The King's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The King's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 14

by Honor James

  “It’s not silly, love. You still have very human concepts that you’ll occasionally have to overcome. Well, longevity wise anyway.” He smiled at her. “You’re still fully human, but now through the bond you get to have the same life length as I will.” Only kicker was if he died, there was a fifty percent chance she’d survive and live out the balance of her days alone.

  “I don’t like that last thought at all,” Chrissy growled. “I refuse to ever live without you, Tryggr. You are my heart, my soul, and I need you, honey. I have got to have you in my life, and I know that if you die, I will die right along with you.” Of heartbreak.

  “That is incredibly sweet, romantic, and seriously morbid. Enough of that talk,” he told her, hugging her to him tight. “But it’s still sweet,” he teased with a grin. “All right, let’s go walk the gardens and see what new and exotic crap my sister planted and will test me on tomorrow.”

  “I like that idea,” Chrissy told him with a grin. “I look forward to seeing this maze, and what are you talking about? Testing what on you, honey?” she asked with a frown. “How could she test a maze on you?”

  “Not the maze, but she always quizzes me if I saw this or that in her garden. We’re going to have to walk it all. Thankfully it’s not that big, but she’ll want to ensure I actually walked it and didn’t skip it to just go and play in the maze,” Tryg said with a shrug.

  “Well that kinda blows. I actually wanted to be able to play in the maze with you, sweet. Hopefully she will give you a pass on it this time since she knows that I will be in there with you.” Her new sister better forgive him if he didn’t pay much attention or Chrissy would be grumbly.

  Snorting, Tryggr shook his head. “Oh my sweet little human mate, you have much to learn about the viciousness of a female Jaguar. They do not take prisoners, ever,” he told her and then looked around to ensure his sister wasn’t there. Relaxing when he saw they were alone, he pushed out the back door. “It’s all good. I have an excellent memory and remember what was here the last time, so a quick walk through and I’ll know what she’s changed, added, and removed, and I’ll ace her quiz.”

  Chrissy grinned and nodded. “Then let’s go and see what we can see in her maze and hopefully by the time we make it to the center I will have talked you into fucking me blind in there.” Chrissy’s stomach was feeling a little upset, but just the thought of being with him again had her endorphins running and her body pulsing with need.

  Sniffing, he grinned. “You sure you’re going to make it that far before you jump me?” he teased, leading her out past the tree line and natural wind break. Pointing, he wiggled his brows. “We have a long, long way to go.” They had about an acre of gardens to get through before they got to the path to get down to the maze.

  “I’m positive, honey, because I refuse to allow anyone else to see you naked but me.” Chrissy’s face turned up to him in a happy smile. “We will make it to the center of the maze, together, you and I,” she assured him and winked. “Because that’s what we both want, darling mine.”

  “Uh-huh.” He grinned at her and grabbed her hand. “Come on, sugar, time to meander the gardens,” he told her happily. Guiding her to the path, he slowed their pace so he could look around. “Most everything in here she has a use for,” he told his mate. “Between the herbs and flowers there’s a purpose to almost everything. Herbs for cooking and medicines, flowers for some of the same things and also the potpourri she sells as well as uses.”

  “So she’s a brilliant horticulturist as well as a wonderful chef.” Chrissy had some serious shoes to fill. “You do know that I’m going to have a hard time keeping up with her, darling. I’m not as great of a cook as she is, nor am I a grower either. In fact I sadly kill plants.”

  “So what?” he asked her honestly and stopped to pull her into his arms. “Chrissy, darling, I love you for you. I don’t care what you can or can’t do. Bets and I have had centuries to learn these things. The horticulture is a hobby. She does it because our mother used to always have plants around and taught her. I have sword fighting as a hobby because our father used to insist I spend time training and trained me himself.”

  “All right, as long as you are sure.” Chrissy looked up to him and smiled. “I’m really fantastic with animals. Especially this one large feline that utterly adores me and the very ground I walk on,” she teased him. “I rather adore him as well.”

