Girls from da Hood 11

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Girls from da Hood 11 Page 21

by Nikki Turner

  Juan stood with his arms secured around my waist. “I’m sure she is too, but in the meantime, you be good for me. I’ll call you in a few days, and don’t forget to lock up when you leave.” He pecked my nose and squeezed my ass one last time. “Take care, sweetheart. You know I’ll be thinking about you.”

  After that long sex session, I was sure he would be. In addition to that, I suspected that I would be hearing from him sooner than a few days from now. I watched as he smoothly walked his way to the elevator and got on it. He waved one last time, before I shut the door and went to go shower. Twenty minutes later, I left the penthouse and headed for home. By the time I entered my apartment and turned on the TV, my phone was ringing. To no surprise, it was Juan.

  Chapter Three

  I tossed my car keys on the table and plopped down on the couch with the phone up to my ear.

  “Why didn’t you tell me what had happened between you and Stacie?” Juan whispered.

  I played clueless. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. What do you mean?”

  His voice went up a notch. “About the fight, Miah. Did you really have a fight with my daughter?”

  “Yes, I did, but I figured it wasn’t worth talking about. Besides, I assumed she would tell you about it anyway.”

  “She did tell me about it. She also told my wife about it, and now all this shit is coming down on me. Why didn’t you just leave and ignore her? You didn’t have to tell her anything.”

  I didn’t appreciate the tone of his voice, nor did I not appreciate him refusing to take responsibility for his own damn actions. Of course he was looking for someone else to blame for his life falling apart, but it damn sure wasn’t on me.

  “Just so you know, I didn’t tell her anything. But since you think I did, oh well. And since you think I started the fight, that’s fine too. I don’t have time for this Juan, and my suggestion would be for you to get off this phone and try your best to work things out with your family.”

  “I could have worked them out earlier, had you not turned off my phone. Why did you turn off my phone, Miah? You know that shit was foul, and there ain’t no other way to look at it.”

  “I told you earlier that I didn’t want any interruptions. If you had a problem with that, then you should have answered your phone when your wife called.”

  “Maybe I should have. As for now, I’m done with this. I’m done with us, and I don’t like how you handled this. Good-bye, Miah. Have a nice life.”

  Juan hung up on me. Now, there were plenty of bitches who would start crying right about now. Plenty who would call his ass back, begging and pleading with him to give her another chance. Me? I laughed at the shit. I was so sure that Juan was catching hell right now, and for weeks to come. During that time, where in the hell was he going to turn? Just who was he going to call for comfort, and who would he feel a need to apologize to? The answer—me.

  I had fallen asleep on the couch and was awakened by my phone ringing. I glanced at the clock on the wall and it was almost four o’clock in the morning. I wasn’t sure who would be calling me at this time, and when I looked at the number flashing across my screen, I surely didn’t recognize it. Still, I answered in a groggy tone.

  “Who is this?” The irate woman said. “Is this Miah?”

  I released a deep sigh. I had an idea as to who the woman was. It was apparent that she hadn’t gotten much sleep, and I would bet any amount of money that a strong glass of alcohol was clamped tight in her hand.

  “Yes, this is Miah. Who is this?”

  “This is Rebecca Anderson, Juan’s wife. How do you know my husband?”

  I sat up on the couch, quickly pondering about which way to go with this. Normally, if the significant other reached out and spoke to me like she had some sense, I remained cordial and did my best to calm the situation. Most of the time, I lied by saying that I had no involvement with the man, other than just being good friends.

  But there were also times when some women rubbed me the wrong way. Already, Rebecca was rubbing me the wrong way, and her demanding tone and four o’clock phone call told me that she was about to get an earful.

  “Speak up,” she demanded. “I can’t hear you, little girl. Again, how well do you know my husband?”

  “Well enough for him to suck my pussy dry. Well enough for him to give me five orgasms today, and well enough for him to help me pay my bills. Is there anything else you would like to know, old lady?”

