?

  ‘I think so, everything looks in place apart from her there,’ he said, looking alarmed and pointed at Claire.

  What is wrong with Claire?

  ‘She wasn’t here before, the future’s been changed,’ said Alex, with a straight face.

  ‘We came here for our wedding,’ said Paige.

  Alex sighed. ‘There was no wedding, I did something wrong and have to go back again.’

  ‘Are you trying to get rid of me,’ said Claire, a little upset.

  Alex grinned. ‘What makes you say that, dear?’

  ‘You shit, I nearly believed it myself then,’ Claire cursed, and threw her cup at him.

  Alex caught the cup in one hand. ‘I’m sorry . . . can I get you a drink?’

  Claire stood. ‘Are you going to play barman tonight?’

  ‘Yeah, I told Fergal we had a bar, and it’s about time I showed it him.’

  ‘That was mean, Alex,’ said Paige.

  ‘Claire did say she was a forgiving person.’

  ‘I never said I was,’ said Paige, with raised eyebrows.

  Alex put his arms around them. ‘But I know you are, dear, and you can have a drink, too.’

  ‘Do you think you might have affected the future in any way,’ said James.

  Yeah, House has changed,’ said Alex, as they all moved into the party room.

  How do you mean? Said the spirit.

  ‘You travelled with me far from your boundaries, how long before we met did that change?’

  When the mansion had stopped being lived in, I decided to protect it until you came. I put the shield up, but could still travel a fair distance.

  ‘Well, I’m happy with that decision.’

  Claire sat at the bar. ‘Are you going to tell us about your trip?’

  ‘I met House, we chatted until the witches flew past, and we followed them. Their home is a cave, and I chatted to the wizard before coming back.’

  ‘You talked to him?’ said Luella.

  ‘Yes, Mother, and I asked him what his name was.’

  ‘What is it?’

  Alex looked at his mother and aunt. ‘He said his name is Adair.’

  Daralis gasped. ‘It’s true, it is our brother.’

  ‘He will be free tomorrow, so don’t worry about him.’

  Luella put her hands to her face. ‘How can you say that? He’s been their prisoner for so long.’

  ‘Yes, but I talked with him, and he’s of sound mind.’

  ‘Someone has your brother prisoner?’ Fergal roared.

  ‘Yes, the dark witches,’ said Daralis.

  Fergal clapped his hands together. ‘Then I be going with you tomorrow.’

  ‘Yes, you should go,’ said Luella, before Alex could refuse. ‘The others should see the power of a gnome.’

  ‘Ten times stronger than a human,’ said Joseph, ‘and much faster I believe.’

  Fergal smiled. ‘I wouldn’t say ten times stronger, but you be not far off.’

  ‘What’s your weapon of choice?’ said Alex.

  ‘A war hammer or an axe, but I can use a sword if that’s all you have.’

  ‘We only have sledgehammers and one huge axe,’ said James.

  ‘Do you think I cannot handle the axe?’

  ‘The weight you could, but it’s the length that I found awkward, as I had to hold it halfway up the shaft.’

  ‘We will sort that out tomorrow,’ said Alex. ‘As for now I promised a few of you a drink.’

  ‘So, that’s why I couldn’t find them,’ said Blaze, taking a drink off the bar. ‘I’ve been searching houses and they live in a cave.’

  Most of the tables were still covered in the material the pixie clothes were made from, which had given Paige an idea. Alex did not have to play barman as there was always someone willing to do it instead of him, as they all thought he was pretty lousy at pouring drinks. The beer was always flat, and the wine never better. Alex could pour a decent drink if he wanted to, but after being removed from behind the bar he thought it best not to tell any of them.

  ‘So, Fergal,’ said James. ‘How long’s it been since you were last in a battle?’

  ‘Too long, I might be a bit rusty.’

  ‘We have a gym to train in, so you can give yourself a good workout before we go and face the witches.’

  ‘How many of you will be fighting?’ said Roisin, and just like Fergal she was drinking a pint of ale. It pleased Alex as Joseph was the only other who drank it, and not very often.

  ‘Most of the women will go,’ said Alex. James, the two adult wolves, and not forgetting our invisible friend of course.’

  Luella gave him a sharp look. ‘Is it wise to take so many who haven’t fought with you before?’

  ‘They want to come, and I’m not going to deny them the chance.’

