Morally Blasphemous: A Dark Mafia Romance (Morally Questionable Book 2)

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Morally Blasphemous: A Dark Mafia Romance (Morally Questionable Book 2) Page 9

by Veronica Lancet

  "Yes." But then a pang of guilt assaults me. He probably doesn't know... "But first, I have to tell you something. You can decide if you still want to marry me after." I sneak a glance at him, and he has a bored expression on. He casually nods and I take a deep breath.

  "I'm not..." I pause, not knowing how to frame this. "I'm not innocent." I eventually say.

  His expression changes briefly, but he just shrugs. "I don't care about that."

  "That's not all. I have a daughter..."

  "Enzo mentioned that." There's an intensity in his eyes that almost scares me. Before I lose my courage, I continue.

  "I won't be separated from her." He nods.

  There's a moment of silence in which he just looks at me.

  "How old is she? Your daughter?"

  "She's nine and a half. She's very well behaved, she won't bother you." I feel compelled to add. Maybe he thought it was a baby or a toddler, and they are more rambunctious, so I see why he'd be interested.

  His eye twitches for a second and he turns his head.

  "What's her name?"


  "Good. You and Claudia won't have to worry about anything."

  "It's not... a problem?"

  "No. I have a younger sister at home. They aren't that far off in age and could get along." I breathe a sigh of relief at his words. "However," he continues. "I also have some ground rules. That's why I asked Enzo to let me talk to you beforehand."

  I freeze. What does he mean? I wait for him to continue.

  "This will be a marriage in name only. I will give you my name, and I will provide for you and Claudia. You will want for nothing. You will be given your own room in the house. How you spend your time is up to you. I will only impose on you if there is an event we are invited to, or if we are hosting one."

  A marriage in name only? I wait for the relief to come, but there's none. Why? He must not like me... That's the only plausible explanation.

  "That is fine with me." I say, trying to mask my disappointment.

  "And one last thing. Don't touch me." I whip my head around and frown at him. What?

  "What do you mean?"

  "Just that. I don't like to be touched. Even something small, like a brush of a hand. Don't."

  I'm too stunned to say anything, so I just numbly nod.

  "It's better to lay out our expectations from the beginning. That way, there will be no disappointment." He mentions. I'm still reeling from his former pronouncement.

  "That does not mean that you can see other men."

  "What about you then?" I burst out.

  "Me?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

  "It will be a marriage in name only, as you said, but I am not allowed to be with anyone else. Then what about you?" I ask him.

  He throws back his head and laughs.

  "You don't have to worry about that, Catalina." He leans forward, so he's closer to my face. "My affliction, so to say, extends to everyone. I'll be true to my vows; of that you can rest assured." He takes a moment to breathe deeply, before adding. "If I could..." He shakes his head, a bitter smile forming on his lips.

  "If we're both in agreement?" Marcello asks, and I nod.

  "Good. Let's get Enzo so we can talk about the formalities."

  And so we do. The wedding will be a small affair, to be held in three days. And after that, both me and Claudia will move in with Marcello. It all sounds lovely, but why do I have this nagging feeling of disappointment?

  Chapter Nine


  MY AVERSION TO TOUCH cannot be pinpointed to a single point in time, although there was one specific event that might have triggered it. Maybe it all started in childhood. There is a study that proved infants who have close physical contact with their mother grow up to be better adjusted individuals than those who lack a mother figure. I belong to the latter category.

  It wasn't hard to find out what had happened at my birth—the staff always gossiped. My mother had taken one look at me and she'd declared me a sinner. She'd said that an infinite number of baptisms could not cleanse my soul. Father had, of course, relished the thought that a son of his would be the devil incarnate. And so he'd done everything in his power to strip the humanity from me. My mother had either kept her distance, or abused me for the sinner I was.

