Close to the Edge

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Close to the Edge Page 11

by Zara Cox

  The movie’s plot became clear within twenty minutes. Sex. Corruption. Forbidden lust. Betrayal.

  I settled in and tried to give it my full attention. Lily set the cup of candy between us and stretched out her legs. She ate another marshmallow, then held out a jelly bean to me. I took it, chewed, and steeled myself not to stare at her exposed thighs. Or her flat belly beneath the mesh top. Or the slight mound of her pussy.


  A few minutes later she shifted again, turning onto her side to face me as she slid one leg up against the other.

  She rested her head on one arm, and started toying with the ends of her short hair.

  Hell, something about the way she played with those white-blond tips turned me on beyond comprehension. A moment later her other hand dipped into the candy cup. She didn’t pick one, just rummaged through it, her gaze still fixed on me.

  “Are you going to settle down or are you planning on fidgeting through the movie?”

  Dark-tipped fingers traced the edge of the cup.

  “I still feel...wired,” Lily stated, her voice hardly above a husky whisper.

  Alcohol, sugar, unscripted revelations and lust didn’t sit well together. Add the flimsy top and bikini she wore, and it was an explosion waiting to happen.

  I grabbed the candy cup and moved it to the other side of my seat. “Maybe you should stop stuffing yourself with sugar, then.”

  Her lower lip protruded in a sexy pout, drawing my eyes to the luscious curve.

  Lily made a small, muffled sound under her breath. “Caleb.”

  God, now she chose to say my name voluntarily. In that damn dirty, cock-stroking voice.

  Her free hand dropped onto the space between us, then drew tiny circles on the leather.

  “Maybe it’s time to call it a night.” I didn’t mean it. At all.

  She dragged her lower lip between her teeth. “No. I...can’t. I’m wound too tight,” she whispered.

  “Tell me what you need.” Hell of a time to be the better man, Steele.

  She blinked slowly, sultrily, and her hand bunched into a fist. A moment later her gaze swept over my chest, then dropped lower to caress my rigid cock. She took a deep breath. “I’ve decided to accept that pass.”

  I stopped breathing. “What?”

  Beautifully lusty, gorgeously defiant eyes met mine. “You heard me. You gave me a loophole in your rule. I’m taking it.”

  Filthy little fires leaped through my body. “What exactly are we talking about?”

  A wickedly saucy smile curved her lips. “You’ll see. Wanna get my Bob?”

  Shit. My cock was very ready and extremely capable. I gritted my teeth for a second. “Your little pink toy. You sure?” I rasped.

  “I need release and the way I see it, I have two choices. I can let you fuck me or help me some other way. I’m not ready for the first one yet.”

  What the hell did she have in mind? “Lily—”

  “Are you in, Caleb?”

  As if I could answer any other way. “Where is it?”

  Hectic color stained her cheeks as she nodded to the small bathroom next to the bar. “Under the first blanket in the closet,” she whispered.

  I sucked in a sustaining breath and rose from the lounger.

  Fuck, I pushed her into testing my self-control. Now my cock was hard enough to hammer nails, and my balls were on fire.

  Way to go, champ!

  I entered the bathroom and tossed the first blanket. The bright pink sex toy gleamed at me. I wanted to leave it there, tell her I didn’t find it.

  I could easily give her what she craved with my mouth. My fingers. My tongue. But I knew I wouldn’t be able to stop there.

  I grabbed the gadget and returned to find her half sitting up, her breathing elevated. That mesh top was driving me nuts. As for her bare, supple thighs and the shadowed space between them—

  “We need some ground rules,” she blurted. “We keep our clothes on, no matter what. Deal?”

  Her eyes were wide and shiny, and goddamn it, she was the most beautiful I’d ever seen her. And I wanted to see her come so badly, my back teeth hurt from the need. “Deal,” I croaked.

  I crawled back onto the lounger and laid the vibrator between us.

  She looked down at it, and fresh flames lit up her alabaster cheeks. “Caleb—”

  “I’m yours to command, baby. Just tell me what you need.”

