Cyberella: Preyfinders Universe

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Cyberella: Preyfinders Universe Page 23

by Cari Silverwood

  “If you want to come back to me, if you want them to let you live, I have to prove that you trust me absolutely, that I can control you, and I have to bondmate you.” He smoothed down her lustrous dark hair, feeling the thickness under his fingers, remembering how things had been between them, and wanting to weep as Ella had done. “So I ask you again, do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t turn her head to look at him. “I would do anything, Torgeir, to be with you again, though I don’t deserve it. I trust you and I know, I know that...” Her voice hitched. “That I should have given you a chance to tell me what you felt. I gave you up and ran because I was scared. I’m stupid. Just stupid.”

  “Shhh.” Her sadness was melting the armor he’d built around his heart. He hadn’t been sure he could, in all honesty with himself, take her back, even if his body was screaming at him to do it.

  There were some blows that went deeper into the psyche than could ever be repaired.

  He whispered-growled at her, “You made me so angry.”

  Ella only stirred her head, burrowing into him.

  She wasn’t just repentant, she was scared and vulnerable, and her reasons were indeed ones he understood. It was just...still, a betrayal. He would’ve been there for her, in an instant, without thinking about it at all, and she had run. More than that, she’d hurt everyone who mattered. Concer wanted certainty? He’d give them that. He’d convince them. All this needed was her faith, in him.

  He was going to be hard on her, so hard, but maybe that was what he needed too. Proof. Something that proved beyond all doubt she trusted him. Well, this would do that, or they’d both die.

  He was going to kill that residual anger he had stored up inside him.

  Kill it like the motherfracking beast it was. After that, never again.

  “Stay there. Don’t move.” He slipped out from under her and went to the pile of stacked cases against the opposite wall. In one was a coil of red rope – the same rope he’d used before. It seemed good and right to be symbolic about this.

  He walked to her with the rope in hand and was pleased she’d stayed exactly as he’d left her, curled on her side. Plain white panties and bra, her hair out and loose, and she was so near the edge, some of her hair had flowed over to be flicked in the breeze.

  He went to one knee and placed his palm on her back where the bra strap wrapped across, then undid the clasp. The straps sprang apart. She twisted her neck, venturing to peek at him.

  If you fell out of this opened-up wall, the ground was a mile below.

  The planet was Jorburr 5. He’d spent so much time helping eliminate the Bak-lal here that he’d barely noticed its beauty. This towering building was in the center of an animal park. It was deserted of people, as was the entire planet – only wildlife remained. The Concer military unit in charge of dealing with Ella had chosen an apartment with a wall-sized window. They’d removed the window, removed everything cybernetic, and also removed any way to exit this building except with a rope of immense length, or some way of flying or floating down. The three stories below this had been wiped out – walls, contents, until only the outer structure remained.

  And they were watching. If he didn’t convince them...

  He shook his head. This would work.

  Maybe she still didn’t comprehend how dangerous she could be, but he knew. They’d told him in detail. Her behavior after escaping had left a foreboding trail. With no visible sign from her at all, she’d coerced droves of the cybernetically enhanced to do her bidding. Only analysis of surveillance footage had uncovered what she’d done. She could, theoretically, command vast armies. Concer weren’t certain but the possibility alone had caused a meltdown of astronomical proportions. If it weren’t for his influence with some of the higher-ups, they’d have taken her out with a remote strike. No question about it.

  He created a loop in the rope and found the middle.

  “Sit up on your knees.”

  When she did so, with those eyes so big and trusting, ahhh, he paused a second, transfixed in the moment. He must keep going. This had to work. He slipped off her bra then placed the rope loop around her body, just above her breasts. He slowly built up the harness, crossing the strands, turning her when he needed to and linking and tying her wrists at her back, binding her firmly.

  This act of obedience and submission absorbed him and awed him. Already, he wanted to tell her he loved her but instead he moved on.