  It all converged to a single event that proved to be my breaking point. And so, from then on, I'd developed a phobia of touch. Although my phobia applies to everyone, it is especially traumatic when the person in question is a woman. And so, for the past decade, I've avoided all interactions with the opposite sex. Even at work, people assumed I was gay simply because I kept a respectful distance from all the ladies in the office. And now I have to get married... likely to an eighteen-year-old. The thought of it makes me ill.

  That's not to say that there have been no accidental touches throughout the years; it's practically impossible to live completely isolated. But each one of those touches caused me physical pain and so much mental anguish that I needed time to recover. Aside from that, I want to believe that I adjusted well enough to live in society as a normal being—or as normal as I can ever be.

  "Signor, someone to see you." Amelia interrupts me from my thoughts. I take off my glasses and massage my temples.

  "Show them in."

  Not a moment later, Vlad casually makes his way inside, plopping himself on the chair in front of me.

  "Marcello." He smirks at me, in between loudly chewing gum.

  "Any recent developments?" I ask, knowing Vlad would not come here just to say hello. We'd tried to get to the bottom of the last attack, but according to him both Quinn and Matthew Gallagher had made themselves sparse after Jimenez's death.

  "Not really. You know, same old, same old." He says, his eyes fixating on the clock behind me.

  "What does that mean?" With Vlad, you always have to pry the information from him.

  "Oh, you know," he shrugs innocently. "Ortega's cartel is working with an MC chapter now, Quinn is back in town... same old."

  "You said there had been no sightings of Quinn."

  "Oh, did I? Until now, that is. My contacts are saying he's preparing for a big match. They've opened up a few more arenas in the Bronx."

  "And you didn't think that was a development?"

  "I'm not worried about Quinn. Guy is a machine, but a smart machine? Don't think so. His father, though? Hasn't been seen since the attack on the Agosti. Now if there were information on him, that I would call a development." Vlad relaxed back in the chair, sporting a carefree expression. His acting is so good, I don't think anyone would notice what hides beneath the surface.

  "My people want revenge for the casualties." I add.

  "And you think I don't want the same?" Vlad asks, clearly offended.

  "I don't know what you want. In fact, why did you come here?"

  "Marcello, Marcello, are you always so rude to your guests? No wonder people can't stand your surly ass." Vlad shakes his head in fake indignation.

  "Cut to the chase, Vlad."

  "Hmm..." He studies me for a second. "You've made the correct choice to assume your role as capo... and so you will reap the benefits."

  "What are you talking about?" I frown.

  "The thing you've wanted the most... it's almost yours." Vlad says cryptically before standing up and walking towards the library. "There was a recent death."

  "Chimera?" I ask, realizing that is the only reason he'd come personally.

  "Yes. Saratoga Springs."

  "What? That's..."

  "It's getting closer and closer, also faster than before. If this was a normal serial killer, I'd say his cooling-off period is getting smaller and smaller. But we both know he's not ordinary."

  "What are the police saying?"

  "No prints, no evidence really. The locations are also so haphazardly chosen that they can't establish a pattern."

  "So nothing." Vlad nods.

  "But we have something they don'
t. Motive."

  "You've said before that you think he's after me. But I simply can't imagine who it could be."

  "Think, Marcello. There must be someone."

  "There were tens if not hundreds of people, Vlad." I shake myself. It's futile to even try to remember. It would only make everything worse.

  "This Chimera, whoever he is, knows every single thing there is to know about real Chimera's M.O. Alas, I cannot help you if you don't help yourself, Marcello." Vlad sighs and throws a file on my desk.

  "Maybe something will jolt your memory."

  Bringing his hand to his forehead in a mock military salute, Vlad leaves.

  I stare at the file in front of me, almost not daring to open it. When I finally do, however, it's to see my biggest nightmare staring me in the face.

  There are pictures of the crime scene in Saratoga Springs. Chimera always left behind a signature, to show that the boogie man was in town. The original Chimera would assemble the teeth of its victim in the form of the letter C. This Chimera seems to have deviated from that, ever so slightly. Although he'd stuck faithfully to script until now, it seems this copycat is trying to leave his own mark in a way. There is still the letter C, but this time it is assembled in a big showy way using the ribs of the deceased.