  “Kiss me,” she instructed.

  God, yes.

  Spiking my fingers through her hair, I yanked her down and fused my mouth to hers, heard her sexy little whimper, right before she melted into me. I didn’t need to cajole my way in. She opened her beautiful mouth and I licked my way inside, unable to stop from groaning as I got another taste of Lily.

  She eased back against the seat. I followed until my chest was pressed against hers, her firm, plump breasts rubbing against me as she breathed.

  I deepened the kiss, sliding my tongue against hers, biting the tip of it when I recalled how much she liked it last time. She rewarded me with a moan, the hands exploring my back quickening their caress. Her fingers traced the waistline of my joggers, then tentatively dropped to my ass. I bit gently on her top lip. Her nails dug into my ass, even as her legs parted to accommodate me.

  The flames licking through my veins intensified as I broke away and glanced down between us. Less than six inches separated us. I only needed to drop down a fraction for my cock to brush her bikini-covered mound. And if I angled downward I would easily slide between her legs, rub the underside of my cock against her clit. Get her off that way.

  My breath shuddered out as I glanced into her glazed eyes. At her bruised lips.

  Fuck me.

  She was in charge, and as much as it unsettled me, it was also the headiest thing I’d ever experienced.

  Slamming on the brakes was hard. But I planted my hands on either side of her head, increased the gap between us and drew up my knees to bracket her thighs. From my position, I had an intoxicating view of her from head to toe.

  “What now?” I rasped.

  One hand scrambled blindly for the vibrator. Then hesitated.

  “Go for it, sweetheart. Before my good intentions take a flying leap.” Her breath kept hitching as if she couldn’t catch it. When her gaze dropped to my mouth, I dropped my head and delivered a quick, hard kiss. “Now, Lily,” I commanded hoarsely.

  She brought it up between us, and flicked it on with her thumb. Noticing the low setting, I raised my eyebrow.

  “I’ve never used number three before,” she blurted.

  I put my thumb over hers and flicked it up two more. “Then I’m glad I’m here for your first time.” My grin felt as tight as the pressure in my groin as I returned to my original position. And waited.

  Slowly, she lowered her hand, and then paused with the sex toy above her belly. Then she raised her gorgeous eyes to me. “You do it.”

  Fuck. I drew in a strangled breath. “You sure?”

  She caught her lip between her teeth and nodded jerkily. She handed me the vibrator, then lowered her hand and drew aside the crotch of her bikini.

  At the first sight of her pretty pink pussy, I nearly lost my mind.

  Fighting the irrational jealousy rising within me, I slid the vibrator against her wet clit. A sharp gasp broke from her lips as her back arched off the lounger.

  My arms shook with the effort it took to stay upright. “Fuck.”

  “Oh...God.” She shuddered as I pressed the vibrator harder against her clit. “Ahh...”

  The scent of her wetness rose between us, triggering fresh agony in my balls. “God, your pussy smells incredible, Lily.”

  Another set of shudders unraveled through her, ending in her undulating her hips against the pink toy. Beneath the mesh and bikini top
, her nipples were hard little points that begged to be tasted.

  Saliva filled my mouth as I fought with the rampant urge to rip her clothes off and do just that. Instead, I contented myself with planting openmouthed kisses down her satin-smooth neck, licking the frantic pulse racing at her throat. Biting her earlobe.

  “Caleb. Oh.” The groan was dragged from her as her face pinched and her eyes rolled shut.

  “Are you close, baby?”

  She shuddered, her hips moving faster. “Yes... Yes!”

  “Open your eyes. Look at me. I want to see your gorgeous eyes when you come,” I instructed, barely recognizing my own voice.

  Her lust-glazed eyes met mine. “Caleb... I’m coming,” she said in a hushed whisper. “Oh!” Her hips exploded and she screamed.

  My fists bunched hard, tension screaming up my spine as I locked my knees to stay put.

  Dear God, she was glorious.

