Laura: An Age Play Romance

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Laura: An Age Play Romance Page 12

by Wild, Lucy

  “I meant no offence sir.”

  “I can assure you I will be able to resist the urge to ravage you if that is what worries you.”

  He turned back to the fire, leaving me feeling admonished and embarrassed in equal measure. Taking a deep breath, I lifted my dress up my legs, waiting for the exclamation I knew would come. I had never been given drawers by Mrs. Garfield and as such under my dress was merely flesh and nothing more. But Dishford seemed indifferent to the sight of my nether regions as I bunched my dress around my torso. Instead he pressed his hand gently into my stomach. “Is that sore?” he asked.

  “A little.”

  “And here?”

  “That is tender just there.”

  “Hmm, there will be some bruising but no lasting damage.”

  I heard movement behind me and then Richards was by my side. “Good God girl,” he said, his eyes widening. “You are nothing but skin and bone.”

  His hand went to my stomach before I could push my dress back down and as his fingers brushed over my skin, I felt a deep warmth spread within me, butterflies fluttering in a way I did not understand. How could his touch have done that to me?

  “Are you done doctor?” he asked and as he did so, I caught his eyes glance down between my legs for just a moment before raising to his colleague once more, his expression unchanged.

  “Yes, all done. You can put your dress back down now.”

  After saying our goodbyes, Richards led me back into his carriage. “Are you hungry?” he asked as he closed the door and took his seat.

  “I am always hungry.”

  “Adam,” he shouted through the carriage wall. “Home if you please.” He lowered his voice as he turned back to me. “You look as if you might starve to death at any moment. How long have you been living on the streets?”

  “Three months or so. I have not really kept track.”

  “When did you last have a decent meal?”

  I thought hard. “I do not know sir.”

  “Well when did you last feel full?”

  “I have never felt full.”

  His face fell as he shook his head. “To think a creature of such innocence and beauty could be so ill treated by the world.” He was silent for a moment. “Would you like to become a teacher Jade?”

  “I know little of learning I am afraid sir.”

  “Could you spank a naughty girl? Send her to bed with a red bottom and a lesson learned?”

  “Well I am sure I could but is there not more to teaching than that?”

  “Could you change a nappy? Feed an unruly girl with a bottle if needed?”

  “I think so sir.”

  “Then you can be a teacher at my school. I will pay you forty pounds a year. What do you say to that?”

  My mouth fell open in shock. “Forty pounds?”

  “All right, fifty ,but I will go no higher. What do you think?”

  I felt suddenly certain I was dreaming, that at any moment I would awaken to find myself alone and freezing once more. “I think I could kiss you,” I said, my surety that this was a phantom before me making me bolder than I ever would be otherwise.

  “You do not come cheap at fifty pounds a kiss,” he replied with a half smile. “Though I know you meant it in jest.”

  “I am not sure I did sir,” I replied, shuffling towards him until I could take his hands in mine. “You have been so kind to me and in return you have asked for so little. I want you to know I am truly grateful.”

  “You are most welcome Jade,” he replied, squeezing my hands. “You proved your mettle by your action today. To be willing to remain in place despite the danger in which you were placed. I wish all who worked for me had such loyalty.”

  “I will endeavour in all things to please you sir.”

  He sat upright at those words, colour flashing in his cheeks. “Will you indeed?”

  I quivered in his presence as he seemed to grow larger in the carriage, filling the space opposite me, my hands dwarfed by his. I nodded slowly, not wanting the shiver within me to be revealed in my speech.

  “What if I were to ask you to raise your dress again here and now?”

  “You…you would not ask that would you sir?”

  “I am asking that. You said you would endeavour to please me in all things. I wish for you to raise your dress as you did at Dishford’s house.”

  “But why sir?”

  “To see if you are really willing to please me.”

  “You truly want me to raise my dress.”


  I sighed with relief.

  “I want you to remove it entirely.”

  “Please sir, do not ask that of me.”

  “So you will not do anything to please me then?”

  He snatched his hands away from me, his expression as near to a pout as his features would allow. “If you request it of me, I will do it,” I said firmly, taking hold of the hem of my dress. I lifted myself from my seat and raised my dress slowly up my legs, feeling the atmosphere in the carriage grow heavier. I continued to lift my dress, Richards’ eyes fixed on me. My thighs came into view and I paused. “Off completely?” I asked in a mock innocent voice.

  “Off completely,” he replied, the boldness in his voice making me even more certain this was a dream. I thought I may as well enjoy it while it lasted, sliding the dress over my hips and up, up, up, until it finally slid over my head, my body exposed in the dim light of the carriage. I set the dress down beside me, folding my arms across my chest, crossing my legs at the same moment.

  “As you wish sir,” I said quietly. “Do you wish anything else of me?”

  “Stand up and turn around,” he replied.

  I did as requested, turning in the confined space and looking at the wall before me, feeling his stare on my skin as if he were touching me. “Anything else sir?”

  “Bend over and place your hands on the wall. Good. Do not look behind you.”

