Damaged: An Erotic Romance Story

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Damaged: An Erotic Romance Story Page 1

by Laurie Mackenzie


  Jessica gulped back the sob that formed a hard lump in her throat. Shoving her groceries into the bag, she repeated the mantra in her head:

  ‘Get to the car, Jess. Hold it together until you get to the car.’ Exhaling a ragged breath, she gave a tense, forced smile to the lady behind the checkout and dashed towards the exit of the store. Fumbling around in her handbag for her car keys, Jess stabbed the fob in the cars direction and yanked the door, collapsing into the seat and throwing the shopping into the back. She pulled down the sun visa and stared at her stern dark eyes in the small mirror.

  “When is this sadness gonna end?” She questioned herself aloud. As soon as the words had left her lips, she saw the pretty face reflecting back at her crumple into an ugly distortion of misery and turned away as the tears started to spill. Pressing her forehead onto the steering wheel, Jessica cried noisily in the sanctuary of her car, struggling to suck snatches of air between the mournful releases of despair.

  Suddenly, what felt like a large, invisible hand forced Jessica’s head into the hard wheel, accompanied by an ear shattering explosion. Jess tried to raise her head, eyes wide in horror and confusion. But as she did so, the bright parking lot ahead of her burst into black dots and she slumped, un-conscious and lifeless against the car door.

  As a fuzz of orange sunlight filtered through her eyelids, Jess felt as though she were swimming up from the bottom of a lake - muffled sounds and blurred shapes became slowly clearer. She could feel a hand on her arm. The car door was open and she was aware of the cool breeze on her bare legs. Focusing on the hand, her gaze followed up a tanned, muscular forearm to a broad shoulder, covered with a soft blue t-shirt. Vision clearing further, she noticed an intricate tattoo peeking out from the neckline of the shirt and then looked up into stunning grey eyes that were flecked with breathtaking green. As the tingling from coming round subsided, a new tingling in the pit of her stomach started as she stared into the face of the strange man. Jessica realised the stranger’s mouth was moving, that he was talking to her and that those beautiful eyes were filled with considerable concern.

  “Miss, are you ok? Can you talk?” Feeling startled as reality dawned on her, Jess attempted to get up from the seat.

  “Don’t try and move yet.” The man stroked her hairline gently. “We’re just waiting on the paramedics to come check you over. How do you feel?”

  “I...what happened?” Jessica’s mouth was sticky and dry and a sense of alarm began to build as she noticed a sharp, throbbing pain in her head.

  “I’m so, so sorry.” Clasping her hand between both of his, the stranger knelt on the asphalt and began to explain in earnest: “I wasn’t looking....going too fast. I...I’m afraid I reversed into your vehicle. You must have hit your head, you passed out. I’m so sorry. The ambulance is coming. You’ll be ok. Does it hurt?”

  Despite herself, the circumstance and the crowd of twenty onlookers peering at her, Jess had to laugh at the extreme sincerity of this gorgeous man.

  “Ow!” She exclaimed, putting tentative fingers up to her lips and then examining the blood left on them.

  “You’ve got a bit of a cut on your lip I’m afraid, and your nose looks a little bruised.” He squeezed her hands and looked down. “I’m sorry.”

  This time, Jess laughed without stretching her lips. “Stop apologising, please.” She insisted. “My head feels a bit sore but otherwise I think I’m ok.” She wiggled her feet and the fingers on her free hand as if to prove it. “See!”

  “I’m so glad. I’m such an idiot.” The man shook his head. “I’m Nathan, by the way. But I’ll give you all my details for the insurance, of course.”

  “Okay.” Nodding, she added; “I’m Jess.” A burst of a siren made both of them jump, and Nathan moved aside to wave at the ambulance swinging into the parking lot. As the paramedics examined her, Jessica kept her attention on the handsome Nathan, who was pacing nearby. Agreeing to be taken to hospital for a full check-up, Nathan passed her a folded piece of paper.

  “For the insurance company. All my contacts are on here. Please, get in touch if you need anything.”