  The victim, a man it seems, is cut in half. His torso is set on a table in the middle of the room—the centerpiece. The chest cavity is empty of its organs. Instead...

  I can't help but avert my eyes.

  A dead baby is curled up in a fetal position within the man's chest cavity, where his other organs would have been. Simulating an in-womb death, the baby is strangulated by the man's intestines—probably used instead of an umbilical cord.

  I can't look anymore. I throw the papers on my desk and close my eyes for a second, trying to think of something else.

  But as much as I want to, I can't.

  Because ultimately it is my fault these people are dead; my fault that his copycat has something to prove.

  It's always my fault.

  THINGS HAVE BEEN CALMER in the famiglia as of late. Francesco has been monitoring the activity and has been giving me daily reports. Nicolo seems to have swallowed his pride for now, but I wouldn't put it past him to be plotting something. It's just as well that the alliance with the Agosti is almost completed. Just a moment ago I'd received a call from Enzo that he had something to discuss with me and that he has a candidate in mind for me. We scheduled the meeting for after noon.

  In the meantime, I have to review the files for the governesses that Amelia had vetted for an interview. After the disaster with the first governess who'd gone as far as to call Venezia mentally impaired for her lack of formal education, I'd decided to vet each candidate myself. There are ten in total that seem to have the qualifications. Of course, on paper even the last one had looked spectacular, but her attitude towards Venezia had been abysmal. I cross-reference their availability with my schedule and decide to see them starting next week. By then, I should be done with most of the urgent things within the famiglia.

  Once I've allotted a time for each candidate, I give the list back to Amelia.

  "You won't stay for lunch?" She asks when she sees me heading for the door.

  "I have a meeting. Tell Venezia I'll see her at dinner." Amelia grunts, but it's obvious she's none too pleased with that. I can't exactly blame her, since I have not been entirely too present in the house ever since I'd moved in. My interactions with Venezia had been limited. Amelia had been adamant to remind me every single time how neglected the girl had been and how much she needs some attention. Her suggestions haven't fallen on deaf ears, but right now time is of essence for me too. I have to solidify my position in the famiglia, and that requires meetings upon meetings. When I get some time by myself, I have to review business plans and strategies. It doesn't exactly leave too much time to spend with Venezia.

  I'd promised myself I'd deal with that, though.

  I get in my car and start the ignition. Enzo's house is not too far off. I look at my watch and see I can take my time.

  I can't help but think back to my friend, Adrian. I'd tried to get some updates from Vlad, since I know he still talks to Bianca, but so far he hasn't been too forthcoming. Whenever I ask, he just tells me he has not woken up yet. Even when he recovers, I don't know what I can say to him. I take full accountability for my part in betraying his trust, and I don't see how he'd ever be able to forgive me for something like that. But I still want to explain my side of the story; be honest for the first time in my life with someone.

  I shake myself from my musings and park my car, having already reached my destination. Inside, a maid takes me to Enzo's office.

  "Enzo." I greet him and he just nods. His expression is grim.

  "It seems we meet sooner than expected Marcello." He adds drily and offers me a drink. I decline, and he just pours one for himself. Bringing it to his desk, he lights a cigarette and takes a drag.

  "The situation has changed, slightly." He starts.

  "How so?" It's definitely something that has upset him, judging by the lines on his face.

  "You remember the Guerras?"

  "Yes." I reply. Guerra is another powerful family in the city, and one that has not been a team player, historically. Their feud with the DeVille family is the stuff of legends. In fact, their dispute makes the conflict between Agosti and Lastra to seem like a mere squabble.

  "Let's just say that something's come up that exacerbated our differences with the Guerra family."

  "I didn't know you were on bad terms with Guerra. I know they've never had any tight connections with the other families, but their only clash has always been with DeVille."