  If he did that, they’d hear. They’d see it as him molding her responses. Love equaled trust equaled him not harming her. He had to do this in a vacuum, free of obligations, free of him giving her anything, as much as possible. It was going to hurt him to do that.

  First prove trust, then bondmate. They’d said that would convince them. Since they’d gone to so much trouble setting this up, he prayed that was the truth.

  So easily, she slipped back into his soul. Want and need collided, merged.

  Her wrists were at her back, with her forearms parallel to each other, incorporating the loops and knots into the figure-of-eight harness around her breasts that he loved seeing. She couldn’t move her arms, couldn’t escape, though she could still wriggle and try to run. If she chose to.

  Fuck any observers, he was doing what he wanted to her.

  When he was finished, he hauled her to her feet, keeping his hand entwined in the rope above her breasts. Her nipples were soft and unaroused but he hadn’t tried to arouse her. He’d shown little interest in her sexuality. Again, deliberate.

  She’d be scared too. Couldn’t avoid that. It was best if she was scared as it would likely make her think and not just bounce into the wrong emotional response.

  “You said you’d trust me, Ella?”

  She nodded, a worry line creasing her forehead, her eyes anxious.

  “Whatever I do, do not struggle. Prove this trust. Do not struggle. There’s a one-mile drop behind you.”

  If she did struggle, they’d both likely fall, because he wouldn’t let her go, no matter how she reacted. Telling her the height would’ve hinted at what he intended.

  “I understand.” Her swallow was small but he saw it. He was watching her so closely. Smart woman.

  Any blink, any flinch, the shift of her toes in the grit left over from the window removal – he saw it all.

  The unblinking green of her eyes convinced him, somehow. Maybe he had a green fetish, or maybe it was simply how cleanly she returned his gaze, even though he again had given her nothing but his stark and terrifying words.

  “Good. Do not bend your knees. Keep your legs straight, your feet still.”

  The grouped fingers of his hand still locked in the rope, he pulled and pushed at her a few times, moving her back and forth by fractions. The last of rope had been brought to the front, after tying her, and knotted there. Now he grasped that trailing end and began to pay it out while keeping pressure on her chest. Off balance, she had to lean back. With her legs straight, her whole body balance pivoted on her feet.

  A concavity where a tile was missing was all he had for an anchor point for his feet.

  As he paid out the rope, inch by inch, her lips parted and her breath hitched.

  Be still, he willed her, locking his gaze on hers. If she shifted or jumped, he’d lose his balance too. They’d both fall.

  More rope was paid out, then more. Ella was bound and her only point of safety was the rope he clutched, rope that was putting more and more distance between them. Her body straight, her arms tied at her back so she couldn’t even lunge at the building, she began to gasp. Her abdominal muscles stood out in relief.

  The effort to keep still would be wearying her. If she wasn’t strong enough... That was the one factor he couldn’t be sure of.

  Her head was at his waist level, with all of her sloping out over the drop, before he stopped paying out rope. Her breasts and skin were caught up in the tension and bulged. Skin turned red and pink and even
white where the rope bit into her hard.

  He had to lean back to stop himself being towed forward. His foot skidded an inch but he regained control.

  “Trust me?” he said through clenched teeth.

  Though it came out wobbly, her yes was perfect.

  “Good.” He waited a moment, making the episode crystal clear, though the rope was twisting with the pressure. She swayed sideways a foot then back, making his biceps bulge and him grunt from the effort of not losing her. Finally he said the words he’d wanted to for many seconds. “I’m pulling you in. Be calm.”

  The time needed to bring her inside seemed to be a hundred times longer than it had been going outward. Perhaps that was because now he had the evidence he needed and knew he could keep her safe. If she fell now it would be a far worse tragedy

  Finally, she was in and he walked her further into the room. He clasped her trembling body to his and kissed her hair. “Good. You were so good. It’s done. I’m sorry I had to scare you.”

  His hands were red and rope burned. His shaking must be from that.

  She bowed her head. “It’s okay. I deserved it.”