  Gripping her packet of strong painkillers and thanking the doctor, Jess walked slowly out of the hospital. She was going to be fine, but the results in the bathroom mirror were quite horrific. The bruise on her nose had deepened and spread under her eyes, and she had a hefty split on her bottom lip. Jess’s usually perfectly made-up face looked as though it had been in a bar fight.

  ‘No-one to look pretty for anyway.” She thought, bitterly. As she approached the doors she pulled out her cell phone to call her best friend Sophie. She wanted to share the dramatic day with someone, plus she needed a lift home as her car was likely to have to be towed to a garage. Just as she’d found Sophie’s name on the contact list, Jess heard someone shouting her name.

  Looking around, she spotted Nathan jogging towards her.

  “Jessica!” He waved as he got closer. “I hope you don’t think this is crazy. Just, well, I figured you’d need a ride back home. Or to your car? I saved your groceries.” He held up the bag and smiled shyly. ”Look, I understand if you don’t want to come with me but I want to help. I could call someone for you?”

  Jess looked at the tall, worried man pleading with her. She swept over his athletic physique: the tease of those sexy tattoos only slightly exposed on parts of his upper arm and collarbone were enticing, and his angular jaw was starting to darken with the shadow of stubble, which made him look manlier than his manner suggested. Then, she looked again at those eyes and reckless as it seemed, made up her mind to accept his offer. He was too nervous to be dangerous, she surmised, and the heavy pulse throbbing in her groin over-rode any rational thinking.

  “Where do you need me to drop you?” Nathan glanced at her from the driver’s seat. Jess considered: she was feeling quite floaty from the painkillers but that seemed to be adding to the horny ebb in her genitals. She pondered how bad she looked but quickly decided she didn’t care. It had been too long, she was finally ready and God, she wanted this man.

  “Your place?” She tilted her head and lifted her eyes suggestively to Nathan. He obviously saw the desire in them and swerved slightly.

  “Erm, sure.” He gave a small laugh and Jess relished the sliver of pleasure his awkwardness gave her. She could feel herself starting to moisten and tilted her pelvis forward on the seat, closing her eyes at the pressure on her clitoris.

  “Just so you know, I’m not from here.” Nathan continued. “I’m staying in a hotel close to town, is that ok?”

  Just to make sure Nathan understood exactly what she was coming back for; she placed her hand on the top of his thigh, resting her little finger on the crease by his groin.

  “That’s fine.” She said softly, not quite believing her brazen actions but being too overwhelmed by lust to analyze them. He looked quickly at the slender hand on his leg and pushed his foot down on the gas.

  The hotel was nothing special: the decor was starting to look shabby and there was a stale, musty smell that the small open window could not combat. Nathan swept some abandoned clothes off of a tatty chair in the corner and shifted anxiously from foot to foot.

  “You want coffee?” He gestured to a travel kettle on the cheap wooden dresser.

  “No.” Jess replied abruptly. “I’m just going to use the bathroom.”

  The yellow light made her skin look sallow and she winced at the sight of the angry purple bruise spreading across the middle of her face. Leaning towards her reflection, she could not believe she had reverted back to this behaviour, after years of being settled. But the last few months had been so tough, she needed
this; needed to feel alive again. Inhaling deeply, she made her way back to Nathan, who was perched self-consciously on the end of the bed.

  Kicking off her pumps, Jess sashayed over and ran a finger lightly across his broad shoulders, stopping in front of him and searching for the flashes of green in his eyes. Nathan’s jaw slackened slightly as he slowly lifted his hands to her petite waist. She sustained eye contact but stayed still, his touch electric even through her clothes. With a questioning look as if to check it was okay, he tucked the tips of his fingers underneath her t-shirt and delicately dragged them across her skin and up to her breasts. Jess shuddered deliciously and stepped forward so that she was stood in between Nathans legs. Dropping her gaze, her lower regions thudded as she noticed the bulge swelling beneath his shorts. A moan escaped her lips as her already erect nipples hardened further at his soft squeeze. Breathing hard, Jess’ desperation to feel him inside of her intensified and she pulled him to his feet. She slid his shirt over his head and swallowed thickly at the sight of his toned, tattooed chest. Sensing her impatience, Nathan expertly unzipped her skirt, pushed his hand down her panties and stroked her pussy from the bottom up with his middle finger, applying pressure when he got to her clit.