  Without seeing her, I was so sure her jaw was dropped on the other end. “I don’t know who the hell you are, but don’t you know that you’re involving yourself with a married man? Women like you disgust me, and you will regret this. With all of these single men out there, I don’t understand why you’re wasting your time with my husband. He is to no benefit to you, and if all you want is a wet ass, you can easily get that from a single man with no ties.”

  “I could, but I chose not to because your husband carries on like a single man and he’s the one who makes himself available to me. In addition to that, I have yet to find a man who can fuck me as well as he does, so until I get tired of him dipping those long, eleven inches into me, you’re going to have to share. Get over it, and please don’t contact me anymore.”

  Rebecca gasped and shouted at me through the phone. “You slimy, trashy bitch! I will not share a damn thing with you, and if that’s the case, ho, you can have him! He’s packing his shit right now, and I hope you feel good about destroying other people’s lives. Yo’ ass better not ever get married, because I assure you that this shit is going to come back and bite you in yo’ ass real hard!”

  “Sorry, but marriage ain’t for me. It’s for dumb tricks like you who need to know that type of man you’re dealing with, before you send him out into the world and cross the paths of fine bitches like me. Obviously, he doesn’t know how to control himself, so work on that with your husband and maybe he’ll change. You’ll never work anything out with me, and all this conversation is, is a waste of time.”

  I yawned and ended the call. I was infuriated with this mess, but I had to admit that it, sometimes, came with the territory.

  * * *

  My whole weekend had been interesting, and even though I hated to say this, I was glad to be back at work. I worked as a secretary for Mr. Carl Wilson, a wealthy white man that was a general contractor with properties all around the city. Carl and I started hooking up when he discovered his wife had been seeing another man. He would come to work so stressed out from the situation, and his lack of enthusiasm started to affect his business. That’s where I came in. I reminded him how important the company his father had left him to run was, and I encouraged him to do whatever it took to make his company the priority. There were too many people’s jobs at stake, and the last thing we wanted was for this company to go under.

  After a while, Carl got his mojo back. He thanked me for my encouraging words, and told me how much he appreciated me for not giving up on him. He invited me to dinner one day, and then one thing just led to another.

  Ever since then, we’d been at it. He couldn’t get enough of me, but there were times when I seriously got tired of fucking him. He seemed a bit obsessive with me, and I hated that he was in my personal business so much. He always wanted to know what I was doing and who I was with. None of that even mattered, because at the end of the day, he still had a wife and I wasn’t interested in being with just one man.

  “Miah!” Carl shouted from inside of his office.

  I hated when he did that, because that meant I had to hurry out of my seat to go see what he wanted. To me, it was a control thing. Kind of like, he snapped his finger and he knew I’d come running. Why? Because I needed this job. I needed the extra paper that he dished out and it was more than any of my other love interests. Carl was the one who took good, no, great care of me. That didn’t necessarily mean that I was satisfied. I mean, sex with him was just okay. He wasn’t slanging eleven inches like Juan was, or not even ten like Mose
s was. Moses and Juan were on hit with their foreplay, but Carl always seemed to be in a rush. He was in and out. Within ten or fifteen minutes we were done. What I did, however, like was the spontaneous sex we’d had. Carl would do it anywhere. He liked to just pick up and go. I traveled a lot with him, and I did appreciate a man who was loose with his cash.

  “Yes,” I said, standing in the doorway of Carl’s office.

  He was dressed in a Nike compression shirt that tightened on his washboard abs. A Nike cap was on his head, covering his blond hair that I loved to run my fingers through. I appreciated how preppy he was, and the best thing about him was his olive-green, panty-dropping eyes.

  “Come inside and let me show you this. Hurry.”

  Carl patted his lap, inviting me to sit on it. How we carried on in this office wasn’t a big deal, because nearly everyone who worked here knew we were fucking. Hell, even his wife knew. She was the kind of woman who made her smart remarks about the situation, but pretended as if nothing was going on. As long as Carl continued to dump money into her bank account, she was all good. Or, at least, that’s what I thought.

