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Frontline Page 16

by Alexandra Richland

  “Nothing,” Christopher replies. “And while the girls searched the apartment, I checked the lock and discovered it wasn’t tampered with. It seems it wasn’t a break-in after all.”

  Trenton’s hand continues its dance along my spine. Up and down . . . up and down . . .

  I smile, thinking I could easily fall asleep. With my eyes closed, I picture us lying on a comfortable bed, our bare limbs tangled together and my head resting on his chest, his soothing caresses ushering me into dreamland.

  “But you said the door was unlocked when you arrived,” Mr. Magic Fingers says.

  Christopher clears his throat. “It was.”

  “Then what the hell happened?”

  There is a significant pause before Christopher replies. “While you were en route, we concluded that Sara accidently left the door unlocked when she went to work last night.”

  Trenton’s hand stills. His body tenses.

  Oh, shit.

  He presses his fingers against my back, holding me in place. I should’ve bolted earlier when I had the chance. Or Christopher should’ve shot me in the hallway. It would’ve been a quicker, less painful death.

  “You did what?” Trenton delivers the words sternly.

  I gulp.

  “She didn’t mean to—”

  “I’m talking to Sara,” Trenton says, silencing Denim. I exhale a deep breath, preparing to argue my case. It was a mistake, plain and simple. I don’t need to be scolded over it.

  Tentatively, I look up. Trenton’s lips form the deepest scowl I’ve ever seen on him.

  “I was in a hurry. It was an accident.” My voice squeaks, ruining my attempt at sounding nonchalant. “I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing.”

  Trenton releases me and I scramble toward Denim. She takes my hand in hers and squeezes. I focus behind him, desperate for reprieve from his glare. For some reason, I feel disappointed that I let him down. The Tin Men stare at me as well, their expressions grim.

  Trenton inches forward. There’s no escape. Denim and I are cornered in this puny place.

  As if on cue, we correct our postures, a united front against Trenton and his Tin Men.

  Sara and Denim’s last stand.

  “I skipped an important conference call to come here because Chris was concerned someone broke in,” Trenton says through clenched teeth, “and now you’re telling me you left the door unlocked by accident?”

  He stops before me, cloaking me in his shadow.

  Denim drops my hand and rushes toward Christopher.

  So much for our united front.

  “No one asked you to skip your meeting,” I say, crossing my arms.

  “Maybe I should cancel all of my meetings until Saturday.” His menacing tone morphs to condescending. “You obviously can’t be left on your own.”

  “I’m not a child, so don’t dare speak to me that way.” I glower at him and take a few steps forward. “I’ve been doing just fine on my own before you came into my life.”

  Trenton’s nostrils flare.

  “I get that Christopher is part of your security team, but why would he take such drastic action? I mean, whose first thought, when they see an unlocked door, is to whip out a gun and take a hostage? Denim and I thought he was going to kill us for fuck’s sake!”

  Christopher looks remorseful. Trenton doesn’t.

  “Chris was protecting you as his job now entails. If there was an intruder inside your apartment, and you and Denim screamed, your lives would’ve been in danger.”

  “As his job now entails? What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means my men are instructed to protect you to the same extent they protect me.”

  I throw my arms out at my sides. “I’m a nurse! I don’t need protecting.”

  Trenton ignores me and turns to his Tin Men. “Sean, call Rick and get him in here to install an Intel 960 alarm system right away.”

  “What? No!” I stomp my foot for emphasis.

  “He’s in D.C.,” Sean replies, as if I’m not even here.

  “Then send one of my planes for him. I want him in this apartment today.”

  Sean pulls out his phone. I move in front of Trenton, forcing him to meet my eyes.

  “I don’t want an alarm system installed in here! The door was unlocked only because I forgot to lock it. Stop overreacting!”

  “The issue is not up for discussion.” He turns back to his Tin Men in the doorway.

  “Sara, it’s a free security system,” Denim says. “Don’t argue.”

  I shoot her a stern look. “Everything comes with a price, and I’m not his property.”