  “You’re so wet.” He moaned in her ear, making gooseflesh break over her skin.

  “I need you to fuck me.” Jess pleaded, grabbling at the button fly on his shorts and fumbling slightly as the force of his engorged penis made the task tricky. Breath quickening, she pushed the clothing down and clasped his dick as it sprang forward; hot and very, very hard. Nathan gasped as she teased the head with her thumb, and he started to rotate his finger against her clitoris while her cupped hand glided up and down the length of his pulsing member.

  Jessica felt the juices pouring out of her as the two of them masturbated each other. Her knees started to buckle and Nathan swung her around effortlessly, pulling her t-shirt off before laying her down on the bed. She exhaled at the sight of his lithe body coming towards her, his manhood quivering with anticipation. He knelt in front of her open legs and pulled aside her sodden underwear. Taking his dick in his hands, he guided it around her dripping sex, rubbing its tip on her clit and up and down the entrance of her wanton hole. Nathan stared at Jess, watching her gasp with desire and claw handfuls of the bed sheets. She groaned and lifted her pelvis, desperate for him to enter her. Still watching, he slowly pushed his whole length inside her, and let out a low moan.

  Jessica cried out with pleasure as Nathan slinked in and out of her pussy. She moved against him, trying to get him to speed up, exhaling hard with each thrust. He hooked her legs onto his shoulders and penetrated her so deep that it sent shivers through her entire being. Nathan started to pant, beads of sweat forming on his creased brow.

  “Wait. Stop.” He breathed. “You’re going to make me come. Slow down.”

  The thought of Nathan so close to turning liquid sent Jess into a frenzy. She pushed, hard down onto his dick, her pussy swallowing it whole, and manoeuvred herself on top of him. Digging her nails into his inked shoulders, she grinded against him; the only feeling in the world being one of raw, sexy as fuck pleasure. Jessica could feel the orgasm starting from the depths of her belly. The combined sensation of his rock solid penis kissing her g-spot rhythmically, plus his pubic bone stimulating her swollen clitoris created a growl of desire that started to rise. Rising up through every cell in her body. Jess stopped briefly on the downward thrust, allowing a warm, horny tingle spread over her from his member pressing in that magic place.

  “I’m going to come.” She moaned. Nathan made an animalistic sound, and grabbed her ass cheeks roughly, moving her back and forth over his cock, matching the speed of his pounding heart.

  Jessica felt her pussy start to contract, sucking Nathan’s penis in tighter with each convulsion. Her back arched involuntarily, and her eyes rolled back in her head as waves of ecstasy shook her. She sucked in air, letting the orgasm take her completely. As the ebbs began to slow, she felt the hot spurts of Nathans spunk hit her inside.

  “Oh God.” He grunted and forced her down onto him, making her pussy spasm even more. She looked at his contorted face and his open mouth as she felt each spurt of his come. Collapsing onto his chest, Jess began to laugh.

  “Fuck! That felt so good!” She gently lifted herself off of his glistening penis and flung herself back on the bed, floppy and relaxed with satisfaction. Nathan turned and smiled at her, bending his elbow to support his head.

  “So er...is that normally something you do after a dude crashes into you?” He asked inquisitively.

  “Oh Nathan, you don’t want to know. Trust me.” Jess turned her body sideways to face him. “I’m not one of those people who gets off from crashes, I promise. I was just so horny. You have no idea.” She smiled sadly, reality starting to descend on her post-coital bubble. “I feel much better now, thank you.” She gingerly patted her nose and felt some swelling. “Apart from the slight pain in my head that’s starting to come back with a vengeance. God knows what I must look like!” She started to reach for her clothes.

  “You look beautiful, if you must know.” Nathan stayed where he was, watching her intently. “Do you want me to get you some water so you can take your painkillers?”

  She shook her head. “No. Thanks. I should get going.”

  Nathan jumped up from the bed, appearing disappointed. “Are you sure? I’ll give you a ride to where you need to go.”