  Purring softly for her, he hugged her to him. “This feline worships you and the ground you walk on, darling. If you’re going to use the line, get it right, babe,” he teased, pressing a kiss to her lips. “Let’s get moving,” he murmured, catching her hand in his again and tugging her along once more.

  “Are you in a hurry to get to the center of the maze?” she asked hopefully. “Because I’m totally in a hurry to get there. I can’t wait to get there so that I can strip you naked and hear you purring for me again. It’s one of my favorite sounds.”

  “I was thinking about that, yes,” he told her as he walked, his eyes moving over everything quickly and noting the differences, changes, and new additions. Nodding after they’d completed the circuit, he scooped her up and dashed for the maze entrance. “Faster is better,” he pointed out when she laughed and held on for the ride.

  Holding on to him tightly, Chrissy’s hair and laughter floated around them. The turns and twists of the maze were lost, only sound following them to the center. Once there, she looked up at him and began to undo the buttons she could reach. “We could get naked faster if you put me down, you know.”

  “Good point,” he told her. Setting her on her feet and grabbing the bottom of her shirt, he lifted it over her head. “Much faster like this,” he grinned, yanking off her bra and moving to work on her pants. “You should really be doing your part, sugar.”

  “Oh yes, I should totally do my part.” She growled and began to jerk at his buckle and then tugged at his pants. “Oh, baby, I love how hard you are.” She moaned and ran her hands from top to bottom on his cock. “So good.”

  “Only and always for you,” he promised on a growl as he tore into her jeans and pushed at them, needing to get her naked, completely.

  Chapter Twelve

  Staring at the reports, Tryg rubbed at the bridge of his nose. They’d been back for just under a week. The visit had been great and amazing. Bethany and Chrissy had gotten along famously, and they’d come home with a hell of a lot more luggage than they’d left with. But back stateside now he had to make a decision. One he’d been thinking on the entire time they’d been with his sister visiting and the entire time he’d tried to figure out who she wanted to knock boots with—to no avail either, which pissed him off on a whole other level.

  Looking up when he caught the small sound, he smiled at his mate. “Hey, love, finally get everything stuffed into the closet?” he teased. Leaning back in his chair, he watched her as she moved deeper into his office.

  “I did.” Chrissy smiled as she took a seat across the desk from him. “What are you thinking of, darling?” She saw that look on his face. He had been thinking very hard and he had that crease on his forehead that made her want to reach out and caress him. “And my tummy is feeling better as well, so that’s a good thing.”

  “A very good thing,” Tryg said, looking at her. Letting out a breath, he closed his eyes and leaned his head back. “I’ve decided to take the Throne back,” he told her quietly. It hadn’t been an easy decision by any means. He’d waffled and wavered, gone from one side to the other. But he’d made the choice as soon as he was absolutely sure that Chrissy was pregnant, not that he’d told her that yet, and he was keeping those thoughts buried deep where she couldn’t find them.

  “Are you sure that is what you want to do, honey? I know how hard it is for you even to think about taking it back.” She moved from her chair to him. Sliding into his lap, she wrapped her arm around his shoulder and looked down at him. “Don’t take it if it’s not what you absolutely and positively want, honey.
Don’t let anything that Bets said to you force your hand, my love.”

  “She’s not forcing my hand, love,” he told her honestly. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her in closer to him. Turning his head to look at her, he smiled. “We have to talk, darling,” he said, rubbing his hand up and down her leg. “Mainly about you and the fact that you are pregnant, my little mate.” Tryg dropped the bomb since she was sitting down.

  Chrissy couldn’t breathe at all for several minutes. She was sure that her heart stopped beating in shock. “What?” she finally squeaked. “I’m, huh?” She gulped. Laying her hand on his on her belly, she whispered, “Are you sure? How do you know? I haven’t even…” She had to think. “I’m late.” It dawned on her. “Only a few days, but I’m late. How did you know?”

