The Real Deal

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The Real Deal Page 17

by Lucy Monroe

  She’d been wrong.

  At the first tender probe of the blunt tip of his erection, her thighs quivered and the engorged tissues of her feminine core sat up and took notice. He pressed himself inside her opening, stretching her and she felt her eyes widen. “Simon?”

  The tentative way she said his name made something protective expand inside him. “What, sweetheart?”

  “Are you awfully big?”

  “I won’t hurt you.”

  Her smile warmed him. “I know.”

  “Trust me.” He pressed forward a little more and she sucked in air. “I’ll be careful. We’re going to fit just fine. We just need to take this part slow.”

  “I do trust you, Simon, but I don’t know how slow I can stand for you to take it.”

  She still wanted him.

  Relief had only a second to make itself felt, as sexual excitement vied for his attention and won. “I want to bury myself so deeply inside you that our pelvic bones touch.”

  Her inner flesh contracted at his words. “Oh, yes.”

  He rocked forward, gaining another full inch and making her moan. “You feel so good, so perfect for me.”

  She arched toward him, her fingers gripped around the bars of the headboard with white-knuckle intensity. “Stop playing, Simon. You said you wanted to go deep. I want all of you!”

  He would have laughed at her demanding tone if he’d had enough breath. He moved again, gaining more, but she was so tight, he couldn’t go farther. “Relax for me, baby. Please.”

  “How?” She sounded both bewildered and as on edge sexually as he felt.

  How? He didn’t know how. It was her body.

  Some of his frustration must have shown on his face because her brows puckered and her lips trembled. “I’m sorry. I—”

  He cut off her apology with his mouth. He didn’t like hearing her apologizing when she was giving him so much pleasure. When she was once again straining beneath him, he lifted his head. “Can you tighten your inner muscles?”

  “I think so.” The flesh around him squeezed and he groaned. Okay, she could definitely tighten them.

  “Now, try reversing that.”

  Her face took on the most endearing expression of concentration. He didn’t think another woman had ever been so concerned about getting it right for him. And she did get it right, all at once the pressure around him relaxed and she spread her thighs wider. He’d been afraid to press her legs that far apart, but she was incredibly limber.

  Hell, she was plain incredible. He rocked into her, finishing the penetration easily now. And then he was where he had most wanted to be, sheathed by her wet, swollen tissues, his sex throbbing from the pleasure her body gave him.

  Her entire body went stiff and her gorgeous brown eyes flew wide with shock. “Simon?!”

  Had he gone in too far? He’d promised not to hurt her.

  Her inner muscles contracted around him again and she shuddered. “So good,” she panted, and he relaxed.

  Oh yeah, it felt good all right. It felt better than anything he’d ever known and he stayed perfectly still savoring the completeness of their joining. He’d been right. She fit him like her body had been made to accommodate his.

  As he strained the limits of his self-control by remaining immobile, he could feel sweat soaking his back and muscle burn like he’d been doing a major workout.

  “Move, Simon!” She squirmed under him, but she couldn’t do much with her knees hooked over his forearms and her hands tied. She glared up at him. “Don’t tease me.”

  “I’m not teasing you, baby. I’m enjoying you.”

  “Please move. Please, oh please, oh please . . .”

  The begging did it.

  He moved. Pulling out until only the head of his sex remained in her warmth, he then surged deep with one thrust . . . two . . . three . . . and suddenly her hot, wet flesh was pulsating around him in release. She screamed, she cried, she writhed and then she demanded more again. He let go of her legs to reach between their bodies and massage her sweet spot with his thumb.

  She convulsed again, her body going so taut, she lifted them both up off the bed. He went over the brink, his raw shout joining with her uncontrolled whimpers of surrender and ecstasy. They strained together for endless moments of shared rapture before she collapsed back on the bed.

  He went with her, his body feeling boneless. With the last bit of strength he had, he reached above them and undid the restraints on her wrists.

  “I don’t think I can move them.”