  “What’s so interesting?” I asked as I sat on his lap with my arm around his shoulders.

  “My lawyer just sent this to me. Looks like Patricia wants a divorce.”

  I read the e-mail from his lawyer and shrugged my shoulders. “It’s not like you didn’t see this coming. She’s been threatening to divorce you for a long time. How do you feel about it?”

  “I’m elated. After what she did to me, I could never forgive her.”

  “Do you think she’s divorcing you to be with someone else? And what kind of money will you have to pay her?”

  “I’m not sure, but it doesn’t matter. Anything to get rid of that headache, and I don’t care if she’s going to be with someone else. All I care about right now is this business, and you, of course.”

  I smiled, but I also knew that Carl cared about much more than that. We kissed, and as we locked lips for quite some time, the kiss halted when we heard someone knock on the door. Both of our heads snapped toward the door.

  “Sorry to interrupt this little love session,” Patricia said. “But I came here to deliver something in person to you. While I’m sure you won’t shed any tears, I at least hope that you respect my wishes and pay me every dime that I’m due.”

  With her Michael Kors clutch tucked underneath her arm, Patricia sauntered into Carl’s office with a wide smile on her face. While dressed like a million bucks, her long, reddish hair looked like it needed a wash. She couldn’t get any skinnier, but to many of the white men around here, she was model-like sexy

  Feeling a little uncomfortable sitting on Carl’s lap, I stood and licked his wetness from my lips. Patricia rolled her eyes at me, but turned her attention to Carl.

  “Here you go,” she said, handing him some papers. “The sooner you read this over, get with your lawyer and sign it, the better. That way you can make all the time you want to for your whores. If you’d like to move any of them into our house, at least give me a few more days to be packed and gone.”

  Carl took the papers from her hand but didn’t bother to read them. “Must you be such a fucking bitch,” he said to her. “All you’ve ever wanted was my money, but just so you know, you will get whatever I decide to give you. I don’t know what the hell you’ve proposed here, but all I will say is I’ll be in touch. As for moving out, please hurry. I do have someone I’d like to move in and she’s going to need every inch of the closet space you have.”

  Patricia laughed and looked at me. She shook her head and raked her feathered hair back with her fingers.

  “I guess you’ll be the one moving in. I guess it doesn’t bother me one bit because I’m sure a nigger like you can do a much better job of cooking and cleaning for him. You do such a superb job around here, Miah, but be sure to watch your back. You’re not the only colored woman my no good husband has his eyes on, and there is something about y’all lips that he can’t seem to get enough of.”

  Yes, I was pissed, but the last thing I ever wanted to do was show a bitch that she had gotten underneath my skin. Carl jumped from his seat and pointed to his door.

  “Get out! Get the hell out and you will be hearing from my attorney soon!”

  Patricia made her body shiver. “Oooo, I’m so frightened, Carl. And look at you defending your little nigger friend. She must be doing one hell of a number on you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen your face this red and twisted.”

  Carl rushed around his desk, but I grabbed his arm to stop him from moving any further. Words were simply words, but this bitch was about to strike out if she didn’t leave.

  “Out, Rebecca!” Carl yelled.

  I pulled him toward me and made him face me. As he looked into my eyes, my arms fell on his shoulders. “Sometimes,” I said in a soft tone. “You have to ignore bitter-ass people who don’t know better and refuse to grow and learn from their mistakes. What you do is move on to bigger, better, and colorful things, like me.”

  I reached down to grab Carl’s dick then leaned in for another juicy kiss. Patricia stood speechless. She then bolted out of the door, yelling profanities and calling Carl every name in the book.

  “You’re so good at handling those kinds of situations,” he said to me. “You must have had a lot of experience.”

  He didn’t know the half of it. I backed away from him and crossed my arms. “While I’m certainly happy about your divorce, you do know that it doesn’t matter to me either way, don’t you?”