  “Listen to Denim,” Trenton says.

  I glower at his back.

  “Trent, Rick will be here at eighteen hundred hours,” Sean says, tucking his phone into his pocket.

  Trenton nods. “Good. Now, I want all of you to canvas the apartment thoroughly and provide a detailed final report on your investigation to me personally before you leave.”

  The Tin Men file into the room.

  I gape at him. “But no one broke in!”

  “Sara, you will go to Denim’s apartment in the meantime,” Trenton says without looking at me. “I’ll send for you after the alarm system is up and running. Rick will explain how to use it.”

  My head throbs as my anger boils over.

  “That’s it, everybody out!” My shrill voice ricochets off the walls and everyone in the apartment freezes. I narrow my eyes at Trenton and point to the door. “Get your men out of here right now.”

  Trenton glares at me. I glare right back. I won’t let him force me out of my home or allow his Tin Men to sift through my personal things.

  “You know, Trenton, after we left the diner, I felt really happy because I thought breakfast went well,” I say, incapable of suppressing the disappointment in my voice. “But the more I think about it, the more I realize it wasn’t an ideal date. At all. It was more like a business meeting. Just once I’d like to have a conversation with you where I’m not yelling or protesting some ridiculous idea you have.”

  The Tin Men eye each other. Denim beams.

  “My excitement over seeing you again and taking you to a place I love clouded my better judgment. I need more from you than a few sweet words or offers to pay off my student debt and equip my apartment with state-of-the-art security measures, but I’ve come to the conclusion you’re incapable of that.”

  Silence lingers in the room, dense and suffocating. Seconds pass.

  “Chris and Sean will accompany me back to the office.” Trenton keeps his eyes on me as he speaks. “Ben, take the Maserati that Chris drove, back to my apartment. The rest of you return to your previously assigned tasks.”

  A Tin Man in the far corner nods and the other men, except Christopher and Sean, exit my apartment after him.

  “Sara, we’re going to talk out in the hallway.” Trenton gestures to the door.

  “Maybe I don’t want to.”

  His eyes darken. “If you don’t want to be treated like a child, then stop acting like one.”

  “Fine. Hallway.” I brush past him and step into the corridor. Thankfully, the Tin Men are already gone.

  Trenton follows me, leaving Christopher, Sean, and Denim alone inside my apartment.

  I stand against the wall with my arms crossed over my chest.

  After closing the door, Trenton approaches and presses his palms to the wall on either side of my head. The sound of my pounding heart fills my ears. I drop my arms to my sides and push my head back as far as I can, breathing deeply. His stare looks dark, intense . . . needy.

  Goose bumps explode on my skin as he pins me against the wall with his body and brushes his lips to my ear. “First of all, don’t you ever yell at me in front of my men again, do you understand?”

  I open my mouth to protest, but he hushes me.

  “Secondly . . .” He skims his nose across my cheek. “Regarding my behavior at the diner, I was distracted by something
going on at work. You deserved better treatment and I apologize.”

  He pulls back, his hands still planted against the wall. Heat surges through me as I focus on his mouth.

  “I need to kiss you, Sara.” His husky declaration snaps me to attention. “And you’re going to let me, courtship be damned.”

  Trenton licks his lips and dips his head, pressing a kiss to my collarbone. I gasp and close my eyes. A wave of warm breath dances across my neck as he moves higher . . . higher . . . every soft kiss tangling me tighter in his web of power, passion, and possession.

  Moaning, begging, I roll my body against him. He meets me thrust for thrust; his grunt and groans sound wanton . . . animalistic.

  When Trenton’s kisses disappear, I open my eyes, desperate to see him as well as feel him. His eyes are screwed shut, his lips slightly parted as he undulates with me, his expression occupied by his pleasure—pleasure I give him.

  I brush my hand to the side of his face. His eyes fly open and meet mine, his tumultuous gaze holding me in place just as strongly as his body. We both still, our heavy pants rolling through the dense hallway air.