  “Wasn’t my idea, I promise you.” He held her face in his hands and made sure she saw his eyes. “Forget what I said before. Ella, I love you. I can’t live without you. I spent all these last painful months trying to find you. Never stopped, even when I hated you.”

  “Huh.” She wriggled loose from his hold and spoke with her voice muffled by the cloth of his shirt. The warmth filtered through to his skin. “Hate. Love. I know what you mean. They’re kind of tangled up for me too.”

  He froze. “You hated me?”

  “You? No. Not you. Me. I hated me.”

  He hugged her, and she turned the side of her face to his chest.

  He wasn’t a man to cry often but her words had rendered him speechless and almost teary, so he kept hugging her until the hurt ebbed.

  “Don’t say that again, ever. No hating. What happened...what they did to you, it wasn’t your fault and it’s not you anyway.”

  “I know, just...” But she held back. “I won’t say it.”

  “Good. Remember you’re important. Be yourself not what others see you as. I don’t care what you were or that you have enough cyber in you to fit out a ship, I love you, Ella.”

  She let out a long sigh. “Thank you.”

  Snuggly, gorgeous woman. His awareness of her sexuality reawakened. He let his hand stray to her breast. Feeling how soft and plump it was, cupping it, made his cock harden. From her breathing she was aware of the shift in his attention.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, my way. Those last samples taken before you ran? I’m told you’re so close that one last fuck will take you over the edge.”

  “What?” she squeaked. “No one should be able to test for that. It’s too intimate.”

  “You think so? I like knowing that this will make you mine. I like fucking you whether you want me to or not. I’ve been angry at you for so long, I think I deserve to do this as nastily as I want to. So I’m keeping you tied up, maybe adding more rope even.” He tugged on the rope at her back.

  She looked up at him. The red splotches on her face, the moisture wetting her eyelashes and around her eyes, showed how much his previous actions had affected her. “What if I want you to do that?”

  “You don’t know my perverted plans.”

  “I trust you.”

  Exactly the right words. He tightened his hold at her back and stepped away to watch how the shifting of the rope moved her breasts and squeezed them outward.

  “Come, little toy.”

  He towed her with a hand in her harness to the cases of gear and had her kneel on a big, square, purple cushion. This had, once upon a time, been an exquisitely furnished apartment. Cushions were not in short supply. Beyond the dust in this open to the environment and partly demolished area was a set of sofas and other furniture.

  He paused, caught by an idea. Perhaps he could make use of those.

  He’d brought things he’d not been sure he would use on her and yet maybe even then he’d known. They were too inextricably linked for him to ever say no to her.

  Which was good.

  He flipped open the case and smiled diabolically.

  Good, because now he could have fun teasing her.

  Chapter 34

  She felt him check her hands where they were tied behind her and heard his hum of approval. A blindfold was wrapped about her eyes and she blinked in the dark, wondering. His large hand pushed her so that she had to bow at the waist and put her forehead to the cushion.

  She let him, absorbed in being under his control, in being accepted despite the crazy fallout from her hasty decisions.

  “I want to see you, Ella. All of you.”

  He cut away her panties at the sides, with a knife she never knew he had. Naked. With her butt in the air. Something clipped to her collar and she was stuck there, attached to the floor.

  “Torgeir?” she whispered.


  “Is this... What are you doing?”

  “You’re not to ask. Shhh.”

  She’d agreed to this. She fell silent, until something wet and small began sucking on her nipple. Whatever it was simulated a tongue very well. Then her other nipple was treated the same. Then her clitoris, which felt as if whatever it was had the aim of extracting it from her body, slowly, with extreme dedication. Her gasps turned into whines, then she fell into gasping again and possibly moaning.

  “What is –” She shuddered into almost an orgasm. Never. Not possible so quickly.

  The little tongue-like slurping and pulling had her pussy clenching in.

  He slipped something into her pussy, sliding it in so easily.