  Carl looked shocked. “Why wouldn’t it mean anything to you?”

  “Because it’s not like I plan on marrying you or anything like that.”

  “I know that, Miah, but it does mean that we’ll be able to spend more time together.”

  “We’ve always spent a lot of time together. And the truth is, I don’t know if I can make more time. I do have my own life, you know?”

  “I know, but a huge part of your life involves me. I don’t expect for you to run home and start packing your clothes to move in with me, but I’d like to think that that will one day happen. I see you being a big part of my future, don’t you?”

  “I do, but I also see the other women in your life being part of that future too.”

  Carl cut his eyes at me and walked back over to his desk. He sat in his chair and faced me. “What other women, Miah? I hope you didn’t feed into that bullshit Patricia just said to you.”

  “What Patricia says or has said doesn’t matter. It’s what I know that does. I know you well, Carl, so stop putting on this front. Just because I don’t say anything, it doesn’t mean that I’m not paying attention.”

  “Paying attention to what?”

  “To your desires for black women. I’m not saying that you refuse to date women of other races, but for the past several years, you’ve definitely had your share of black women. I know about the stripper you’ve been involved with, I know about the chick who works at the bank where you deposit your money, and I also know about the one who sold you your BMW a few months ago. Then there’s me. All of us are still active in your life, and just because they don’t know about me, I definitely know about them. While Patricia has been nothing but a thorn in your side, it’s not like you’ve been a saint.”

  Carl wanted to dispute what I’d said, but he knew I had my facts together. He fumbled with his hands then removed his cap to scratch his head. “I may be involved with those women, but you know I would drop them in a heartbeat to be with you. You know how I feel about you, Miah, so don’t stand there and pretend that you don’t know.”

  I moved closer to Carl’s desk and leaned against it. “No, I don’t know how you feel about me, Carl. Why don’t you tell me? Are you saying that you love me? Is that what you’re saying?”

  Carl lips were muffled for a few seconds. He knew damn well that he didn’t love me or anyone else for that matter. Like many of the men I’d dealt with, they wanted to have their
cake and eat it too. That was perfectly fine with me, as long as I wasn’t foolish enough to think otherwise. I wasn’t.

  “I wouldn’t necessarily say love, but I do care deeply for you. I need you, Miah, and I can’t imagine my life without you.”

  “No, what you can’t imagine yourself without is my pussy. You want it when you want it, how you want it, and where you want it. Like I said, just because you’re getting a divorce, it doesn’t change one single thing. There is no need for us to start confusing ourselves about where we stand in this relationship because we already know. I won’t be moving in with you no time soon and our time together won’t increase. We shall remain as is, and as long as you understand that, I’m good.”

  Carl sucked his teeth and locked his eyes with mine. “If we’re going to remain as is then you’re fired. I can’t stand to be around you like this, Miah, and you know I want more.”

  I was shocked by Carl saying that I was fired. I wasn’t sure if he was being truthful with me or not. Either way, it was his way of exemplifying control. But just like my other situations, I was the one in control and sometimes, the men in my life needed to be reminded of that.

  “You say you want more,” I said, pulling my blouse over my head. Without a bra on, my firm breasts stood at attention, making Carl’s mouth water. “If you want more, I’ll give you more.”

  I unzipped my skirt and let it drop to the floor. While standing in my purple lace panties that revealed my goodies, I nudged my head toward the door. “If you’re interested, go close the door. If not, I’ll clear out my desk and get the fuck out of here.”

  Carl stood, but slowly made his way to the door to close it. He removed his shirt, and I had to admit that I was a sucker for men whose bodies were cut in all the right places. Carl’s workout plan was doing him well.

  He walked up to me and eased his arm around my waist. As he pulled me to him, my meaty, chocolate breasts were smashed against his carved chest. “I’ll give you more, Hot Chocolate, but you must play by some of my rules too. If not, I’m afraid that what I said still stands. You’re fired, because there is no way in hell for me to continue on like this.”


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