  “Sara.” My name is spoken in a breathless murmur.

  Trenton grabs my wrist and lowers my arm. As our lips reunite, I move my hand to his arousal and stroke him over his pants. He shudders against me. His lips fall from mine and he drops his face to my shoulder.

  “Only you have the power to destroy me, Sara.” He places a kiss to the side of my neck. “Only you.”

  I whimper. “Oh, Trenton, I need you.”

  I begin unbuckling his belt.

  He growls and pulls back. “Not here.”

  I yank my hand away and look around, struggling to catch my breath. Luckily, the corridor is vacant and there are no surveillance cameras. Still, our friends are in the next room. What if they heard us? Or the neighbors?

  Damn it, what was I thinking? First at the hospital and now this!

  And why the hell do we always end up dry humping against a damn wall?

  I’ve stopped thinking. That’s my problem.

  Trenton tilts my chin up so my eyes meet his. “We will finish this later, Sara.” He scans my body, stoking the deep yearning in my veins. “I owe you after my hasty departure on Saturday.”

  I smile. “Yes, you do.”

  Trenton smirks and straightens his suit jacket. He looks so calm, but after feeling how hard he is, I know that under his fancy clothes and cool exterior, his body burns, just like mine.

  I step away from the wall and smooth out my blouse.

  “What’s your favorite place in the city?” he asks.

  “My favorite? I guess Central Park.”

  “Then I would like you to accompany me to the park tomorrow afternoon.”

  I eye him apprehensively.

  “I’ll give you my undivided attention,” he says. “No distractions, no business talk. I’m going to eliminate your doubt and prove to you I’m more than capable of satisfying your every need.”

  Oh, hell yes.

  “You said that was what our breakfast date was for.”

  “You have my word that this time will be different.”

  “Well, I work at seven thirty tomorrow night, so I’ll probably sleep in as late as I can in preparation. I don’t know if I can fit you in.”

  “I’ll drop you off at the hospital afterward, on my way to the office.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I can take the subw—”

  Trenton places his forefinger to my lips, drags it down to my chin, and along my neck. By the time he reaches my collarbone, I wish we were making out against the wall again.

  “Is that a yes?” He sweeps that one beautiful finger down my arm.

  “I’ll meet you beside the Bethesda Fountain at two thirty.”

  He takes my hand and squeezes. “I’ll pick you up at your apartment.”

  “It doesn’t make sense for you to pick me up.”

  “I’ll do it anyway.”

  “I can get there on my own.”

  “Fine.” He drops my hand and looks at his watch. “I have to get back to the office. Remember to stay at Denim’s until you hear otherwise.”

  “Can you call Rick and tell him not to install the alarm system?”

  “It’s for your safety. Because I care about you, Sara.” Trenton’s eyes plead, showcasing the rare vulnerability that never fails to penetrate my better judgment.

  Why does he have to be so damn charming?

  “I need to sleep today, not hang out at Denim’s apartment.”

  Trenton purses his lips. “Rick can install the system tomorrow then, when we’re at the park.”

  I narrow my eyes. “How about never?”


  “I don’t want some strange man in my apartment when I’m not there!”

  Trenton sighs. “Then I’ll have Sean call you later with Rick’s number and you can contact him yourself to arrange a time that’s convenient for you . . . when you’re around to supervise the installation.”

  “I’ll take his number, but that doesn’t mean I’ll call him.”

  Trenton scowls. “You will call him, Sara.”

  The door to my apartment opens and Sean appears in the doorway. Denim and Christopher stand behind him.

  “We should go, Trent,” Sean says.

  I step forward, grateful for the interruption. “I’ll walk you out.”

  Trenton shakes his head. “That’s not necessary. I don’t want you returning to your apartment on your own.”

  “I’m only going as far as the lobby.” I start toward the elevators. “Denim, wait here. I’ll be back.”

  “My transportation is on the roof.”

  I whip around to face Trenton. “Excuse me?”