  His head came up at her ruefully uttered words. She didn’t look upset, so he didn’t think she meant he’d hurt her.

  Her eyes slid shut. “I want to hold you,” she whispered on a yawn, “but I can’t seem to make my arms work.”

  He discovered that with the right incentive, he had reserves of energy he had not known he possessed. Reaching up, he grasped her wrists and pulled her arms gently down. When he placed them on his shoulders, she linked her hands behind his neck and hugged him to her.

  It felt good.

  She kissed his collarbone. “I like this.”

  He sighed with pleasure. “Me too.”

  He was still erect inside her, his orgasm having exhausted him, but going nowhere toward slaking the desire she engendered in his flesh.

  “Thank you, Simon.”

  He pulled back so he could see the sweet contours of her heart-shaped face. “Thank you. I’ve never had it so good,” he admitted truthfully.

  Hershey brown eyes widened, glistening with suspicious moisture. “Really?”

  He kissed her. “Really.”

  “Me neither.”

  For some reason that admission made him feel ten feet tall. “You liked making love with a conquering warrior, huh?”

  “I adored making love with you.” Her fingers speared through his hair and she nuzzled his chest. “I’ve never climaxed before.”

  The words were muffled and whispered sort of low, so at first he doubted he’d heard her correctly. “Did you just say you’d never come before?”

  “Yes.” She wouldn’t look at him.

  He tilted her chin up with his free hand. “Say that again.”

  She shook her head. “You heard me.”

  “But you’re so responsive!”

  She attempted a shrug, but it didn’t work very well with his bulk on top of her. “I never have been before.”

  He liked hearing that. He didn’t care if it was a totally non-PC attitude to have, but he felt like a true conqueror at her halting admission. Definitely non-PC. “You mean you’ve never had an orgasm with a man,” he said for clarification.

  “Did I say that?” she asked, turning her face from his scrutiny.

  “No.” But the alternative was unthinkable. She was twenty-seven years old, or so Jacob had informed him after the initial security check. She was divorced. She couldn’t be that innocent. He felt like he’d just made love to a virgin. “But, baby, there are things . . .”

  She glared up at him. “I didn’t feel comfortable trying things, alright? If it bothers you, I’m sorry. I just thought you might like to know.”

  Hell. He had offended her. “Shh.” He kissed her until all the tension that had been seeping into her limbs eased away. “It doesn’t bother me. It surprised me. That’s all. You are the most sensual woman I have ever been with, but I’d have to be a fool not to like knowing you had your first climax with me.”

  Her smile was a little watery. “I guess that means you won’t mind trying it again sometime.”

  They were still intimately connected, he could feel her soft wetness clinging to him and she was talking about sometime as if what they were sharing right now was over. He stared down at her. Did she think this had been some casual sexual encounter, like sharing a really decadent dessert that they both might want to taste again, but nothing serious?

  The hell with that.

  But all he said was, “Sure.” If his tone was a little surly, she�
�d have to forgive him. “Sometime” could mean anything from the next time she was in Washington to the next five minutes. He knew exactly which sometime he intended to make happen and it wasn’t some nebulous date in the future.

  But first there was something he had to do.

  He carefully withdrew from her body and rolled away from her. He stood up and turned away from her in pretty much the same motion, still a little leery about her seeing him in all his aroused glory. It was getting more glorious by the second as he contemplated how best to seduce the pocket Venus in his bed all over again.

  Amanda watched Simon walk into the bathroom in a state of confusion. He’d sounded angry. Had her question made him mad? Maybe she was clinging. For all she knew, this was a one-off deal for Simon. They hadn’t said anything about the future. He might want to go back to business as usual.

  Maybe once had been enough for him.

  He’d said she was the most sensual woman he’d ever been with, but she knew that wasn’t true. Couldn’t be true. She was about as sensual as a Raggedy Ann doll, but she had satisfied him. She knew she had. His release had been every bit as loud and wild as her own.

  So, why had he vacated the bed so quickly?