  “Easy,” he told her, leaning in to rub his nose on her neck and inhale deeply. “Your scent is changing. It’s still subtle, so I’m the only one that will notice.” Tryg leaned back to smile at her. “But soon others will notice, too, that and the fact you’ve been so tired and your stomach’s been upset more often than not of late.”

  “Oh my,” she whispered. “So if you…” She paused. “If you take the Throne, that means that our son or daughter would be next in line, and that would mean even more guards, wouldn’t it?” she asked in shock. “Oh lordy, more people to follow us around. Lovely.” Leaning into him, she nuzzled his neck and then with a smile added, “But I’m totally fine with it, honey. I love you and I love the fact that we are having a baby, darling. I understand now why you are also choosing to take the Throne.”

  “It was only part of the reason,” he told her honestly. “I do like the idea of you having more guards around you,” he said, turning the chair slightly. “The other is all the reports I’ve had our guards digging up for the last while. Apparently because Uncle Evan has been sitting on the Throne those guarding him didn’t feel the need to keep me in the loop on things. There will be some major changes coming, first and foremost him off the Throne, and those guards that hid this stuff will be ousted right fast.”

  “Which will be best. You don’t want to have anyone in your guard that would ever hide anything from you, honey,” she told him honestly as she held onto him. “Which will also mean that you will need to be very sure to keep close tabs on them so that you don’t have them popping up and giving us issues later.” Especially after their child was born.

  “I know. They will be watched and sent to one place to ensure it’s easier to keep tabs on them,” he said. “I’m more than sure some were strong-armed with threats, while others willingly did the dirty deeds of hiding secrets from me”—and bodies, as he was discovering.

  “How will you know who was forced and who went willingly?” she asked quietly. “Oh God, we are having a baby.” She was still stuck on that. She trusted Tryggr to keep her and their child safe, knew that he would understand just how to deal with those people that gave them issues.

  Chuckling, he nodded. “Yes, darling, we’re going to have a little boy or girl in a few months,” he said with a grin. “And I’ll know, because those that feel shame will show it and their scents will give them away. Those that did so willingly and with full knowledge will brazen it out, try to deal, and then likely throw insults.”

  “I do not envy you the position that you are in, honey. To have to face your uncle, to ask him why.” She couldn’t fathom it. “Not only that but to have to go through your people and figure out who to trust and who you can’t. For that I’m so sorry, darling.”

  “No reason for you to be apologizing or feeling upset about this, love. It’s not your fault. It’s mine really for leaving Uncle Evan in the seat so long,” he said honestly. “I should have made a decision years ago instead of just letting it all slide.”

  “Never would you have ever dreamed that he would have done something like this, honey. He’s family, and family just doesn’t do that.” Well most family wouldn’t, that was. “But now you know and you will be able to take care of the issues in a fairly short time, darling.” She hoped.

  “I hope so,” he murmured softly, brushing a kiss to her temple. “But for now let’s worry about you. How are you really doing? Do we need to get you anything specific to ensure your tummy’s all right? Should we get you an appointment? We should likely get you an appointment, right?”

  Chrissy laughed. “Honey, I’m okay. How about we wait until I’m able to have a pregnancy test and it actually shows a positive and then we will figure it out?” She smiled and leaned in to brush her lips to his. “I love you, honey. So very much. We are in this together and we both know it. We will however call medical and see if someone can see me sometime this week, okay?”

  “Good plan,” he told her, knowing he’d sounded pretty much like the biggest idiot on the planet. “I love you, Chrissy,” he murmured, pulling her closer to kiss her deeply. Letting her up for air, he licked his lips and grinned. “I think we should go upstairs and celebrate maybe?”

  “Oh I so very much love how you think, darling mine.” Chrissy wrapped her arms tightly around him and hugged him close. “How about you carry me up? Later we will worry about the phone calls we need to make and the taking back of the Throne, darling. For now, let’s celebrate.”

  “My thoughts exactly.” He grinned. Hooking his arm under her knees, Tryggr stood up and headed for the stairs. “We shall celebrate, party, and then we can deal with real life later,” he murmured as he took the stairs two and three at a time.