  “No Nathan, it’s fine. Really.” Jess noted the impact of her rebuff and softened slightly. “I do appreciate the offer, but my friend can come get me.” She continued before Nathan could insist. “This was...really fun. I needed it so much; you made me feel good again. But I have to tell you now, I don’t want to arrange any dates or meet up again. I just needed...release. Sorry if that sounds harsh and a little presumptuous, but I prefer to be honest.”

  Nathans face fell and Jessica saw a brief flicker of hurt and confusion before he composed himself. “Uh. Okay. Well, it was nice to meet you.” He laughed shyly, “that sounds so formal, but you get what I mean. I’m truly sorry for earlier. I hope your injuries heal quickly. Please get in touch with me about paying for damages.”

  “I will.” Jessica said, knowing full well she wouldn’t. He didn’t look like he had much money anyway and besides, she could afford it. She really did not want to see him again. His purpose had been served.

  “Enjoy the rest of your visit here. Bye Nathan.” Faking a smile, she closed the hotel room door behind her.

  “I cannot believe that jerk reversed into you.” Jessica’s best friend Sophie tossed back her thick blonde hair angrily.

  “He must have been going some too, judging by the state of your car and your poor face. After all you’ve been through lately.” Sophie curled down her bottom lip to show sympathy for her friend. Jess handed over a mug of coffee and sank onto the sofa next to her.

  “It really was an accident, Soph.” She explained. “You should have seen him – he was so apologetic. Plus, if I hadn’t have had my head on the steering wheel then my face wouldn’t have been quite so mashed up.”

  “What did you have your head on the steering wheel for?” Sophie frowned.

  Jess tucked her legs underneath her and stared at the drink in her hands. “I had a bit of a...moment.” She looked up to her friend with woeful eyes. “I just fell apart while I was in the store and then lost it back at the car.” Jess sighed. “I keep thinking it’s going to get easier. But it doesn’t.”

  Sophie put her arm around Jess’ shoulders and pulled her in. “It will honey. I promise you, it will. You lost your best friend and the love of your life. Give yourself a break. It’s only been seven months.”

  The pair sat in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. Then Sophie suddenly blurted: “How come you were outside that grotty hotel when I picked you up? It’s just occurred to me. I was so distracted by the bruises on your face I didn’t think to ask.”

bsp; Guilt coursed through Jessica like poison and she shifted uncomfortably. She wanted to tell Sophie badly. Soph had been her best friend since school so she knew and had been accepting of Jess’ old, promiscuous ways. Before she had met Mike and calmed down. That stab of guilt again. Mike. She couldn’t bring herself to tell her about Nathan, despite him being the most fun she had had in ages. It felt...wrong now, sat in the apartment her and Mike used to share together.

  “Oh, I’m not sure.” Jess shrugged, hoping she looked nonchalant. “I think I was a bit disorientated when I left hospital. I just started walking and wound up there.” Jessica felt yet another pang of guilt at the sad concern in Sophie’s expression and moved in for a hug so she could avoid seeing it any longer.

  “I’m fine, sweetie. Really, I’m fine.” This time, she was only partly lying.

  Later on that evening; the pain from Jess’s bruises had started up again. As she rummaged through her bag to get the pills, a folded slip of white paper caught her attention. Opening it with curiosity, she realised it was Nathans details: phone number and email but no address she noticed. Underneath this information was a scrawled note in scratchy handwriting:

  ‘Apologies to the most stunning girl I have ever reversed in to! If you can ever forgive me, I would love to take you to dinner sometime, fat lip and all!’

  Jess gave a short laugh and a warm sexy tingle started to build in her lower regions at the memory of Nathan fucking her. She bit her lip and stared at the digits on the paper. When she’d left him earlier, she’d meant what she said. She had used him for one thing, got it and that was that. She did not want to get involved with anyone; she had just lost her boyfriend and had been through enough emotion recently. She wanted less in her life, not more.

  But this wasn’t involvement, was it? Just a girl, trying to rediscover her sense of identity after having it tipped upside down. Deciding she was making things mean more by the analysis, Jess reached for her cell and deftly copied the number onto the screen. Pacing as it rang; the sexy feeling that pulsed through her soon dissipated any thoughts that this was the wrong decision.


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