  I heard a creak followed by a rustle of clothing. I could not resist, glancing back over my shoulder to see Sir Richards leaning towards me with one hand on the front of his trousers. “I told you not to look back!” he snapped, his hand whipping through the air and landing on my posterior with a resounding smack. I let out a gasp as a burning sting spread through my buttocks, penetrating deep into my flesh. He smacked me again, this time softer than the first.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered.

  I obeyed, moving my feet apart as he smacked my posterior once more, this time harder than ever. “You will please me by doing as I bid,” he said, his hand sliding over my bottom. “Tell me, have you ever been taken before?”

  “Taken sir? In what way?”

  “Ever had someone inside you?”

  “No sir,” I replied, my voice little more than a whisper.

  I heard another rustle and then his hands were on my hips, pulling me back towards him. I felt a hot heat of something solid sliding between my thighs and a moment later I realised what it was. “Sir?” I asked. “What are you doing?”

  “Using you to please me,” he replied, taking hold of his member and gliding it between my legs, running it over the soft folds of skin which dwelt there. “That is what you offered me was it not?”

  “Yes sir,” I gasped as the tip of him rubbed over the most sensitive point on my body. I felt wetness forming between my legs as he ran the rigid tip in circles around my nub until he slid back, easing himself between my folds of skin.

  “Bend further,” he said, pressing himself towards my entrance.

  I moved my hands down the wall, my back bent over so my posterior was presented towards him. I felt him pull back a little and then in a long slow movement, he pushed himself into me, stretching my entrance before vanishing inside, the heat of the tip of him making me shudder with pleasure. He did not stop there though, moving ever deeper, filling the inside of me with his length until eventually he was buried inside me. “Do not move,” he said in a commanding voice. “Keep perf
ectly still.”

  He pulled back slowly, my internal walls quivering around him, nerve endings within me firing for the very first time. As I felt certain he would fall from me, he suddenly thrust all the way in, making me groan with mingled pleasure and discomfort at the fullness that stretched my hole. He pulled back ever so slowly again, seeming to delight in teasing me before swiftly ramming home once more. This time he remained buried in me, his hips pressed to my posterior, his hands on my hips.

  He remained still this time, pushing me away from him, using my body to pleasure himself, bringing equal bliss to me as my hips were slid forwards and backwards, my inside gliding over his member. He spread my buttocks with his hands as he began to thrust faster into me. “You have a delightful rear,” he said. “I think I will indulge in that sometime.”

  He thrust harder than ever before slowing again, alternating his speed until I had barely the strength in my legs to remain upright. I felt a heavy tension in the pit of my stomach which seemed to build to an incoherent level of pressure as he continued to slide back and forth within me. I opened my mouth to beg him to slow down when all of a sudden the tension broke like a dam bursting, a most exquisite feeling taking its place, a wave of bliss which spread from the very spot where he was inside me and raced through my body, making even my fingers and toes tingle with pleasure. “What is happening?” I managed to say in a ragged voice, my limbs trembling as he slowed momentarily.

  “You derive pleasure from pleasing me,” Richards replied. “That is good to know. Now I am going to come in you. Are you ready?”

  “Yes sir,” I whispered. “Please come in me.”

  “I will,” he said in a growl, thrusting faster and faster.

  I felt another wave of pleasure wash over me and as it did so, my insides contracted around his member, gripping him tightly which made him breath heavier behind me, the heat and smell of him filling the carriage as he buried himself within me and let out a long low groan. I felt him twitch and shake within me as I continued to grip him in place. From the tip of him a hot spurt of wetness gushed into me, filling me completely with his seed. He twitched again and more poured from him. As the motion of his member slowed, he pulled back from me, sliding free a second later. “Do not move,” he said as my core felt strangely empty, as if he had belonged in there and leaving had left me bereft in some way.

  I listened as he rustled behind me, no doubt placing himself back within his trousers. I almost jumped as I felt his hands on my posterior, sliding over my buttocks before finally letting go of me. “You may dress,” he said at last. “Make it quick for we are almost there.”

  He seemed brusque as he spoke, as if nothing at all had just happened. “Did I please you sir?” I asked as I pulled my dress back over my head and shuffled it into place.

  “You have begun to,” he replied as the carriage came to a halt. “Now shall we go in?”

  He opened the door and stepped down. I followed, my legs shaking still, my insides aching as I felt his seed begin to seep from me. I looked up as I left the carriage, seeing an enormous red brick house before me, the walls wrapped in ivy, the windows enormous, the size of the place evident even in the darkness. “Welcome to my home,” he said, pulling out a key and walking up the wide steps to the front door. “I trust you will find it to your satisfaction.”

  And with a single step through the doorway, I left the world of a pauper behind and entered an entirely new world, one which changed my life forever.

  Read on in The Flames of Her Desire, out now.

  Bonus Story 3


  Taught– Book 1

  Straightening her up by bending her over.

  When innocent Charlotte Wainscott meets the wicked Lord Rutherford, she finds him intimidating and appealing in equal measure. Having always planned to join a convent, Charlotte instead finds herself torn between remaining chaste or submitting to Rutherford’s intoxicating methods of seduction and discipline.