  “Shhh. I like watching you come. This is a device designed for that. The guarantee said it could make a female come enough times to render her speechless, make her moan uncontrollably, and unable to walk. You don’t seem any of those. I’ll turn up the speed.”

  The suction on her clit and nipples seemed to tow her to the floor. Her ass clenched in too. The thing inside her pulsed, madly, and she came, unexpectedly, puddling onto the floor even closer than the restraint on her neck took her.

  “That was nice,” he said to her ear. “I think I prefer my fingers though.” The thing was removed from her and moments later she felt two or three of his fingers enter her instead. The sucking recommenced as he forced those fingers deeper.

  She groaned and tried to recall how to breathe, to swallow, to shut her eyes. So difficult when waves of pleasure pounded at her, nonstop. Climax after climax tiptoed in, stormed in, ravaged her like there was no today, tomorrow, or yesterday.

  Oh god. Stop already.

  Suck, suck, thrust of fingers, widening her as they went deep.

  Oh yes. Fingers were better.

  Fuck, fuck, suck. Wet noises. Squelching. Was that her? Mouth open, kissing his hand as he put it there while his other hand penetrated to the deepest parts of her pussy, past where she’d thought they could fucking go, she rampaged into another orgasm. Small screams told her she was becoming unhinged. Stop, she told herself, and couldn’t.

  Stop. Omigod.

  She shuddered, always. Drooled some more onto his hand.

  The fucking continued until she rocked, collapsed, and fell onto her side. Moaning. Oh yes, she was moaning. Uncontrollably.

  “Now I know it works.” He kissed her ear and withdrew those dirty, invading...awesome fingers. “Let’s go somewhere else.”

  He removed things from her then undid something near her nose, making clinking sounds. He scooped her up in his arms and carried her somewhere that was soft. She guessed it might be the arm of a sofa that she lay over. Which was fine. It let her rest, despite her face being lower than her ass and hearing him take off his clothes. Which surely meant he was finally going to fuck her. She needed that so much after what had happened.
She squirmed, letting her clit rub on the arm of the sofa. She hoped and prayed he was about to insert cock A into her slot B, so she could explode with him inside her and not some weird alien orgasmatron device.

  All was good...

  Until he clipped something to her clit. It was firm yet soft in places, and had blunt teeth that gripped either side. The tension pulled on her. The teeth bit, a little, then more, and when she tried to pull away it grabbed her like a tiny alligator.

  He’d fastened her clit to something. Randomly the teeth pulsed, tightened, and relaxed.

  She flinched, twitched her wrists, wishing she could break free and grab the device, and found slowly, that she was liking this. So wrong and perverted.

  “What is that?” she slurred, finding her speech wasn’t quite back to normal after those five zillion orgasms.

  “Don’t move.” His voice was close, and as intimate and shocking as a beast growling at its pinned down prey. “Unless you want to hurt.”

  “You wouldn’t.” She licked her lips, rolling her face to the side on the sofa.

  “Hmmm. You’re mine to handle as I please today.” He bit her ass and she gasped, jerking, only to be forced still by the hold of the metal teeth. “And always.”

  Scary. Torgeir was plumbing the unknown here She knew he wouldn’t hurt her. This revelation seized her by the throat and shook her. Being his was her only need.

  Vague shadows played on her blindfold as he stood. Sounds advertised the movements of his feet, a harbinger of lust to come.

  Nothing centered her mind more than a man about to fuck her while she was bound and blindfolded, with her clit being molested by metal that was attached to some unknown object.

  His hand wrapped into the rope above her arms and he hauled her back and up in spite of her screech as the alligator teeth bit. When he spoke, his mouth was close enough to warm her cheek.

  “What do the people of your planet say when they mate forever?”

  The jump in theme befuddled her. “Umm.” He was doing all this and he wanted marriage vows? “With this ring I thee wed?”

  “Thank you.” He separated her legs with his hand and his cock edged into her, then he waited, with his thick cock there, twitching at her, nudging within the circle of her entrance, ready to violate her.


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