  James poured the gnomes another drink each. ‘I thought it was up to me and Asima who come with us.’

  ‘Those who will fight the normal way yes, but those with other talents will be vital for us.’

  ‘That’s unlike you,’ said Luella. ‘It’s almost like you’ve got no feelings towards them.’

  ‘Far from it Mother, my feelings are the reason I don’t go alone,’ said Alex, as he looked at Paige and Blaze. ‘I have complete faith in all of them. If they didn’t want to come they would be staying here, which would make me a lot happier.’

  ‘He’s only being honest with you,’ said Summer. ‘I really need to go with them, and I’m looking forward to it.’

  James nearly choked. ‘What? You can’t come, you’re the best cook in the world.’

  ‘Thank you, James, that’s very sweet, but it would be nice to do something else now and then.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Alex,’ said Luella, ‘I can see your dilemma.’

  ‘That’s OK, Mother, and if it makes you feel any better, Livvy and Donna won’t be coming with us.’

  ‘Yes, that makes me feel a lot better.’

  ‘That makes us all feel better,’ Carrie added.

  Fergal scratched his beard. ‘Can they not fight?’

  ‘Yeah, and they’re very good,’ said Alex, ‘but they don’t like violence, as they are more like healers.’

  ‘I’m more worried about you all drinking,’ said Blaze.

  ‘I’m only having the one,’ Alex told her, ‘so stop your worrying, dear lady.’

  ‘And I’m only having the one,’ said Carrie. ‘It would’ve been juice, but I thought it would be rude not to have a drink with our new friends.’

  ‘I don’t drink, and neither do the wolves,’ said James.

  Alex put his drink down. ‘If it wasn’t for our run earlier we’d be going tonight.’

  Fergal swigged down his own drink. ‘Why is running so tiring for some?’

  ‘We run far and fast which takes a lot of energy out of them. They are new to it and the stronger they become the less tiring it’ll be.’

  It was an early night for most of them. Alex carried Talitha up, as she had fallen asleep on the rug with the wolves.



  Alex dreamt of the cave where he saw the wizard staring out in expectation. The witches sat at a table talking to the robed man and woman. Others stood close including the giant spider women. He could see the snake demon, but his dream changed to the met
eor in space again. It looked bigger now, he thought, or was it just closer? He managed to avoid it, the darkness took him, and he woke up.

  After breakfast House took Alex to an area near the cave to look around. They were not there for the witches but for people. They scoured the area but found no one in the vicinity. It was well hidden and it gave him the idea of fighting in the daytime.


  James showed Fergal the weapons who agreed the axe was too long, but after ten minutes with a hacksaw the dwarf handled it with ease. It was a double-edged axe and heavy.

  Fergal spun a cane showing them his speed in the gym, he was fast, but Carrie and Asima were always out of his reach.

  Carrie folded her arms. ‘Are you taking it easy on us, old man?’

  Fergal stood with hands on hips, and shook his head. ‘Are they always this rude?’

  ‘They don’t mean to be,’ said James. ‘They just want to make sure you’re giving it everything.’

  Fergal leant on the cane which bent. ‘I respect that and it could work, but not on me I’m afraid . . . I don’t like fighting women.’

  Carrie stood there with her own cane in hand. ‘We’re not just any ordinary women. We’re a lot more powerful than you think.’

  ‘I can see that, me dear lady. I remember Roisin running into battle swinging her axe. That was a proud moment for me.’

  Asima smiled. ‘So you’ve no problem with women fighting.’

  ‘None at all, as long as they be not fighting me.’

  Claire stood next to Carrie. ‘How about fighting alongside them?’

  ‘That be something I’m looking forward to.’

  Carrie grinned. ‘Then show us how fast a gnome is.’

  Fergal ran, not forwards but to the left, she did not see him jump at the wall and was behind her in seconds with his arms around her waist. ‘I hope you will excuse me, but you did insist.’

  ‘Yes, you’re very quick, and there’s no way of breaking your grip is there?’

  ‘No one ever has before.’

  ‘Tell me, do you like heights?’

  ‘I be not over fond of them, why do you ask?’

  ‘Have a look down.’

  Fergal did, it was a struggle as his arms were not that long, and his face pushed tight against her back. He saw that they were floating near the ceiling, which is high for a gnome.


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