  I lost the fight halfway through her release, and slanted my mouth over hers. Her lips clung to mine as I devoured her every panted breath, desperate not to miss a moment of her glorious climax.

  After an eternity, her convulsion died down. That was when I realized her arms and legs were locked around me. When the smell of her hit me, I knew I was in deeper trouble.

  Clamping an arm around her waist, I lifted her off the lounger and staggered for the door.

  “Caleb?” Her voice was still slurred.

  “I’m taking you to bed,” I said through clenched teeth.

  Her breath hitched. “No.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to pressure you. You’re going to bed alone. And we’re definitely going to fuck,” I promised, “but not until this shit is taken care of.”

  Her legs clamped tighter around me. Which delivered the fresh hell of having my eager cock sweetly cradled by her very wet pussy.

  I stumbled on the stairs as she buried her face in my neck and gave a low moan. “But...what about you?” she whispered, performing a slow, torturous grind against me.

  “I’ll take care of it...later.” My mouth drifted from the corner of hers to the delicate shell of her ear. “Or I’ll save it for you.”

  She whimpered. A glorious sound. I tunneled my fingers in her hair and pulled her head back.

  “Would you like that?”

  Her blush deepened, but she met my gaze. “Yes.”

  I groaned, tightened my hold on her and vaulted up the stairs.

  In her room, I pulled back the covers and set her down in the middle of the bed. Her legs stayed locked in place for a beat before she released me. I kissed her soft lips and reluctantly stepped back. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you bright and early.”

  Resolutely, I headed for the door.


  My hand tightened around the door handle, and I squeezed my eyes shut for a bracing second before I looked over my shoulder. “Yeah?”

  She twisted a corner of the duvet between her fingers, making no move to cover herself. “Thank you. For...tonight.”

  My fevered gaze scoured her body to the shadows between her legs, unashamed of the savage hunger most likely blazing on my face. “Don’t thank me just yet. I intend to fuck your lights out the second this shit is handled. And it won’t be a nice, gentlemanly fucking. Good night, Lily.”



  MY INNER ALARM nudged me awake just shy of 5:00 a.m., after the soundest sleep I’d enjoyed since my stalker problem started. I stretched, rolled over and froze as memories of last night flooded in.

  Heat surged through my body, pooling in my pelvis, before rushing up to engulf my face.


  I lay there, breath held, bracing myself for extreme vulnerability slash acute mortification. I’d bared parts of my past I’d never told another soul to Caleb. And then I’d let him use my vibrator on me!

  Weirdly, neither sensation arrived. Emotionally, I felt unburdened, like a heavy cloak had been lifted off my shoulders. And neither by word nor deed had Caleb judged me.

  Sexually, I felt...sensational. Like I’d won a grand prize in a contest I didn’t even know I was competing in.

  Great sex had always felt like a gift granted to other people, a sleight of hand everyone else had mastered but me. I wasn’t ashamed to confess that was the reason why I invested in the very best sex toys. But...last night...

  I came harder than I ever had...and we didn’t even have sex. I was one hundred percent sure it had nothing to do with the higher setting on my vibrator. The only other time I’d tried the highest setting, all I could think about was the noise and what possible damage the overload of electricity was doing to my clit. It ruined the experience.

  But last night I unlocked a previously unknown inhibiting door and been rewarded with an amazing experience.

  The memory of him crouched over me, big, hot, wild, with barely restrained hunger stamped on his face, his hand between my legs, and dirty, beautiful words pouring out of his mouth...

  Yeah, that certainly guaranteed the unforgettable encounter my instinct had been nudging me toward from the start.

  I felt empowered, like I could do it all over again, no problem.

  I gulped down the moan rising in my throat.

  Despite laying down the caveat, there’d been a moment, right before that incredible climax hit me, when I’d wanted to beg Caleb to pull out his thick cock jutting boldly against his pants. Beg him to fuck my lights out.

  His gruff, sexy promise echoed in my head, ripping free a ravenous moan. I wanted that. Badly.