  “I love celebrations with you, honey.” Celebrations with Tryggr always were amazing and sexy. It was something that Chrissy loved so very much that she would invent reasons for them to celebrate. “I think that we should make sure to celebrate each day of our lives, darling.”

  “I most certainly do,” he said softly to her. Pressing a kiss to her lips gently, he set her on her feet in their room. “I celebrate having you in my life and I thank Gaia eternally that she saw fit to bless me with the most amazing and best mate of them all.”

  That had her grinning. “If we knew anything about where the Goddess might live, we would send her a fruit basket or something.” She didn’t know what one would send a Goddess, but she would never stop thanking the woman for what she did in putting her and Tryggr together.

  “I somehow think that would be a little understated.” Tryg chuckled. “We’d have to definitely send her something much more expressive and impressive. She’s given us both an amazing chance at the very best life and future we could have.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. She has given us both an amazing life, darling.” Truly their life was one of happiness and joy. Their lives were truly full, and she couldn’t be happier.

  “And I intend to take full advantage of everything she has been most generous to give to me,” he said, working her shirt up out of her pants. Tugging, he pulled it off and tossed it aside. “And appreciating every single aspect of all she was most generous to give to me,” he murmured, letting his eyes move over her breasts.

  “Ah yes, we have so very much to celebrate,” she told him with a grin as she undid his belt and then started on his pants. “I think that we both need to get nice and naked though so that we can touch every inch of skin that we want to touch, don’t you?”

  “I agree wholeheartedly with you, darling,” he said. Undoing her bra, he tugged it down off her arms. “I’ll ditch my clothes if you ditch yours,” he told her, moving his hips back so she couldn’t grab his cock.

  “I think that sounds wonderful, darling mine.” She shuddered and pulled back from him. “Now then, darling, how about we get naked?” she asked him as she held her hand over her breasts. “No seeing the girls until you and I are both naked, darling.”

  “Aww,” he groaned softly and pouted at her. Tugging his shirt off, he threw it aside and then kicked off his boots. Thumbs hooked in his jeans, he looked at her and lifted a brow. “I’m not taking them off until you get rid of at least your pants.” He knew she wore underwe

  Using one hand, she pushed her pants down, stepping out of them and then pulling off her panties as well. Grinning wickedly at him, she then used her hand to cover her mound and looked to him. “Well, come on, big boy. No hanky panky until you get naked as well.”

  Shoving the jeans down, Tryg stepped out of them on the move for her. Growling softly, he grabbed her up and kissed her, knowing her hands would automatically move to balance herself. Pulling her in tighter when she did just that, he took her to the bed and eased them down gently.

  Wrapping her arms around him, Chrissy grinned up at him. Lifting a leg so that he could fit against her body, she winked. “Hey there. Seems as if I’m not the only one who’s always needy and desperate, huh?” She lifted her hips to rub against him, needing him inside of her desperately.

  “Babe, I’ve been needy and desperate since the first moment we met,” he told her softly. Shifting, he pressed into her body slowly. “I want you with every breath,” he murmured, brushing his lips over her neck lightly.

  “That’s good, because I have needed you since the first moment we met, too.” Which had been surprising to her, especially since she hadn’t really been one who had been very sexually aware before meeting him.

  “Well, I am one sexy beast.” Tryg grinned down at her and wiggled his eyebrows. “You had no hope, darling, once you came into contact with me, sugar. You were bound to fall hard for me and my brilliance as well as my tight and perky ass.”

  Chrissy began to giggle. She couldn’t help herself. The giggle then turned into laughter. Looking up at him, she reached up and touched her fingers to his cheek. “God, I love you, Tryggr, so very much, honey,” she murmured happily. “And you really do have an amazing ass.”

  “I know.” He chuckled and tipped his head, leaning in to kiss her softly. “You have a freakin’ fantastic ass, too, darling,” he told her with a grin. “It’s just so damned biteable.” He breathed against her lips as he slowly thrust into her body.


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