  Maybe she had disappointed him in some way.

  Was she supposed to get dressed and leave while he was in the bathroom? She didn’t know the protocol for this sort of thing. She felt lethargic from the surfeit of pleasure he’d given her, but she didn’t think he’d appreciate coming back to find she had crawled beneath the sheets and gone to sleep in his bed. She wasn’t even sure he’d want to come out and find her in the room at all.

  Cold seeped into her where the heat of passion had burned so brightly just minutes ago.

  She heard the sound of water running, but it wasn’t followed by the distinctive patter of a shower.

  What was he doing?

  She sat up and scanned the room, looking for her clothes. She could see one tennis shoe over by the door, a sock on the chair by the bed and what looked like her pants in a heap of cotton on the bottom corner of the huge mattress. She got up on her knees and crawled across the bed to retrieve her pants.

  When she reached them, she spied her top on the floor about a foot from the bed. She leaned over and reached for it.

  “Nice view.”

  Realizing exactly what he was seeing, her naked backside up in the air, she screeched and scrambled back onto the bed. She turned on her knees to face him. He looked amused, darn him.

  Just once she’d like the naked view of her body to inspire uncontrollable desire. Not contempt. Not humor. Passion. Right. That was going to happen in this lifetime, not.

  Her top was still on the floor, so she grabbed up her pants and held them in front of her in an attempt at modesty. They’d made love on top of the covers, leaving her nothing to hide behind. The thought of Simon looking at her naked body and noticing her deficiencies made her cringe.

  “I thought you were going to take a shower.”

  But he hadn’t. He’d come back wearing nothing but a towel slung low on his hips.

  “You look very good sitting in my bed, Amanda.” He walked over to the bed. “But you will look even better in my bath.”

  He reached out and tugged at her pants. “You don’t need these right now.”

  “I . . .”

  He managed to prise the meager cotton barrier to her nudity from her tight grip. He tossed the Capris on the floor where they landed almost on top of her shirt.

  “They’re going to get wrinkled all wadded up like that.”

  “Jacob can iron them for you.” With that, he scooped her up in his strong arms.

  “This is becoming a habit with you,” she said breathlessly as naked skin met hot, naked skin.

  His answering smile was that of a buccaneer who had appropriated a cargo hold full of bounty. “You’re such a tiny thing, all my primitive instincts come out. Do you mind?”

  “No.” Actually, she kind of liked it.

  But tiny? She supposed compared to his six feet, two inches, her five-foot-four seemed small, but still . . . tiny?

  “I wear a thirty-four D cup bra,” she said, stating the obvious, “and I bet I wear the same size all the time that your cousin’s wife,” the woman he’d cared enough about to want to marry, “wears pregnant.”

  “Yeah. You’re perfect, but so small it scares me a little. I’m really lucky your passion makes up for your size.”

  Were they talking about the same body? Had he heard a word she had said? Her mother had been after her to go for a breast reduction since she’d finished developing. Lance had joined her mother’s urgings, but she had refused. She’d never had surgery and frankly the idea of having such an operation had scared her.

  “You really think I’m perfect?” she couldn’t help asking.

  He stared at her like she’d lost her mind. “You have a luscious body, sweetheart. But I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know. Other men must have told you the same thing, ad nauseum.”

  If she admitted they hadn’t, would that lessen her in Simon’s eyes? She shrugged noncommittally, not saying anything else until they arrived at Simon’s bathtub. It looked more like a small Jacuzzi to her. There was definitely room for two and it occurred to her that Simon meant to take advantage of that fact.

  “We’re taking a bath together?” Was that squeaky voice hers?

  His answer was to step with her into the swirling water.

  Simon had come into the bathroom to take care of the condom when the sight of his oversize, jetted tub had given him an idea for his “captive’s” next seduction. He’d never bathed with a woman. He’d taken showers with lovers, but never a bath.

  She’d had her first orgasm with him. He decided he would take his first coed bath with her.