  He strolls toward me with Christopher and Sean close behind.

  “My helicopter is on the roof.”

  “You landed a helicopter on top of my building? Are you insane?”

  “Technically, I didn’t land it there, Sean did.” He smirks. “And if you’re looking for an apology, you won’t get one. I needed to get here as soon as possible and traffic is impenetrable at this time of day.”

  I hope my landlord doesn’t find out about this. I’ll be evicted for sure.

  “So you just happened to have a helicopter at your immediate disposal when Christopher called?”

  “I have a helipad on top of my Manhattan office building,” Trenton replies.

  I roll my eyes. “Of course you do.”

  Sean and Christopher smile.

  “Well, if you don’t mind, I’ll follow you up anyway.” Truthfully, I want to get a look at the helicopter.

  Trenton gives me a full-fledged grin. “All right, come on.”

  The four of us travel down the hallway and Sean pushes the button for the elevator. Within a few short moments, it arrives. We ride up to the top floor in silence.

  Christopher opens the steel door at the end of the corridor, which I thought the superintendent always kept locked, and we climb the stairs that lead outside. The helicopter is navy blue and silver and sits in the middle of the roof. Naturally, Trenton’s initials are emblazoned on the tail. As we walk across the terrace, I scan it in awe. I’ve never seen one up close before.

  “This is as far as you go, Sara.” Trenton takes my hand and pulls me to a halt. “I want you standing at a safe distance when we lift off.”

  Christopher and Sean put on their sunglasses and continue toward the helicopter. They climb into the front and place large, bulky headphones over their ears. Soon, the loud roar of the engine fills the rooftop and the rotor blades spin.

  Trenton cups my face in his hands and looks into my eyes. The swift wind from the blades whips through his hair and ruffles his suit jacket.

  “Don’t ever forget to lock up again.” It sounds more like a plea than an order.

  I nod.

  He plants a firm kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes, transported back to my euphoric M
errick paradise from earlier. When he releases me, I’m smiling.

  “See you tomorrow,” I say, brushing my hair from my face.

  “Tomorrow.” Trenton grazes his fingertips down my cheek and then sweeps across the terrace toward the helicopter, his suit jacket flapping around him. Despite the fierce wind resistance, his stride looks as graceful as ever.

  He jumps inside and sits down. After he puts on large headphones and snaps his seatbelt into place, the door slides shut automatically. As my hair blows in full-on Farrah Fawcett mode, I shield my eyes from the sun and wave. He waves back.

  The helicopter climbs higher and higher, the blades whipping around so fast they’re nothing but a blur. It drifts across the bright blue sky and disappears behind a row of skyscrapers. The air settles and silence returns.

  I walk back to my apartment. Denim waits for me inside.

  “So, did Christopher say anything about me?”

  “No, why?”

  She giggles. “Because I gave him my number.”

  I groan. “Please tell me you’re joking.”

  “Nope!” She plops down onto the couch. “Sara, I’m giving him three days. If I don’t hear from him, tell Merrick to order him to call me.”

  I sit down beside her, my heart still racing from my time with Trenton on the roof.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” I say, playing along.

  “I think I’m in love.”

  I roll my eyes. “No, you’re not.”

  “Christopher is just so handsome and charming. I can’t help but fall for him.”

  “Charming?” I scoff. “He pulled a gun on you!”

  “To protect us.” Denim’s eyes gloss over as she stares across the room. “Did you see how confident he looked when he stormed into your apartment? Now, that’s a real man.”

  If Christopher can pull a gun on us, and Denim is still enthralled by him, then perhaps my decision to continue to see Trenton after everything he’s put me through isn’t so stupid after all.

  “I just can’t believe how hot Christopher is,” she says for the umpteenth time.

  I giggle. “So you like him because he’s hot and carries a gun?”

  She rolls her eyes. “No, silly. Not only is he handsome, charming, and courageous, he’s also smart and very sweet. We had an amazing conversation while you and Trenton were out in the hallway and Sean checked out your apartment—”


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