  Except it wouldn’t happen until my stalker was caught.

  My stalker.

  My code.

  The SDM presentation.

  Reality drenched me like an icy waterfall, catapulting me out of bed and into the shower. Someone was still out there, watching, waiting for me to slip up. I clenched my teeth against the skin-crawling sensation that threatened to ruin my day and tried to regain my buzz.

  I never quite got it back. My mood plummeted further when an email from Chance buzzed on my phone just as I was heading downstairs.

  I entered the kitchen to find Caleb at the coffee machine. In the few seconds before he turned around, I hungrily ogled his V-shaped torso draped in a fitted navy blue shirt, tucked into tailored pants that framed his mouthwatering ass.

  The ass I’d gripped all too briefly last night before he’d called a halt to my exploration.

  He turned, two mugs of coffee in his hands. We both froze as his eyes met mine.

  The memory of last night pulsed between us, hot and heavy. His heated gaze swept down and up my body, its intensity heightening with each pass. I was glad I’d taken extra care with my attire.

  My black dress was a combination of a corset top and flared skirt, which I teamed with three-inch-heeled ankle boots. My makeup was flawless, too, with an added confidence-boosting layer of eyeliner and mascara, topped off with my favorite scarlet lipstick.

  “Good morning,” I murmured, eager for something to dissipate the charge rippling between us before I did something embarrassing, like stare at his crotch and wonder if he’d given in and jacked off last night or whether he’d kept to his promise to save it for me.

  “Morning,” he responded, striding forward to hand me the coffee.

  We drifted to the center island, both lifting our mugs to take an idle sip while his eyes made another pass over my body. Then he reached out to touch the silver star dangling from the middle of my lace choker. “You look...incredibly beautiful,” he said throatily.

  My whole body reacted to his words, going from zero to furnace-hot in seconds. “Thank you.”

  His eyes slowly narrowed. “Something’s wrong.”

  I waved my phone. “Email from Chance. He’s bringing someone else to the meeting today.”

>   He tensed. “Who?”

  “He didn’t say.”

  “Has he done that before?”

  “Not at the last minute, no.” I took another sip of coffee, swallowing it down with my anxiety.

  “And you’re worried,” he observed.

  I shrugged. “I can do without the extra pressure.”

  He set his mug down and cupped my cheeks. “I’ve watched you all week, batting away problems from your team without so much as pausing to look up from your keyboard. You’ll kick ass today. I’ve no doubt.”

  Like last night, his gentle touch, together with the encouraging words, sent fierce prickles to my eyes. I blinked rapidly, dead certain I didn’t want to cry in front of Caleb. “Thanks.”

  One thumb drifted along my jaw. “You’re welcome,” he murmured.

  His gaze dropped to my mouth, and a different emotion swirled around us.

  He stepped away first, picked up his cup and finished his coffee. “You ready to go?”

  My nod was as shaky as the emotions zipping through me.

  In the hallway, he picked up the waist-length jacket I dropped next to my satchel and held it out for me. I stood in front of him, put my arms through the sleeves, secretly breathing in the heady scent of aftershave and pure man. When I went to do up the single button, he brushed my hands away, pulled the lapels close and secured it.

  Then he gripped my waist tight and pulled me back into his body. “I don’t know how well you slept last night,” he breathed in my ear, “but mine was pretty damned fucked because all I could think about was how magnificent you looked when you came. Just thought you should know.”

  I was struggling to breathe as he shrugged into his leather jacket and we left home without exchanging another word.

  What could I say? That knowing he hadn’t slept made my panties wet? To hell with waiting for my stalker to be caught. I wanted him to pull over and bang me on the backseat.

  Conversation became redundant as his phone blared to life. He reached for it, his brows creasing when he looked down at the screen.

  “Ross,” he answered with a cool voice. “Yes, Maggie told me you’ve been trying to reach me. I’ve been a little busy.” His eyes flicked to me before returning to the road. “What can I do for you?”


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