  She made no move to slide off his lap once their bodies were immersed in the hot, scented water. He’d tossed in some aromatherapy bath salts one of his cousins in Arizona had sent him for Christmas. It smelled pretty nice. He hoped Amanda thought so too. Besides it had an oil base, turning the water into an all-over body lubricant.

  He cupped one of her D-cup breasts, smiling at how she had admitted to her bra size like it was a crime. Was she really that ignorant of a man’s desires that she didn’t realize his reaction to her generous curves would be anything but revulsion?

  She circled one of his masculine nipples with a forefinger, making his sex bob in the water beside her hip.

  “This is kind of fun, isn’t it?” she asked.

  Cupping his hand, he scooped up some water and let it trickle over swollen peaks the color of ripe raspberries. “Fun is a pretty tame word for what I feel right now, Amanda.”

  She laughed, the sound exultant. “Oh, Simon.”

  He palmed her cheek, angling her head for his kiss. Her lips were pliant and warm. As he played with the ripened flesh of her breasts, she opened her mouth with a purring sound and he took instant advantage of the chance to taste her again. So sweet. He could never get enough of her mouth.

  She sucked on his tongue while kneading the muscles of his chest like a cat and he felt like exploding right then. He put up with the torment of her mouth for as long as he could before he knew that, one more second, and he would come without even having her touch his arousal.

  Tearing his mouth from hers, he broke the kiss to suckle the rapid pulse at the base of her throat.

  “That feels so good,” she groaned, letting her head fall back. “Simon, everything you do to me feels good.” She sounded really surprised by that fact.

  Maybe she was. She’d been married, but never had a climax. Her husband had to have been a lousy lover because she was amazingly responsive.

  She wiggled her bottom against him, but didn’t make a move to bring her body into contact with his hardened flesh. He couldn’t stand that kind of teasing. Not this time. Maybe never. This woman affected him in ways he would earlier have denied were possible.

  He r
eached down and grabbed her hips, turning her toward him and letting her float in the water just long enough to separate her legs. When he pulled her back onto his lap he made sure she was straddling him.

  Her head came up and she stared at him, her eyes glazed with passion. “Simon?”

  “I want to feel your sweetness against me, baby.”

  “Oh, yes.” But she didn’t move.

  Too impatient to wait, he pressed against her tailbone and her bath oil slickened thighs slid along his until their bodies met. He shuddered. So did she.

  He adjusted her until her swollen outer labia were lined up with his erection, then he reached around and gently separated the lips. He arched up so his sex pressed against her most sensitive flesh. “Pleasure us, sweetheart.”

  She made a broken sound. “How?”

  Grabbing her bottom with both hands, he slid her up the length of his erection, pressing in when her hardened clitoris was aligned with the mass of nerve endings near the tip. Then he slid her down again until her labia met his sacs.

  Her mouth formed a surprised little O that he just had to kiss. “Ride me.”

  “But you aren’t inside me.”

  Never having taken a bath with a woman before, he didn’t know how well a condom worked in that environment. He also didn’t have the patience to find out. “This will be good, trust me.”

  She must have because she started moving against him, doing a little circular motion every time her sweet spot met the ridge at the broad tip of his arousal.

  “This is so amazing. I can feel bubbles in my . . .”

  “Do you like it?” he asked as he moved his hand around so his fingers could play where the bubbles had found their way.

  “Oh . . . Oh . . . Yesss . . . . I like it.”

  Her movements were voluptuous and he was glad they’d already made love. He wanted this to last. And it did.

  She rode him for a long time while wave after wave of pleasure washed over him with the oil-slick water. Eventually, her movements grew more frantic until she stiffened against him, crying out his name as her body convulsed in what felt like a never ending orgasm.

  He came then, too. Shooting into the water. The sensual feel of the bubbling wetness all around him increased the intensity and his orgasm lasted longer than any he had ever had. When it was over, his head fell back against the rest and he closed his eyes. Amanda sank against his chest like a wilted flower and he hugged her to him.


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