  Shocked by her reaction to Lord Rutherford’s depraved lifestyle, Charlotte runs away to the convent, doing her best to forget her past and begin a new life as a demure and civilised woman. But something about Lord Rutherford still tugs at her heart. Can she move on from the man she loved or will she give in to her desires, return to him, and embrace the submissive lifestyle forever?

  Chapter 1

  As the door closed and I was left alone in the house with him, my hands began to tremble. Was this the hysterics my mother had warned me about? I could not be certain. There was only one thing of which I could be certain. This was not how my adult years were supposed to begin.

  “What is your name girl?” he asked, scowling down at me as I did my best to meet his gaze. Although my expression remained as neutral as I could manage, inside I was terrified and with good reason. Lord Rutherford was well known throughout the county as a hard man. He had endeavoured to purchase my parents’ home five years previously and when that had failed, he had set his sights on a very different prize, one of much higher value. Me.

  “Charlotte, sir,” I curtseyed, my eyes lowered. I wished with all my heart that the door would open again and my parents would burst in and tell me it was all a mistake, that they wanted me to return home with them. I was to be disappointed.

  “Well Charlotte, it may come as no surprise to you but I am unmarried. Indeed who would take a cantankerous old fool like me for a husband?”

  “I do not know sir.”

  “Of course not,” he murmured. “It was a rhetorical question. Follow me.”

  I walked behind him along a dimly lit hallway into his drawing room. He motioned for me to sit and I did so, perching awkwardly as he poured himself a brandy. He carried over to a battered armchair by the fire and sank into it with a sigh, staring into the flames and seemingly oblivious to my presence.

  I looked at him for a moment while he was distracted, wondering once again why my parents had sent me here. They knew my ambition had always been to join the convent as my two sisters had done before me. With them, there had been no argument, no discussion, just acceptance that they had chosen their path in life. They were serving God to the best of their abilities. When it had come to my eighteenth birthday and we were sat at our modest dining table to decide my future, I had been expecting the same acquiescence.

  “What do you wish to make of your life Charlotte?” my father asked, his arms folded as he leaned back in his chair and stared at me.

  “To follow in the path of my sisters, father.”

  “Are you a fool?” he replied. “I thought you would have grown out of that silly desire by now.”

  Silly?” I said, my eyes wide, shocked at his words. “You consider it foolhardiness to wish to serve our Lord and Saviour?”

  He sighed and held out his hand, gripping my own in a manner that was almost pleading. “You are beautiful Charlotte, far more so than Dora and Elizabeth. They chose the convent purely because they knew none would want them for a wife. I suspect even God was disappointed that they chose to marry him.”

  “George!” my mother interjected. “How can you say such things?”

  “Come my dear, you know it to be true.”

  “But in front of Charlotte. It is not seemly to talk of such things before a child.”

  “She is of age now and it is time she learned some of the cold truths of life.” He turned back to me and continued. “My darling. We are destitute. Business is failing and without immediate income we will lose everything.”

  “Father?” I asked, my shock evident in my voice. “Is it true?” The modest collection of retailers he supplied had always had reasonable profits and he had fought off most attempts from wealthier competitors to take over his trade.

  He nodded sadly. “You are not to entertain the idea of joining the convent, is that clear?”

  “But then what is to become of me?”

  “I have a different Lord for you serve.”

  I opened my mouth to reply but my mother spok
e before I had chance. “Do you remember Lord Rutherford?”

  “Of course mother.” It could be some time before I forgot that scoundrel. He had made the boldest attempts to take over my father’s little empire, undercutting him with some of our largest clients.

  “He has made a most handsome offer of a dowry in return for your obedient hand in marriage.”

  I almost fell from my seat, jerking my hand free, my eyes widening. “You cannot be serious. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I furiously thought to myself. So, since he cannot buy you out of business, he will buy me instead. Was I worth so little?

  “Deadly serious,” father said without a hint of sadness in his voice. If anything, he actually sounded pleased.

  “You would give me away to the man who attempted to ruin us, and all for thirty pieces of silver?”

  “He has offered far more than that and without it we will be ruined anyway. Smith’s of Bristol changed over to him last week. I will have no one left to sell to if this continues.”

  “Well I refuse. I will not marry that beast. I have heard how he treats his servants, he is a cad and a villain.”

  Father bristled, sitting rigidly upright in his seat. Though usually serene, there was a fury in his eyes I had never seen before. Mother looked away as if the fireplace were the most fascinating thing in the world.

  “You will not disobey your father,” he said firmly. “The decision has been made. We ride out to his home in a week to make the arrangements.”

  Mother stood up and put a hand on my shoulder. “Try not to be downhearted,” she smiled weakly. “You are to marry into one of the oldest and richest families in the country.”

  “But I do not want to.” The tears began to fall in earnest then but as I looked up at mother, I saw the tiredness in her expression.

  “I am sorry,” she said, turning away again. “But what you want is immaterial.”

  Seven days later I was by their side as we rode to the Right Honourable Lord Rutherford’s country house twenty miles from our own, his land abutting onto our fields. As we passed through his estate I could not help but think he saw me as nothing more than a way to extend the boundary of his land, or perhaps as simply another part of my father’s ruination.


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