  Enzo grimaces.

  "I was supposed to marry Gianna Guerra. The contract was all but signed." Enzo confesses.

  "And you did not." I add.

  "I did not. And they took offence to that. They've boycotted our businesses since then."

  "Why are you telling me this?" I ask, curious to see where this all leads. I'd never dealt with the Guerras, and I know Valentino had no issues with them.

  "Because someone is in trouble with them. Someone who needs protection."

  "Speak freely." So it comes down to this. It probably has to do with my future marriage.

  "The woman in question killed the capo's nephew. And somehow the family got wind of it. I don't know how, but I was sent this." Enzo explains and pushes a letter towards me. I skim the contents and it's enough to get an idea of what's at play. They want revenge, and they don't care that it's a woman. In fact, it might even be worse because it's a woman. They probably can't accept that a member of the opposite sex dared to kill a Guerra man. I scoff at the contents of the letter.

  "Why did she kill him?" I don't really care why she killed him. I can already guess what Enzo's going to ask. Marry her and offer her my protection against the Guerras.

  He looks uncomfortable. He takes one swig of his glass before answering.

  "He was molesting her daughter." Interesting. No one could blame her for doing what's only fair to someone that vile.

  "Then I'd say it was deserving."

  "Indeed. But that's not all." Enzo recounts how someone had purposefully defiled the corpse and exhibited it in the center of the Sacre Coeur convent.

  "And your sister helped her." He adds and I have to blink twice. Did I hear that right? My sister helped bury a priest?

  "You're kidding."

  "No. As a matter of fact, I would have called you regardless of our arrangement. I'm not sure how safe Sacre Coeur is for her now. If someone can get inside and do something like that..." Enzo shakes his head.

  "I'll take care of it." I reply. It seems I need to schedule a meeting with Assisi again, and soon.

  "Now back to our agreement. Given the situation at hand, I'd like you to marry her and give her the protection of your name. I can't have her or her daughter in danger."

  "I agree." I nod. It's even better than I
imagined. Since she has a child, I imagine she's not some starry-eyed teenager, and thus I'll be able to get along with her better. I need a mature person to understand that I have rules and boundaries, and while we will be married, it will not be a proper marriage.

  "Good, I was hoping you'd say that."

  "Who is this woman you're talking about?" I ask, not really carrying at this point. Still, it's better to at least have a name.

  "My sister, Catalina." The moment he says her name, I freeze. No... It's not possible.

  "Your sister?" I croak. I take a deep breath and try to compose myself, not wanting to give anything away. "And she agrees?"

  "Yes. She knows she is in danger, and she would do anything for her daughter." Catalina... and she has a child. I feel a tiny stab in my heart at the thought.

  "I'll agree, on one condition. I'd like to meet with her first, to see if she is willing." I say, my pulse speeding just at the thought of being in the same room as her.

  Enzo considers this for a second, watching me intently.

  "As you like." He gets up to leave. But before he does, he adds one last thing. "If this weren't so important, I would have never given her to you."

  The moment he's out of the office, I try to breathe deeply. In and out. Catalina... the girl I'd wanted to marry more than a decade ago. Just as the image of her face as I'd last seen her crosses my mind, someone knocks at the door.

  "Hello." She is nervous as she enters the room. She seems different, and yet so similar. It's like the years have not passed at all. Her hair is still the same mass of raven tresses. Her face is pale and strewn with freckles. She looks young, innocent... untouched. And those eyes. I've never seen a more expressive pair of eyes. And there is no hint of recognition in them.

  "Catalina." I greet her, trying to control my voice from betraying my feelings.

  "My brother must have told you the circumstances." Her hands are neatly folded in her lap and she seems to attempt not to fidget. I make her nervous.... If she only knew how she makes me feel. I almost chuckle at the thought.

  "He has." I reply, trying to focus on the conversation, and not on my wandering thoughts.


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